[RBW] Hunting Unicorns

2024-01-06 Thread Kevin Lindsey
Greetings. Does anyone happen to have a 56 cm Bombadil or 54 cm Hunqapillar frame gathering dust somewhere? I sold my Hunq a few years ago and haven't stopped regretting it. Many thanks, Kevin Lindsey Alexandria, VA USA -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the G

Re: [RBW] Homer question

2024-04-30 Thread Kevin Lindsey
shorter than usual - I think it has a 70 or 80 mm stem now - but the bike fits me perfectly. Kevin Lindsey Alexandria, VA USA On Monday, April 29, 2024 at 7:05:59 AM UTC-4 drew.jo...@gmail.com wrote: > Greetings, > > I settled on a 58 Homer with the same PBH (FWIW) after spea

[RBW] FS: 54 cm Hunqapillar

2024-07-26 Thread Kevin Lindsey
Greetings. I know several people in the group are looking for Hunqs in the 54 cm range, and saw this (https://boston.craigslist.org/sob/bik/d/duxbury-rivendell-hunqapillar/7768735641.html) on Craigslist this morning. I have no connection to the seller. Best regards, Kevin Lindsey Alexandria

[RBW] 650 vs. 650B

2011-07-02 Thread kevin lindsey
No doubt a dumb question, but here goes: is there a difference between 650 and 650B tubes? I just bought three sets of 650x18s for my Bleriot, only to find that they look suspiciously thin for my 36mm 650Bs. Anyone know where I can buy 650B tubes in northern Virginia? Thanks, Kevin -- You receiv

[RBW] Re: painted braze on

2016-04-29 Thread Kevin Lindsey
In theory, yes. In practice, you risk breaking a low-quality bolt if too much of the thread is painted over and the torque necessary to overcome the friction is more than the fastener can bear. Happened to me when I was trying to install a Nitto rack on my Hunqapillar; things were going well

[RBW] Trimming a Fender

2016-05-10 Thread Kevin Lindsey
I have my Hunq pretty nearly dialed in running perfectly. The only sore spot - and it's not much of one - is that the front SKS Longboard fender rattles. I've tried tightening it up, inserting a leather washer in the hopes that it might dampen the vibrations, etc., and nothing really helps.

[RBW] Re: Trimming a Fender

2016-05-11 Thread Kevin Lindsey
Thanks for the excellent feedback. After reading the posts, I took another look at the fender set-up, and still can't really see what it's rattling against. As far as I can tell, it clears the tire and front rack by good margins. I tightened up all associated bolts and screws and will see if

Re: [RBW] Re: Trimming a Fender

2016-05-12 Thread Kevin Lindsey
Ron - That's a pretty neat trick. How did you do that? Kevin On Wednesday, May 11, 2016 at 9:15:43 PM UTC-4, Ron Mc wrote: > > Do you have a front rack? > > > > >

Re: [RBW] OT: Mac OS X to Ubuntu question

2016-06-06 Thread Kevin Lindsey
Boy, this is indeed off topic. As an alternative, you might simply try installing "Parallels" for OSX. It runs Ubuntu as a virtual machine while leaving OSX intact and still accessible. I run it on my Mac Air and it works flawlessly. Kevin On Saturday, June 4, 2016 at 11:46:13 AM UTC-4, Patric

[RBW] Re: Share Hunq Build / pics and ideas?

2016-06-10 Thread Kevin Lindsey
Hi Shoji. What kind of fenders do you have on your Hunq? They look gorgeous. Kevin On Friday, June 10, 2016 at 11:48:42 AM UTC-4, Shoji Takahashi wrote: > > Yes, my Hunqapillar is 48cm (with 559BSD/26" wheels). > shoji > > > On Friday, June 10, 2016 at 11:45:07 AM UTC-4, Philip Kim wrote: >> >> I

[RBW] Re: Share Hunq Build / pics and ideas?

2016-06-10 Thread Kevin Lindsey
I'm currently running drop bars on my Hunq and find they work very well. I originally set the bike up with Mustache bars and a Dirt Drop stem; they worked wonderfully and were extremely comfortable, but they were ugly and slow in a high wind (due to the very upright riding posture). Chiefly fo

[RBW] Re: Covered Bridge Metric Century, Lancaster PA 8/21

2016-06-23 Thread Kevin Lindsey
I'm registered but riding with another group. I'll be on my Hunqapillar and will keep my eyes peeled for other Rivs. Kevin On Thursday, June 23, 2016 at 11:13:39 AM UTC-4, JohnS wrote: > > Anyone interested in joining me for the Covered Bridge Metric Century in > Lancaster PA on 8/21? I had rod

[RBW] Re: Extent of thread chasing necessary on new Riv frame

2016-07-01 Thread Kevin Lindsey
Bob - The only threads I had to have redone on my Hunq were the fender mounts. The first was problematic (in fact, I snapped a Nitto screw off inside, thinking that I could use it to muscle through the paint instead of tapping it as I should have), so I had the local bike shop (Bicycle Pro Shop

[RBW] Re: 90s Rivs for Sale in Alexandria, Va.

