[RE-wrenches] DC-DC converter for SQFlex

2018-08-21 Thread Gary Higbee
thoughts regarding the above question)? Thank you, Gary Gary Higbee Windstream Solar Oregon License 17LRT Renewable Energy Consulting g...@windstreamsolar.com <mailto:g...@windstreamsolar.com> 541-954-3881___ List sponsored by Redwood Alliance

Re: [RE-wrenches] DC-DC converter for SQFlex

2018-08-22 Thread Gary Higbee
care, Gary Gary Higbee Windstream Solart g...@windstreamsolar.com 541-954-3881 > On Aug 21, 2018, at 11:17 AM, Gary Higbee wrote: > > Hi Wrenches, > > I’m assisting a customer and well person in replacing a failed Lorentz > ETApump (after 15 years of intermittent use). W

[RE-wrenches] Schneider XW 48 volt

2015-03-27 Thread Gary Higbee
Hi all, I'd appreciate hearing about your experience with the Conext 5548 or 6848 inverter systems. I've installed quite a few Outback systems and lived with one but am considering using XW 5548's for a couple off-grid installs. At the same time I have no experience with the Schneider systems. O

[RE-wrenches] Gen preheat in cold climates

2015-04-02 Thread Gary Higbee
Wrenches, I'm curious what strategies you use to preheat a propane gen in cold climates. This is a large off-grid design in a sub-zero winter climate and ideal would be to turn on a block heater an hour or two in advance, then run the gen cycle. We plan to use either a Schneider XW or Outback R

[RE-wrenches] Shurflo pump

2016-06-01 Thread Gary Higbee
whether if rebuilt the Shurflo is worth putting back in the hole, or might better serve as a super-efficient water feature pump and spend the big bucks for a different well solution. The Grundfos I installed in a different well on the same land 16 years ago still runs flawlessly. Gary Gary Higbee