Re: [RE-wrenches] Utilities see battery bank as parasitic load?

2013-09-25 Thread Chris Daum
Well, does anyone know if the Power One Inverter will integrate with the Radian? Any special issues/considerations? We aren't getting a lot of information from the Power One folks. Chris Daum Oasis Montana Inc. _ From: [mailto:re-wrenches

[RE-wrenches] Breaker Space Knockouts

2013-09-25 Thread Drake
Hello Wrenches, Has anyone come up with a good way to make clean breaker space knockouts in an enclosure? Thanks, Drake Drake Chamberlin Athens Electric LLC OH License 44810 CO License 3773 NABCEP Certified Solar PV Installer 740-448-7328 http://athens-electric.c

Re: [RE-wrenches] Breaker Space Knockouts

2013-09-25 Thread James Jefferson Jarvis
We have bezels laser cut out of 16 gauge steel with the breaker pattern. Then we do a rough cut in the enclosure using a jig saw and rivet the bezel on. Breakers attach directly to the bezel. Alternatively, many enclosure supplies will punch whatever you want into an enclosure. It gets expensive a

Re: [RE-wrenches] Breaker Space Knockouts

2013-09-25 Thread Ray Walters
I just did one with 32 tooth/ in. jig saw, then filed it to clean the edges. Came out decent, but took about 20 minutes. I would tape over as well to avoid scratches. I know they make punches, but they're stupid expensive, and easy to break the corners off. R.Ray Walters CTO, Solarray, Inc Na

[RE-wrenches] SatCon Inverter Maintenance Manuals

2013-09-25 Thread Jason Szumlanski
Anyone know where to get Satcon Periodic Maintenance Manuals for models sold in the last few years? I'm set to look at one "installed by others" that is reporting an overheating problem. The customer also wants a maintenance contract bid on it. I do not yet have the model number or rating. I'm gue

Re: [RE-wrenches] Whisper 500 service

2013-09-25 Thread Ross Taylor
Hi Nathan, thanks for the update after your site visit. Instead of emailing you directly, I'm responding here in the hope this info might be of help to others (now or in the archives) See my responses (some more helpful than others, I'm afraid...) below, after each of your questions: -

Re: [RE-wrenches] Breaker Space Knockouts

2013-09-25 Thread Jesse Dahl
I just did this for my fish house. I drilled holes first to eat up most of the spot I wanted to remove and then used a jig saw. I filed the area after I was done. I looks good. I put a very thin bead of grey caulk around the edge to hide the spot that I "colored outside the line". Sent from my

Re: [RE-wrenches] Breaker Space Knockouts

2013-09-25 Thread Allan Sindelar
Several years ago we added 3,200 watts to an existing 24V system with an APT 4B, which has only 5 CD-style DC breaker spaces. We had to add four more OBDC panel-mount breakers. We installed them in the cover of the SW4024's DC conduit box. Same method; drill, jigs

Re: [RE-wrenches] ECO GEN ALERT

2013-09-25 Thread Chris Mason
Drake, As a Generac service dealer, I brought your generator problem to the attention of Generac's managers. They had a couple of comments: 1) The activation issue sounds like a misunderstanding. Activation is only a data gathering process, I normally do it online ( ).

Re: [RE-wrenches] ECO GEN ALERT

2013-09-25 Thread Drake
Hi Chris, Thanks for your involvement with this. I will answer below. * On the activation issue, Generac required not only the serial number, but the exact address. The system was off grid in a remote location and had no mail delivery. The client was not available for information, so we cou

[RE-wrenches] Replacement for Solar World SW 175, 165, 155 or equivilent form factor

2013-09-25 Thread Bill Loesch
Hi Folks, If anyone has any of these modules or some replacement that has worked for you, please advise. SW 155 -SW 165 voltage 39.4SW 175 is 44.4 AMPS 5.3 Tom Lane Energy Conservation Services 352.377.8866 (office) 352.231.3495 (direct) This message was posted by Bill Loesch for T

Re: [RE-wrenches] Breaker Space Knockouts

2013-09-25 Thread Mac Lewis
Hello wrenches, I haven't done this myself but I have heard that taking it down to a shop and getting it water jetted is the way to go. It will fool the AHJ every time. Thanks On Wed, Sep 25, 2013 at 4:28 PM, Allan Sindelar <> wrote: > Several years ago we added