gs up,
John Dilsaver
Sparta, MO
> Date: Thu, 8 Oct 2009 13:39:01 -0700
> Subject: [RBW] Re: Ethics: What to do if I am scammed by a list member?
> From:
> To:
> > I'm guessing that this topic i
Hey Ralph, --- I'm up here at Osage Beach (MO), very hilly, no really good
roads to ride, --- I did 20 km this morning just to cheer you on your way.
Riv content. On the riv of course.
Munger Moss is a nice ride. Breeze is from the S here, you should have a nice
day, hopefully not too
The poster, and some other assorted bike stuff, is scheduled to arrive here in
remote s.w. MO later this morning. So, I'm curious to see it.
Also, I'm having some of my colleagues from work over this weekend, --- I'm a
high school math/physics teacher in the middle of summer break;-- at sch
Today was a reprieve from recent cold, around 54 deg F and cloudy on a nice 20
miler this afternoon, here in s.w. MO. The low tonight will be single digits
and tomorrow the high will be in the teens, so we'll have to see about riding
You rece
Addison, mid-June sure seems like a late end to the school year!
I retired from teaching a year-ago-May. Retirement is a much better break than
summer. While teaching, my summers (and I'm imagining most who have commented)
were the time for teaching summer school, taking summer classes, atten
Here in southwest Missouri mine arrived today.John DilsaverSparta, MO
Date: Thu, 10 Jul 2014 11:45:07 -0700
Subject: [RBW] Re: Jamboree and Entmoot shirts and patches
Nothing yet. I think the pony express is still racing ac
It's possible to carry more than you think, especially for short distances. I
have a mini-front rack with a wald basket zip-tied to it at times. Works great
for groceries. A couple years ago we were out on the bikes on a Sat morning
stopping at some garage sales. We stop at a sale and there's th