2011-02-11 Thread kevin lindsey
Ed - Thanks to your post I contacted Christian at the Coop and have put a deposit down on the light blue Riv and a light blue Paramount. I'll send you my family lawyer bills. May you burn in hell. Kevin On Feb 10, 8:12 pm, "eddie...@gmail.com" wrote: > We stopped by Velocity Coop in Alexandria,

[RBW] Looking for an All Rounder frame

2010-08-10 Thread kevin lindsey
Greetings. As an utter newbie here - heck, I don't even own a Rivendell - this may be an inappropriate posting. If so, please forgive my ignorance. I'm looking to buy an All Rounder frame for restoration and rebuild. Due to genetic laziness and a bit of procrastination, I just yesterday missed buy

[RBW] Re: Looking for an All Rounder frame

2010-08-11 Thread kevin lindsey
der on eBay > right now: > > http://cgi.ebay.com/1996-Rivendell-All-Rounder-54cm-/110570156443?pt=... > > On Aug 10, 2:00 pm, kevin lindsey wrote: > > > Greetings. > > As an utter newbie here - heck, I don't even own a Rivendell - this > > may be an inappropriate

[RBW] A. Homer Hilson Frameset for sale on Craigslist

2010-08-19 Thread kevin lindsey
Greetings. If any tall folks out there are interested, a 63 cm AHH frameset just now came up for sale on the San Francisco Craigslist. See http://sfbay.craigslist.org/nby/bik/1905888953.html -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "RBW Owners Bunch" group. T

[RBW] Drop Bars vs. Non-drops

2010-08-27 Thread kevin lindsey
Greetings. I'm doing a rebuild and am considering switching from drop bars to something like the albatross or the dove bars, mostly for aesthetic reasons. I use the bike (a 1973 Schwinn World Voyageur, not a Rivendell) for longish fun rides, errands, and general purpose riding. Question I have fo

[RBW] Re: Drop Bars vs. Non-drops

2010-08-28 Thread kevin lindsey
Actually, of course, hawks and eagles do worry about aerodynamics. That's why they pull in their wings and hunker down when they're diving - which argues for drop bars - but stick their wings out as far as they'll go when they're just touring - clearly an argument for the albatross. Thanks all for

[RBW] Re: Drop vs. Non-drop bars

2010-08-30 Thread kevin lindsey
Just for the record, I ended up doing the conservative thing and ordered a Noodle from Rivendell. Next bike will have an Albatross. Thanks for all the thoughtful input, The Gent On Aug 29, 8:23 pm, wrote: > > I myself > >have tried all sorts of bars but always come back to drops simply > >becaus

[RBW] Re: Hard Headed

2010-09-05 Thread kevin lindsey
I dropped platform pedals and switched to clipless because of shoelaces. I was tired of having my laces chewed up or greased down by the chainring every second or third ride. Nothing seemed to help consistently and it seemed impossible to find laceless shoes that were also comfortable and lasted

[RBW] Re: New Thoughts on Saddle Height?

2010-09-27 Thread kevin lindsey
David Wilson, in "Bicycle Science" (the bible of bicycle engineering), advocated no knee flex at 6:00, meaning that a rider seeking maximum efficiency should raise his or her saddle just a bit if his or her knee is slightly bent at that position. Any flex there and you lose a significant amount of

[RBW] Re: New Thoughts on Saddle Height?

2010-09-28 Thread kevin lindsey
I don't think it's really a "leverage" issue at all. It has to do with the way the human body is built and the fact that the leg exerts much more power when only slightly flexed than it does when it's fully flexed. That's why its easier to jump up when the knee is only slightly bent than it is to

[RBW] Re: New Thoughts on Saddle Height?

2010-09-28 Thread kevin lindsey
n taken from the side.  I would never pay attention > to a knucklehead riding by me shouting out fit advice. > > On Sep 28, 10:20 am, kevin lindsey wrote: > > > I don't think it's really a "leverage" issue at all.  It has to do > > with the way the hum

[RBW] Re: Vaporizing Nitto Jaguar Bolt

2010-09-28 Thread kevin lindsey
I dropped a small bolt at the LBS a couple of days ago. Ordinarily, no big deal, but this time it vaporized before it hit the floor - no "ding-ding-ding" as it bounced and rolled - nothing. No big deal; it was an open tile floor and should have been easy to spot. I leaned over and glanced around

[RBW] WTB: Someone's 57cm Bleriot frameset

2010-10-01 Thread kevin lindsey
Greetings. Does anyone know who's selling his or her 57cm Bleriot frameset on Craigslist (http://chicago.craigslist.org/chc/bik/1979259550.html)? The seller lives in the Chicago area and says he's an RBW Bunch member. I'd like to buy his frame but am having no luck reaching him via Craigslist. If

[RBW] Re: Good bike to ride, after a war.

