I love my IRD roller drive headset.
But I might get a Stronglight headset from Peter White Cycles next time so
there will not be a plastic ring on the locknut to break on my next headset. I
have a VO and 600 headsets with black plastic rings and both rings broke. IRD
ok so far. But just for all
Here is the link to the all silver Stronglight A9 Roller bearing set. :
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I don’t onow. I am guessing the needle bearing is needles mounted in a ring
(cartridge?). PJWhite could answer that.
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So where to turn now for level-2degree max slope TT/regular length
chainstays/wide tires/snappy ride fully lugged road bike?
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I stopped using carbon bikes after my first one. I am 155lbs. and seatpost
cracked lengthwise after only owning it for several months, then also
cracked the second warranty replacement the same way, even when using
correct torque wrench on it. I got an aluminum post for the third try.
I got ner
I need cush.
I like Lizard Skins the best for comfort but it is coming apart after less
than 1,000 miles, American.
I used to use gel under cotton, but not doing that anymore.
Anyone tried the Brooks rubber
bartape? https://www.brooksengland.com/en_us/cambium-rubber-1-1.html
I need a 4.5mm ba
I like clear nail polish.
Scratches are badges of honor.
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Also remember I am asking about the rubber cambium, not the cambium that is
same texture as the cambium saddles. See link above. I am afraid we will get
mixed up since the names are similar.
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This is just something I was pondering as I was commuting today.
Thought it might make an interesting discussion.
>From what I understood before, the order went Wisconsin $- Toyo
-Taiwan $$$, even though I think Riv stated in their writings that all
were made just as well. Although there
That’s an interesting point. Of course, MUSA frames may start up again. But
like you say -equivalent model at equivalent build quality...
Rivendell switch in production made me think of the Fender guitar production
wars that used to be.
The battle raged for years about MUSAFender guitars vs. Fen
Nice to see a Redwood.
The rarest of Rivs I think to hear of on the list.
Nice pics.
So why “back to 700c”? Switching from 650b? Any reason why?
Sometimes I think about trying my bike with 700c again for fun.
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Nice to see a Redwood.
The rarest of Rivs I think to hear of on the list.
Nice pics.
So why “back to 700c”? Switching from 650b? Any reason why?
Sometimes I think about trying my bike with 700c again for fun.
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On my 3 year old 650B front dyno hub wheel (SON/DT36/Grand BoisRim) I squeezed
all the spoke pairs and some made a “tink” sound and I could feel them move a
Do I need to tension spokes or leave alone as the wheel is in true and rolls
straight with no hops?
Built by former Riv-dealer.
I don’t have any 650B LBS so I wonder if they know the right tensions. I will
have to ask.
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Wow!! That thing is stretched waay out!!!
Congratulations on such a fantastic saddle!!
How have the rivets held up with all the stretching?
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Anyone heard any rumblings about an MIT Roadeo frame coming anytime soon?
Mayhap 650b?🤩
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No, Hilsen has thicker tubing IIRC and Roadini has 6degree sloping TT and isn’t
fully lugged. Although the Roadini is probably the best engineered bike on
earth right now.
I already have two 8/5/8 Rivendells and am interested in trying a 7/4/7 with
shorter chainstay Riv like a Roadeo.
Let me qualify what I said by saying I thought I read Roadeo is 7/4/7. Legolas
I thought I read that, too, but I think only way to get is custom .
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I could do a used Roadeo if the blue one and in good shape if no more new ones
coming out. I will email RBW to see.
Or..an orange Rambouillet...
But I really would like a Roadeo.
I will wait to see what they announce in the works for next year.
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*Thanks for the info and asking, everyone!*
*RE: Sam Marcos: *Back in 2012/13, I originally looked into one for price
reasons while eyeing a new Rivbike, but the full build would have cost
almost the same as a Rivbuilt Sam so I went full Rivbike Sam.
I already had a used Bleriot.
Riding both I
Thanks, that is what I was wondering.
The front and back wheels were built by a former Rivbike dealer with plenty
experience (College Park Bikes in MD) with these types of wheels so I am
guessing all is well.
I will just leave it alone for now. It is true and no hops so I figure I
will leave it
Thanks for the report!
Interesting and thanks for the pics.
Most interesting to read about all the challenges.
Rain, mud, skeeters, fitting in trumpet practice. I bet it was very
satisfying to survive it all and learn how to do so.
Not saying that challenges are any fun.
But sometimes I guess one
I know sometimes derailers can handle more than stated sometimes. Just
wondering if anyone has done it and worked.
