Re: [RE-wrenches] AGM battery charging, more details

2011-04-26 Thread wirewiz
For what it's worth, I use a Balmar Regulator on boats for engine alternator charging. The Balmar times how long it takes to go from SOC to your setpoint absorption voltage. That time determines absorption time. It does this each and every charge. Not as accurate as measuring current but it does a

Re: [RE-wrenches] AGM battery charging, more details

2011-04-26 Thread Starlight Solar, Larry Crutcher
Re: [RE-wrenches] AGM battery charging, more detailsHugh, The Blue Sky Energy 2512iX, IPN Pro, temp sens. and shunt is about $420 online. This combination provides the very best in fully programmable battery charge control for systems under 40 amps. There is no equal for the IPN Pro battery mon

Re: [RE-wrenches] AGM battery charging, more details

2011-04-26 Thread Allan Sindelar
Hugh, This is good advice from an installer who installs lots of small and 12V systems for mobile applications such as RVs. (Please correct us if I'm wrong, Larry.) I'll add two small pieces to Larry's good advice: - Blue Sky Energy also makes a 3024iX, which I

Re: [RE-wrenches] AGM battery charging, more details

2011-04-26 Thread Rick Cullen - Blue Sky Energy, Inc.
Wrenches, There has been some discussion in the past few days regarding AGM batteries and charge control switching to Float based on net battery charge current matched to battery size and that our IPN-ProRemote product can provide this. Let me briefly describe what this is and how it works.

Re: [RE-wrenches] AGM battery charging, more details

2011-04-26 Thread William Dorsett
OK, I can see how you could input the amphr capacity of a given set of new batteries, but would someone explain how a controller which counts amps can adjust as the battery bank ages? As the capacity of the bank drops over time, and this varies by different manufacturers, it still seems that a cont