ghter energy future,
Geoff Greenfield
Third Sun Solar & Wind Power Ltd.
340 West State Street, Unit 25
Athens, OH 45701
740.597.3111 Fax 740.597.1548
Clean Energy - Expertly Installed
- boB Gudgel wrote:
> paul wilkins wrote:
> > congratul
For a brighter energy future,
Geoff Greenfield
Third Sun Solar & Wind Power Ltd.
340 West State street, Unit 25
Athens, Ohio 45701
(740) 597-3111 fax: (740)597-1548
Clean Energy - Expertly Installed
List sponsored
this company:
Check us out at: <>
Anyone been down this road?
For a brighter energy future,
Geoff Greenfield
Third Sun Solar & Wind Power Ltd.
340 West State street, Unit 25
Athens, Ohio 45701
(740) 597-3111 fax: (74
s). Thoughts?
For a brighter energy future,
Geoff Greenfield
Third Sun Solar & Wind Power Ltd.
340 West State Street, Unit 25
Athens, OH 45701
740.597.3111 Fax 740.597.1548
Clean Energy - Expertly Installed
- "Dave Click" wrote:
Thanks all.., good intel- I will be checking with the various Manus to see what
they say. I suspect "flatness" is a big question.
For a brighter energy future,
Geoff Greenfield
Third Sun Solar & Wind Power Ltd.
340 West State Street, Unit 25
Athens, OH 45701
is strong
and solar advocates are week. This was a battle in CA and las Vegas a while
back, and will be popping up again and again.
For a brighter energy future,
Geoff Greenfield
Third Sun Solar & Wind Power Ltd.
340 West State Street, Unit 25
Athens, OH 45701
keeps the trucks on the road and let's Mr. Jones put solar on
his house.
For a brighter energy future,
Geoff Greenfield
Third Sun Solar & Wind Power Ltd.
340 West State street, Unit 25
Athens, Ohio 45701
(740) 597-3111 fax: (740)597-1548
Clean Energy -
Techno- poetry of the highest quality.
Love it.
For a brighter energy future,
Geoff Greenfield
Third Sun Solar & Wind Power Ltd.
340 West State Street, Unit 25
Athens, OH 45701
740.597.3111 Fax 740.597.1548
Clean Energy - Expertly Insta
ter energy future,
Geoff Greenfield
Third Sun Solar & Wind Power Ltd.
340 West State street, Unit 25
Athens, Ohio 45701
(740) 597-3111 fax: (740)597-1548
Clean Energy - Expertly Installed
-Original Message-
using this one
For a brighter energy future,
Geoff Greenfield
Third Sun Solar & Wind Power Ltd.
340 West State street, Unit 25
Athens, Ohio 45701
(740) 597-3111 fax: (740)597-1548
Clean Energy - Expertly Installed
-Original Message-
From: re
nough is up to the AHJ?
For a brighter energy future,
Geoff Greenfield
Third Sun Solar & Wind Power Ltd.
340 West State street, Unit 25
Athens, Ohio 45701
(740) 597-3111 fax: (740)597-1548
Clean Energy - Expertly Installed
-Original Message-
From: re
fresh set of eyes for their larger central
For a brighter energy future,
Geoff Greenfield
Founder and President
Third Sun Solar & Wind Power Ltd.
340 West State Street, Unit 25
Athens, OH 45701
740.597.3111 Fax 740.597.1548
Clean Energy - Expe
gutter installer - the Shell was hit by a bullet or meteorite (we think).
For a brighter energy future,
Geoff Greenfield
(740) 249-4533 ext. 25
Accelerating the shift to clean energy
NOTE: We moved to a new location, please note our new address
with the SI (tied into the supported loads panel).
We went with a pair (paralleled) based on capacity... next time I'd like to
reduce the parts/labor... Eaton? Torroid? The enclosure and breakers are
nice, but do I need these breakers in this application?
For a brighter energy
Greetings wrenches-
Looking for field experience on the GT250 (or GT100). How long has your
install been running? Performance?
Any "gotcha" stories, "heads ups" or advice appreciated. Thanks to all!
For a brighter energy future,
Geoff Greenfield
Third Sun So
brighter energy future,
Geoff Greenfield
Third Sun Solar & Wind Power Ltd.
340 West State street, Unit 25
Athens, Ohio 45701
(740) 597-3111 fax: (740)597-1548
Clean Energy - Expertly Installed
-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTE
#x27;d point them towards these.
I haven't yet rigged it, but I'm planning on using some simple relays to
control these as dump loads when I'm not around.
For a brighter energy future,
Geoff Greenfield
Third Sun Solar & Wind Power Ltd.
340 West State str
contact me if you install off grid in Maine..
For a brighter energy future,
Geoff Greenfield
Third Sun Solar & Wind Power Ltd.
340 West State Street, Unit 25
Athens, OH 45701
740.597.3111 Fax 740.597.1548
Clean Energy - Expertly Insta
a soldering iron... if not, scrap it.
depending on the modules, we have used SB-1800 (120 VAC output). I think the
small PV powered looks like a solution as well.