2010-10-05 Thread kevin lindsey
Not a member, but the honor of originating this thread goes to Ian Dickson who, on Oct 03, 2010, at 08:35PM Internet Time, posted photos of his Hunqapillar under that moniker. Kevin On Oct 4, 11:07 pm, grant wrote: > OK now, this makes no sense, is not...I don't know...fair or > responsible or pr

[RBW] Re: Free for postage: Bicycle Quarter Back Issues

2010-10-17 Thread kevin lindsey
Greetings. I'd love to look at a copy of BQ. Could you send me one of 'em? How do I pay? All the best, Kevin On Oct 17, 4:34 pm, Ginz wrote: > Free for postage, issue Autumn 2010 and Summer 2010 of Bicycle > Quarterly magazine.  Good reading. > > One per person, so the first two responders get t

[RBW] SKS Secrets

2010-10-18 Thread kevin lindsey
I'm in the process of building my Bleriot and thought a pair of SKS fenders would be practical and look great, too. However, I was naively unprepared for the amount of tweaking, cutting, fitting, and cursing required to install these things on my bike, a circumstance made worse by the almost-nonex

[RBW] Re: SKS Secrets

2010-10-18 Thread kevin lindsey
; into my lab. I just installed SKSs this past weekend. One question > though: what size fenders did you order? I used P45s on my 650B bike > with new SOMA B-line tires. They are ~36mm wide and the clearance is > about as tight as I would want them. Maybe 4-5mm at some points. > > Best,

[RBW] Re: SKS Secrets

2010-10-18 Thread kevin lindsey
; be that your brakes (i assume you're using the silver sidepulls) are > deflecting it a little, that happens with the shimano sidepulls on one > of my bikes.  Again, it's only a few mm so I don't really care about > it, YMMV. > > On Oct 18, 7:49 am, kevin lindsey wrote:

[RBW] Re: SKS Secrets

2010-10-19 Thread kevin lindsey
Eric - I think I got the rear fenders properly spaced last night, although the clearance is very tight. If I can un-warp the front ones, then I'll try putting them back on; like you, I found the front fenders to be the more problematic of the two. Many thanks to all for the very helpful advice. Ke

[RBW] Re: SKS Secrets

2010-10-20 Thread kevin lindsey
Ginz - How hot did you make the fender before you started to bend it back? I have a heat gun but am somewhat hesitant to use it for fear that I'll end up melting it or somehow making the problem worse. Thanks, Kevin On Oct 19, 7:21 am, Ginz wrote: > Kevin, > > I had a warped SKS front fender tha

[RBW] Derailleur Cabling

2010-10-23 Thread kevin lindsey
Are the derailleur cables on my Bleriot meant to run bare under the bottom bracket, or should there be something between the wire and the paint? The guides don't seem to be wide enough to accept cable housing, but it's hard for me to believe that the paint down there is going to hold up very long

[RBW] Re: Derailleur Cabling

2010-10-23 Thread kevin lindsey
forward to any additional insights. Kevin On Oct 23, 11:37 am, Seth Vidal wrote: > On Sat, Oct 23, 2010 at 2:31 PM, kevin lindsey > wrote: > > Are the derailleur cables on my Bleriot meant to run bare under the > > bottom bracket, or should there be something between the wire and the

[RBW] Re: Derailleur Cabling

2010-10-23 Thread kevin lindsey
al wrote: > On Sat, Oct 23, 2010 at 2:41 PM, kevin lindsey > wrote: > > Thanks, Seth. > > I wondered whether there wasn't some kind of work-around here; thanks > > for providing it.  I'd have thought that a more logical solution would > > have been to ma

[RBW] Re: Derailleur Cabling

2010-10-23 Thread kevin lindsey
That's a pretty good solution. At the very least, it ought to save the paint until RBW opens up on Monday. All the best, Kevin On Oct 23, 11:50 am, Seth Vidal wrote: > On Sat, Oct 23, 2010 at 2:48 PM, kevin lindsey > wrote: > > Pestering the builders is always my default

[RBW] Re: Derailleur Cabling

2010-10-23 Thread kevin lindsey
29 pm, eflayer wrote: > I wish they'd just build them with a threaded hole for...or actually > install the under BB plastic cable guide.  I am not fond of the steel > tunnel approach. > > On Oct 23, 2:21 pm, Steve Palincsar wrote: > > > On Sat, 2010-10-23 at 11:31 -07