Up front: wide low double - 24/40
Cassette: 11-32 8 speed.
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To keep water out?
Did Rivendell build it? They would know. Interesting story. Got any cool pics
of the bike? I love Rambouillets.
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Oops I see it was riv built
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Thanks, you guys.
I will have to think about what to do. Sounds like short or mid will work.
Short with limitations.
But I usually only dump to the small front ring when I need to get up steep
hills I can't get up on middle ring with the 40 x 32.
Usually don't go into small chainring otherwise.
Oops... correction:
Roadeo tubing is even lighter than I thought, at least when it first came
out. Wonder what it will be if MIT?
>From an article when the MUSA version first came out:
"Mix of Reynolds 725 and TrueTemp OX Plat. As thin as I/Grant could stand
to go. (0.65 butts in the tt and dt,
There was a 53 (my size) for sale here last year but I passed. Price was great,
It was still bumped at last OP post and not reported sold but by now must be.
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I think that is cool that you got every penny out of that saddle.
Still looks nice and you have the rare experience of riding a Brooks saddle
for so long to test its limits.
Like those rivets. They are like crooked teeth. But plenty of character on
that saddle and it is all your riding. So very s
I use beeswax on Silver bar end bolt threads and they rarely loosen. Maybe once
a quarter I snug them just for fun.
Maybe blue loctite on the threads would hold yours in place?
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Loved my R559’s with salmon pads on my blue Sam.
I ran 42’s with fenders on it. No problem. I see no reason to pay all that
money for Pauls.
I had Pauls on a Bleriot once and switched to the R559’s and was much happier.
Cleaner look and braked better. No more judder. Easy setup. No fuss. Less
So you feel the Roadini rode the best out of the three?
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To pos
I am not sure if the Alex cycles Rams are the same as RBW Rambouillets
because Alex's fabricator may have left over original lugs to use for their
builds but it is unknown what tubing they are using for them, so may not be
the same tube specs as the original Rivendells. I guess a call to Alex ma
RBW said Alex’s Rams might be made of leftover lugs but they don’t know what
tubing they would be using so I wonder if it is really the same thing?
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I think with slicks you would get way less pebbles thrown up into fenders. From
my experience. I only hear pebbles about one time per year with slicks and
about 1.5 cm fender clearance all around
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I think that was the year I did it. Downpour last five miles. Soaked to
bone even with Honjo H50 fenders.
Saw peeps with brown stripes up their backs which probably wasn't from dirt.
If you do the ride fenders are a must to avoid nasty bike clean up and
It is a really fun ride. Not
Look at the bottom front of your downtube and the bottom front of your BB.
Is that splatter also there?
If so, that could indicate it didn't come from your rear tire and maybe
just road muck.
How high is your tire pressure? Are you near the max stated on rim? Maybe
ride lower pressure and see i
Are you running tire pressure at max?
If so, lower your pressure and see if it stops.
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Bill Lyndsay first posted about alex cycles having them.
I called RBW to see if they knew if the Alex frames were the real deal and
they told me the info I posted above about the possible leftover lugs but
unknown what tubing Alex would be using since RBW thought they used it all
up for their o
RBW Was unaware but didn’t mind because they have had good relations with the
Japanese in the past on projects.
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That’s what they emailed back to me that they didn’t mind and wished them well
with it, iirc.
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I contacted rbw about it because i wanted to get one if real and also wanted
them to know it was going on.
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I think it would have been nice for them to ask RBW first.
But RBW says they have had a really good relationship with “them” (toyo?). So
they didn’t mind.
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Looking for MUSA Roadeo 53cm or 55cm frame size.
Frame and fork or complete. Either fine.
PM me if you have one to sell and we will chat.
I am in Maryland.
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A few years ago they had more sizes. Guess they got bought up.
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I have a Bosco.
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7$ Cotton Fruit of loom sweat shorts at wallmart work better than MUSA for me.
But MUSA is top quality and great for wet weather. Dries quick. Reflectors.
Mike in Ellicott City
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Dude, 20%?!?! Please!
You need to come over here into Maryand and ride out here in the real humidity,
under the burning sun which will rip the hide off you.
Walk outside.
Does it feel like you are breathing soup?
Then you ain’t got no humidity!😉
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You get used to it.
We do commuting and centuries around here and it ain't that bad once you
get used to it.
Getting into a hot car with windows up is still torture, though!!!
Of course, a Maryland complainer is rife for attack by a Floridian rider,
so I will stop complaining now.
