If that crankset is still available hit me up off-list!
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This talk makes me want to set up my SimpleOne with more gears...
I love my S1 for commuting. I put a Nitto Mini up front with a Carradice
Saddlebag on the front. There's a nice minimalist Tubus rack on the back for
when I need grocery hauling.
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Very interested!
Hit me up off-list!
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I don't know what magic Gran Bois gives Panaracer to put in those mds but
Hetres are amazingly sturdy on and off road and in rutty, glassy commutes.
Don't baby them!
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While I love this and everything they do, I'm curious as to what the
difference between this and the (already available, contrary to Jan's
statement) Suntour hubs? Rebaged? Upgraded bearings? Anything?
On Sunday, September 22, 2013 11:17:47 AM UTC-4, Bill Lindsay wrote:
> Compass Bikes jus
I would try the VP-Vice for this! The "pins" are just bog standard bolts.
Easy to replace and find flat heads. See
here: http://oceanaircycles.com/2013/04/22/vp-vice-and-001-pedal-comparison/
On Sunday, September 22, 2013 10:58:46 AM UTC-4, Deacon Patrick wrote:
> Wonderful to hear, Pam. I
Please be a mixte with SimpleBeam dropouts. Please be a mixte with QuickOne
dropouts. Please...
On Friday, September 20, 2013 4:09:23 PM UTC-4, Bill Lindsay wrote:
> Good point, Jeremy. I forgot about that top tube thing.
> On Thursday, September 19, 2013 7:11:35 AM UTC-7, Jeremy T
Looks like they haven't made it over here yet. They're on their website and
folks takes of importing them but I guess no one did. Probably due to a lack of
cassettes unless there were undisclosed problems. I stand corrected about US
availability unless these were just vaporware.
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Seems like a dummy move - shoulda used a Nitto Mini-Campee.
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I would buy this if I could. And I already have one! My favorite bike!
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Awesome. I've never heard of a SimpleBeam sale that wasn't regretted later. If
I ever get a custom it'll be a SimpleMixte to get the glory of stepthrough and
Riv single speeds.
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Glad to know it's being used!
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The Bosco could most accurately be described as a wide version of a Promenade
bar with a ton of sweep back. I have a pair with rise and sweep (and beautiful
bends at the front) that are my preferred city bike bars. In fact, my project
for this weekend is putting them on my SimpleOne.
Love the versatility of a Riv frame with the newer tires on the market.
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Interestingly I had the exact opposite experience. Paul Racers stop me much
better than Silvers.
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This is not the Mixte you're looking for.
*waves hand*
*looks at bank account*
*reminds self he's a teacher in Philly*
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The CR720?
Hated them. Tried and tried and tried. Could not get them to work right.
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Inverted is all there is. Get the Coava Coffee stainless disc and it's even
Then again - I like a nice pourover at 202 degrees F using 20.5g coffee with
340g water. 30 second bloom with 60g water. Use a natural bean and it's heaven.
Sweet, smooth and delicious.
Mmmm coffee.
Believe they are Redwings with a crepe sole. A similar model is 50% off at J
Crew right now.
-Justin, slushed in Philly
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Head badge article:
They look nice. I'm surprised they aren't just marketed as SOMA though.
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What is that list of stuff at the bottom?
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Oscar the Retrogrouch only lives in steel trashcans. No plastic stuff for him!
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Hey folks-
I love Hetres. I just do. I also love my SimpleOne. I really don't want to
ditch it. But to get the Cush I want involves HUGE tires that give my SimpleOne
weird wobbles. (S-word?) what's the sanity check on moving those posts? I'm
local to Bilenky so I can have the best do both brazin
I can shove a 650b tire in tomorrow and show you.
I currently have Resist Nomad 700x45 on my s1. I feel like I'm riding very
"high" for lack of a better term. Something I don't get on various 650b bikes.
I want the cush without the big wheel feeling.
Thanks for the thoughts.
You recei
A few thoughts:
If the next SimpleRiv is 650b I'll buy it.
SimpleOnes have un drilled brake bridges.
The lower BB is really low. Seems like a bad choice with wide pedals.
I could use this as my "fast" bike with 700x32 on it. I don't think the C-Lines
approach the Hetre cush (the b-lines don't fo
Pour over still gets a cleaner, more balanced taste in my opinion. Then again -
I prefer a sweeter, fruitier coffee over a darker, more extracted one.
They both exist comfortably side by side.
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That 700x38 is crazy tempting. This is a good day for lovers of tires.
On Sunday, February 23, 2014 4:51:43 PM UTC-5, Steve Palincsar wrote:
> The more so for having been based on what jas been learned from testong
> the other tires.
> Bill Lindsay > wrote:
>> regardless how many miles
Same here, only about Paul Racer braze-ons.
