Re: Efficiency of RIAK

2012-10-25 Thread Alexander Sicular
It really is not an apples to apples comparison. Additionally, there was a discussion recently about small values in Riak: -Alexander Sicular @siculars On Oct 25, 2012, at 7:29 AM, Denis wrote: > RIAK does no

Re: Efficiency of RIAK

2012-10-25 Thread Денис Мельник
Sure. And the default quorum of three. But I can not believe that in this configuration, I get a speed of more than 15 000 Put / sec. Rather, it will be about 10 000. But I'll try, if given the opportunity. A cluster of 3 nodes with n_val = 2 I am testing at the moment - until the rate of <10 000.

RE: Efficiency of RIAK

2012-10-25 Thread Chris Hicks
FYI the documentation for Riak recommends a 5 node cluster, minimum, for production environments for the best utilization of the redundancy and also, I believe, load balancing across the cluster. Chris. > Date: Thu, 25 Oct 2012 04:29:17 -0700 > From: > To: riak-users@list

Re: 1.2.1 not starting up on osx

2012-10-25 Thread Jared Morrow
Siculars, David looked at the issue a bit this morning and it is caused by epmd segfaulting on startup. Now the good news is that there isn't something inherently wrong in Riak on OSX, but it is still not a good thing. I suspect it has to do with OSX and it's changes to its toolchain amongst dif

Re: Building riak-erlang-client

2012-10-25 Thread Martin Woods
Hi Dave Thanks for the reply. The warnings you posted on the gist do indeed match those we see. We're building Riak against R15B01 but the Erlang client against R15B02 as this is embedded in our own Erlang app running on a separate server. I don't think the errors reported against Riak and R15B02

Re: riakc doesn't save metadata properly?

2012-10-25 Thread David Parfitt
Hello Christian - I believe this is an inconsistency in the HTTP vs PB custom metadata APIs. We'll be revisiting this code at some point to clean things up. In the meantime, would you mind filing an issue at [1] so we don't lose track of this? Cheers - Dave [1]

Re: 1.2.1 not starting up on osx

2012-10-25 Thread David Parfitt
Hello Alexander - I received the same issue. I'll see what I can do to get this resolved. Cheers - Dave On Wed, Oct 24, 2012 at 4:47 PM, Alexander Sicular wrote: > first time i've seen this. simply untar and start. any thoughts? > > npiabf100:r121 siculars$ tar xf riak-1.2.1-osx-x86_64.tar.g

Re: Building riak-erlang-client

2012-10-25 Thread David Parfitt
Hello Martin - Yes, riak-erlang-client 1.3.1 is the latest tag that you should be using to build from Github. The protobuffs implementation produces several warnings during compilation. I attached the output of 'make' and 'rebar eunit' using Erlang R15B01 to the gist [1] referenced below. I hav

Re: Efficiency of RIAK

2012-10-25 Thread Denis
RIAK does not make sense to compare with elevelDB, objective was to assess the cost of organizing the cluster. I was surprised by the difference in performance. I expected to order 20 000 put / sec. Perhaps, RIAK configured incorrect? With these results, you need at least 4 servers with RIAK to rep

Building riak-erlang-client

2012-10-25 Thread Martin Woods
Hi We're in the process of upgrading Riak to 1.2.1 and have a question regarding the correct stable version of the riak-erlang-client to use within our Erlang app against this version of Riak. It seems that we should be cloning riak-erlang-client from github and using the state of the code as tagg

Re: Efficiency of RIAK

2012-10-25 Thread Denis
I mean, this is equivalent to... :) Denis -- View this message in context: Sent from the Riak Users mailing list archive at ___ riak-users mailing list ria

Re: Efficiency of RIAK

2012-10-25 Thread Denis
Steve, the documentation says, that yes ... === operations The possible operations that the driver will run, plus their “weight” or likelihood of being run. Default is [{get,4},{put,4},{de