[RBW] Re: New Roadeo frame. Now what?

2011-03-28 Thread sjauch
Ultegra 6700 50/34 & 11-28 Shimano R650 Ritchey Classic Stem, post & bars (if the bend works for you) Velocity A23/Ultegra wheels w/ Conti Grand Prix 4 Season 28c What ever saddle fits your butt and your favorite pedal system (Shimano road). On Mar 28, 2:20 pm, Bike Hermit wrote: >

[RBW] Re: Fwd: RR43 Link Update

2011-05-04 Thread sjauch
I only get a one page blank document when I open the link :-( On May 4, 8:39 pm, MichaelH wrote: > I could live without downloading but even magnified the print is too > small to read.  Has anyone tried printing it?  It looks like a great > issue. > michael > > On May 4, 8:12 pm, "Bill Gibson (II

[RBW] Re: FS: Dromarti Sportivo Classic shoes size 41

2011-05-11 Thread sjauch
Unfortunately these are too small for me. Can I ask what about them you didn't like? I've been thinking about ordering a pair. On May 10, 9:14 pm, johnb wrote: > I have tried to love these shoes but they have not loved me back... So > $75/OBO + $10 to ship to CONUS and they are yours. I used th

[RBW] Re: East Coast frame painting

2011-06-06 Thread sjauch
Why not talk to some of the local builders? I'm sure they'd be happy to help you out. http://www.johnnycoast.com/ http://www.horsecycles.com/ http://slrosko.com/ Steve On Jun 3, 9:46 pm, jandrews_nyc wrote: > Hi, > I would like to have my green Hillborne frame painted or powder coated > and I l

[RBW] Re: FS: Rawland Sogn, Bike Friday FT: Tikit, Nitto stem

2010-12-16 Thread sjauch
Too bad the Sogn is a Large. On Dec 16, 1:04 am, Esteban wrote: > Ah, unfortunately I teach in June and PBP is at the end of August. > I'd be broke if I paid for food in Euros for two extra months while I > panhandled in front of Notre Dame. > > I *am* planning a SR series this year, so you never

[RBW] Rivendell Roadeo or Other

2010-01-04 Thread sjauch
I currently have a 2005 Specialized Allez Comp. It was my first road bike and it is about a size too big and only recently got comfortable riding it once I put an 80mm stem on it. Anyway I have been looking for a new road bike and want to go with a steel frame, preferably lugged. I have been eyein

[RBW] Re: Rivendell Roadeo or Other

2010-01-05 Thread sjauch
mension to accommodate, or want some non- > standard features on the frame, I'd suggest the stock Roadeo. > > (I have a custom bike and it's wonderful, but not every custom owner > has the same positive experience...) > > On Jan 4, 3:54 pm, sjauch wrote: > > > > >

[RBW] Re: Soma Riv

2010-01-08 Thread sjauch
Crazy!! Hopefully they'll use a nice steel, maybe Reynolds 525/531. I'm heading out to Riv the end of this month. I'll try to get some photos. On Jan 8, 7:45 am, richard hargrove wrote: > Eric Norris wrote: > > A Riv made with 4140 tubing? Let's hope Soma uses > > some decent tubing for the fram

[RBW] Re: hmm new frames in the frame specials

2010-08-12 Thread sjauch
I love the crown on that frame. Makes me want a custom just to have a bike with that. On Aug 11, 9:26 pm, cyclotourist wrote: > drool... > > /drool > > That is the most awesome-ness bike in the world. > > I really wish they kept it a Rivendell and sold it as is. > > > > > > On Wed, Aug 11, 2010 a

[RBW] Re: Renovelo Frames

2010-08-20 Thread sjauch
Hmm, "That One" is just my size. Would make a sweet trail bike. So tempting at that price! On Aug 20, 3:19 pm, Philip Williamson wrote: > Such a good thing that it's too small for me. > The Renovelos are a lot cheaper than I expected them to be... > especially That One. > >  Philip > > On Aug 20,

[RBW] Re: Help me choose a Rivendell

2010-09-08 Thread sjauch
Roadeo and you can get it painted any color you want for no extra charge. So you can get that orange you like. On Sep 8, 9:40 am, James Warren wrote: > The Rambouillet also has the best name ever given to a bike. > > > > -Original Message- > >From: "Frederick, Steve" > >Sent: Sep 8, 2010

[RBW] Re: New Thoughts on Saddle Height?

