Re: [RE-wrenches] Fwd: Re: Aluminum Module Frame To GalvanizedUni-Strut

2011-07-13 Thread Ray Walters
Hi Guys; The islands have accelerated corrosion, but we will see the same problems even in dry climates, it just might take decades instead of years. I think galvanic corrosion of AL and CU is such a problem that we should use the new products available such as the WEEB, and take advantage of

Re: [RE-wrenches] Fwd: Re: Aluminum Module Frame To GalvanizedUni-Strut

2011-07-13 Thread Marv Dargatz
Drake, This is a HUGE problem. If you want a real earful, talk to John Wiles, Bill Brooks, or Greg Ball about this. While you might think that the anodizing on the aluminum would prevent electrical contact to the copper, it doesn't last long with just a little vibration (usually due to wind).

[RE-wrenches] Fwd: Re: Aluminum Module Frame To Galvanized Uni-Strut

2011-07-13 Thread Drake
Marv, It is common practice to run bare copper ground wire over rails and under modules, which will touch the aluminum at various points. How much of a problem is this going to create in the long run? Drake At 07:45 PM 7/12/2011, you wrote: Content-Class: urn:content-classes:message Con