Search sort error in 2.0.0beta1

2014-04-30 Thread Troy Melhase
Hello! I'm getting an error when I include a sort parameter in a RpbSearchQueryReq message. I'm using Riak 2.0.0beta1. Source build and macos binaries show the same behavior. The error doesn't happen at all if I don't specify a search parameter. For the parameter value, I'm using "field direct

Re: failed get after successful put

2014-04-30 Thread Evan Vigil-McClanahan
The 2.0 solution to this is to create a bucket type ( Once the type has been created pointed to that particular backend, any buckets of that type created later will inherit that setting, so you should be able to create as many of the

Re: failed get after successful put

2014-04-30 Thread Oleksiy Krivoshey
Yes, it really looks like the above scenario. It started happening when I only had no more than 20 custom buckets - is that too much? Whats the suggested limit? Will there be other issues when using a lot of buckets or is it just for the first gossip period? On 1 May 2014 01:12, Evan Vigil-McCla

Re: failed get after successful put

2014-04-30 Thread Evan Vigil-McClanahan
I suspect that, given the large heap messages, you're seeing the known issues where when a custom bucket is created and the moving that metadata around the ring takes increasingly long. It isn't recommended to create a large number of custom buckets at the moment. What the process likely looks li

Re: failed get after successful put

2014-04-30 Thread Oleksiy Krivoshey
The objects are really small (50 - 500 bytes). It doesn't happen if the bucket was already created. It also does't happen if I don't call SetBucket at all (so using default backend and options). And it seems it doesn't happen if I call SetBucket but don't set `backend` property. On 1 May 2014 0

failed get after successful put

2014-04-30 Thread Oleksiy Krivoshey
Hi guys, can someone please suggest what can be the reason for 'get' immediately following successful 'put' to fail? I'm running a fully connected, healthy, 5 node Riak 2.0-beta1 cluster. Using a multiple backend feature, so the order of operations is: 1. 'SetBucket' for a new bucket with a back

Re: erlang_v8

2014-04-30 Thread Shayan Pooya
I plan to add Riak support to Disco. Disco has an abstract concept of Worker (currently python, ocaml, java are available and golang and haskell are on their way). Writing a new worker should be pretty simple (e.g. take a look at the gola

Riak CS User Creation

2014-04-30 Thread Lee Sylvester
Hi guys, So, I’ve created a bunch of services to allow clients to store and retrieve data from Riak CS. What I’d like to be able to do is to create new users from Erlang so that Riak CS can manage all the storage and access data for each user. I’m currently using Erlcloud to access Riak CS.

Re: erlang_v8

2014-04-30 Thread Andrew Thompson
Speaking as a Basho engineer, not Basho engineering, I'd much rather see the ability to run M/R 'workers' in whatever language you want and just have Riak M/R submit map and reduce jobs to them. I don't know if/when that will ever happen, though. Andrew __

Re: Riak version error in Django

2014-04-30 Thread Sean Cribbs
Please update to version 2.0.3 of the Python client, which resolves this issue, and includes support for Riak 1.4 features. On Tue, Apr 22, 2014 at 9:13 AM, gopi wrote: > Hi, > > I am working on django 1.5 and installed python-riak of 1.5.1 client. > > And also installed riak1.4.8 server runnin

Re: erlang_v8

2014-04-30 Thread Jon Brisbin
On Friday, April 25, 2014 at 4:59 AM, Isaac Johnston wrote: > Hi all, > > It would be good to see the state of JavaScript MapReduce on Riak improve. > > erlang_js [1], which is used for JavaScript MapReduce, is using an antiquated > version of SpiderMonkey that is missing tens of features an

Riak version error in Django

2014-04-30 Thread gopi
Hi, I am working on django 1.5 and installed python-riak of 1.5.1 client. And also installed riak1.4.8 server running in my system. i have configured host and port settings in file in django project. no while running i am getting this error "*invalid version number '1.4.8-0-g75453


2014-04-30 Thread Isaac Johnston
Hi all, It would be good to see the state of JavaScript MapReduce on Riak improve. erlang_js [1], which is used for JavaScript MapReduce, is using an antiquated version of SpiderMonkey that is missing tens of features and significant performance improvements. E.g., Object.getOwnPropertyNames(), F

Does Riak 2.0 Beta 1 work with Riak CS?

2014-04-30 Thread wyu
Is there a version of Riak CS that does work with Riak 2 beta 1? If there is, please give me a pointer. Thanks Wyu -- View this message in context: Sent from the Riak Users mailing list archive at Na

auto-apply different backend config via bucket name prefix

2014-04-30 Thread Gavin Huang
Hi, I know that Riak2 delivered a new feature of bucket type, buckets with same bucket type will have same bucket properties and different bucket type can have different bucket properties. however, since Riak2 is still on it's beta version, so think may be I should wait for a while before stable v