I actually lo
Yes, It’s not so bad. Nice breezes on the bike til 95F then over 100 the breeze
feels hot.
But still not bad while moving.
Only bad when you stop. That’s when the sweat downpour starts pouring.
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Anyone know how to use the Wayback machine to get to the rodeo page that was on
the Riv site a few weeks ago? Before they took it down?
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In excellent shape.
Made for 5kg/10lbs. Loads US (so can take waaay more weight than a Mark’s rack).
Stays are cut to 22.5cm.
So like the height of barrels on fork of a Sam.
Comes with 2 sets of Nitto high quality p clamps (new).
$100 shipped in USA Conus
Paypal please.
Pics coming
You recei
Riv bought velocity hub to velocity rim. Spins nicely in hands. True, no hops.
Rim tape tops!!
I am in Maryland/DC/Balamer corridor (oh, the humidity!) if you want to meet up.
Pics ti come.
And remember...you can be more in B’more!!
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This is the newer “made in the USA” version that takes GB/Compass tires pretty
well. Made in Florida (o, the humidity!!!)
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Yes, thank you!!!
I knew someone on here used wayback
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Iwanson guage also reveals practically no rim brake surface wear at all so a
very newish rim.
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Nice!! Congrats! The greens are pretty with that metallic finish!
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How do the Jack Browns (green) compare to the GB Cypres or Compass 32 you
have ridden?
Thanks for your thoughts.
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90F 85% humidity in Laurel, MD now. Got to destination right before the
downpour started. Hot hot hot!!!
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Should I say 90 when i rode in, 76 after the storm!
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Complete or F/F/H/BB or any parts you want.
Synergy Velocity built wheels to LX hubs.
Some of the pictures will show a front dynamo we all but that’s not the synergy
wheel. So you get a regular front synergy wheel with this bike. I also have
Bosco set up if you prefer that.
Bike has about 3000 m
Complete minus saddle, rack, fenders, bottle cages and decaler, pitlocks (but
you get new Shimano QR’s =
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Paypal and local pickup or we can split bike flights.
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SunXcd rear derailer
Microshift front derailer
XD600 crankset
New chain
Super smooth.
Silver bar end shifters
Tektro R559 brakes.
Nitto Noodle 41
New Nitto Tech deluxe stem
Shimano BLR400 brake levers
Velocity built wheels Synergy to Velocity hub from Rivendell wheelset.
Thanks for the feedback.
To me the Browns look cheerful and Rivvy, so might look good on my bike but
I definitely like all the GB/Compass tires I have ridden, except for their
700 x 28mm tire.
But the tire prices are going sky high and I am shocked that the Browns are
68$ a piece. That's 10$ mo
Thanks, John!
1. 21cm with that bar height. From top of rack to top of decaleur receiving
pins. Bag pins are mounted on GB25 bag at usual leather strip location. Bars
about 1.3cm below saddle height.
2. 63cm from top of saddle above clamp center to center of bar clamp. I have a
short teach so
How did the 20$ tires compare to Compass?
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Are your Son’s JB green or blue?
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Answers to John’s questions are above. I am also posting this geo chart .
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Answers to John’s questions above.
I am also posting a link to Bleriot brochure here:
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Did anyone email me?
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New options:
1. As pictured in latest pic from yesterday: *with*
fenders/rack/decaleur/Flyer imperial Black(not shown but less than 500
miles on it), Shimano skewers (no pitlocks/bottle cages)- - 1450$
2. As pictured in latest pic from yesterday: *without
I just bought a Roadeo and this is quite the interesting thread. Thanks for the
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Just a note on sizing:
I am 5’8”
82 PBH
I also fit 54 Ram
52 Hillborne
Just for sizing reference if that helps.
The short 6cm stem extension I have is because I have a shorter reach than most
(I think) and like my bars close.
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I am in Ellicott City! Never knew a Clem was so close!
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I think I was confusing people with the old pics and such from the first
post. So here are the specific build specs of the complete bike for sale
with pricing.
This is a 53c frame size Bleriot. Sat in box until 3 years ago when I
bought it new in box from PJW cycles and built up by College Park
email me at john11.25...@gmail.com
having a problem with a FS post I made and now need deleted so I can start
over for everyone more clearly. Bit of confusion with the way I posted.
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Cool! Thanks, guys!
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Congrats on the great bike and rides!!!