[RBW] Re: Morning commute on my new Atlantis

2010-10-31 Thread kevin lindsey
Ray - Give the Guadalupe River Trail a try. I use it on my daily commute between Santa Clara and south San Jose. As Rene said, it's hard packed dirt beginning somewhere north of 237 (as far as I've taken it in that direction) to San Jose proper. It's virtually empty, very quiet, offers beautiful

[RBW] Re: Riv & Rail - Travelling by Bike and Train

2010-11-03 Thread kevin lindsey
On the very positive side is the Valley Transportation Authority (VTA), the light rail service here in Silicon Valley. I take it every morning; racks are almost always available and, if not, I'm free to stand with my bike so long as I don't block the aisles. The trains linger at the stations long

[RBW] Re: Fenders and Speed

2010-11-03 Thread kevin lindsey
Allan - Yes, you are alone. Kevin On Nov 3, 9:32 am, Allan in Portland wrote: > No test to determine whether the hammered honjo, like dimples on a > golf ball, gives better aerodynamics than the smooth? :-) I've always > been partial to the fluted fenders. The flutes create laminar flow > channel

[RBW] Re: Riv & Rail - Travelling by Bike and Train

2010-11-04 Thread kevin lindsey
t out to my last contract job on the PDX Tri-Met MAX light > rail (current contract job is EZ ride :-) ), I decided it is all in > how you pick it up!  Grab the front fork and the seat tube, and lift > it up that way.  For the record, I'm 5'3" for some values of 3"

[RBW] Re: Oakland/Berkeley probability of theft?

2010-11-11 Thread kevin lindsey
Jose - Do you have to leave your Riv outside? I commute daily with my Bleriot and simply park it in the cubicle with me. Things sometimes get a bit cramped, but at least I know where my bike and components are at all times. One of the nice things about living in California is that most employers

[RBW] Re: Grant's Book Tour Adventures!

2012-05-09 Thread kevin lindsey
Has anyone seen his tour schedule? Specifically, is he planning to sign books here in the Washington, D.C. area? Kevin On May 9, 1:38 am, Eric wrote: > Is he coming to Chicago!? > > On May 8, 9:00 am, Zack wrote: > > > > > > > > > Manny - I truly agree with you about the book.  I would go so fa

[RBW] Re: East Coast Rivendells / BOBs

2012-02-15 Thread kevin lindsey
Greetings. I ride regularly in northern Virginia and Washington, D.C., and it seems pretty clear that this is CF territory: almost nothing but high end Specialized, Trek, and Cannondale bikes, with the occasional Cervelo or Lightspeed thrown in for variety's sake. I sometimes run into another Rive

[RBW] Maxy Fasty as a commuter tire

2012-03-29 Thread kevin lindsey
Greetings. My aging 650b Fatty Rumpkins have suffered yet another puncture and I'm thinking of switching over to a pair of new Maxy Fasties that I purchased on a whim a year or so ago. I commute mostly on paved bike trail, but have to ride for about two miles on light gravel. My question is wheth

[RBW] Re: Stolen Sam Hillborne

2015-09-28 Thread Kevin Lindsey
Awful news. Like everyone else, I'm glad she wasn't harmed. I use dailylister.com, which searches all Craigslists as well as Ebay. Try this link: http://www.dailylister.com/Search_Results.cfm?q=rivendell&as_oq=bik&cx=006225133476456637497%3Anhut7xqnd70&cof=FORID%3A11&ie=UTF-8&sort=date&newwind

[RBW] Re: Atlantis or Hunqapillar

2015-10-08 Thread Kevin Lindsey
Hunqapillar. I've had my Hunq for about six months now, and it's hands down my favorite bike. With plenty of room for big tires (I run Schwalbe 55 mm), it's silky smooth on either pavement or dirt road, is built like a tank, but rides like an Atlantis. Plus, you get the coolest headbadge goi

[RBW] Re: Flat pedal shoes

2015-10-18 Thread Kevin Lindsey
To be honest, I just wear my old running shoes. They're comfortable, already broken in, and I can walk in 'em once I arrive. Some might complain that the soles are not very stiff, but I've never found that to be a problem. Kevin On Sunday, October 18, 2015 at 8:47:39 AM UTC-4, Dave Brandt wro

[RBW] Estimating My Wife's PBH

2015-10-19 Thread Kevin Lindsey
I'm thinking of surprising my wife with a Rivendell for Christmas, but can't ask her to measure her PBH for fear that she'll figure out why. She's 5'6" and slightly long in the torso; is there a woman in the group with a similar build who whose PBH I can borrow? Many thanks, Kevin -- You rece

[RBW] Re: Estimating My Wife's PBH

2015-10-19 Thread Kevin Lindsey
ddle > height, and you'll be all set. > > If you're going wtih Cheviot, I think 55cm is probably going to-be the > recommendation. Level top-tube bikes could be more difficult to guess a > good fit. > > Good luck! > Shoji > > > On Monday, October

