Thank you Luke. That is very helpful information and makes perfect sense to
me from what I have seen with this generator.

Dave Palumbo

-----Original Message-----
From: RE-wrenches [] On
Behalf Of Luke Christy
Sent: Sunday, May 01, 2016 7:00 PM
To: RE-wrenches
Subject: Re: [RE-wrenches] Generac EcoGen problem

Hi Dave, 
I have quite a few of the 6kW EcoGens out in the field and I haven't seen
this issue come up (thankfully).

I suspect the issue lies in the the scavenging  probe or plumbing for the
pump system. The probe is supposed to set the fill level for the crankcase,
but since it is basically just a tube projecting down to the oil level, I'd
first take a hard look at the associated tubing and check valves. There
could be a failed diaphragm or a stuck check valve that's stopping the
scavenging action of the pump system. It could also be a chunk of goo or
something in the scavenger probe.
You have oil going into the crankcase from the reservoir, but no oil being

As I understand it, the system is supposed to enable a longer service time
between oil changes by effectively using the entire volume of oil in the
reservoir and the crankcase. The oil is slowly pumped into the crankcase
sump from the reservoir, and simultaneously pumped back out into the
reservoir, while maintaining the correct fill level in the sump --as long as
everything works properly. 

Have you checked out the plumbing diagram in the back of the installation
manual just to confirm that the hoses are routed correctly? If the unit has
operated ok for 1,000 hrs, that can't really be the issue unless a hose has
cracked or has a vacuum leak at a fitting. 

I personally don't see an issue with draining the reservoir and sump and
filling the crankcase back to the correct level so that you can run it on a
temporary basis, but you will definitely want to get it fixed for the long


Luke Christy

NABCEP Certified PV Installation ProfessionalT: Certification #031409-25 
NABCEP Certified Solar Heating InstallerT: Certification #ST032611-03       

Solar Gain Services, LLC
PO Box 531
Monte Vista, CO. 81144

On Apr 29, 2016, at 9:59 AM, "Dave" <> wrote:

> Wrenches,
> I service an off grid home that has an EcoGen 6kW Model 58181 LP gen with
a Serial Number of 8301854. It has 1,175 hrs on it during 2-1/2 years of
> .         It appears that the crankcase is filling with excessive amounts
of oil.
> .         There was a Generac Service Bulletin in July of 2013 which
predates this generators Serial Number. This bulletin alerted the
possibility of excessive oil in the crankcase due to "incorrect routing of
the pulse pump hoses".
> .         From the pictures on the service bulletin (and with the SN being
higher) it looks like the generator in question has properly routed hoses.
See photo attached if you are familiar with this problem.
> .         There is an extra oil reservoir on these units. The engine takes
1.7 quarts and the reservoir takes 4.2 Quarts.
> .         I last changed the oil (and properly filled both engine and
reservoir) at 1,124 hours
> .         Now at 1,175 hrs the generator runs very roughly and blows lots
of oily smelling blue/grey smoke. Most of the oil is gone from the reservoir
so it's pretty obvious that the oil has flooded into the crankcase.
> .         If the Pulse Pump hoses are routed correctly and I'd say they
are since the SN is later than the recognized problem AND the fact this
generator ran great for over 1,100 hours then maybe is the pulse pump itself
is bad?
> .         I wanted to run this by this list before talking to Generac
because I know there are a number of wrenches whom have experience with the
> .         Can I simply just drain the oil and only refill the 1.7 Qts in
the engine and run the unit?
> Thanks for your time,
> David Palumbo
> Independent Power LLC
> 462 Solar Way Drive
> Hyde Park, VT 05655
> 802-371-8678 cell
> 802-888-4917 home
> <Generac ECO Gen 5818
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