Brooks B17 Special on Sam H., B17 on Univega Gran Rally. I love these
saddles: firm and comfortable. I ride at slowish speeds for moderate
distances, usually 10 to 18 miles, mostly on pavement, often on hills. On
each bike the bars are about half an inch higher than the saddle.
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Congratulations, Cecily! Isn't it great to discover that comfort and speed
can go together so well on one bike? (I found the same thing with my Sam.)
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They're seamless in the crotch, so you can ride a long way without being
chafed. (That's a prime attraction, I think; the Rivbike product
description will tell you more.)
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Welcome, Nils! That's a beautiful Sam.
Evan E.
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Oxalic acid removes rust. It works wonders on steel frames and on other
steel parts. Dilute it heavily with water and then fill a bowl, a bucket,
or a kiddie pool, as required. Submerge the parts (or the frame) for
anywhere from an hour to overnight.
You can find oxalic in a hardware store or
If you have a Fly or a Luna rack lying about unused, I'd like to try it on
my Sam. Prefer stainless but would be happy with silver chromoly, too.
Please let me know off list. Thanks!
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Hey, Bill. Glad you changed your screen name to the name that you use
daily. I imagine it's easier.
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Great pictures, Manny! And those slopes look steep. Dang.
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Hi Corwin,
I'd like the Icebreaker Merino Wool T-Shirt. (Tried to reply off list but
couldn't. Pardon.) Please reply to me off list if you can. Otherwise I'll
find a way, tomorrow, to write to you off list. Thanks.
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> Thomas: Welcome to the Sam club!
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"Saturday is laundry day in Lancaster county. Riding through miles of
farmland, we see clothes hanging from lines stretched between homes and
barns or sheds. Lots of black, single color, simple clothes snapping and
whipping in the cold steady wind. They remind me of Tibetan prayer flags."
< Be
The green is beautiful but the orange is unexpected. I vote orange.
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Patrick: When you say you seek "the best cheap blade or disposables," do
you mean basic modern cartridge-style blades or do you mean old school
double-edge blades and the like? If it's the latter, I imagine you can
spend hours (days?) skimming through the Badger & Blade forums. But if you
> Patrick: If you use twin-blade cartridges instead of disposable razors,
>> you'll toss less plastic into your local landfill. No big deal maybe, but
>> it's a thought. (I used disposable razors until I discovered that shave
>> club that I mentioned, but won't mention again lest I sound like
> Page 2: "Email: (If she proves unhelpful, she will put
> you through to somebody else who may or may not be more helpful.)"
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Deacon Patrick: Thanks for posting that pemmican recipe. Am intrigued and
Evan E.
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Congratulations, Bill! Somehow your Sam looks best in that third picture
you posted. Must be the glow of reunion. Can't wait to see the build!
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IRD = Interloc Racing Design (
IGH = internal geared hub
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still something missing. Then one day about a year ago my wife asked, "Why
don't you just buy a Rivendell?" Bought a Hillborne. It is not only my
favorite bike, but one of my best purchases period.
Evan E.
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t the rate they
wear and with the distances I ride, it'll be years before I even think
about a new tire purchase.
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Great ride! Thanks to Manny and Grant for leading it--and to Liesl and her
new bike for inspiring it. (Liesl had such a bad cold she carried a box of
kleenex in her saddlebag. But she smiled just the same on her War Horse.)
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I liked Dave's use of quote marks around "supple." Ouch! :)
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appearance and
for its slightly thinner tubing. Nothing wrong with that, of course!
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Suntour Cyclone!
or Shimano Light Action:
Evan E.
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"It’s conformity packaged as non-conformity wrapped up in bike shorts and
goofy relics from Seinfeld." < This is what a fashion blogger named Michael
Williams says about Normcore. It's a big yawn to me, and I agree with
Liesl: not at all like Rivendell.
Evan E.
You rec
Hi Richard,
When you find the paint and try it, please report your results!
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Fantastic. Many thanks, Marty!
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Welcome, Mark! Beautiful pictures of a beautiful Atlantis—and it came from
World of Bikes in Iowa City! (I bought my first bike there, but Riv didn't
exist then and I knew zero about bikes, so I bought a Trek hybrid.)
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Sad and happy and beautiful. Thank you, Eunice, for sharing it.
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If you're OK with vintage, here's a Suntour Cyclone Mark II, new:
I have one on my Sam with a nine-speed. Works fine.
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Richard Sachs. It's like a serial autobiography, written in fragments, with
reflections on frames, bikes, business, life:
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You stay up until 1am, on a weeknight, to read every single word of the
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Congratulations on your wedding--and on your great choice of weddings gifts!
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> "We've enjoyed years of utility, transport, and just plain fun on Surly
> and Rivendell bikes. The brands intersect, but collectively they stretch
> the market in really meaningful ways. I have two kids who can work on their
> machines, lock them properly, carry everything they require, rid
So Richard: Have you ridden it yet?