You could try DT shifting to save a little weight, too, and get quicker/crisper
Took me two attenpts on two different bikes but on the Rambouillet it’s second
nature now and a cleaner look also.
Tip: don’t ever shift a DT lever while your thumb re
Thanks, ttoshi!
I just bought a Roadeo from a lister and glad to hear about the ride qualities
and your experience with position on the bars.
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All things being square taper and rated for same bb spindle length:
Can one swap out different square taper cranksets on a square taper bb or
better to replace with fresh bb for each new square taper crankset?
Like, are there gonna be indentations in the spindle from the first crankset
that may
Missed the snap stock blowout at RBW by minutes.
Anyone know where else to get them? Soma out, too.
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I tried to add to basket but message says no longer available
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Thanks, everyone!
I am still debating Silver or Sugino.
I prefer new so Alex may be getting a call.
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I ride my blue 53 Rambouillet 650b with Tektro R559 650b x 42 Compass
tires. Kool Stp thinline pads for even extra reach for the braking track on
rim. Same bb height as a 650b Bleriot with 38mm tires, so safe around
corners . I use 170mm cranks.
No need for braze-ons. Oodles of clearannce (~1.
Here it is 650b with tons of clearance.
I tried 700 x 32 but fenders too close.
700 x 28 better but fall hazard as I get sub-28mm tires stuck in road
cracks and crash.
So 32 minimum for me from now on.
or 650b x 42.
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I would at least try 650b before brazing as it is an easily reverse-able
experiment, if you have the spare wheels.
But you will need Thinline pads with R559 to reach the braking area of the
rim satisfactorily, IME.
Or those Really long centerpulls Dia Compe makes.
Braking feels fine to me with
I would love to see RBW make a “decailer” (MUSA spelling there, or “D-kaler”)
that would hold the rack up even in the event of a fork crown attachment
failure. Keep it stem bolt mounted and a tight pin fit like the “Nitto for
Pearl stem” decailers have, but then RBW could get the guys at NITTO t
I have one from them for pearl stems.
But i am talking about a bar that comes from stem to backstop to block the rack
from moving forward.
A regular decaleur could do this, utilizing the bag as the blocker of the
backstop (since top o bag is held to stem by decaler) unless the backstop is
PS- that Compass one only keeps the pins from jumping out if you hit a big bump.
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Yes, fenderless.
I grow increasingly concerned, over the years, of front end wrecks due to the
possibility of fender or rack failures as I have read about them happenning,
and now the latest blagh post. I meticulously mount fenders so as to be as
in-built stress free as poss. But I still wonde
I double plastic shopping bag it in the rain! 😀
I also have a nice cover that LBS was giving away.
I never wanted to buy a legit cover for fear of tearing or not staying in place
but I recently saw I think Randijofab makes ond that looks sturdy.
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Jeremy, SKS P45 fit great over 700 x 28mm tires on blue Rambouillet. Allso for
650b x 42.
709 x 32 approaches my limits of too close with fenders. I like alot of
Honjo hammered H50 fits front. Haven’t checked rear yet.
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Probably better to just put them on for the salty season.
I definitely don't want to ride another kind of bike since my commutes are
22 miles round trip and I love my Rambouillet for that.
I am careful about mounting fenders and my Sheldon Fender Nuts are still on
the bike so easy on/easy off. No
Does it feel snappier than your other Rivs?
Easier to pedal on down the road?
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My limit on my VO Rando rack is filling up my GBerthoud GB25 bag. I don’t add
more than thst as I was told that the VO rando is ok up to maybe 15lbs iirc.
BTW Those Bertie bags are heavy even empty.
My GB 25 is with Nitto for Pearl stems decaleur bar attachment on bag, no
stiffner- 604g Hea-vy!!
>From what RBW told me it has a very complex tubeset. Designed for strength
>where a bike needs it and lightweight everywhere else. It also has some
>amazingly thought out frame features as the frame page on Rivsite describes.
Quite a bike!! Congrats on owning such a well designed ride! And the
Can we see a pic of the bike?
Try putting your saddle in KOPS. If the saddle is shoved too far back, KOPS
Will bring it forward without damaging anything on your body. KOPS is a pretty
neutral place to start. When one sets up a saddle it is not to get closer to
the bars it is to move your body i
My *speculative* thoughts on reducing weight on a bike but still keeping
good functionality:
1. Luggage - use luggage that requires no rack. Try light bags: Sackville
banana sax and sackville bartube, Brooks Milford, etc.
2. Lighter wheelsets. Aerohead by Velocity I think is their lightest rim
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