[RE-wrenches] Acid containment

2015-03-30 Thread Hilton Dier III
US Plastic (usplastic.com) carries polyethylene tanks used in industry for acids. You can get them in various sizes - 24" x 36" x 20" deep and larger. They will custom heat weld whatever you want. Kind of pricey (~$300) but heavy duty. Hilton -- Hilton Dier III Renewable Energy Design Partner

Re: [RE-wrenches] Acid containment

2015-03-30 Thread Dave
Bill, I have lined our plywood battery boxes for many years with 6 mil polyethylene sheeting. I do two layers, neatly fold the corners so it form fits then run it up the side walls about 10 inches only and staple the poly to the plywood. To protect the poly liner from the weight of the batteries I

Re: [RE-wrenches] Acid containment

2015-03-30 Thread Wayne Irwin
Shower pan liner would probably work very well. Wayne Irwin, President License #CVC56695 State Licensed Solar Contractor Pure Energy Solar International Inc. wa...@pureenergysolar.com http://PureEnergySolar.com http://SolarChargingStation.net 352 377-6527 Office 352 336-3299 Fax The Sun I

Re: [RE-wrenches] Acid containment

2015-03-30 Thread Ray Walters
Acid will eat spray on bed liner too R.Ray Walters CTO, Solarray, Inc Nabcep Certified PV Installer, Licensed Master Electrician Solar Design Engineer 303 505-8760 On 3/30/2015 10:36 AM, Benn Kilburn wrote: Hi Bill, Think "spray-on". Build your box then spray on the liner. Have you seen "spray

Re: [RE-wrenches] Acid containment

2015-03-30 Thread Ray Walters
We have used the underlayment material to line battery boxes. Turns out it gets eaten by the acid too, not recommended. Really the best product I've ever used is just the heavy plastic sheeting to line the inside of the box. I had batteries crack and leak acid almost 2 inches deep, and the

Re: [RE-wrenches] Acid containment

2015-03-30 Thread Dana
If you call up a chemical resistant chart the options are not huge PVC is good that's why battery vents are PVC. On the EDPM: you fold & only cut up high! I was thinking on this and you could lay the EDPM down folded up & tacked on the back & sides and then lay down a sheet of plywood to "prot

Re: [RE-wrenches] Acid containment

2015-03-30 Thread August Goers
Bill, Off the shelf plastic tool boxes also work, we’ve used those in the past. You wouldn’t necessarily need to build a wood box around the plastic tool box(es) since they will hold up on their own. It all goes back to the size and number of batteries that you need and whether you can find a bo

Re: [RE-wrenches] Acid containment

2015-03-30 Thread frenergy
Kirpal, Allen, Dana, Benn Yes, I'm curious about sealing laps, joints, corners, etc also. I've seen the PVC shower pan material...we'll see if its wide enough for our application, I always banked on about 3" up the side of a battery box would hold many gallons of acid. Benn, I did a

Re: [RE-wrenches] Acid containment

2015-03-30 Thread Jason Szumlanski
I have tested shower pan liners successfully as well. They are impervious to battery acid, even after long exposure. [image: Logo-Sq-80.png] Jason Szumlanski Principal Solar Designer Florida Solar Design Group (239) 491-8010 office (239) 410-4985 mobile Authorized Sales Agent for Fafco Sola

Re: [RE-wrenches] Acid containment

2015-03-30 Thread Chris Worcester
Hi Bill, If you dabble in fiberglass, we had a client do his own layup in a plywood battery box, it worked well. Chris Worcester Solar Wind Works NABCEP Certified PV Installer Office 530-582-4503 Cell 530-448-9692 Fax 530-582-4603 www.solarwindworks.com ch...@solarwindworks.com -Original Mess

Re: [RE-wrenches] Acid containment

2015-03-30 Thread Benn Kilburn
Allan, How would you deal with a seam that happens to lay within the containment area? Do you seal/adhere it somehow? With what? Or do you find that you can get the liner sheets large enough that you just 'stuff it in' (for lack of a better term), and then in the corners do you just double it

Re: [RE-wrenches] Acid containment

2015-03-30 Thread Dana
EDPM with is sold in rolls as pond liner is a great though floppy option. It is a H2SO4 safe option but it is hard to roll over with wheels when installing the larger heavier battery options. Dana Orzel Great Solar Wor

Re: [RE-wrenches] Acid containment

2015-03-30 Thread Benn Kilburn
Hi Bill, Think "spray-on". Build your box then spray on the liner. Have you seen "spray in box liners" for pick up trucks? It's pretty tough stuff and I would think that it would be able to hold acid. There are plenty of places, at least around here (Alberta), that do this and I'd also think

Re: [RE-wrenches] Acid containment

2015-03-30 Thread Allan Sindelar
Bill, We have lined plywood boxes with either EPDM roofing membrane or vinyl pond liner, depending on local availability, and both have worked well. Being a flexible sheet, it is folded up the sides and stapled above the containment zone. Allan

Re: [RE-wrenches] Acid containment

2015-03-30 Thread Kirpal Khalsa
BillWe line our battery boxes with PVC liners like what is used in shower pans.It is a thick PVC membraneIt is available at just about any tile supply store.It is strong and impervious to battery acid. Good luck. Sunny Regards, Kirpal Khalsa NABCEP Certified PV Installation Pro

[RE-wrenches] Acid containment

2015-03-30 Thread frenergy
Fellow Wrenches, I just called Tap Plastics hoping they would solve my problem of battery acid containment within a plywood battery box. I was surprised by their response that the acrylic was not impervious to acid and polyethylene would not work because sealants nor caulking adhere to