Re: [RE-wrenches] SunSlates from Atlantis Energy

2012-10-02 Thread Glenn Burt
I first saw them at a show back in '06, so know they have been around a while. No firsthand experience installing them, however. Glenn From: [] On Behalf Of Aladdin Solar Sent: Monday, October 01, 201

Re: [RE-wrenches] ground fault

2012-10-02 Thread dan
Kinda sounds temp related.. Maybe a panel defect. You might still be able to pick it up with a good Super Soaker (change the panel temp/flex it). Just be careful not to shock them too much if they're hot (and be sure to wear your good Terminator Shades and keep a straight face). Sounds like you hit

Re: [RE-wrenches] SunSlates from Atlantis Energy

2012-10-02 Thread Andrew Truitt
I've seen a few Atlantis projects mid-install. As with many roof-integrated PV products they involve a LOT of electrical connections and significant installation labor. If memory serves, a wooden lattice structure was built on top of the roof to provide ventilation and the slates were fastened to

Re: [RE-wrenches] SunSlates from Atlantis Energy

2012-10-02 Thread Robert Evans
I installed the BOS for an Atlantis Sunslates system back in 2003-04, and commissioned the system. Based on my experience I couldn't recommend them, unless they have fixed the product. The customer had already contracted with Atlantis and an approved roofer to install the Sunslates on his residenc

[RE-wrenches] BIPV Options

2012-10-02 Thread Dave Click
Good input on the Atlantis options-- does anyone have experience with the or products? On 2012/10/2 13:06, Robert Evans wrote: I installed the BOS for an Atlantis Sunslates system back in 2003-04, and commissioned the system. Based on my experience I couldn't

Re: [RE-wrenches] BIPV Options

2012-10-02 Thread holtek
Having installed Powerlight systems, I would shy away from flat arraysdirty, dirty dirty Holt E. Kelly Holtek Fireplace & Solar Products 500 Jewell Dr. Waco TX. 76712 254-751-9111 - Original Message - From: "Dave Click" To: Sent: Tuesday, October 02, 2012

Re: [RE-wrenches] BIPV Options

2012-10-02 Thread Dave Click
Sorry, to clarify I meant the Lumeta tiles for sloped roofs. I think they were at SPI two years ago but I didn't notice them this year if they were at the show. On 2012/10/2 15:27, wrote: Having installed Powerlight systems, I would shy away from flat arraysdirty, dirt

[RE-wrenches] Fw: BP Modules

2012-10-02 Thread Jeremy Rodriguez- All Solar Inc.
--Original Message-- To: Subject: BP Modules Sent: Oct 2, 2012 3:54 PM Anyone know who is providing warranty support for BP? Same old problem - shattered glass from overheated J box area Jeremy Rodriguez Sent via BlackBerry. Sorry for typos and shorthand

[RE-wrenches] Utility disconnect

2012-10-02 Thread Jesse Dahl
I just finished a job on a home where the utility didn't require the utility disco. They contend that the service disconnect on the "farmer panel" meter base will work for them. I said cool and didn't put one in. The inspector said he couldn't sticker the project because the utility disco was

Re: [RE-wrenches] Utility disconnect

2012-10-02 Thread David Brearley
If this is simply a Code consideration, then the NEC does not require a visible/lockable disconnect. You can refer to this SolarABCs document for a thorough discussion of the subject: On Oct 2, 2012, at 5:21 P

Re: [RE-wrenches] Fw: BP Modules

2012-10-02 Thread Marco Mangelsdorf
>From 10 months ago. Not sure whether Christine is still there. Christine Alinen Asset Coordinator After Sales/Warranty BP Solar 301-698-4217 Anyone know who is providing warranty support for BP? Same old problem - shattered glass from overheated J box area Jeremy Rodriguez Sent via BlackB

Re: [RE-wrenches] Utility disconnect

2012-10-02 Thread Marv Dargatz
I had a similar situation with my own PV system many years ago. The utility person demanded a disconnect within 10 feet of the meter. When I pulled out a copy of the rule 21 interconnect agreement (I'm in California), and pointed out that there was no such requirement, they got on the phone fo

Re: [RE-wrenches] Utility disconnect

2012-10-02 Thread William Miller
Marv: The moral of this story: Never leave home without your Rule 21! Wm PS: Just kidding. The moral is actually: know the rules and don't let yourself get pushed around. wm At 03:56 PM 10/2/2012, you wrote: I had a similar situation with my own PV system many years ago. The utility

[RE-wrenches] Utility disconnect

2012-10-02 Thread Nick Vida
My main jurisdiction (Los Angeles City) has a utility with its own service manual with their own requirements. Through experience we  know what they require, and it often has nothing to do with NEC. If you bring up NEC to them, they usually laugh at you. Nick Vida__

Re: [RE-wrenches] Utility disconnect

2012-10-02 Thread Jesse Dahl
> I think all will be fine, I spent 15 min or so explaining it to him and > brought out my NEC to show him all the required disconnect provisions. He > just kept saying "I can't get my head around it, I've never seen a system > without one". Sorry for the blue text. Jesse