2010-09-27 Thread sjauch
Saddle height is very person specific. I went with Riv method of PBH minus 10 for a saddle height of 72cm. Earlier this year I developed knee pain that prevented me from riding for 2 months. I went to a fitter who raised my saddle by 1.5cm and it has made a world of difference. This was in addition

[RBW] Re: Speaking of the garage sale,

2010-09-28 Thread sjauch
Ahh, want to buy a plane ticket for the weekend. Anyone want to buy me something cool?? On Sep 27, 5:26 pm, John Bennett wrote: > Jay, who is in charge, took a few pictures, just to give us all a hint > of what we can expect on Saturday. > > http://www.rivbike.com/products/show/garage-sale-octo

[RBW] Re: WTB: Bicycle Quarterly Summer 2010 issue

2010-10-16 Thread sjauch
I might have one I can send you. Let me check. On Oct 16, 11:06 am, cyclotourist wrote: > I procrastinated too long, and only renewed after the Autumn issue came > out.  The Summer one came out in the meantime.  It sounded like a good one, > so wanted to get hold of it. > > Working on a trade, so

[RBW] Re: NY/PA/NJ Rivendell Rally - Spring 2011

2010-11-15 Thread sjauch
Count me in and maybe my girlfriend if I can talk her into it. I'm in NYC so something close would be nice, PA or southern NY. On Nov 14, 8:59 am, Montclair BobbyB wrote: > I've come to realize that the average Rivendell rider is a bit more > passionate about riding (and about life in general) th

[RBW] Discussion on a-homer-hilsen-geometry

2010-01-29 Thread sjauch
Does anyone know if there is a geo chart for sizes smaller than 57? Thanks. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "RBW Owners Bunch" group. To post to this group, send email to rbw-owners-bu...@googlegroups.com. To unsubscribe from this group, send email t

[RBW] Re: Brooks has some new awesomeness

2010-02-12 Thread sjauch
And for that price you'd expect them to be made in the UK. Pretty sure there from China. On Feb 12, 12:15 pm, EricP wrote: > Panniers look nice.  But prices - wowser!  What's strange - I have > some nice Ortlieb, but did two of my three S24O last year with Arkel > Sackaroos. > > For handlebar bag

[RBW] Re: Beautiful Roadeo

2010-02-25 Thread sjauch
Why are these specials always so big. That looks amazing!! On Feb 24, 7:45 pm, James Warren wrote: > !! > > http://www.rivbike.com/products/show/roadeo-specials/40-010 -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "RBW Owners Bunch" group. To post to this gro

[RBW] Re: I Wanna Hunquapillar

2010-02-25 Thread sjauch
Are there any prototype photos of this frame around? On Feb 24, 11:08 am, JimD wrote: > ...for the headbadge itself! > > Nifty-est head badge ever for my money. When it comes to that money   > thing, can't get another bike right now. > > Bring on the marketing collateral. > > Belt buckles? > Post

[RBW] Re: Schwalbe Kojak vs Jack Brown

2010-03-03 Thread sjauch
I asked Mark about which tire he prefers when I ordered my Roadeo, here is his reply: "I like both tires but if I had to pick just one, I would go with the Kojaks. They cost more, but will last longer and are a bit tougher than the JB Greens at about the same weight." On Mar 2, 6:48 pm, rperks

[RBW] Re: roadeo, first ride

2010-03-05 Thread sjauch
Ahh, killing me. My frame is on the brown truck today to be delivered. Can't wait to start building tomorrow!!! On Mar 4, 7:32 pm, dpco wrote: > i rode my new roadeo on its maiden voyage. just a super bike. 40mi., > rolling hills around plymouth, ca. > build as follows: 59cm roadeo, mary's blue >

[RBW] Re: Best Riv for Centuries, Charity Rides, Supported Touring

2010-03-11 Thread sjauch
Roadeo does sound like it would fit the bill. A larger saddle bag like the Kevins Bag stated above or maybe even the Mark's Rack with the Small Trunksack. You can fit a lot in there. http://www.flickr.com/photos/ironsightimages/sets/72157623465484739/ On Mar 11, 2:27 pm, Bill Connell wrote: > I

[RBW] Speaking of Roadeo's, I'm loving mine.

2010-03-18 Thread sjauch
I'm digging my new ride, a 55cm Roadeo, so I just wanted to show off a little. I've uploaded some photos to the Flickr groups, but incase some of you haven't checked there lately, here it is: http://www.flickr.com/photos/ironsightimages In January I visited the Riv. shop and test rode Mark's 55.

[RBW] Re: What's the right saddle for a Roadeo?

2010-03-18 Thread sjauch
The only right one is the one your butt agrees with. On Mar 18, 3:37 pm, usuk2007 wrote: > I've seen the Roadeo with B17's and maybe Fizik saddles, but not one > with a Brooks Swift or Swallow which would seem to be the ideal way to > go. Classic, but made to ride fast and they still have bag loo

[RBW] Re: Amos?

2010-04-20 Thread sjauch
It's going to be pink. On Apr 20, 12:22 pm, "D. Goff" wrote: > Any new rumors on the Amos? > > -- > You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups > "RBW Owners Bunch" group. > To post to this group, send email to rbw-owners-bu...@googlegroups.com. > To unsubscribe fro

[RBW] Re: Guess I don't get down to the basement much

2010-04-21 Thread sjauch
If only I had a basement to hide things in. Lucky you! On Apr 21, 3:13 am, Me wrote: > ...just walked down into our basement to get a tool, looked over to my > right and was curious what was in one of our many boxes from our > various relocations in the past 3 years [first, from the NYC area to >

[RBW] Re: 5 boro bike ride in New York City?

