that they had been
meaning to correct that problem soon anyway. They brought it down to 246vac and
no more problems for the SB inverter.
Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T
-Original Message-
From: "Mark Frye"
Sender: Mon, 14 F
I do not recall. Presently I'm away from my office. I could check tomorrow on
Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T
-Original Message-
From: William Miller
Sender: Thu, 03 Mar 2011
To: RE-wrenches
You are on the right track. I've been off the Desulphators for years because I
had so many systems without them that were lasting years longer than predicted
between battery swap outs. I don't know about refractometer vs hydrometer. I
use and trust a "glass in glass" hydrometer.
Are these
My memory is telling me that grid connected inverters should have both the
DC disconnect and AC disconnects close (within site). This may be from a
"best practice" standpoint and not a code issue. The case in point now is
an older Fronius IG (not IG plus). It has DC and AC breakers in th
Allan and other NABCEP certs,
I say Yes to both the alphabetized full listing and year of cert.
I propose to list as follows: Name, home state, year certified, and date
certification expires.
Dave Palumbo
Independent Power LLC
Hyde Park, VT
Sent via BlackBerry by AT&a
No argument with Bob-O on this one. Going with a 1% to 1.3% VD on the DC side,
at most, pays off in the long run. 1% or less on AC output. Efficiency rules.
Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T
-Original Message-
From: Bob-O Schultze
Date: Thu, 8 Apr 2010 18:03:00
To: RE-wrenches
Subject: Re
any referrals for PV professionals who
operate in San Diego County.
David Palumbo
Independent Power LLC
462 Solar Way Drive
Hyde Park, VT 05655
List sponsored by Home P
I have a set of Hoppecke 16 OPzS 2000's in my barn/shop. These have been in
service since 1996 with no problems. One string of six for 12V. Receive
light duty, rarely cycled below 80%. Have added water every 12 months. I
ended up with these monsters (330 lb 2V cells) by default as
Are you asking what appliances and loads will operate on Radian inverter
I have not used the Radian on a Grid Zero system (in fact had not heard of
it until now) but I have two net metered grid tied GS8048 systems with a
number of different loads on the sub panel being successfully p
Does anyone have any experience, or thoughts, with/on this company/product?
It was recently brought to my attention. A 100W monocrystalline cell
bendable (to 30 degrees) module. Sounds counter intuitive to have mono cell
and bendable in the same module to me. My son is thinking o
I troubleshot an underperforming off grid array today and found low Voc's in
4 out of 10 KC-120's (nominal 12v modules rated at 21.5 Voc and 7.45 Isc).
Modules are vintage 2000.
Under modest sunlight (500 to 600W per M sqd) 6 modules measured from 18 to
19 Voc and 4 Isc. Four modules
Very good performance. Able to take a high charge rate and likes higher
voltages than most other VRLA's (up to 7.5v for 6v). Only negatives I see are:
not md in USA and very expensive.
Dave Palumbo
Sent from myMail app for Android
Wednesday, 02 July 2014, 11:58PM +02:00 from "
I have a customer who shattered the glass on an Evergreen EC-115U module
while mowing the lawn. What are the options for replacing this 25.7" x
62.5"; 16.5 Vmp, 6.97 Imp, 20.0 Voc, 7.71 Isc module?
David Palumbo
Independent Power LLC
462 Solar Way Drive
I have a customer with a grid-tied w battery back-up (formerly off-grid)
with failing LA batteries. He found these batteries on the web and asked me
to check them out.
Anyone out there know anything about this AHI technology and or this
company, Aquion Energy?
On Nov 10, 2014, at 11:29 AM, ""
Aquion's technology is evidently getting better and better from what we have
Ryan Stankevitz from MidNite may be able tell you more if you would like an
external opinion
On 11/10/2014
How many Watt Hours is the AHI battery bank?
Dave Palumbo
From: RE-wrenches [] On
Behalf Of Marco Mangelsdorf
Sent: Monday, November 10, 2014 8:13 PM
To: 'RE-wrenches'
Subject: Re: [RE-wrenches] Aqueous Hybrid Ion
more choices these days in LP ranges?