[RBW] Re: Keven

2015-10-19 Thread Kevin Lindsey
Keven - Let me add my voice to the others': we never met, but we've spoken numerous times on the phone, and you were always great. Many thanks for all your kind help, and I hope your next boss lets you spell your name correctly. Kevin On Monday, October 19, 2015 at 6:17:16 PM UTC-4, Zack wrote

Re: [RBW] Re: Estimating My Wife's PBH

2015-10-20 Thread Kevin Lindsey
No problem with well-intentioned lies. However, after 30+ years of marriage, my ability to trick my wife into anything is pretty much non-existent. I'll estimate her PBH based on her current bike. All the best, Kevin On Monday, October 19, 2015 at 7:20:56 PM UTC-4, Matt Beecher wrote: > > Is tr

[RBW] Re: Estimating My Wife's PBH

2015-10-20 Thread Kevin Lindsey
ell? If so, get her saddle >> height, and you'll be all set. >> >> If you're going wtih Cheviot, I think 55cm is probably going to-be the >> recommendation. Level top-tube bikes could be more difficult to guess a >> good fit. >> >> Good lu

[RBW] Bleriot with Middle Ear Problem?

2015-10-27 Thread Kevin Lindsey
My Bleriot has begun acting strangely in that I can feel it "wandering" underneath me, as if the front wheel were loose and pointing a little bit this way, then a little bit that, and generally acting like it was losing its sense of balance. The condition was so noticeable yesterday that I sto

[RBW] Re: Bleriot with Middle Ear Problem?

2015-10-28 Thread Kevin Lindsey
All - Many thanks for the excellent suggestions. I'll put the bike up on the stand this weekend and see if I can determine what's what. All the best, Kevin On Wednesday, October 28, 2015 at 12:22:21 PM UTC-4, jinxed wrote: > > I've been on two bikes that felt exactly like that, one while seate

[RBW] Re: Bleriot with Middle Ear Problem?

2015-10-29 Thread Kevin Lindsey
Not a silly question at all, but, no, the tire pressure is fine. I had pumped it up to 60psi - my normal pressure - just that morning before heading out. It had occurred to me, too, that the frame might be cracked, but a quick glance around didn't reveal anything unusual. However, I'm planning

Re: [RBW] Re: Bleriot with Middle Ear Problem?

2015-10-29 Thread Kevin Lindsey
confirm that the tire was > OK. In fact, I spent the better part of Day One of PBP thinking that the > 28mm “supple” rear tire was going flat (it wasn’t). > > --Eric N > campyo...@me.com > www.CampyOnly.com <http://www.campyonly.com> > Campyonlyguy.blogspot.com <http://

Re: [RBW] Re: Bleriot with Middle Ear Problem?

2015-10-30 Thread Kevin Lindsey
viced the headset yet? > > On 10/29/2015 12:35 PM, Kevin Lindsey wrote: > > Not a silly question at all, but, no, the tire pressure is fine. I had > pumped it up to 60psi - my normal pressure - just that morning before > heading out. > It had occurred to me, too, that the fra

[RBW] Hillborne seatpost size

2015-11-01 Thread Kevin Lindsey
I just picked up a 51cm Sam Hillborne frame for my wife, and need to order a seatpost for it. Anyone happen to know what size post fits this frame? Many thanks, Kevin -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "RBW Owners Bunch" group. To unsubscribe from this

[RBW] Who has a Hunq in Chattanooga?

2015-11-20 Thread Kevin Lindsey
I stopped in the lovely town of Chattanooga, Tennesee this morning for a quick coffee and, coming out of Starbucks, could have sworn I saw a young woman ride by on a green Hunqapillar. Was that anyone on the list, or was I suffering from caffeine inadequacy? I'm always surprised to see Rivs on

[RBW] Eleven speeds on a ten-speed hub

2015-11-26 Thread Kevin Lindsey
I'm building a Sam for my wife and bought a complete Shimano 105 11-speed STI group for it. Without thinking, I ordered a 650B wheel from Rivendell, only to find that it's a ten-speed hub. Now, I know there are spacing issues with STI shifters, but I'm wondering what would happen if I simply

[RBW] Re: Eleven speeds on a ten-speed hub

2015-11-26 Thread Kevin Lindsey
e cable as you are trying to shift to the smallest cog that > isn't there, but it also means you are using the "right" 10 positions. > > I would definitely try it out before electing to rebuild a wheelset. > > best > > Bill Lindsay > El Cerrito, CA > > On

Re: [RBW] Eleven speeds on a ten-speed hub

2015-11-27 Thread Kevin Lindsey
Like most things in life, the 11-speed issue started out as a simple thing: in this case, a request from my wife for indexed shifting, as she wasn't sure she'd be comfortable taking one of her hands off the brakes to make the shift with bar ends or downtubes. Fine, no problem, except no one se

Re: [RBW] Re: Eleven speeds on a ten-speed hub (It works!)