2010-04-21 Thread sjauch
I'm not doing the 5Boro ride, I heard it's kind of a frustrating. I do live in NYC though and wouldn't mind meeting up for some food and a short spin. On Apr 21, 2:59 pm, rb wrote: > Anyone on this list (or the Kog or Ibob) going? I will be taking the > train down from the Berkshires, would be ni

[RBW] Re: FS: Trek 330 or if no interest, parts as listed below

2010-04-28 Thread sjauch
Sweet, if only it were my size. That's a nice price too. On Apr 28, 1:38 am, cyclotourist wrote: > Third time's the charm... > 1988 Trek 330 with Reynolds 531 tubing.  61cm frame.  Built up with Nitto > Noodles & Tech Dlx, Brooks Champion special.  Flip flop rear hub.  Box o' > parts. > $275 for

[RBW] Re: OT: Going to Bespoke Bicycle Show - Need Camera Tech Device

2010-05-14 Thread sjauch
Just a heads up, photography is not permitted at the show. Sorry to bring the bad news. On May 14, 8:39 am, JoelMatthews wrote: > Thank you Phillip. > > I did find the brochure on line.  Curiously, it does not go into the > detail on the settings provided by some of the others here.  The focus >

[RBW] Re: camping around nyc

2010-05-14 Thread sjauch
Bear Mountain also has camping. On May 14, 4:08 pm, Curtis Schmitt wrote: > Floyd Bennett Field is probably the closest > > -- > You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups > "RBW Owners Bunch" group. > To post to this group, send email to rbw-owners-bu...@googlegro

[RBW] Re: Bike Snob in Rivendell!

2010-06-07 Thread sjauch
Great book. Should be required reading for drivers and cyclists. On Jun 7, 4:06 pm, manueljohnacosta wrote: > Eben Weiss book is on sale at Rivendell! Not bad of a book, I do say > so myself. Good quick read, glad that Grant wrote a review of that > book. Interesting to say the least. Curious on

[RBW] Re: bombadil and overloaded ahh

2010-07-21 Thread sjauch
Very nice! I'll be on the lookout for these two bikes. On Jul 21, 9:55 am, jamison brosseau wrote: > this is my first time sharing online photos so im a novice. hey just a > quick link to a few photos of my new bombadil, build will be finished > today, more photos later, and and overloaded AHH.  

[RBW] Re: East Coast Rivendells / BOBs

2012-02-15 Thread sjauch
Another NYC (Queens) Riv owner. It's a Roadeo. Perhaps we need a NYC meetup/ride. On Feb 15, 11:43 am, Peter Morgano wrote: > I am a proud Brooklyn Rivster, you can see me on the Bay Ridge bike path on > my Hilsen on nights and weekends since I have a full time job and a kid at > home.  I am occ

[RBW] Re: Any New York Rivendellish shops?

2012-04-11 Thread sjauch
NYC Velo in the East Village is a great shop. They have lots of cool frames hanging up. On Apr 11, 1:33 pm, Chris wrote: > I bought a toddler helmet for my son at Adeline.  It's set up more like a > fashion/clothing store (which is the owner's background) than a bike shop. >  Super comfortable to

[RBW] FS: 55cm Roadeo, F/F/HS

2012-09-06 Thread sjauch
Hi, Selling my Roadeo which is about 2 years old. Some paint chips around the rear dropouts and a small chip in the top tube that's been touched up but still visible. I'd like to get $1350 shipped. This is for the Frameset, Cane Creek Classic 100 headset and if you need the 9cm stem & steere

[RBW] Re: FS: 55cm Roadeo, F/F/HS

2012-09-12 Thread sjauch
Still for sale, how about $1250 shipped? On Thursday, September 6, 2012 9:43:24 AM UTC-4, sjauch wrote: > Hi, > > Selling my Roadeo which is about 2 years old. Some paint chips around the > rear dropouts and a small chip in the top tube that's been touched up but > stil

[RBW] Re: Was gonna buy a Riv but didnt...

2011-07-22 Thread sjauch
I currently own a Roadeo. I was considering a AHH but then decided to go custom and got a Capricorn. For pretty much the same price as the AHH I got custom geo and braze-on Racers. Can't comment on how it rides yet as I haven't built it up. http://flic.kr/p/9KevBD On Jul 21, 10:42 pm, cm wrote: >

[RBW] Re: NYC S24O

2011-09-01 Thread sjauch
Heck yeah, count me in. Haven't been bike camping in over a year. On Aug 31, 9:27 pm, mizrachi wrote: > Any fellow New Yorkers up for a sub 24 overnighter at some point in > the near future? -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "RBW Owners Bunch" group.