David Palumbo
Independent Power LLC
462 Solar Way Drive
Hyde Park, VT 05655
List sponsored by Redwood Alliance
List Address:
g Neptunes several years ago being a horror show on
inverter power.
Thanks for your input,
Dave Palumbo
From: RE-wrenches [] On Behalf
Of Dan Fink
Sent: Monday, December 01, 2014 8:21 PM
To: RE-wrenches
Subject: Re: [RE-wrenches] Appliances fo
ator. This should allow us to go away and
hopefully run the house on PV but have two backups if needed". >>
I would appreciate advice from anyone with experience with a system like
David Palumbo
Independent Power LLC
462 Solar Way Drive
Hyde Park,
Yep, I did catch that this morning.
From: RE-wrenches [] On Behalf
Sent: Monday, December 15, 2014 12:09 PM
To: RE-wrenches
Subject: Re: [RE-wrenches] RE; SW4024's were off grid, now on gri
I have an off grid home remodeling project that includes installing new
hardwired, with 9v battery backup, smoke detectors (First Alert One Link).
Tested them today and they did not work well on OutBack inverter power.
These are wireless smokes that communicate with one another. They all begin
to g
is the inverter in the "ON" or "Search" mode on the mate, I have had some noise
issues when in the search mode with audio equipment
On Tue, Jan 13, 2015 at 12:17 PM, Dave wrote:
I have an off grid home remodeling project that includes installing new
ximum 20W
Is there anything else available that will do this job and use a lot less
power than 29 Watts?
David Palumbo
Independent Power LLC
462 Solar Way Drive
Hyde Park, VT 05655
List sponsored by Re
ce on what would work better with this ten
year old SW. Or, should they invest in a new inverter?
David Palumbo
Independent Power LLC
462 Solar Way Drive
Hyde Park, VT 05655
List sponsored by Redwood Alliance
aving any other problems that he knows of, as
of yet. He will decide between changing the inverter or changing his washer
& dryer.
Thank you,
From: RE-wrenches [] On
Behalf Of Tump
Sent: Friday, March 27, 2015 5:52 AM
To: RE-wrenche
ce of
sunlight off the snow in front of the array. I never have to touch those
modules from mid November, when I tilt them to 90 degrees, until after it stops
snowing significantly (mid April usually).
David Palumbo
Independent Power LLC
462 Solar Way Drive
Hyde Park, VT
Sounds like BS. Earned income is earned income. I am self employed and have
taken the 30% ITC on solar for my own home.
David Palumbo
Independent Power LLC
462 Solar Way Drive
Hyde Park, VT 05655
From: RE-wrenches [] O
subtracted BEFORE the self
employment tax is added in. At first blush, it appears to be the case. If you
have enough 1099 income, the tax credit would apply to taxes paid on that
income...i think?
On Fri, Mar 27, 2015 at 10:25 AM, Dave wrote:
Sounds like BS. Earned income is earned income
severe snow cover
problems unless it warms up for a significant amount of time, or the roof rake
is used.
As you know, building the rack far off of the roof AND minimize costs do not go
together. Extra material and extra strength for wind loads.
From: RE-wrenches [mailto:re
e the wind loads are severe with a design
like this and must be managed.
From: RE-wrenches [] On Behalf
Sent: Friday, March 27, 2015 12:00 PM
To: RE-wrenches
Subject: Re: [RE-wrenches] Tilt Racking vs Roof Mount fo
-winter typically.
We prefer pole mounts where snow can be broomed off and tilts optimized
throughout the winter.
On Fri, Mar 27, 2015 at 10:15 AM, Dave wrote:
I will back up your opinion that open back has not a lot to do with it. I have
several arrays that I care for here in
NABCEP #092907-44
Original Message
Subject: Re: [RE-wrenches] Tilt Racking vs Roof Mount for Shedding snow
From: "Dave" < <>>
Date: Fri, March 27, 2015 10:32 am
emoved the
poly liner for the first time and we found the 3/4" plywood to be in good
enough shape to use for the third set of batteries.