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Curious - an obvious response to the Shinola bike that is Waterford built and
assembled in Detroit. This could be fantastic for MUSA bike manufacturing. The
current bike has no appeal to me but has a lot in common with bikes I see on
the street here in Philly.
You recei
Counter culture has a great natural dried bean right now. Really loving
I like a lighter bean that expresses the natural sweetness. Can't stand too
much dark roasting. Masks the flavor, for me at least. My partner is the
opposite - she loves a dark roast like any of the La Colombe offe
That's Chemex, not pourover. Similar but different due to the shape of the
filter at the bottom.
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It comes back to the same thing as bikes.
You can get around on a BSO from Wal-Mart.
You can get around on a low-end aluminum big-bike maker hybrid.
You can ride what "the pros" ride.
You can go Surly/All-City/Salsa.
You can go econoclastic Rivendell.
You can go custom.
And much much more.
Visiting Velo-Cult is like the "bike Internet" made real. Loved it.
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I thought there was talk of a "Silver" branded crankset a while ago. Did I make
that up?
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I would say without reservation that swapping tires from Schwalbe to anything
else - Panaracer, Soma. gran Bois - will get you closer to that mythical
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Can I get details on the ENO wheel?
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I'll take the r14. Where should I paypal?
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Interestingly enough I took a ride out to the deli and back on my Lady's bike
tonight which I had just installed Albas onto. I was surprised at the amount of
flex. I'm 190 and do Crossfit but I'm not that strong! I'm not sure if these
are the CrMo or Alloy ones but it definitely had me worried.
Anyone out there have a 13cm non-Tallux stem they'd like to part with?
Hit me up off list.
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Hey if you ever want to sell your black one let me know!
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With those chainstays it's to the left/trail of the Betty, assuming tubing is
the same.
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What else would you be interested in for those Stems?
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I would find a lighter wheel set with nicer tires to test out on your current
rig and see how that changes your ride. I think you'll be surprised how much
difference those two things could impact your experience.
Disclosure, I have a 700c XT/Dynohub/Synergy wheel set going up for sale soon.
-Justin, Hands over ears and eyes, PHL->OAK
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We went every summer as a kid. My parents now own two rooms at the Assateague
Inn. I've ridden those trails and loops hundreds of time. Love it.
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I ride a 1x9 setup for a long while and I found that it was a bit too much
compromise. I have a Sugino crank waiting to be double+guarded so I can have a
38/24 setup up front. Since you seem to do predominantly mountain/trail stuff
I'd hold onto that front lowest gear. Worse comes to worse take
Check out the VP-Vice at Ocean Air Cycles
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I bus to work and bike home ~3 days a week. My bike is locked in a residential
neighborhood in a Schoolyard though. Never had a problem with any of my Rivs
and I love the ride of them is rather not ride anything else.
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I've always wondered if you could get Paul Components to ream out some levers
to the right diameter. They do it for Thumbies so...
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Albas still available?
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There's always 650b x 2.8!!!
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Thank you Jim. I've been struggling with the words to say regarding this phrase
and you explained it perfectly.
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I do not think anyone is showing anyone the door or that anyone is purposefully
being offensive - however whenever someone says they have the right to speak
offensively this is my new default response: http://xkcd.com/1357/
I repeat: I do not think anyone is showing anyone the door or that anyon
Is it a fit issue maybe? Lower bars? Bar ends? Shorter stem?
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Hey folks-
I think I've finally hit that point where I realize that I need 0 overlap in my
bikes and really would like to ride some trails on a MTB style bike. So offered
up for trade is a SimpleOne with a formula hub/CR18 wheelset, Velo-Orange
seatpost, your choice of Subtour XC cantis or Paul
Hey if you want to sell/trade that Betty let me know
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I've found this to be true as well. A few extra teeth in the back helps rather
than hurts. I think the greater resistance forces my legs to push harder.
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Email me off list.
Let's talk.
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Well now I'm crying in my backyard. Thank you. A little emotional release does
the body good.
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A buddy of mine had both hips and a shoulder replaced in the past two years. He
just placed 10th in his first ever MTB race and has a much more positive
outlook on life with the pain gone. Recovery can lead to great things!
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$1400 isn't a huge premium over the CrossCheck and Long Haul Trucker completes,
which I would suggest are eating away at the bottom of the Rivendell market.
The LHT is SO common here in Philly, built up straight from Surly. I think the
are a lot of folks who could be upsold a couple hundred dol
Beeswax and tighten your shifter.
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SOMA actually has some for sale on their site. 100/pair
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Electra makes some similar ones.
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Gap's boxer briefs are a great spandex/cotton hybrid with great seaming for
riding. Absolutely love them. Paired with some cutoff shirts from
jeans/pants/whatever that had 1-2% spandex woven in is great. Wool makes my
bidness too hot and everything else feels over engineered.
