You folks may well be on the right track here, but having had relatives injured 
and a neighbor killed all within the past week, I'm just going to mention the 
possibility he is injured, ill, or no longer living.


I mean after all those things do happen.


best of luck on clearing things up,

John Dilsaver

Sparta, MO


> Date: Thu, 8 Oct 2009 13:39:01 -0700
> Subject: [RBW] Re: Ethics: What to do if I am scammed by a list member?
> From:
> To:
> > I'm guessing that this topic is serving as a fair warning trying to inspire
> > the nameless individual into communication...
> Indeed. I have written to him again, and am giving him until tomorrow
> morning to respond. I can imagine him being out of town or having
> computer problems so he cannot respond (OK its a stretch). I want to
> give him a chance.
> > 
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