Hi erik,
yes i have exported the function,and also i have put the beam file under
the riaks path in side the app.config file as
{riak_kv, [
%% beam files for mapreduce
In the beams file i have maps.beam file
Hello -
Did you ensure that the function in question is exported from the module?
(Also: that the beam file is placed in the Riak node's search path?)
Oprindelig meddelelse
Fra: Gopi Krishna
Dato:26/05/2014 14.18 (GMT+01:00)
Til: riak-users@lists.basho.com
Emne: calling erlang
Hi all,
I've been doing the thing get the map phase work in query.map() in
python-riak client.
I have written a function in erlang.
funs(Obj,_,_) -> [riak_object:get_value(Obj)].
I have saved it in a file called *maps.erl*
I have compiled the *maps.erl* to get the *maps.beam *file to give the
I'd like to get some advice how best to handle clients in a
multi-threaded Java application. Riak is 1.4.8, java client library is
1.4.4, using the protocol buffers clients.
I'm referring specifically to