Hi all,
I would love to try metal fenders again someday.
My first year of bike commuting in NYC was the first year of CitiBike (NYC
bike share). My commute, from Park Slope, Brooklyn to the Garment District
in Manhattan, was just over 45 minutes each way. After almost a year, I
bought my own bike
Hi Nerl,
I have a bunch of miscellaneous parts including bars, stems, pedals, etc.
But I'm not as smart or organized as anyone else on the list. I live in
Park Slope on St Marks Pl. You are free to check out my basement and pick
amongst my bits and pieces. Maybe between Justin and me you can get m
I will check them out! Thanks!
> On Nov 29, 2019, at 8:26 AM, Max S wrote:
> David,
> Have you considered Berthoud stainless steel fenders?.. They are a tad
> heavier than the aluminum versions from VO or Honjo, but they are quite
> robust. I acquired a pre-owned set via Adam and they’d
I would bet it's the owner or an employee of Around Town Bicycles in
Wilkes-Barre. That's obviously an advertisement for the shop in the frame.
On Tue, Dec 3, 2019 at 10:27 AM Joe Bernard wrote:
> Looks like a Virtue with a front disc conversion. Which is a pretty
> interesting company..all Made
Wow, what a thoughtful gift! :) This made me so happy - it made my day!
On Sat, Dec 21, 2019 at 12:35 PM Fullylugged
> Weth;
> What a great Christmas story. Bless you for your gracious care for your
> friend.
> --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google G
Usually exception means bad weather and the package got rerouted/returned
to the depot for later delivery. At least in my experience.
On Mon, Dec 30, 2019 at 4:54 PM Conor Skelding
> Just used Shipbikes for the first time on Saturday (after it quoted me $62
> for the west suburbs of Chica
I'd like to think I have some positive karma because I ONLY bought one :)
On Thu, Jan 2, 2020 at 8:35 PM Mark Roland wrote:
> If anybody bought more than one and would like to share the love and start
> the new year in the positive karma column, please send one my way (off
> line). You will be h
Hey all,
I got this rack for my Clem H and installed it and put one of the large
Wald baskets on top. I'm frankly surprised at how wobbly it makes me with
not too much weight in it. Last night I overbought at Whole Foods (they
have Topo Chico by the case), so I had a pannier on the back with a cas
> Tom:
I have used the Nitto big (rear) rack on my Toyo Atlantis and have hauled
> 30 lbs of groceries like it wasnt’t there.
Makes sense. I've carried more pounds than that in books in my rear
panniers on my Civia; but in panniers.
> I don’t know if it’s aesthetics or what, but people seem to
On Sat, Jan 11, 2020 at 1:53 AM Bicycle Belle Ding Ding! <
jonasandle...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Joe: disagree! 🤣
> On Friday, January 10, 2020 at 9:21:38 PM UTC-8, Joe Bernard wrote:
>> I've already reported my disdain for basket loads on Clems, but the short
>> version is booo
Thank you, Rich. He was!
> On Feb 5, 2020, at 6:23 PM, R Shannon wrote:
> David,
> You’re a good dad. I’m sure your son was grateful. Nice looking Clem too!
> Best,
> Rich in ATL
> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On Feb 5, 2020, at 12:26 PM, Da
I will second Erik's description. Two caveats: drill somewhere where you
you don't mind metal shavings and can clean up (like the floor of a
workshop). The dining room table isn't appropriate, or at least that's what
my partner tells me. Second, they are REALLY grippy. I had some shoes with
I was so excited that Bike Snob is getting a Rivendell that I missed the
big news in my inbox - my Cheviot sweater just shipped! Thankfully we still
have some cold weather ahead this year.
I'm assuming more than a few people on this list ordered them as well.
Take care,
David (Brooklyn, NY)
For what it's worth, I used the Bobike Classic Junior for many years for my
son. I did not use the large plastic spoke guards and my son's feet never
got tangled in the rear spokes.
I liked it because it had plenty of affordance for hanging bags and it
folded flat so I could carry stuff on it when
Hi all,
I ordered a L and XL, and the XL fits perfectly. L is still in its plastic
- didn't even try it on.
$120 plus postage which shouldn't be much.
David B in Brooklyn
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "RBW
Owners Bunch" group.
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Sweater has been sold!