You recei
Wide tires / 650b
New lower end over vintage high end
MUSA as an ethos
Drop bars above saddle
Excessive saddle setback
Friction over index
Schwalbe tires
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I definitely get into the synthetics for cold weather gear - even if it's just
the outer shell. Smartwool liner with lobster gloves for coldest, some
windproofed commuter gloves from City Sports for around town and "classy" time,
some Garneau full fingers if I'm full off road to keep dexterity.
Make it a mixte and I'll have two on order.
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Wait - the frame is going to double as a bong?
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Pics and pit-to-pit measurements!
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Can you send pics of the Pendleton to justinaug...@gmail.com ?
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The glory of social media has uncovered it. What is it?
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I'll take those clay ones if no one else claims them white ones too!
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IRD makes some friction and indexed thumb shifters as well. Current, easy to
source, etc.
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Just like the title says. I have a wonderful 58vm SimpleOne that I would think
about trading for a Betty Foy for my lady. Any takers?
I'm not totally sold on the idea but I'm putting feelers out. Not up for
selling straight out... Yet
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It's in the eye of the buyer. As a buyer I'd be suspicious of anyone who didn't
disclose contact with a car. If I was out riding later and someone said "Oh
that's 's old Bleriot? Can't even tell it was hit by a car!" I'd feel there
was not due disclosure on 's part and not do business wi
The Long Haul Truckers was 26"/700c small/large until a few years ago when they
did a full range of 26". The Pelican was initially 650b only in small sizes,
when ip asked for a larger (57ish) in 650b the reply was "Why, you hear that's
a cool size? It's only really good for smaller bikes." Thank
I'd say you're the one having trouble with being gender neutral, not the bike!
-Justin, who <3's those <3 lugs
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Nice time to revive this thread!
Who cut down to one bike this year?
I'm moving (back) to Oakland this summer and am in the process of deciding
whether or not to go down to 1 bike or 2 (at 3). Pay aspirational minimalist
really wants to do this. My sentimental attachments tell me no.
Who did i
Additionally you can grab a full wheel from Handspun for 150-200. They're great!
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How much for that crank?
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IT would be insane to get this just set it up as a dedicated rough stuff
version of my pumpkin 58cm Saluki. Right?
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I fit 650b x 1.95 Vee Rubber XCX tires on my 58cm Saluki with Paul Racers.
You can browse around to see clearances.
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To u
Here's the plan:
We test our perceptive abilities after drinking wine. HOWEVER it will be a
blind wine tasting. Which will affect our perception more???
-J, Snowdrunk in Philly
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Perhaps a set of CrMo Albatross would be a good stop? Maybe the flex is in the
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Every thing you add on to a tube costs money in materials and time. I imagine
that plus the overall larger familiarity people have with side pulls does it.
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Let's see:
My plan is to be in transit moving to Oakland from Philly around Mid July to
Mid August so I guess this is perftypical.
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Let me know if your rear rack needs a home.
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I would go Sam or Atlantis. My Saluki I would not hesitate to load up fully for
camping or touring. I just don't think you need to go all in to be able to go
camping sometimes. Best thing is to find some locals to test ride with.
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I'm very happy someone found the means to buy a new bike that satisfies them.
My hope is that they enjoy it!
Live, let live and just ride.
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None. 2 years and Philly streets are nothing to sneeze at.
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I've never been able to get friction to work reliably on 9sp in the situations
I need. Heading into hills, starting out, anywhere where the torque amps up I
would get the dreaded ghost shift and CH CHUNK! I would stick with 8sp,
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Missed Connection
You, new looking double TT blue Sam Hillborne with drops and a basket coming
down 23rd.
Looked like a great build! Anyone here?
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I've always wanted to try using the Canti-attachment rods and run them
double strut style to cantis or Paul Racer studs. Perhaps I will soon
On Sunday, August 10, 2014 3:58:05 PM UTC-7, Bill Lindsay wrote:
> I think it's a neat idea. I have Mark's rack on two bikes, and will let
> you
Mmm. Braised Roadeo.
-Justin, Hungry in Oakland.
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To pos
The deep well thing is annoying to read about given the amount of people who
ride Hetres on Synergies and have done so for YEARS until someone decided it
was hard and decided to make a case for it.
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Birkenstock Bostons.
They are amazing. I thought they would stink. Great on my VO Sabots.
On Thursday, August 21, 2014 9:44:24 PM UTC-7, lungimsam wrote:
> A lot of you Riv riders use regular shoes for riding.
> Have any stories about a time you got stuck at an event with a horrendous
> set
Wholly off topic!
The school I started teaching at this year has lost our middle school science
teacher and our 2 days/week librarian. Anyone out there interested?
k-8Progressive Ed arts integrated charter school in San Francisco.
Hit me up off list if interested.
Riv content: I ride my Saluki
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