2016-01-09 Thread Kevin Lindsey
After much delay, I finished my wife's Hilborne and gingerly tested the 11-speed-to-10-speed hack. Much to my surprise, it works. Removing one of the gear rings keeps the spacing correct, so the transmission thinks it's still got eleven gears in the back, but the now-10-speed cluster fits per

Re: [RBW] Re: Eleven speeds on a ten-speed hub (It works!)

2016-01-10 Thread Kevin Lindsey
descript, thus "gear ring." On Saturday, January 9, 2016 at 11:28:19 AM UTC-5, Steve Palincsar wrote: > > What is a "gear ring"? > > On 01/09/2016 11:21 AM, Kevin Lindsey wrote: > > After much delay, I finished my wife's Hilborne and gingerly tested the > 1

[RBW] Re: Quick Ride in Santa Cruz While Travelling for Work

2018-07-18 Thread Kevin Lindsey
Thanks for the pictures. I graduated from U.C. Santa Cruz in 1979 but spent all the intervening years on the east coast; any photos of the hills and live oaks out there bring back tons of memories. Kevin On Wednesday, July 18, 2018 at 3:20:45 AM UTC, Collin A wrote: > > Its a quickie, but I man

[RBW] Re: Bicycle Commuting

2018-07-22 Thread Kevin Lindsey
for your change of clothes and other commuter necessities. Rivs have always been built for this kind of role; consider skimming Ebay and Craiglist for one of the older models - the Bleriot is one of my favorites - which can sometimes be had for a very reasonable price. Good luck. Kevin Lindsey

[RBW] Re: Riv riders going on Lancaster Covered Bridge Classic?

2018-08-04 Thread Kevin Lindsey
John - I'm registered, but it might interfere with a developing family event, so my presence there is still not certain. However, if I can break clear and go, I'll be riding my AHH. Hope to see you there. Kevin Lindsey Alexandria, VA USA On Friday, August 3, 2018 at 9:58:38 PM UTC, J

[RBW] Re: Things I wish Rivendell still sold..

2018-11-12 Thread Kevin Lindsey
The All-Rounder. It's what first turned me on to Rivendell back in the day, but at the time I couldn't begin to afford one. Now I can, but they're nowhere to be found. The Bleriot. I've got one, and believe it's the best riding bike Riv has produced. It's a pity they stopped making them.

Re: [RBW] Hunqapillar

2018-11-19 Thread Kevin Lindsey
fect for aimless rides of any distance. It'll also pack stuff better than a 49er's mule. If I could make one recommendation: give thought to buying a Jones Loop bar (https://www.jonesbikes.com/h-bars/); it's the perfect handlebar for the Hunq. All the best, Kevin Lindsey Alexandr

[RBW] Re: Finished Hunqapillar Build

2018-03-30 Thread Kevin Lindsey
Very nice. How does the high handlebar bag (high, as opposed to one that sits lower down on a front rack) affect your Hunq's handling? I found that it made mine surprisingly squirrelly. Kevin Lindsey Alexandria, VA USA On Friday, March 30, 2018 at 11:28:47 AM UTC-4, Conway Bennett

[RBW] Re: RIV Catalog Arrived

2018-05-15 Thread Kevin Lindsey
Is my edition missing a page or two, or has Riv dropped the Hunqapillar from the lineup? I don't see it listed anywhere in the new catalog. Kevin Lindsey Alexandria, VA USA On Monday, May 14, 2018 at 3:05:09 PM UTC-4, Chris Birkenmaier wrote: > > Just got the mail and there i

[RBW] Re: FS-1983/4 Specialized Expedition 58cm. New everything. Compass, nitto, dynamo, etc.

2017-12-10 Thread Kevin Lindsey
I second that. Much as I love my Hunq and Bleriot, my 1983 Expedition remains my favorite ride. Very comfortable, reasonably light, and a classic bike that, for what it's worth, gets lots of comments. Only thing a potential buyer should keep in mind is that they run large; my PBH is 87.5 and

[RBW] Re: FS Baggins Handlebar bag. Choose my adventure. Buy my handlebar bag OR make me buy a rack.

2018-01-07 Thread Kevin Lindsey
How do the F-15/bag combination affect the handling and stability of the bike? I bought an Acorn bag for my Hunqapillar last year and found that it turned that platform of stability into a kind of squirrely ride, even to the point that I could no longer ride hands off. Kevin On Friday, Janua

[RBW] Re: Roadini as commuter?