On Thu, Feb 20, 2020 at 2:19 PM David Bivins wrote:
> Hi all,
> I ordered a L and XL, and the XL fits perfectly. L is still in its plastic
> - didn't even try it on.
> $120 plus postage which shouldn't be much.
> David B in Brookly
Agreed. I've been living in it.
On Mon, Feb 24, 2020 at 9:42 AM Tim D wrote:
> It's very nice.
> Definitely worth the wait.
> --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
> "RBW Owners Bunch" group.
> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails
Hi all,
$25 plus shipping (or local pickup in Brooklyn, NY) for both. I rode them
home from the bike shop and promptly replaced them with 27.5 x 2 Big Bens.
They're practically new.
I'm in Park Slope, Brooklyn for anyone local.
Take care,
You received this message because you are sub
Congratulations! It’s beautiful! What a great gift.
On Sat, Mar 7, 2020 at 6:45 PM Reid Echols wrote:
> When you spot a mint condition Glorius a couple hours away in your
> spouse’s size, you jump in the car and drive, drive, drive. This may be the
> most beautiful bike I’ve ever seen. First pic
I would not think you need to adjust for wider tires as long as the fenders are
wide enough. I got wider tired and didn’t change anything. The diameter isn’t
changing. I do end up adjusting my and my wife’s fenders every few months just
from regular banging around and the SKB stays getting sligh
Sorry. SKS fenders. I’ve used SKB equipment cases elsewhere in My life :)
> On Mar 19, 2020, at 10:36 PM, David Bivins wrote:
> I would not think you need to adjust for wider tires as long as the fenders
> are wide enough. I got wider tired and didn’t change anythin
Glad you're on the mend, neighbor!
David B also in Brooklyn
On Fri, Mar 20, 2020 at 9:25 AM lambbo wrote:
> I just tested positive for Coronavirus!
> Good news is I'm healthy (after flu-like symptoms that were no fun) and my
> baby daughter and wife (who is a CNM, NP and works at Mount Sinai
Here's my take on the same recipe that lambbo posted. I've been making it
for many, many years and I don't make any other bread. This makes a BETTER
loaf than Antone's (just kidding, really). It doesn't involve a blender. It
does involve a dutch oven.
I put a medium-sized mixing bowl on a scale, t
SORRY! It's 1 1/2 teaspoons salt. 1.5 teaspoons. SORRY! I just made a batch
of dough and as I measured I thought I might have typed it wrong. SORRY!
I fixed it below:
On Sun, Mar 22, 2020 at 10:53 PM David Bivins wrote:
> Here's my take on the same recipe that lambbo posted. I
Hi all,
I just did a film giveaway on my Instagram page (davidshootsfilm) - I was
getting rid of expired film and film I wasn't planning to use in the next
year. I'm focusing on a narrow range of films and HC-110 as developer for
the year. In fact, Philip on this list was one of the film recipient
rse whole wheat flour from a small miller locally to
> me, so it didn't get the rise I was looking for. Very tasty nonetheless
> 2nd loaf goes to my neighbor
> On Monday, March 23, 2020 at 10:22:48 PM UTC-4, David Bivins wrote:
>> SORRY! It's 1 1/2 teasp
Nick, do you have a ratio of rye to all-purpose or rye to whole wheat, etc?
I have about 5 lbs. of rye flour but I've not had much luck with it.
On Thu, Apr 2, 2020 at 9:19 PM Nick Payne wrote:
> Bicycles and bread. Well, I baked a loaf of bread this morning - 50/50
> wholemeal and rye - and the
, April 2, 2020 at 8:46:12 PM UTC-4, lambbo wrote:
> > Wow what mill, how did you get it?
> >
> > On Thursday, April 2, 2020 at 11:00:40 AM UTC-4, j.schwartz wrote:
> > Not my best effort, ..but with not that much to do (all my Rivs are
> currently dialed in), I had plen
No problem! It was in the recipe I started with, and it never fails!
On Thu, Apr 9, 2020 at 4:09 PM Paul Richardson
> @david--
> adding beer is truly an inspired idea. i've made similar no knead /
> overnight rise loaves many times, but never strayed far from the
> flour+water+yeast fo
I have a dynamo on my cargo bike (Tern/Xtracycle Cargo Node) and it's the
best thing ever. I live on the 4th floor, and if I've forgotten my lights
for my Clem (if I had to charge them) after I've gotten it out of my
basement and brought it outside, etc. I then have to lock up, go back
upstairs, et
Deborah, I have the Beinn 20, which I think is the 6+ bike. My son outgrew
it. If you want the specs, I can copy the original order for you.
