Hello! I'm getting an error when I include a sort parameter in a RpbSearchQueryReq message. I'm using Riak 2.0.0beta1. Source build and macos binaries show the same behavior.
The error doesn't happen at all if I don't specify a search parameter. For the parameter value, I'm using "field direction" (e.g., "name asc"). Leaving off the direction, or encoding the space as "+" or "%20" produces a Solr error. I've tried Golang and Python clients to see if it was a client issue. Both clients produce the exact same error; that error text is at the end of this message. Is this a known bug? I searched Github and couldn't find any issues that look like this one. Is there a work-around? Or better yet, am I doing something wrong? Thanks! troy Error text: RiakError: 'Error processing incoming message: error:badarg:[{protobuffs,encode_internal, [2,[],float], [{file,"src/protobuffs.erl"}, {line,167}]}, {riak_search_pb,iolist,2, [{file, "src/riak_search_pb.erl"}, {line,63}]}, {riak_search_pb,encode,2, [{file, "src/riak_search_pb.erl"}, {line,48}]}, {riak_pb_codec,encode,1, [{file, "src/riak_pb_codec.erl"}, {line,77}]}, {yz_pb_search,encode,1, [{file, "src/yz_pb_search.erl"}, {line,60}]}, {riak_api_pb_server, send_encoded_message_or_error, 3, [{file, "src/riak_api_pb_server.erl"}, {line,498}]}, {riak_api_pb_server, process_message,4, [{file, "src/riak_api_pb_server.erl"}, {line,430}]}, {riak_api_pb_server, connected,2, [{file, "src/riak_api_pb_server.erl"}, {line,262}]}]'
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