[RBW] readers and riv catalogs

2011-05-05 Thread Sarah Gibson
have stacks and stacks of these id like to sell. sorry, i know i posted this before and had some interest, but my mother was very ill and i was simply not able to follow thru at the time. since then she has passed and now i have a great deal more time to catch up with things. have numerous cop

RE: [RBW] Re: can anyone relate--getting older (50) and back into cycling: finding drops not so easy...

2011-06-06 Thread Sarah Gibson
never got outta cycling once i started again as an adult(prolly round 35 or so) but i dont have one single road bike with drop bars. never found em useful here. mustache bars, flat bars, arc bars all variety of "tourist" bars old and new etc etc well behaved women rarely make history _ride yr

[RBW] axe-fer wood-not a self-torture device

2009-10-02 Thread Sarah Gibson
http://www.japanwoodworker.com/search.asp has some nice woodworking, gardening and camping tools tho i bet if ya did a bit of research ya may very well find there is a local guy/gal blacksmith who forges axes to order right in yr own backyard so to speak peace well behaved women rare

[RBW] Re: axe-fer wood-not a self-torture device

2009-10-02 Thread Sarah Gibson
sorry wrong link http://www.japanwoodworker.com/dept.asp?dept_id=13724&s=JapanWoodworker peace well behaved women rarely make history _ride yr friggin bicycle_ From: sadieja...@hotmail.com To: rbw-owners-bunch@googlegroups.com Subject: [RBW] axe-fer wood-not a self-torture device Dat

RE: [RBW] Re: 8-Speed Jtek Bar End Shifter

2009-12-06 Thread Sarah Gibson
ok this is only my experience but at acme we tried every single possible 8 speed or friction shifter (btw-the shimano bar ends all have friction mode) for use with internally geared hubs with little success of quality shifting thats why jay created the jtek barend shifter have installed numero

RE: [RBW] Re: 8-Speed Jtek Bar End Shifter

2009-12-06 Thread Sarah Gibson
ect: [RBW] Re: 8-Speed Jtek Bar End Shifter > From: psh...@drm.com > To: rbw-owners-bunch@googlegroups.com > > On Dec 6, 12:14 pm, Sarah Gibson wrote: > > ok this is only my experience > > but at acme > > we tried every single possible 8 speed or friction shifter &

RE: [RBW] wtb: moustache bar

2010-01-10 Thread Sarah Gibson
morning dave ya still needing this bar? new or lightly used as preference? lmk i have both peace well behaved women rarely make history _ride yr friggin bicycle_ Date: Sat, 9 Jan 2010 11:28:31 -0800 Subject: [RBW] wtb: moustache bar From: salukiri...@gmail.com To: rbw-owners-bunch@googleg

[RBW] for sale riv catalogs and readers

2010-01-13 Thread Sarah Gibson
have a huge pile of older readers and catalogs if anyone has a hole in their collection shoot me an email off-list thanks peace well behaved women rarely make history _ride yr friggin bicycle_ -- You received this message because you are s

RE: [RBW] The takeover is progressing

2010-10-31 Thread Sarah Gibson
havent used em in yrs worst case senario... good friend/customer walks into the shop one day kinda hobbling driving his car(he always rode to the shop) had a pretty bad crash on his bicycle but he did know he was going 26 mph when he hit the rr tracks that took him out well behaved women ra

RE: [RBW] WTB: LEFT Ultegra 9-speed brifter

2010-01-14 Thread Sarah Gibson
heya joe got one of them thar brifters ifn yr still looking lmk if ya will $36 shipped to yr house if you do indeed live within the conti usa thanks peace well behaved women rarely make history _ride yr friggin bicycle_ > Date: Tue, 12 Jan 2010 10:19:52 -0800 > Subject: [RBW] WTB

[RBW] knives for bicycle parts

2010-04-07 Thread Sarah Gibson
greetings all wanted to check in and see if any ya'll are interested in trading knives for bicycle parts i have a good selection of parts that would fit within the context of rbw (along with lots of other style bike parts as well) brooks saddles, vintage bits etc i am interested in vintage custom

RE: [RBW] Re: Your Favorite Handlebar Bag

2010-06-18 Thread Sarah Gibson
maybe someone has mentioned this already and if so, sorry for the repeat. but ive found the carradice barley to double as a great handlebar bag. reckon it may depend on yr handlebar setup and yes i have a small bag support/rack under it in front... well behaved women rarely make history _ride

[RBW] Re: Weights in the real world

2009-03-26 Thread Sarah Gibson
in the real world here... riding pratical bicycles with yes older tho well proven parts the only time i personally notice weight is when hoisting the bicycle to the roof rack... as grant once said put yr hands on yr hips now make a fist ifn ya grabbed some spare flesh weight on the b

[RBW] Re: Online Rivendell-ish Resources

2009-04-02 Thread Sarah Gibson
how bout a comprehensive list of rivendell-ish local bicycle shops across the country seems a worthy project peace well behaved women rarely make history _ride yr friggin bicycle_ --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message because you are subscribed t