My child cared. He wanted "a bike that looks like daddy's" and the Linus we
got him first was OK, but I really took hook, line, and sinker the
Islabike, with
Think of it this way: if you go to another state and buy a widget, their
tax will be on the receipt. There are exceptions (clothing under a certain
amount in NYC for example), but it makes sense.
And Mark in Beacon makes an excellent point - the taxes may be helping
Riv's home state. I'm in NY so I
The bullmoose is 190mm stem per rivbike.com and looks the same. I have one
in the basement (which is four floors down) which I can measure if you'll
tell me how to "measure straight out like a normal stem:" to the very top?
Or to the base of where the bar is welded on?
On Fri, May 10, 2019 at 9:34
Congratulations! My only regret is that I didn't get my kid onto my bike
earlier, so good that you're looking into it in advance!
For when they're older, I loved our BoBike Classic Junior (and so did my
son). I have one that's well used but solid if you need it later. I'm in
Brooklyn (I believe you
I love the Velo Orange double kickstand. You can try mine out. I’m not using it
right now, but I anticipate using it again sometime.
> On Jun 19, 2019, at 11:34 AM, lambbo wrote:
> Wow, thanks folks! This is so cool, it's great to get all your advice and
> even photos of set-ups! It's reli
I found my second Clem (for my better half) for about half the Riv price
and it was barely used. Search every single day and search everywhere. You
can automate searches using IFTTT or other internet tools or you can just
check Craigslist/ebay/etc. every day, which is what I did.
I know you asked a
The all-weather Cambium will last forever. It's basically a plastic saddle.
You can wipe off water with your hand and keep your bum dry. It's
wonderful. You'll never have to replace it.
On Sun, Jun 23, 2019 at 9:27 PM Drw wrote:
> I want to start riding my bike to the beach, swim, ride home. It’
I have a dyno hub on my Tern Cargo Node and I so wish I had one on my Clem.
On Sun, Jun 23, 2019 at 10:41 PM Kainalu V. -Brooklyn NY <
kaiviers...@gmail.com> wrote:
> You might need a Dyno hub, they're better than you might think or
> remember. Definitely worth keeping (and buying)
> -Kai
> --
I would hardly call a Leica III fragile. It’s a brick of brass that could
double as a weapon at the end of a long strap. I carry my camera sling style,
with the strap over one shoulder and under the other armpit. Most of my cameras
are attached with conventional lugs, with the exception of some
I'm getting a vibe that people feel like the Leica III is more fragile than
it is. Granted, I don't know which model Philip has. I haven't heard of a
IIId. Dropping any camera is a problem. Dropping an M4 (or 3 or 2 and on
up) is always more of a problem because the viewfinder and rangefinder are
Don's a great camera tech. For my M bodies, I use Sherry Krauter and
sometimes Don (DAG). For screwmount (including LTM lenses), I use Youxin
On Mon, Jul 1, 2019 at 8:26 PM Philip Williamson <
philip.william...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Sorry, I have a ii not a iii. It looks like this:
> https://ww
Agreed with Patrick. They're a bit of a pain sometimes because they almost
hold too well, but I gave away all my other cages and replaced them with
the King Cage Irises. I bought direct from them; they also carry a cute
bottle opener (part of a cage) that makes a great gift for a fellow cyclist
Beautiful! I’m sure I wasn’t paying attention: when and why did they change the
seat stay? Mine is straight and older (they hadn’t done mustard yet I don’t
> On Jul 19, 2019, at 11:21 AM, Reid Echols wrote:
> Sorry, looks like that photo didn't quite load:
>> On F
My bad! It’s the 59!
> On Jul 19, 2019, at 11:21 AM, Reid Echols wrote:
> Sorry, looks like that photo didn't quite load:
>> On Friday, July 19, 2019 at 10:14:56 AM UTC-5, Reid Echols wrote:
>> New-to-me Clem, all kitted out. I've been considering catch-and-releasing
>> thi
I love the bar tape! Great looking bike!
> On Aug 5, 2019, at 12:48 PM, maxcr wrote:
> Here's the report on my hill-ready woolly mammoth build.
