Well, does anyone know if the Power One Inverter will integrate with the Radian? Any special issues/considerations? We aren't getting a lot of information from the Power One folks..... Chris Daum Oasis Montana Inc.
_____ From: re-wrenches-boun...@lists.re-wrenches.org [mailto:re-wrenches-boun...@lists.re-wrenches.org] On Behalf Of toddc...@finestplanet.com Sent: Tuesday, September 24, 2013 4:49 PM To: RE-wrenches Cc: 'RE-wrenches' Subject: Re: [RE-wrenches] Utilities see battery bank as parasitic load? "As SCE wrote in a July memo for solar and storage contractors (PDF <https://www.sce.com/wps/wcm/connect/7bfb9fcc-b277-4646-9ac2-7700e03914bf/Ba ttery_Backed_Storage_NEM_Eligibility.pdf?MOD=AJPERES> ), "if a renewable generator is modified so that the battery storage system is integrated into the generator, SCE cannot separately meter the energy from the renewable PV generator and the non-renewable battery." this is bullshit! most all of the grid-tie systems i do here (in unreilable norcal power area) incorporate battery backup... and they are all metered with kv2c meters which accurately detail power generated by the system AND battery consumption... usually around 5 kWh a year. sigh! todd On Tuesday, September 24, 2013 3:37pm, "Chris Daum" <ch...@oasismontana.com> said: Allan: I know, THAT is a major concern of mine. Is anyone else having this problem? I'd hoped there would, by now be a national/federal "agreement" on what constitutes a save battery based grid-tie system, but I guess we're not there yet.... --Chris @ the Oasis MT _____ From: re-wrenches-boun...@lists.re-wrenches.org [mailto:re-wrenches-boun...@lists.re-wrenches.org] On Behalf Of Allan Sindelar Sent: Tuesday, September 24, 2013 4:20 PM To: RE-wrenches Subject: Re: [RE-wrenches] Utilities see battery bank as parasitic load? Chris, This issue is being covered in the RE media quite actively, as threats to industry success such as these can set precedents in other states. Check out http://www.greentechmedia.com/articles/read/fight-over-battery-backed-solar- in-southern-california?utm_source=Solar <http://www.greentechmedia.com/articles/read/fight-over-battery-backed-solar -in-southern-california?utm_source=Solar&utm_medium=Picture&utm_campaign=GTM Daily> &utm_medium=Picture&utm_campaign=GTMDaily. That's from this week. Allan Allan Sindelar <mailto:al...@positiveenergysolar.com> al...@positiveenergysolar.com NABCEP Certified PV Installation Professional NABCEP Certified Technical Sales Professional New Mexico EE98J Journeyman Electrician Founder, Positive Energy, Inc. A Certified B CorporationTM 3209 Richards Lane Santa Fe, New Mexico87507 505 424-1112 office 780-2738 cell <http://www.positiveenergysolar.com/> www.positiveenergysolar.com On 9/24/2013 2:32 PM, Chris Daum wrote: Brian: The LADWP engineer (Tony Ramirez) advised the inspector (Brenden Owens) who told my customer (who, ironically, is retired from working at LADWP) that he couldn't have a straight battery-based system. And has to interface his system with a batteryless grid-tie inverter. You know any of these guys? Got any clout with them? --Chris Daum Oasis Montana Inc. _____ From: re-wrenches-boun...@lists.re-wrenches.org [mailto:re-wrenches-boun...@lists.re-wrenches.org] On Behalf Of Brian Teitelbaum Sent: Tuesday, September 24, 2013 2:13 PM To: RE-wrenches Subject: Re: [RE-wrenches] Utilities see battery bank as parasitic load? Chris, Is that the "inspector" saying that, or the LADWP rep? Brian Teitelbaum AEE Solar From: re-wrenches-boun...@lists.re-wrenches.org [mailto:re-wrenches-boun...@lists.re-wrenches.org] On Behalf Of Chris Daum Sent: Tuesday, September 24, 2013 12:41 PM To: 'RE-wrenches' Subject: [RE-wrenches] Utilities see battery bank as parasitic load? Hello Wrenches: Ok, here's one for you. We have a customer whose utility provider is L.A. Dept. of Water & Power; he's getting ready to install his battery-based grid-tie system with a Radian inverter, load center, HUB4, eight - 250W modules....etc. But the inspector is calling foul, saying his 'battery bank is a parasitic load" -- the inspector also claims that the battery bank is a "generator" so he must utilize a straight grid-tie inverter (5KW Power One) and make this an AC coupled system to be legal. The question then becomes; does the PowerOne GT5kW inverter play nicely with the Outback Radian when the Radian is the BB Inverter? Maybe there is a way to save our customer the cost of the new PowerOne inverter if we configure the Radian differently? Any advice or suggestions that you can offer would be most helpful! And is anyone else running into this? It just seems crazy. Best, Chris Daum Oasis Montana Inc. 406-777-4309 406-777-0830 fax
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