2018-01-09 Thread Kevin Lindsey
Patrick - Although my normal commute is via a Rivendell (Hunq or Bleriot), I'll often take one of my road bikes ('73 Pugeot PX-10 or Moots) and they work fine. Couple of caveats, though: a) I load my clothes and other items in a backpack, not in a pannier; b) My route is entirely on pavement; a

[RBW] Re: What type of bike would make you buy another riv

2018-02-03 Thread Kevin Lindsey
I have two and a half (a Bleriot, a Hunq, and a Homer on order - three and a half if you include my wife's Hilsen), but would sorely tempted by a 700c All Rounder if such ever became available. Kevin Lindsey Alexandria, VA On Saturday, February 3, 2018 at 3:21:26 AM UTC-5, drew wrote: >

[RBW] Re: Jones Bar on a Clem H, Appaloosa, or Yves Gomez?

2018-02-03 Thread Kevin Lindsey
I've been looking at the Loop for my Hunqapillar, but can't figure out how to get it onto a quill stem. I'm assuming you can't do that for a Loop, but how did you guys replace your stems with threadless ones? Thanks, Kevin Lindsey Alexandria, VA On Saturday, February 3

[RBW] Re: Jones Bar on a Clem H, Appaloosa, or Yves Gomez?

2018-02-03 Thread Kevin Lindsey
Ah. Perfect. I knew there had to be something like that out there somewhere but, until now, was too lazy to track it down. I'll shoot VO an order in the morning. Many thanks, Kevin Lindsey Alexandria, VA On Saturday, February 3, 2018 at 7:00:14 PM UTC-5, Jeremy Till wrote: > >

[RBW] Re: I'll be at Riv and need some suggestions about the local area

2018-02-13 Thread Kevin Lindsey
ally neat, and the headlands offers the classic view of it all (bridge, city, ocean, everything). And, yes, Rivendell is a hoot. Kevin Lindsey Alexandria, VA On Monday, February 12, 2018 at 8:14:58 PM UTC-5, REC wrote: > > If this is too off topic, I'm sure the moderator will delete

[RBW] Re: FS: RIvendell Bleriot 55cm

2018-02-17 Thread Kevin Lindsey
I still have my 57 and commute on it regularly. For my money, the Bleriot was one of the best riding bikes Rivendell has ever produced - comfortable, nimble, room for wide tires, and really beautiful - and it's a pity they don't make it anymore. Kevin Lindsey Alexandria, VA USA

[RBW] Interesting 56 cm Sam Hilborne frame on Ebay (not mine) - $375.00 OBO

2018-02-21 Thread Kevin Lindsey
It has a couple of dents, but looks to be a really lovely frame at a really attractive price. https://www.ebay.com/itm/Rivendell-Sam-Hillborne-Touring-Randonneuring-Trail-Frameset-56cm-/192462979032?_trksid=p2141725.m3641.l6368 Kevin Lindsey Alexandria, VA USA -- You received this message

Re: [RBW] Re: WTB 62-65cm Riv frame

2018-03-12 Thread Kevin Lindsey
For what it's worth, a lovely 62 cm Hunqapillar just showed up on Craigslist: https://seattle.craigslist.org/see/bik/d/rivendell-hunqapillar-bicycle/6527315651.html All the best, Kevin Lindsey Alexandria, VA USA On Saturday, March 10, 2018 at 10:56:37 AM UTC-5, James Warren wrote: > &

Re: [RBW] Re: WTB 62-65cm Riv frame

2018-03-12 Thread Kevin Lindsey
...and, apparently, on Ebay: http://www.ebay.com/itm/like/142718687948?vectorid=229466&lgeo=1&item=142718687948&rmvSB=true Kevin Lindsey Alexandria, VA USA On Monday, March 12, 2018 at 5:33:58 AM UTC-4, Kevin Lindsey wrote: > > For what it's worth, a lovely 62 cm Hunqap

[RBW] PSA - 1997 All-Rounder on Bay Area CL (not mine)

2020-01-13 Thread Kevin Lindsey
rrently on the Bay Area Craigslist; given how quickly these get snapped up, I figured someone in the group might be interested. Kevin Lindsey Alexandria, VA USA -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "RBW Owners Bunch" group. To unsubscribe from

Re: [RBW] Re: PSA - 1997 All-Rounder on Bay Area CL (not mine)

2020-01-16 Thread Kevin Lindsey
Carl - Looks like a great bike. Congratulations. Kevin Lindsey Alexandria, VA On Thursday, January 16, 2020 at 1:00:11 AM UTC-5, tuolumne bikes wrote: > > Thanks all and especially to Paul, the OP, and to Bill for his restraint. > The bike is in great shape and lighter and zippi

[RBW] Tire Recommendations for an All-Rounder

2020-02-12 Thread Kevin Lindsey
, no heavy loads, and am looking for something moderately fast. Thanks, Kevin Lindsey Alexandria, VA -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "RBW Owners Bunch" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email

[RBW] Re: Tire Recommendations for an All-Rounder

2020-02-12 Thread Kevin Lindsey
In later versions, some of the larger sizes took 700c, but mine sports 26-inch wheels. Thanks, Kevin Lindsey Alexandria, VA On Wednesday, February 12, 2020 at 8:24:35 PM UTC-5, Ian Dickson wrote: > > Did the All-Rounder take 26" tires? > > On Wednesday, February 12, 2020 at

Re: [RBW] Re: In your opinion, what's missing from the Riv lineup?