> After many months of delays because of some medical issues in my family, I
> finally got to ride the 'finished' Hunqapillar this past weekend.
I just ordered more than one. A camera strap for bike-riders with some
extra influence (fabric) from Riv. Available on the site right now.
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "RBW
Owners Bunch" group.
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Between a full manual and full automatic is stuff like autofocus and
aperture-priority. You could get a Minolta setup with aperture priority
pretty cheap - XD11 or X570, plus whatever lenses you were interested in.
They're built like tanks and have a world of lenses available to them. I
think the M
Oh! All this has jogged my memory (and camera collection): you should
definitely consider adding to your now growing collection (n+1, just like
bikes) of cameras the Yashica Electro 35. There are various models, but you
should look for the GSN or GTN (one is chrome, the other black). They are
Good call on the Yashica T4. I didn't recommend it because it is so
expensive, but I actually got one at a street market in Germany for a very
good price (about $150 if I recall correctly). In Europe it was called the
Others to grab if you see them and they work are the Ricoh R1 series and
If you're OK with interesting but never stellar results, a Holga, or a
Diana, is a lot of fun. But you'll never take a "straight" high-quality
photo with it. The limitations are what make the plastic cameras fun, of
You might look into the many, many Fuji/Fujica/Fujifilm medium format
I think my Clem H feels super light, too. I don’t know a thing about frame
geometry but I assume there’s a special balance it has. I “graduated” my wife
from a rescued Jamis Commuter to her own Clem H and she feels the same way
about it feeling light.
> On Aug 23, 2019, at 8:27 PM, Joe Bernard
That's not quite true. Riv sent a small bottle of touchup paint with my
grilver Clem H complete when I bought it new from them.
On Sun, Aug 25, 2019 at 8:16 PM Joe Bernard wrote:
> Riv doesn't really do touchup paint because even a "perfect" match is
> still going to be an obvious dollop on the
I had a Nikon EM. It was so simple and uninspiring.
I have several Minoltas, pre auto-focus era. I love them. I think some of
the lenses are great. My favorite isn't the "best" lens but it has the most
character: the 58mm 1:1.2 Rokkor. I think vintage Minoltas are are a great
deal, and techs still
Excellent point, Mark. I pre-ordered mine the other day.
I love pre-orders. It's like a gift I sent to myself from the past, because
I've usually forgotten that I ordered it.
On Tue, Sep 17, 2019 at 10:41 PM Mark Roland
> From the insider intel I received when reserving mine today, they
> David - great tip about adding $30 to the order to get free shipping.
> Cheers,
> Sean
> On Tue, Sep 17, 2019 at 11:27 PM David Bivins wrote:
>> Excellent point, Mark. I pre-ordered mine the other day.
>> I love pre-o
FINALLY! A bike to carry my laundry detergent!
On Fri, Sep 20, 2019 at 8:52 PM Brewster Fong wrote:
> On Friday, September 20, 2019 at 3:20:01 PM UTC-7, Joe Bernard wrote:
>> Truss Bike!
> Maybe the ugliest bike ever made
> [image: Image result for kirk precision bicycle]
> --
Was it this one?
[image: image.png]
Because that doesn't look "smallish" to me! :) Maybe the bar tape is making
it look wider than it actually is.
I got this one and I like it a lot (11" wide, MUSA)
On Mon, Sep 23, 201
Leah, I'm the same. I pump them up!
On Thu, Sep 26, 2019 at 5:15 PM Garth wrote:
> It doesn't matter what pressure Leah ... you're enjoying the ride and
> that's all that matters. Rules are for foolz !
> On Thursday, September 26, 2019 at 4:59:25 PM UTC-4, Bicycle Belle Ding
> Ding! wrot
Unless you're in the country without street lights, Why would someone ride
with a super-high lumens headlight? I argued this with a fellow cyclist
friend who was bragging that his headlight is "blinding." To what purpose?!
If you must, point it angled downward so you can see potholes or the road.
I thank you for your consideration for others, Eric. In NYC, most bike
lights that I see are mounted on temporary mounts (because you have to take
them off so they don't get stolen), and in my experience driving all over
the country, many, many motorists do not have their headlights focused
I used the Velo Orange porteur double kickstand on a Civia Twin City bike
with a Bobike rear child seat. It was excellent. I originally used it for
keeping the bike steady when loading it heavily; when I started carrying my
kid on it I kept using the same kickstand. Never a problem. I also used the
LOL! I accidentally read the first sentence of the last paragraph as "I
told her she should have gotten a better rep to help her..."