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Get well soon, Cecily!
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Hey Liesl: On your recommendation I just looked up Empire Wool & Canvas
Company. Am impressed! Love these two paragraphs on their warranty page:
"We use natural fibers and hides, so we're going to incorporate their
personality into our work. You'll see range marks on our leather, odd yarns
in o
Hard to believe how sweet that bike is. Someone here buy it, please.
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This bike is not, of course, as nice as the one Michael H. is offering. And
it's a different size. But if anyone seeks a 58 Sequoia in the Bay Area,
here it is. Not mine:
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Beautiful work!
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Shawn: If all else fails, try mounting the German mirror on your
non-drive-side fork. That's what I did. The mirror started out on my (North
Road) bars but I couldn't get a clear view behind me unless I leaned far
out of the way. Now I just glance downward.
Evan E.
Wow! Beautiful. Please keep us posted at every step.
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Beautiful bikes, Steve! I'll be surprised (and a bit confused) if they
don't sell quickly. Orange X0-1!!
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That's fantastic news, Cecily! Happy riding.
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Give her time. With luck, she'll buy a Roadeo (or San Marcos) yet!
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I, too, fly fish. Just once or twice each summer. Dry flies. Mostly the
Yuba River and thereabouts in Nevada County, CA.
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Welcome, Kevin C.! Beautiful bikes you have there. Now that you have
bookends you need a Sam or Homer for the middle, right?
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Hi Manny,
I can picture the picture that you're talking about, but I too can't find
it on old threads. But I did find this one of you, from Amit. Good picture:
Happy birthday!
Evan E.
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Good-looking bike! I esp. like the head tube.
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May I just interrupt to say that this thread is yet another reason I love
this list? Useful, interesting input from everybody--plus this lucid
summary from Rod:
On Thursday, September 4, 2014 9:15:24 AM UTC-7, Rod Holland wrote:
I fear Jan is requiring that we think of two or three things at o
Great picture!
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Chris: Bummer! Here's wishing you a full and fast recovery. (Glad your
humor is intact.)
Tom: Thanks for sharing your story. I, for one, resolve to be more mindful
on the roads because of what you wrote.
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another bike (such as X0-1) with shortish chainstays? I'm not expecting you
to speak for Grant or Jan or Keven or anything; just curious to hear your
own take on this topic. I'd be surprised if a long chainstay's only real
benefit is to obviate heel strike with panniers in place.
Thanks, Bill, for answering. Chainstay length may indeed make little, if
any, difference. And Jim W. makes a good point about uprightness. All that
said, I find it easier to ride no-hands on my 1969 Raleigh Competition (~47
cm stays) than I do on my 1986 Univega Gran Rally (~43 cm), each bike wi
Great fix! The bag looks terrific all squared up.
Evan E.
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Beautiful photos, Ty! Inspiring trip!
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I'd call that bar a flat bar. (It's not a straight bar, in the way that
some mountain-bike bars can be jackhammer-handle straight, but that's
another matter.)
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Jay Hartman: I, too, have asked that question: Namely, if I'm already
slender and healthy and reasonably fit, would a low-carb, high-fat diet
make me healthier still? Perhaps it would. And perhaps Grant's book will
help to explain. In the meantime, I think Gary Taubes said something to the
Hi All,
If Gabe's awesome used 58 Atlantis can sell, I hope this awesome new 56
Atlantis can also find a home here. I don't know Wildcat or anything; I
just hate to see an Atlantis go unclaimed. Hence this bump!
Evan E.
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The other day I followed Deacon Patrick's recipe and made some chocolate
flavored with a generous pinch of cayenne pepper—and zero sugar. Yes, it's
bitter but it's delicious (I already have a hairy chest)! Thanks, Deacon
and Grant, for these recipes.
Evan E.
so that was my chance to smell up the kitchen.
But on a more serious note: If millions of people could get by on just one
meal a day, their food expenses could drop somewhat, right? And if per
capita food consumption drops, then there will be more food to go around?
Evan E.
To pile on: frame/fork/headset/bottom bracket may well be the way to go.
Last year I saw a complete copper/orange Raleigh International sell on eBay
for roughly $350. Since then I've seen International frame/forks, of
similar or identical vintage and condition, selling for $500+.
P.S. On second thought: it's spring. Good time to sell a beautiful bike.
Maybe give the whole bike a few more weeks on CL?
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ms at
all. And some folks claim that 8-speed chains are better-made than 7-speed
chains, although I haven't seen any detailed support of that claim.
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Beautiful bikes both--and terrific photographs from Jared.
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KMC master links--of the same size--to keep handy and to use on any chain
that needs fixing. Is this possible? Thanks.
Evan E.
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OK, I gather that a master link for 6-7-8 speed chains, such as this one,
won't work on a 9-speed chain:
But will master links of the proper size at least work across brands such
as KMC and SRAM?
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ts the bay, about a
20-minute brisk walk from Union Square.