- Dave
David Palumbo
Independent Power LLC
462 Solar Way Drive
Hyde Park, VT 05655
-Original Message-
From: RE-wrenches [mailto:r
These "walls" are smallish, so can you parallel them in a simple manner to fit
the need?
David Palumbo
Independent Power LLC
462 Solar Way Drive
Hyde Park, VT 05655
From: RE-wrenches [] On Behalf
Of Dan Fink
Sent: Sat
All in all what are the best options for replacement of a failed Trace
SW4024. The home was off grid for years and now is operated primarily with
the grid being used as to charge the batteries when the solar is deficient.
There is a generator on site to back up the grid also. Utility grid is also
Is the new SW you are referring to the Schneider Conext SW and, or, Conext
Dave Palumbo
From: RE-wrenches [] On Behalf
Of Allan Sindelar
Sent: Wednesday, June 17, 2015 8:19 PM
To: RE-wrenches
Subject: Re: [RE-wrenches
Responding to a neighbors call for help troubleshooting their off grid PV
system with a ten year old OutBack 2024T inverter I came upon a problem
that I don't recall seeing before. I may have seen it but my semi-retired
brain cannot remember this particular problem. Issue is that th
Are these the base model Trojan L-16's or the L-16RE's?
David Palumbo
Independent Power LLC
462 Solar Way Drive
Hyde Park, VT 05655
802-371-8678 cell
802-888-4917 home
-Original Message-
From: RE-wrenches [] On
Behalf Of Ray Walt
The AEE catalog battery sizing template works well as it allows you to dial
back the days of autonomy needed. As I remember the old Dankoff Solar battery
sizing method pushed the watt hour size of battery banks to large, and
expensive, levels.
The collective experience of this group, and oth
I second your thumbs up for golf cart batteries for their value to budget
wise off-gridders. I sell a lot of Trojan T-105's (selling more of the RE
models the last few years) to do-it-yourselfers with small systems. I have
not seen problems with two, and up to three strings of these in 24v
Hey Dan,
Interesting voltage numbers. How many T-105's in this system and what is the
load? What is the temperature of the battery bank?
From: RE-wrenches [] On Behalf
Of Dan Fink
Sent: Friday, October 23, 2015 10:51
well off the old DR?
I'm assuming one that doesn't have all the LED's and electronics will have a
better chance, is this correct?
David Palumbo
Independent Power LLC
462 Solar Way Drive
Hyde Park, VT 05655
Contac HUP for specific advice. You've probably already done that?
What comes to mind:
Since you have two series strings, run the house on one string of all good
Pull out the weak cells and charge them as per HUP's advice.
I'm guessing that this problem has happened because the ho
Whole house surge protector? Please provide info on that: Make, model, how many
watts is it rated for, efficiency of unit and approximate price range?
David Palumbo
Independent Power LLC
462 Solar Way Drive
Hyde Park, VT 05655
802-371-8678 cell
802-888-4917 home
e low SG and Trojan decided they were spending too much time educating
dealers and consumers on this issue, so they changed to a higher SG after the
first couple of years.
If Trojan has gone to a stronger electrolyte now, I think that
this is not a good sign and it will lead to thei
plywood box and round
all of the edges off the sheeting material to protect the liner from being
David Palumbo
Independent Power LLC
462 Solar Way Drive
Hyde Park, VT 05655
802-371-8678 cell
802-888-4917 home
plywood box with the -Original Message-
From: RE-wrenches [m
People named Dave Firth and Hugh Tian have been trying to get me to respond
to emails that say I sent a company, Power Blessed a PO. Which I did not,
I've never heard of them before this.
I have ignored their emails. I'm wondering what kind of a scam this could
Thank you Daryl, Gary and Dan for your help.
That's what I thought. If you don't know them - Don't open anything.
From: RE-wrenches [] On Behalf
Sent: Sunday, April 10, 2016 12:04 PM
To: RE-wrenc
Thank you Luke. That is very helpful information and makes perfect sense to
me from what I have seen with this generator.
