Re: [RE-wrenches] Large Off-Grid Residential System and ciculating currents

2019-07-24 Thread August Goers
Hi William - Yea, your kWh calculation is correct. However, the 16 kWh Blue Ion is comparable to eight L16 (6 volt x 333 Ah each) batteries, not one - nameplate rating. Typically you can go way deeper discharge with the lithium products, so the Blue Ion might be more comparable to sixteen (or even

Re: [RE-wrenches] Large Off-Grid Residential System and ciculating currents

2019-07-24 Thread Will White
William, August is right, the Blue Ion batteries are rated for 100% DOD so to get the same usable capacity from an L16 at 50% DOD you'd need twice the overall capacity. Plus most lithium-ion batteries will last significantly longer than lead-acid so you have to factor in replacement costs when doi

[RE-wrenches] SolarEdge reliability declining...???

2019-07-24 Thread Howard Arey
Have any of you seen significant declines in SolarEdge inverter reliability? We are having more inverter failures that at any time in the past five years of installing SolarEdge. Lots of Code 181 hardware failures mostly in the latest SetApp inverters (the ones without displays.) To compound matt

Re: [RE-wrenches] SolarEdge reliability declining...???

2019-07-24 Thread Andrew
Hey Howard, We have started to notice this as well, we recently got 2 DOA inverters(new setapps) in a row for the same client.They were not happy either. I have also noticed their tech support has also gotten worse with huge wait times or call backs days later. I really enjoy their

Re: [RE-wrenches] Large Off-Grid Residential System and ciculating currents

2019-07-24 Thread Dave Angelini Offgrid Solar
Hi William, I think you are smart to taking your time going to Lithium Ion. I will let others work the math as each application/client is really different. I have a few clients offgrid who are early adopters and there have been a few failures I have observed. For grid based Apps I really do n

Re: [RE-wrenches] SolarEdge reliability declining...???

2019-07-24 Thread Jerry Shafer
Wrenches For some time starting last fall and into the spring we had several 7600 with some sort of issue, some comms, some dead, some failed in the field shortly after install, once we did the repairs/RMA's they seemed ok but we have moved away from them this year. Jerry On Wed, Jul 24, 2019, 12:

Re: [RE-wrenches] SolarEdge reliability declining...???

2019-07-24 Thread Brett Bartmasser
We have had countless failures on the HD Waves, I am surprised they are even still in business. We have generally moved away from them in the last year. I have never seen an issue with their older equipment. On Wed, Jul 24, 2019 at 1:10 PM Jerry Shafer wrote: > Wrenches > For some time starting

Re: [RE-wrenches] 230Vac load on OB FX2524T system

2019-07-24 Thread Ray
The transformer is just to balance the legs, and isn't necessary to run the heat pump with 2 inverters.  On the programming, port 1 should be /stack //1-2 ph Master/, and then set port 2 to /Classic slave./ BTW,  we as an industry should move far away from this archaic and offensive labeling. 

[RE-wrenches] SolarEdge AC coupled off-grid

2019-07-24 Thread Howie Michaelson
I have used SolarEdge to AC couple a smaller Array in the past, with no issues. I recently added a fairly significant array (6.2k DC via a SE6K (setap) inverter in an off-grid home which has had a dual stack VFX3648 for many years. I also added 32kWh of Blue Ion batteries replacing an 80kWh older

[RE-wrenches] SolarEdge AC coupled off-grid (part 2)

2019-07-24 Thread Howie Michaelson
sorry, prematurely emailed previous post: I'm wondering if the VFXs are just not capable of putting out clean enough power in order to hold the SE HD inverter. I had it operating on this same system for a couple of hours with not this problem. Is it likely that this inverter combo is not going to

Re: [RE-wrenches] SolarEdge AC coupled off-grid (part 2)

2019-07-24 Thread Ray
I do not recommend AC coupling for off grid, except to offset daytime loads or to add PV at remote buildings.  Besides coupling errors like you're experiencing, the entire system will shut down and not recharge, if the VFX inverters shut down.   With a DC coupled array, the batteries can rechar