On Thu, Oct 3, 2019 at 6:30 PM Fullylugged
> A local occasional rider who wants to ride more but is challenged with
> some back pain and body geometry that
My hobbies:
Analog (mostly) synthesizers and effects; playing with and building. It's
pretty inexpensive to get into building electronics. You can start with
some simple hand tools (screwdrivers, wrenches) and an entry-level
soldering iron. As with bikes, you can crank up the geekiness (and expens
it once). My camera habit is like the bike habit is for some of you - N+1.
On Tue, Oct 8, 2019 at 10:30 AM David Bivins wrote:
> My hobbies:
> Analog (mostly) synthesizers and effects; playing with and building. It's
> pretty inexpensive to get into building electronics. You
I switched to bosco moose on my Riv-built Clem for this reason. I'm a big
guy, and a couple of times at very sudden stops, I moved the bars in the
stem significantly. The integrated stem removes any worry.
On Sat, Oct 12, 2019 at 9:05 PM Joe Bernard wrote:
> The problem is Nitto tolerances for d
Wow. That's a lot more serious than the spring thing I got from Velo
Orange. Looking forward to hearing your results, and nice to learn about
another innovative, useful product.
On Tue, Oct 22, 2019 at 9:45 PM Tom Horton wrote:
> I'm running an experiment. Having embraced big Wald baskets on the
Hear hear on station wagons. When our son was born 11 years ago, I did the
research and ended up choosing a used 2004 VW Passat Wagon. It has a
ridiculous amount of cargo space. My Clem slides in fairly easily with the
rear seats down, and I also bring my Clem to my VW mechanic's when I need
to lea
Last I checked, 718Cyclery still had one in mustard in stock, and they're
having a moving sale, so the shipping cost might be offset by the discount.
On Thu, Oct 31, 2019 at 12:34 AM Adam wrote:
> Greetings all,
> Posting for a buddy in Berkeley who’d like to buy a complete Clem but
> missed t
I was on a budget and bought this $80 3 bike rack from Amazon:
I took two Clems, fully fendered, and an REI kids bike to the Outer Banks
of NC and back to Brooklyn NY without a problem. I used irish straps to
lash the wheels, and I had to twist the ha
at 1:13 PM David Bivins wrote:
> I was on a budget and bought this $80 3 bike rack from Amazon:
> https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B000QJ8BV0/
> I took two Clems, fully fendered, and an REI kids bike to the Outer Banks
> of NC and back to Brooklyn NY without a problem. I used iris
It's a video comprising a voiceover and primitive animation that purports
to be about the differences between commuter cyclists and road/racing
cyclists and quickly becomes about road/racing cyclists. It is meant to be
humorous. I found it very funny.
On Tue, Nov 5, 2019 at 11:16 PM LeRoy wrote:
I did the same. Thanks for the heads-up, Bill. I got the new front rack and
another basket.
On Sat, Nov 9, 2019 at 10:55 AM Austin B. wrote:
> Bill L. gets the "virtual" commission on my sale as I wasn't even thinking
> about ordering anything until his post pointed me to Grant's Blahg and
> the
Mine shipped the day after I ordered it.
On Tue, Nov 12, 2019 at 9:55 AM Justin Kennedy
> just bought a large shop sack and basket rack this week. anyone know if
> the basket racks are actually on hand at Riv or en route? haven't seen a
> shipping email yet. Per Grant's Oct 8 blog: "NITTO
I'm one of those who act like "bars bend and flex in hands like wet
noodles." Well, not exactly, but I've been in two near-collisions in NYC
traffic where I exerted enough force on the bars to twist them downward in
the clamp. I love the stability of my boscomoose bars and I'm considering
getting t
Wow - thanks! I’ll be in touch.