Good luck.
For a brighter energy future,
Geoff Greenfield
Third Sun Solar & Wind Power Ltd.
340 West State Street,
n, someone opened up one if these units and
inside was a trace c-40!
For a brighter energy future,
Geoff Greenfield
Third Sun Solar & Wind Power Ltd.
340 West State Street, Unit 25
Athens, OH 45701
740.597.3111 Fax 740.597.1548
Clean Energy - Expe
of "subject to physical damage"?
What is a "Readily accessible location?"
Thanks everyone.
For a brighter energy future,
Geoff Greenfield
Third Sun Solar & Wind Power Ltd.
340 West State Street, Unit 25
Athens, OH 45701
740.597.3111 Fax 740.597.1548
thanks for input Bill, and also for tip on zipties. We have dealt with
intermittent groundfaults caused by faulty xlp! Had to spray water on array to
"find" it. PITA! Almost makes me want to submerge the spool next time and do
my own test.
For a brighter energy future,
here here Jeff. Duke energy rarely requires it, and we have petitioned AEP to
accept a plaqu at the meter occasionally.
What would be the vehicle? IREC? State by state is cumbersome.
For a brighter energy future,
Geoff Greenfield
Third Sun Solar & Wind Power Ltd.
340 West S
So much for my idea of using heat transfer
paste and using the aluminum rack as heat sink... just dont need it.
I haven't yet used one but am carefully watching it. Great thread Bill!
For a brighter energy future,
Geoff Greenfield
Chief Executive Officer
Third Sun Solar & Win
odule frame/rack grounding we are used to?).
For a brighter energy future,
Geoff Greenfield
Chief Executive Officer
Third Sun Solar & Wind Power Ltd.
340 West State Street, Unit 25
Athens, OH 45701
740.597.3111 Fax 740.597.1548
Clean Energy - Expertly
way over my head in hot water... but Carl's question led to me posting this
question on "too big of a pump".
For a brighter energy future,
Geoff Greenfield
Founder and CEO
Third Sun Solar & Wind Power Ltd.
340 West State Street, Unit 25
Athens, OH 45701
around skylights etc).
We suggested that this was a poor design and will lead to "least common
denomenator" performance, exacerbated by MPPT confusion. The EE responded that
"the bypass diodes allow for this".
Any experience with this in practice?
For a brighter en
Thanks Tony - yes, that approach makes perfect sense. Unfortunately, this
design ends up with plenty of lower voltage strings paralleled with higher
For a brighter energy future,
Geoff Greenfield
Founder and CEO
Third Sun Solar & Wind Power Ltd.
340 West State Street, Uni
ustrated when I truly believe I can deliver a better net energy production
with a tilted crystalline solution (avoiding the shaded areas).
For a brighter energy future,
Geoff Greenfield
Founder and CEO
Third Sun Solar & Wind Power Ltd.
340 West State Street, Unit 25
Athens, OH 4
. but this is an engineered solution with many points of attatchment.
I expect to see copy-cat solutions soon.
For a brighter energy future,
Geoff Greenfield
Founder and CEO
Third Sun Solar & Wind Power Ltd.
340 West State Street, Unit 25
Athens, OH 45701
740.597.3111 Fa
cannopy arrays with thin film that was glazed into nice
curved roof steel structure. Partially translucent, really cool.
No signage, employees at the register had no idea it was pv. Used suntie...
Probably dead.
Oh well.
For a brighter energy future,
Geoff Greenfield
Third S
aline alt would
pwrfirm better.
Regarding the pv watts modeling and the 5% advantage, did that include the
difference in tilt? I'm thinking that I'll have some additional gains with 10
degrees vs flat.
For a brighter energy future,
Geoff Greenfield
Third Sun Solar & W
nding have designed a system that offsets any PVL
advantage. Oh well.
For a brighter energy future,
Geoff Greenfield
Third Sun Solar & Wind Power Ltd.
340 West State Street, Unit 25
Athens, OH 45701
740.597.3111 Fax 740.597.1548
Clean Energy - Expe
n some uni-solar and call it a
For a brighter energy future,
Geoff Greenfield
Founder and CEO
Third Sun Solar & Wind Power Ltd.
340 West State Street, Unit 25
Athens, OH 45701
740.597.3111 Fax 740.597.1548
Clean Energy - Expertly Installed
base stoppers to keep all those
electrons from leaking out of lamps without bulbs!
;-) Have great weekends all my fellow wrenches! Its a cold but clear day
here and I'm gonna go home and cut firewood and play guitar hero with my kids.
For a brighter energy future,
Geoff Green
inverter kicks back over to batts. I always make sure customer computer has a
deadicated UPS.
For a brighter energy future,
Geoff Greenfield
Founder and CEO
Third Sun Solar & Wind Power Ltd.
340 West State Street, Unit 25
Athens, OH 45701
740.597.3111 Fax 740.597.1548
erter failure AND a power outage. Just an option.
For a brighter energy future,
Geoff Greenfield
Founder and CEO
Third Sun Solar & Wind Power Ltd.