[RBW] Re: Free - You Pay Shipping: Blue/Cream Merino Wool IBob Jersey

2009-04-19 Thread Sarah Gibson
joel this jersey still available? if so ill take er offn yr hands thanks peace well behaved women rarely make history _ride yr friggin bicycle_ > Date: Sun, 19 Apr 2009 07:59:50 -0700 > Subject: [RBW] Free - You Pay Shipping: Blue/Cream Merino Wool IBob Jersey > From: joelmatth...@mac.com

[RBW] "kc rides" a call for artists

2009-04-19 Thread Sarah Gibson
some of you may have already seen this on facebook but wanted to make sure i didnt miss anyone who may want to be involved and dont forget we are still taking film entries as well the deadline for film is july 31st please feel free to contact me if you have any questions and please pass al

[RBW] Re: Looking for sprung Brooks saddle riders feedback

2008-09-09 Thread Sarah Gibson
when i got my 1st riv in 1994 put on a b72 figured the allrounder seemed more touring than racing... anyhoos i found it "bounced" way too much for my taste with each and every pedal stoke tho i have numerous pals n customers who ride that saddle in town and around with no complaint the champion f

[RBW] cranksgiving 2008

2008-11-24 Thread Sarah Gibson
a little ride that started in nyc or somewhere a few yrs back kc's been carrying on for 3 yrs now http://www.flickr.com/photos/acmebicycle/sets/72157610006482772/ peacewell behaved women rarely make history_ride yr friggin bicycle_ --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You r


2008-12-09 Thread Sarah Gibson
ok patrick i gotta have that jacket how much including shipping to 64108 that of course if its not already gone thanks peacewell behaved women rarely make history_ride yr friggin bicycle_ Date: Mon, 8 Dec 2008 21:05:40 -0700From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; [EMAIL PROTECTED]: [R

[RBW] Re: Richard Sachs Cross Bike

2008-12-10 Thread Sarah Gibson
another now set up as urban commuter http://www.flickr.com/photos/acmebicycle/2706606561/in/set-72157606402992309/ peace well behaved women rarely make history _ride yr friggin bicycle_ > Date: Tue, 9 Dec 2008 12:21:36 -0800 > Subject: [RBW] Richard Sachs Cross Bike > From: [EMAIL PROTECT

[RBW] Re: Richard Sachs Cross Bike

2008-12-10 Thread Sarah Gibson
the man rides like few others http://www.flickr.com/photos/acmebicycle/collections/72157603452580017/ cross natz r back in kc this wkend looking forward to watching the action visiting with richie and many others who will be traveling here any u folks in town for such? peace well behaved wome

[RBW] blatant commercial post-for sale

2008-12-12 Thread Sarah Gibson
all prices include shipping within conti uscheck out the link to flickr to see items including sizes of shoes availableand of course feel freeto email me(offlist if ya will) or call816 221 2045if you have any questions dura-ace 9 speed sti new $325campagnolo veloce ergo 9 speed new 175 panaso

[RBW] Re: blatant commercial post-for sale

2008-12-13 Thread Sarah Gibson
> From: thegan...@sbcglobal.net> To: rbw-owners-bunch@googlegroups.com> > > Sarah,> > I might be interested in the Vittoria "sky" shoes. Any idea if they> run large/small?> > Brad> > On Dec 12, 7:43 am, Sarah Gibson wrote:> > all prices include sh

[RBW] a few more fs items

2008-12-15 Thread Sarah Gibson
http://flickr.com/photos/acmebicycle/sets/72157611227382547/ bstone mb5 frame fork headset seattube center to center 15 1/2"/40c toptube center to center 21 1/2"/55c not crashed bent dented or otherwise beaten (nor are the other 2 frames-panasonic and mb4) typical paint chips $100 shipped swiss

[RBW] for sale again and again.....

2008-12-16 Thread Sarah Gibson
appreciate yr patiencewith all my commercial posts latelytrying to clear a few items outand pay some bills. all items as beforeprice includes shipping in conti usfeel free to email any ?s you might haveall pix are once again on flickrhttp://flickr.com/photos/acmebicycle/sets/721576112537

[RBW] Re: for sale again and again.....

2008-12-17 Thread Sarah Gibson
sorry for what seems like computer glitzing tho i dont use punctuation etc i did write out this list of items very clearly obviuosly some folks received it as i wrote it nevertheless some folks get a jarbled mess i use microsoft internet explorer and hotmail tho on this computer i use firefox doe

[RBW] Re: for sale again and again.....

2008-12-17 Thread Sarah Gibson
actually did that put numerous lines between each item listed.. 3 lines added in this post peace well behaved women rarely make history _ride yr friggin bicycle_ > From: tim...@bitstream.net > Subject: [RBW] Re: for sale again and again. > Date: Wed, 17 Dec 2008 08:46

[RBW] Re: for sale again and again.....