Dave Palumbo
-Original Message-
From: RE-wrenches [] On
Behalf Of Luke Christy
Sent: Sunday, May 01, 2016 7:00 PM
David Palumbo
Independent Power LLC
462 Solar Way Drive
Hyde Park, VT 05655
802-371-8678 cell
802-888-4917 home
From: RE-wrenches [] On Behalf
Of Chris Mason
Sent: Thursday, May 05, 2016 12:49 PM
To: RE-wrenches
I have a customer looking for a tow behind solar trailer with the following
Major features should include
. 120/240Vac output
. sealed Out Back inverters (because of moist and possibly dusty
. approx. 12,000 Watt Hours of rated battery st
Is the electrolyte temperature elevated above 78f?
Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T
-Original Message-
From: Allan Sindelar
Sender: Fri, 01 Jun 2012
To: RE-wrenches
Is USE-2 (#8 and #6 AWG) available in white? If so, from whom?
David Palumbo, NABCEP Certified PV Installer
Independent Power LLC
Offices in Lamoille and the Champlain Valley
I've seen it in the field from this manufacturer:
Original Message
Subject: Re: [RE-wrenches] USE-2 in white?
From: EcoSolar - Eric Andrews
To: 'RE-wrenches'
Date: 2010/8/2 12:32
YES. We get ours from PLATT Electric. Most el
distributor did track down the white USE-2 for us.
-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Peter
Sent: Monday, August 02, 2010 2:52 PM
To: 'RE-wrenches'
Subject: Re: [RE-wrenc
230.79 Rating of Service Disconnecting Means.
The service disconnecting means shall have a rating not less than the
calculated load to be carried, determined in accordance with Part III,
IV, or V of Article 220, as applicable. In no case shall the rating be
lower than specified in 2
I am concerned with Delta LA 600VDC cans being mounted exterior from J-boxes
(or disconnect switches) on ground mounts.
I remember hearing from an old hand that these devices can fail in a manner
that could possibly expose the wiring to human hands. The wires would have
high voltage DC potential.
In John's white paper on wiring Enphases:
he recommends covering the module first anyway so the load-break
disconnect isn't really an issue. Since you're at the module anyway to
disconnect that module fro
On my own system I have a DC suppressor from
It's UL listed with a 25-year warranty. Not as cheap as a Delta (or
Citel as far as I know) though, but I felt a lot more confident with
this given our crazy lightning storms in FL.
Original Message --
over the past couple of years with questions on our PV
systems. So, maybe this will be something.
<< Hi Dave,
I just wanted to keep in touch and let you know that our SPDEE DC Electrical
Surge Protector is currently being evaluated at this time for UL 1741
The approximat
And more specifically:
690.34 Access to Boxes.
Junction, pull, and outlet boxes located behind modules or panels shall
be so installed that the wiring contained in them can be rendered
accessible directly or by displacement of a module(s) or panel(s)
secured by removable fasteners and connected
ut. Expect more damage in that case.
BTW, great article in Solar Pro on PV array voltage issues.
[] On Behalf Of Bill Brooks
Sent: Thursday, September 02, 2010 12:46 PM
To: '
I just remembered that I've seen Deltas pre-installed (by the factory)
within Satcons- at least the 50s, and I think they're in the 250s as
well. I guess they'd look a bit weird sticking out of the cabinet!
Dave Palumbo wrote:
I checked with Delta and they say the LA’s
I'd worry about putting such a high current in anyway- Enphase's max
input is 10A (max Isc 12A) while the Evergreen Imp is 11.69 for their 215W.
Original Message
Subject: Re: [RE-wrenches] GEC for Enphase inverters
From: Nick Soleil
To: RE-wrenches
Date: 2010/9/16 10:58
or even a 150Amp panel. A local
electrician proposed this "dedicated panel" to avoid the larger load center
panel. I cannot find any mention of "dedicated panel" in the NEC.
I think what I am proposing follows 690.64. Any opinions, or advice would be
I believe this is saying that after the initial LID (Light Induced
Degradation), it will be rated at no less than 97% of STC. AFAIK, LID is
easily a percent or two on most modules. These modules will have been
tested to produce at least their rated output when they leave the
factory, before the
How about hardware cloth along the back of the array beneath the rails?
