price is $5.95, shipped continental US.  thats just what it costs to
ship them.  I am giving them up for adoption.  Recommend they be
retired to well swept roads.
Too many flats for me.  Mostly thorns on Mission Blvd on my commute.
I needed something more reliable, am currently trying Panaracer Pasela
Tourguard 35 mm,

The greens have a great ride, very smooth.  I put 1500 miles on them.
They could probably go another thousand or so.  I have had about 9
once with a staple
once with a small wire
all others with thorns
twice (this is hard to believe, I know) there were three separate
punctures from 3 separate thorns in the same tire at the same time.
once i got a flat on the way to work and another on the way home.
mission blvd in hayward, CA would make a great proving ground for

todd olsen
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