2008-12-18 Thread Sarah Gibson
no apologies necessary peter this maddening jarbling has been going on sometime and im not sure how to fix it tho ive had a cupla recommendos from some of the list members tho my "style" which is nothing more than just me will always irritate some that i cant fix the happiest of holidays to yo

[RBW] new acme bags

2008-12-21 Thread Sarah Gibson
http://www.acmebicyclecompany.com/baggage.htm happy holidays peacewell behaved women rarely make history_ride yr friggin bicycle_ --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "RBW Owners Bunch" group. To post to t

[RBW] Re: NAHBS Indianapolis

2008-12-22 Thread Sarah Gibson
> > > I'm considering whether to attend NAHBS 2009 in Indianapolis. Rumor> has > > > it that Indy isn't much of a cycling town. Anybody have experience> > > > cycling there? Any recommended rides? Obviously, it's not an optimal> > > > time of the year, but I can enjoy cycling in fairly inclemen

[RBW] looking for.....

2008-12-22 Thread Sarah Gibson
plasticy banners advertisingold or new bicycle parts manufacturers bicycles venues etc etc pvc style banners for a few projects im working on at home only requirement waterproof have absolutely no budget for this project but gladly refund/imburse shipping to kc or weird/silly/goofy/totally unr

[RBW] Re: NAHBS Indianapolis

2008-12-22 Thread Sarah Gibson
never ridden bikes there myself but this was one listmember or was it ibob anyhoos this is what he had to say "damn, flying there so i won't have wheels. kind of a shame, as the town> > empties at night with huge spread out roads- I was there for a> > conference and yearning for a bike. It w

[RBW] Re: NAHBS Indianapolis

2008-12-23 Thread Sarah Gibson
shipping yr ride to an lbs is always an option ive had many folks over the yrs ask to ship to the shop no charge for them to have it arrive and pick up ive never had another lbs charge me anything for doing same of course i dont ask em to assemble nor do i ask to use their tools take enuf to assem

[RBW] cross country rider

2008-12-24 Thread Sarah Gibson
thought yall might enjoy this http://www.bikingforobama.com/ even have a place for him stay ifn yr on the route peace well behaved women rarely make history _ride yr friggin bicycle_ --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message because you are sub

[RBW] Re: What panniers are these?

2009-01-08 Thread Sarah Gibson
and another also in pdx http://www.blackstarbags.com/ daves a great guy give him a shout peace well behaved women rarely make history _ride yr friggin bicycle_ > Date: Wed, 7 Jan 2009 16:20:15 -0800 > Subject: [RBW] Re: What panniers are these? > From: pedal_kr...@yahoo.se > To: rbw-owner

[RBW] new items for sale

2009-01-12 Thread Sarah Gibson
gilles berthoud new saddle bag support $130 shipped in conti usa includes rack and "stem" which attaches to seatpost never used in absolute new condition banjo bros waterproof pannier just one retrofitted with arkel mounting hardware new

[RBW] bucket panniers

2009-01-12 Thread Sarah Gibson
of yeah i know lots of other folks and shops make these available for sale but acme's are almost completely recycled we did buy the plasticy coated jhooks and will at some point need to buy a bag o nuts n bolts otherwise its all recycled we sell em for $15 each or $30 a pr if you would like to con

[RBW] Re: bucket panniers

2009-01-14 Thread Sarah Gibson
rom: wpm...@gmail.com> To: rbw-owners-bunch@googlegroups.com> > > For those who like the buckets: http://www.crazyguyonabike.com/doc/?o=1gci&doc_id=1841&v=v#39239> > > On Jan 12, 6:14 pm, Sarah Gibson wrote:> > of yeah> > i know lots of other folks

[RBW] racing bikes?

2009-01-27 Thread Sarah Gibson
have to look like racing bikes? ah yes this set up inspired great gasps from some other listserve "how dare she." http://www.flickr.com/photos/acmebicycle/sets/72157607122820128/ peace well behaved women rarely make history _ride yr friggin bicycle_ From: dfal...@charter.net To: rbw-o

[RBW] Re: Floor pump poll

2009-02-07 Thread Sarah Gibson
back in the day the only floor pumps we sold at the 1st shop i worked in (a pro roadie sorta shop) were the two silca models when i bought my first shop i did that for a short time but bout that time silca started whoring out their product to the cheap mail order houses selling em for about what w

[RBW] nahbs

2009-03-09 Thread Sarah Gibson
http://www.flickr.com/photos/acmebicycle/sets/72157615028784300/ peace well behaved women rarely make history _ride yr friggin bicycle_ --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "RBW Owners Bunch" grou

[RBW] swap

2009-03-23 Thread Sarah Gibson
never know whats gonna show often nice lightweight stuf balloonatics classic bmx lowriders and modern bicycle bits mtn and road if ya happen to be in the area or just been wanting to check out the kc cycling scene this would be the time http://www.acmebicyclecompany.com/swapmeet.htm and of co