340 West State Street, Unit 25
Athens, OH 45701
740.597.3111 Fax 740.597.1548
Clean Energy - Expertly
grade, laptops and the right
patch cord (an issue if you are 5 hours away...).
For a brighter energy future,
Geoff Greenfield
Founder and CEO
Third Sun Solar & Wind Power Ltd.
340 West State Street, Unit 25
Athens, OH 45701
740.597.3111 Fax 740.597.1548
I am looking at some USE-2 wire for a job and just noticed that it's jacket
says ETL not UL. I checked with the AHJ and he approved it (but I am wondering
about AHJs in other parts of my service territory). Anyone been down this path
For a brighter energy future,
Geoff Green
t; tune up. I am considering something similar...
I am curious about the pros and cons of these agreements, as well as any other
words of wisdom... links to reference materials would also yield kilowatts
worth of appreciation.
For a brighter energy future,
Geoff Greenfield
Founder and CE
More thoughts? You all can't still be hung over on holiday cheer
For a brighter energy future,
Geoff Greenfield
Founder and CEO
Third Sun Solar & Wind Power Ltd.
340 West State Street, Unit 25
Athens, OH 45701
740.597.3111 Fax 740.597.1548
resource is Lawrence Berkley National Labs.
For a brighter energy future,
Geoff Greenfield
Third Sun Solar & Wind Power Ltd.
340 West State Street, Unit 25
Athens, OH 45701
740.597.3111 Fax 740.597.1548
Clean Energy - Expertly Insta
Excellent diplomacy (and use of your rolodex) Bill. The industry accross the
country will benefit - thank you (and pass on a big thanks tou your friend
For a brighter energy future,
Geoff Greenfield
Founder and CEO
Third Sun Solar & Wind Power Ltd.
340 West State Street,
to the
email scams where a wealthy saudi seeks to invest $250M in green energy yada
Any of you all get the same letter? just curious. Have fantastic, restful
(and sunny) weekends.
For a brighter energy future,
Geoff Greenfield
Third Sun Solar & Wind Power Ltd
dvance! Lets keep solar affordable and keep small shop wrenches on
the rooftops!
For a brighter energy future,
Geoff Greenfield
Founder and President
Third Sun Solar & Wind Power Ltd.
340 West State Street, Unit 25
Athens, OH 45701
740.597.3111 Fax 740.597.1548
cow when the milk is free?" kind of
attitude. My guesses only.
Members Only - which balding wrench had one of those jackets once?
For a brighter energy future,
Geoff Greenfield
Founder and President
Third Sun Solar & Wind Power Ltd.
340 West State Street, Unit 25
ope. sometimes concrete isnt
For a brighter energy future,
Geoff Greenfield
Founder and President
Third Sun Solar & Wind Power Ltd.
340 West State Street, Unit 25
Athens, OH 45701
740.597.3111 Fax 740.597.1548
Clean Energy - Expertly Install
uot; funtion for all
solar references!)
> I have a couple reference "rulings" from CA and FL that pretty much sum up
> what you lay out below. Should help.
For a brighter energy future,
> Geoff Greenfield
> Founder and
nything flamible.
For a brighter energy future,
Geoff Greenfield
Third Sun Solar & Wind Power Ltd.
340 West State Street, Unit 25
Athens, OH 45701
740.597.3111 Fax 740.597.1548
Clean Energy - Expertly Installed
- Engineering Services Co. wrote:
> I tra
g the great features.
(Then pass the Molson -Eh)
For a brighter energy future ,
Geoff Greenfield
Founder and President
Third Sun Solar & Wind Power Ltd.
340 West State Street, Unit 25
Athens, OH 45701
740.597.3111 Fax 740.597.1548
Clean Energy - Expertly
is mode of failure? We just got the panel and I havn't
put the fluke on it... any specific tests to look for.
For a brighter energy future,
Geoff Greenfield
Third Sun Solar & Wind Power Ltd.
340 West State Street, Unit 25
Athens, OH 45701
740.597.3111 Fax 740.
For a brighter energy future,
Geoff Greenfield
Third Sun Solar & Wind Power Ltd.
340 West State Street, Unit 25
Athens, OH 45701
740.597.3111 Fax 740.597.1548
Clean Energy - Expertly Installed
List spon
Thanks Drake and others...
I will ping SMA on this... and perhaps with utility "special case" approval a
non-typical window could be allowed (with additional anti island logic
keep on slingin panels everyone!
For a brighter energy future,
Geoff Greenfield
I will pop a breaker!
For a brighter energy future,
Geoff Greenfield
Third Sun Solar & Wind Power Ltd.
340 West State Street, Unit 25
Athens, OH 45701
740.597.3111 Fax 740.597.1548
Clean Energy - Expertly Installed
- "Bill Brooks&qu
inverter reliability is an
artform more than science. Adding modules that perform at spec when we are used
to a larger derate makes it that much trickier.
For a brighter energy future,
Geoff Greenfield
Third Sun Solar & Wind Power Ltd.
340 West State Street, Unit 25
Athens, OH 4
55 matches
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