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Beautiful bike! Fantastic color.
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What Patrick Moore said.
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To po
I will buy the MKS sneaker pedals! I live in Zip code 94133. Please send
me your PayPal info and I'll pay you. Thanks!
Evan E.
On Monday, June 30, 2014 12:15:02 PM UTC-7, Jenny wrote:
> Cleaning out extra parts from a bike rebuilt (prices do not include
Oops. Sorry, all. I could've sworn I hit the "reply privately to author"
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Wow! Beautiful bike! Did Groody Bros. paint it or powerdercoat it? Either
way, looks great!
Evan E.
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I thought it was powdercoat, but your blog post mentions paint. Just wanted
the Groody Bros. to get their due accolades for glossy, liquid-looking
powdercoat, is all. (I have no affiliation with them, btw.)
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os; had to post a small
one here. Thank you.
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Fantastic pictures, Manny. Looking forward to your recaps!
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Why is that orange Riv still available on San Francisco Craigslist? I don't
understand. (Must resist. Not need. But . . . )
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According to Riv, "a new saddle doesn't need it [Obenauf's], but after
a few months, put some of this on it." So perhaps you can wait a while
to treat your saddle. (From the research I've done on Brooks saddles,
it seems more people harm the saddles by overtreating them than by
undertreating them.)
Great review, Frank! Please do post it on the Riv site here:
Fun to read eloquent odes to soap.
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Welcome, Kellie! Great-looking Sam!
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If anyone here wants a genuine Harris Tweed tweed jacket, circa 1952, in
brown tic weave and in good condition, let me know. It looks nearly
identical to this one:
Don't worry. It won't cost you $895. How about $15 plus shipping? (My
P.S. Oops. The jacket is size 40 long (but it fits more like a 40 regular).
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The orange Rambouillet is the best-looking bike ever. Fact. :)
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> So, at great risk of oversimplification, relatively high TPI may . . .
> - indicate a more supple tire, or not
> - indicate a faster tire, or not
> - indicate greater rider comfort, or not
> - indicate greater susceptibility to punctures, or not
> - indicate marketing hooey, or no
"IME, you can spend a load of $$$ on a used bike chasing an unattainable
dream." < Great point, Jim! About six years ago when I started riding
bikes, I caught the C&V bug and bought a Craigslist Miyata. And then a
Univega. And then another Univega. And then an Austro-Daimler. Each bike
had its
A big thank-you to Jim for maintaining this list, and for his lucid call
for civilized discussion!
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Wow! Beautiful bike. And I don't even want to think about what a bargain
you got. Congratulations!
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Terrific shots, Manny! That shot of Mike ("Hey it's that guy on the
catalog!") is fantastic.
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Now that this thread has cooled off -- and also because Grant started a new
follow-up post -- may I ask you-all some very basic questions about trail?
1. Does fork rake/offset alone determine trail?
2. If so, how much rake is low trail? About 45mm?
3. How much rake is mid trail? About 55mm?
Thanks, everyone, for your answers regarding trail. (Pneumatic trail vs.
geometric trail? Whoa. It's even more complicated than I thought!)
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After having read way too many posts, on various forums, about Brooks
saddle care, I think the consensus is this: Whether you use Proofide or
Obenauf's or neutral Kiwi shoe polish or some other treatment, use it
sparingly and not too frequently. How much is "sparingly"? I like Grant's
Blue. While I like the green, the blue is regal, and a Rivendell custom --
even an old and scratched specimen -- is regal.
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You might call these shops. They are country-bike-friendly. If they can't
rent you a bike, they might at least steer you to the best bike rental
place among the many out there.
American Cyclery, 510 Frederick St, (415) 664-4545
Citizen Chain, 2064 Powell St, (415) 796-2925
Box Dog Bike
Thanks, everyone, for your warm welcome. To answer your questions:
My Sam is a 56.
I have a 1986 Univega Gran Rally (gofast) and a 1983 Univega SupraSport
(commuter). Now that I have Sam, I could do without these two bikes but
I'll probably keep them. They've got a bit of Riv spirit about
I have VO Tourist bars. They, along with the vintage Suntour MKII FD and
Suntour thumb shifters, are the only non-Riv items on the bike. (The
Tourist bars sweep back roughly 60 degrees whereas the Albas sweep back
about 75 degrees, with 90 degrees being parallel to the top tube. 60
degrees feel
What a shock. RIP Seth.
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Yes. Gripsters grip better.
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I like Bob Barr's postcard suggestion. What do you-all think? If some or
many of us are willing to send a postcard, and if Jack Warman agrees that a
postcard memorial sounds all right, perhaps Jack could post a mailing
address here?
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Thank YOU, Jim, for maintaining this list!
Evan E.
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Yep: buy a beater and have at it! (But I'll bet that you already have the
skills necessary to install a derailer.)
By the way, how do you determine if your steerer tube is butted? Anyone? .
. .
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