2020-02-18 Thread Kevin Lindsey
e older models), expect some pretty firm push-back. Kevin Lindsey Alexandria, VA On Tuesday, February 18, 2020 at 11:36:24 AM UTC-5, Patrick Moore wrote: > > If Grant were to put a 26" wheeled All Rounder on the market again, I > wonder if that might not help initiative a return to

[RBW] Paint curing and seat post bolting

2020-03-05 Thread Kevin Lindsey
s returned without a seat post binder bolt. Before I make multiple trips to Home Depot for the correct one, can someone tell me what they've used? If memory serves, it's an M5 of some kind, but I can't recall exactly which. Many thanks, Kevin Lindsey Alexandria, VA -- You rece

[RBW] Re: Paint curing and seat post bolting

2020-03-06 Thread Kevin Lindsey
Thanks for the input. As it happens, the seat binder bolt was included with the frame - just took a bit of looking around inside the box to find it. Now, it's just a matter of discipline to keep from building it up before the paint stops "curing." Many thanks, Kevin Lindsey Ale

[RBW] Re: PSA 58cm Rivendell Custom 26"

2020-03-12 Thread Kevin Lindsey
Poor guy's been trying to sell this bike for the past year or two - it's been popping up fairly regularly. I've been in touch with him in the past; the frame essentially is a custom-made All Rounder that looks to be in good shape. Kevin Lindsey Alexandria, VA On Wednesday, Marc

Re: [RBW] Re: Covered Bridge Metric Century, Lancaster PA 8/21

2016-08-18 Thread Kevin Lindsey
I'm registered but, regretfully, will probably bail. The NOAA website is predicting rain and a 70% chance of thunderstorms around Lancaster beginning about 9:00 a.m. on Sunday. I have no desire to repeat my experience from last year's Civil War Century. Although I'll miss the ride (which is s

[RBW] Re: Fantasyland Daydream: Ti "Riv"

2016-08-27 Thread Kevin Lindsey
Moots, a small firm in Steamboat Springs, Colorado. They make wonderful titanium bikes, and their longest-running model, the Vamoots, rides just like an Atlantis (but is considerably lighter). Kevin On Saturday, August 27, 2016 at 11:51:02 AM UTC-4, Call Me Jay wrote: > > Who would build it? Ha

[RBW] High Riding Handlebar Bag

2016-11-13 Thread Kevin Lindsey
f the bike; I cannot ride it hands off, for instance. I would have thought that the bag would easily attach to my Nitto front rack, but there doesn't seem to be any way to securely fix it there, and I don't want to use bungee cords. Any thoughts? Thanks, Kevin Lindsey -- You received

[RBW] Re: Road Hunq?

2016-11-15 Thread Kevin Lindsey
John - Most of my riding is on pavement; depending on my commute, about four miles may also be on the packed clay and gravel of the local tow path. I started out with 50mm Schwalbs on my Hunqapillar; the ride was great, the gravel felt like pavement, the pavement felt like silk, etc. Unfortuna

[RBW] Re: New Bike Day: Mother-in-Law

2016-01-23 Thread Kevin Lindsey
Jeez. I thought I was the only one who installed that bottle cage upside down. For what it's worth, it works upside down; you just have to kind of wrestle the bottle in and out a bit. Works a whole lot better, however, when it's properly installed. Kevin On Saturday, January 23, 2016 at 5:39

[RBW] Re: East Coast Storm - Maryland Trail Conditions

2016-02-26 Thread Kevin Lindsey
My commute this morning was uphill and into the wind from Mount Vernon to Tysons Corner. It was brutal but, boy, what a great ride home later that afternoon: downhill and a 15-20 mph tailwind virtually the whole way. Didn't know a Hunqapillar could go that fast. Kevin On Friday, February 26,

Re: [RBW] Re: East Coast Storm - Maryland Trail Conditions

2016-02-27 Thread Kevin Lindsey
i, Feb 26, 2016 at 8:28 PM Kevin Lindsey > wrote: > >> My commute this morning was uphill and into the wind from Mount Vernon to >> Tysons Corner. It was brutal but, boy, what a great ride home later that >> afternoon: downhill and a 15-20 mph tailwind virtually the whole

Re: [RBW] Re: East Coast Storm - Maryland Trail Conditions

2016-02-28 Thread Kevin Lindsey
It's a stretch (about 23 miles each way), so I usually do it only about twice a week. However, it's a really pretty ride; even when the weather's against me, I still have an enjoyable commute. Which is more than I can say about your wife's daily trek. Ugh. Can't imagine driving from Tysons

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