I think that's been suggested on this list before.
Original Message
Subject: [RE-wrenches] Ground Mount Screening
From: Drake
To: RE-wrenches
Date: 2010/10/21 12:34
Hello Wrenches,
We are installing a
system's there are more choices. A string, or two, of 2v cells can be an
excellent choice depending on the price/value ratio. Medium size systems
will normally call for Surrette/Rolls 6v, or Trojan L-16 batteries. All for
off grid applications. Sealed batteries for battery backup grid tied.
add a Plug In Breaker. There is a GE
"feeder type" breaker # THQL2190 (90 A DP). Could we use this as the main
breaker for the load center above? It is listed as a 10KAIC breaker.
#3) Swap out existing 32 space load center and replace with 150AML panel
with 100A MB kit.
Is this a "flickering" of the lights when the generator is running and
charging the battery bank? Which I have seen.
Or, something that is going on all the time? Which I have not experienced.
Dave Palumbo
Independent Power
-Original Message-
From: re-wrenches-boun..
Fronius IG Plus on the spec sheet also specs "Max. continuous utility
back feed current" as 0A.
Original Message
Subject: Re: [RE-wrenches] Head Spinning..(Con) fused.
From: William Miller
To: RE-wrenches
Date: 2010/11/14 12:54
If Aurora can not verify that their i
Anybody have any experience with Allied Schools - Training 4 Green programs?
Online courses, NABCEP approved (so they claim on the web
List sponsored by Home Power magazine
List Address: RE-wrenches
I think that if you have the 705.10 directory showing the disconnect
locations (a directory at each location), you'd be OK per NEC. I think
this question is likely one to ask your utility- the language may be in
your interconnection agreement and you likely already know how flexible
utilities a
nger bolts where you need
[] On Behalf Of
Sent: Friday, November 26, 2010 8:56 AM
Subject: [RE-wrenches] Mounting L feet on corrug
At a Xantrex training once upon a time, they explained that the three
foot minimum height was to keep the unit out of reach of a typical lawn
sprinkler. I don't know of an NEC reference for any minimum height required.
Peter Parrish wrote:
I spent some time putting together information on the
nt to balance
off the second leg of this new generators output with a battery charger that
puts out anywhere from 80 to 100 Amps into the 24v battery bank.
I could use two Iota 24 volt 40 Amp chargers for the 80 Amp max total.
Other options?
Dave Palumbo
Independent Powe
Great idea. I had offered the option of switching to a two OutBack system
but the price was too much. A second SW4024 is less dollars and a great
inverter. I will contact you off list.
I believe it's just:
Fusing on the +/-
disconnects break both + and -
Need your modules to use PV wire
labeling per 690.35(F)
Square D discos are UL'd for ungrounded systems- and I just noticed that
there's a June 2010 revision of the Square D disconnect guide. A bit of
clarification since the
690.35 (D) The photovoltaic source conductors shall consist of the
(1) Nonmetallic jacketed multiconductor cables
(2) Conductors installed in raceways, or
(3) Conductors listed and identified as Photovoltaic (PV) Wire
installed as exposed, single conductors.
As soon as
ul for you when you're calculating VOCs in
new geographical areas. Temperatures are all in degC.
List sponsored by Home Power magazine
List Address:
Options & settings:
25 yrs experience. No incidents.
[] On Behalf Of Dana
Sent: Wednesday, December 15, 2010 11:10 AM
To: 'RE-wrenches'
Subject: [RE-wrenches] Battery based hydrogen inciden
I'm looking for confirmation on the expiration dates on the Federal
Investment Tax Credit for businesses, as wells as the Individual Tax Credit
(or Personal Tax Credit) for individuals.
As I understand it the ITC Grant for businesses (money up front) expired at
the end of 2010.
ginal Message
Subject: Re: [RE-wrenches] Federal ITC
From: Dave Palumbo
To: 'RE-wrenches'
Date: 2011/1/4 10:42
I’m looking for confirmation on the expiration dates on the Federal
Investment Tax Credit for businesses, as wells as the Individual Tax
Credit (or Personal Tax
Short answer: no, this product's reactive power generation will not
affect you in the real world.
