punctures from 3 separate thorns in the same tire at the same time.
once i got a flat on the way to work and another on the way home.
mission blvd in hayward, CA would make a great proving ground for
todd olsen
You received this message
these have been sold. thanks for the interest. todd olsen
On Oct 23, 9:03 pm, Todd Olsen wrote:
> price is $5.95, shipped continental US. thats just what it costs to
> ship them. I am giving them up for adoption. Recommend they be
> retired to well swept roads.
> Too many
can the cogs be replaced on the cassette I have? it is either Shimano
or IRD, 9 sp, came with my AHH.
Thanks, Todd Olsen
On Nov 2, 6:51 pm, mitchelr wrote:
> Lots of thoughtful discussion below to which I'll only ad this. My
> motivations for buying the titanium cogset (and for t
. about 5 total. i will probably stick with the
moustache for a while longer just to be sure, but i believe i will end
up switching back to the noodle.
todd olsen
On Nov 7, 9:26 pm, Orthie251 wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm new to the list, but I've been following it daily for the pas
Mount Hamilton,
so if some would like to do it then, perhaps we could join this
group. I like to do something unique New Years Day, and this looks
Todd Olsen
On Nov 23, 7:21 pm, manueljohnacosta
> pictures of this bike doesn't
agree regarding the color. is ramboullet orange the same as the
quickbeam orange?
todd olsen
On Nov 26, 6:36 pm, doug peterson wrote:
> Nice work! The bag is a perfect complement to the bike. Riv really
> hit a winner with the orange color.
> dougP
> On Nov 26,
agree. this is my favorite of the bunch.
todd olsen
On Dec 10, 8:44 pm, doug peterson wrote:
> Manny:
> Great story. I love the pix of loading the bikes to take stuff back
> to the car - pi
with an exacto
knife (pointy tip, new blade).
todd olsen
On Dec 10, 1:36 pm, Marty wrote:
> Second the Goo Gone. Too bad about the decal install - sounds
> frustrating, and I can only say been there done that. As a young
> designer, I was weaned on press-type - long before computers. Hour
s and
regulations as any other vehicle on the road." so it seems like if we
are doing something on our bicycle that would not be legal for a car,
it may not be legal.
please let us know if there is follow up.
todd olsen
On Jan 23, 4:03 pm, Esteban wrote:
> James - I have no advi
photo here http://www.flickr.com/photos/47986...@n04/4396941232/in/photostream/
I purchased these from another member of this list about a year ago.
Decided to switch back to Noodle.
$35 shipped CONUS
Take a close look at the photos, because there are some fairly deep
scratches under the handleb
this has been sold. thank you for the interest.
On Feb 28, 5:22 pm, Todd Olsen wrote:
> photo here
> http://www.flickr.com/photos/47986...@n04/4396941232/in/photostream/
> I purchased these from another member of this list about a year ago.
> Decided to switch back to Noodle
i will be there on a blue hilsen. wearing a kaiser jersey with
blueberries and a bunch of other people from kaiser. i will look for
you. todd olsen
On Jul 16, 8:26 am, BykMor wrote:
> I wish. That really is a beautiful ride. I organized a little "Wine
> Powered Tour" with s
if i had to carry a dog, i think i would use one of those bike
trailers. I have seen a few towing dogs up to size of german shepherd
and dog looked comfortable enough. todd olsen
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incarcerations occur
todd olsen
On Aug 7, 10:33 am, Seth Vidal wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm going a little bonkers and I'm sure some of y'all have dealt with
> a similar problem so I thought I'd ask for advice.
> I've recently been told I have a hernia and afte
quot;, 165 lb. i am suspicious that i would be more
comfortable with bar a little closer, because riding on the hoods is
the least frequent pos'n. most frequent is drops (by far). i believe
there is no way to tell this, though, short of buying a new stem and
trying it out.
todd olsen
has anyone had any experience with the Brooks Upgrade Service offered
by Selle An Atomica?
Todd Olsen
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "RBW
Owners Bunch" group.
To post to this g
an atomica altogether.
do you have experience with both a broken in B-17 and the SAA?
BTW, i noticed RBW no longer has the SAA on its website.
todd olsen
On Aug 14, 2:43 pm, R Gonet wrote:
> Why not just buy a Selle Anatomica in the first place? Out of the box
> they're much more comfortable
My AHH has "Waterford" stamped on the rear dropout. Also, I believe
(not sure of this, though), that Waterford have no kickstand plate and
Toyo does have kickstand plate.
Todd Olsen
On Sep 8, 7:20 pm, R Gonet wrote:
> How do you tell whether an AHH is Toyo or Waterford? I
credit, I assume they were written by
Grant Petersen. Is that correct?
So, is the name just a name, or is it connected with something before
the bicyle.
Todd Olsen, AHH
Fremont CA
You received this message because you are subscribe
as good? I've been considering going for one for a
> while now. I need a new bike every 30 years, and this one seems to fit
> my tastes.
> Paul Despres
> Austin, TX
> On Jan 24, 8:54 am, Todd Olsen wrote:
> > I have been trying to figure this out.
, CycloFiend wrote:
> on 1/24/09 6:10 PM, Todd Olsen at todd_ol...@comcast.net wrote:
> > I got the Jack Brown Greens, but when those wear out, I will probably
> > get something a little thicker, Pasela, because i have gotten too many
> > flats (6-7 in only 350 miles).
and don't anticipate making a
switch, also, I prefer to manual shift car.
Todd Olsen
On Feb 14, 12:22 pm, Jim Cloud wrote:
> First a reintroduction. I was previously a member of the old bikelist
> Rivendell Bicycle Owners group, however I haven't participated in this
> reconstitut
ering moving the Mark Rack and basket to the
Todd Olsen
On Feb 12, 10:39 pm, Seth wrote:
> Hi avillage,
> I've been commuting w/ my load up-front have set-up an older
> Bridgestone T700 w/ a wald basket and Mark's Rack. For myself, this
> configuration handles b
this looks like an innovative solution to "Fendering difficult bikes"
See page 5 of this link to the latest Rivendell Reader.
Todd Olsen AHH
On Feb 21, 4:53 pm, Jim Bronson wrote:
> I went out and did a 200K brevet
harder will linearly increase the force applied to the rear
axle, but shifting to a larger rear sprocket will multiply the force
on the rear axle.
Todd Olsen
On Feb 24, 5:10 pm, Invisible wrote:
> I may be drifting off topic, but:
> On my dinglespeed (Redline Monocog 29er, not a Quickbeam),
how do you like that gps?
Todd Olsen
On Feb 25, 8:06 pm, Eric Norris wrote:
> One of many helmeted shots of me.
> --Eric
> campyonly...@me.comwww.campyonly.comwww.wheelsnorth.org
> On Feb 25, 2009, at 8:02 PM, David Estes wrote:
> > I like your new &
and if the tires are similar size and have similar
pressure, and the trail is similar, frame material the same, weight
similar, etc. then two bicycles, even if made by people in different
parts of the world would feel similar.
Thank you,
Todd Olsen AHH
On Feb 28, 9:00 am, Horace wrote:
> O
I believe the SKS 35 will work fine with that tire. I am pretty sure
(but not certain) that is the combination I have on my AHH. If you
want to come down to Fremont and try them out, let me know.
Todd Olsen
On Mar 9, 4:33 pm, Jordan wrote:
> Thank you both for the information.
looks great. what color is that? ty, todd Olsen
On Mar 15, 4:08 pm, John Ferguson wrote:
> Finally.
> http://www.flickr.com/photos/36397...@n06/
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