Long answer:
I don't see how their 6kVA system could outperform your 10kW system
unless you're installing your system in the shade. This device seems to
be quite limited- max VOC 42VDC, max input
Standard residential utility meters couldn't care less about power
factor and will ignore reactive power. Additional utility bill savings
by using these reactive-capable microinverters is $0.
Dan brought up a good point that adding too much capacitance also hurts
power factor- so even if a uti
Direct Power & Water (DPW) had SW175's in the fall of 2010. Or, the Schuco
MPE 180 MS05 is single crystal module with similar voltage numbers as the
David Palumbo
Independent Power LLC
462 Solar Way Drive
Hyde Park, VT 05655
In addition to power production losses due to arrays that are oversized for
the inverter (although within manufacturers specs) how concerned should we
be with shorter inverter service life because the inverter is working at its
David Palumbo
Independent Power LLC
462 Solar
Hi all-
Does anyone have a copy of the 2009 International Residential Code? I
only have the 2006. Please reply off-list. Thanks!
List sponsored by Home Power magazine
List Address:
Options & sett
f the heating that's wrapped into the
310.15(B)(2)(c) factor and you'd be double-counting that effect.
Hope that helps.
Original Message
Subject: [RE-wrenches] Cable Sizing - revisited, Ambient Temp
From: John Wadley
To: RE-wrenches
Date: 2011/1/22 02:40
tractors shade all
rooftop conduit, but I imagine that would limit your repeat business.
John Wadley wrote:
Thanks for responding in Mr. Brooks place. Since ASHREA 2% is not the
very worst case, it seems like it might be possible for the ampacity of
the wire chosen to dip below the
That's a nice built-in alarm feature that locking connectors just can't
Nick Soleil wrote:
Hi wrenches:
Have you noticed that roofing companies have recently been trying to
sell solar? One company thought of something that I had never
considered. Listen to this neat story.
I was serv
310.4(B) Conductor Characteristics. The paralleled conductors in each
phase, polarity, neutral, grounded circuit conductor, or equipment
grounding conductor shall comply with all of the following:
(1) Be the same length
(2) Have the same conductor material
(3) Be the same size in cir
It's easy to become frustrated browsing, or studying, anyone's marketing
these days. It's OK to squeak once in a while on topics like this (in my
opinion). NABCEP has not been discussed too much lately and your comment
brought some good discussion to the group. Sounds like you are doing
Years ago on this list we had a good discussion on the subject of battery
terminal protection. The favorite at that time (by a geographically diverse
group of installers) was to use a light coating of petroleum jelly (Vaseline
or generic versions). We continue to use it after 25 years of good resul
This is coming from old memory, so I give this with a grain of salt, but I
believe the noontime sun angle at my latitude (44.5) is about 78 degrees on
June 21st and about 22 degrees on December 21st. That’s a difference of 56
David Palumbo
Independent Power LLC
462 Solar
[] On Behalf Of Allan
Sent: Wednesday, February 23, 2011 1:19 PM
To: William Miller
Cc: RE-wrenches
Subject: Re: [RE-wrenches] Quick Cote troubles
I would prefer to
It's been yrs since I dealt with this issue, and it wasn't a York
specifically.. But I had an issue with a furnace and an old black Trace mod
sine. A capacitor in the feed to the furnace did the trick.
odules (roughly the outer ring of cells was still clear). Anyone else
seeing this?
Not an attorney, not legal advice, etc etc.,
Warren Lauzon wrote:
This is but one of many exceptions noted in the act "
“Recovery Act designated country” means a World Trade Organization
Government Procure
Looking for someone to speak with on technical questions on Trojan L-16 RE
David Palumbo
Independent Power LLC
462 Solar Way Drive
Hyde Park, VT 05655
NABCEP Certified PV Installer
Vermont Solar Partner
23 Years Experience, (802) 888 <>
Trojan Battery Company - Clean Energy for LifeT
[] On Behalf Of Dave Palumbo
Sent: Tuesday, March 22, 2
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