> On Nov 18, 2019, at 10:19 PM, Kainalu V. -Brooklyn NY
> wrote:
> Moose anything is great! As for NYC and their superior triangulation, the
> moose triangle gives a solid spot to send a cable through, protecting your
> bars, stem, shifters, brake levers, a
I had/have the same experience with the crotch on every pair of pants and
shorts getting torn up. I ended up putting a saddle cover on it (the
Aardvark from rivbike.com, which I bought to disguise it in NYC) which
helps tremendously. I hate not seeing it though! It's a beautiful saddle. I
had the C
Hi, I was wondering about this, too. I have the standard build Clem H
(w/55cm Bosco bars), which I do love, but I feel, dare I say, a little too
upright. Also, I feel like the cockpit can get cramped on tight turns when
I'm having to walk the bike between traffic (I'm in NYC). I did an image
What a great bunch you are! Your kindness is infectious - I donated.
On Tue, Jan 29, 2019 at 11:50 AM Bob Lovejoy wrote:
> Something akin to a bump, but here is the thread for the renewed, 2.0
> campaign...
> https://groups.google.com/d/msg/rbw-owners-bunch/jpYTGIwgMEc/Eyogj9YjFAAJ
> h
I'm also in the Brooklyn freezescape. My dyno hub, on a Tern/Xtracycle,
fared just fine at the hub, but the light switch got frozen shut. I had to
hold my bare hand over it for a minute to get it unstuck. This was after
thawing out the two u-locks. Ugh. But I'm still riding!
On Fri, Feb 1, 2019 at
Yay film! Are those the 35mm struts?
On Sun, Feb 10, 2019 at 7:30 PM J Imler wrote:
> I went ahead with the Mark's Rack installation. I'm glad I did.
> Film photo attached.
> --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
> "RBW Owners Bunch" group.
> To uns
On my Clem H's kickstand, you could adjust that plastic bottom up and
down. For me, the plastic part fell off w/in weeks, so I got a
Pletscher to replace the whole thing.
On Wed, Feb 13, 2019 at 12:09 AM Dave Redmon wrote:
> My wife has a 52cm Clem L with Riv's stock silver kickstand, curved wi
I wish I could join you all! I'm a big film photography enthusiast.
To your point about color, Philip, CineStill began marketing a
purpose-built temperature controller that's based on a sous vide
device, the TCS-1000. I've successfully developed color film at home
in the kitchen sink by judiciousl
The CineStill color processing kit is very simple to use. For black
and white, I either use Diafine with Tri-X shot at 1000 speed, or I
use Rodinal for everything else.
On Thu, Feb 21, 2019 at 3:58 PM 'Eric Norris' via RBW Owners Bunc
You're welcome! I feel like Diafine is somewhat of a secret but once
you start using it, it's a wonder!
On Fri, Feb 22, 2019 at 2:25 PM Tony DeFilippo wrote:
> David thanks for sharing your him blog, very thorough and interesting post
> about diafine. I think my mind was blown by this content;
Such a cool shot - three bikes represented!
On Fri, Feb 22, 2019 at 7:47 PM Gabriel Bruguier wrote:
> That is my Atlantis in the back. Just getting it back from the shop after
> installing a King external bb and XTR crankset.
> The wheelset in the back is for my Cheviot. Photos to come.
Doug - you just reminded me of a time that I was riding up the hill in
Prospect Park, Brooklyn, with my son on the back of my bike, bringing him
back from a birthday party or something. The road is shared by pedestrians,
joggers, and cyclists. My son said "Dad, why is everyone running faster
than y
I would assume you're correct about an outgoing email problem - I
called recently and talked to Grant about a fender fit issue, so
they're ready and willing to help via phone at least!
On Wed, Feb 27, 2019 at 6:26 PM Toshi Takeuchi wrote:
> Hmm, I've emailed Grant, Will, and Jenny recently, and
That's terrible to hear about curt responses! I've emailed with Roman
about film and photography, with Grant about diet, and with anyone who
will answer about orders, fit, etc. I understand that it's difficult
to call from Australia. I have work colleagues there (I'm in Brooklyn,
NY) and we obvious
Sorry coming to this thread late but is there a problem with Ortliebs? I
commuted for several years with two Ortlieb panniers and they took seconds to
mount and take off. I’d walk into my office with one over each shoulder every
day. Unfortunately for my bike habit, I work from home now.
With names like "Homeless" and "Stemcell," I wonder why we don't see
more of them on the roads here in the USA? :)
On Fri, Mar 8, 2019 at 9:17 AM Collin A wrote:
> Bumbags, you can find them on Etsy.
> https://www.etsy.com/shop/BumbagsProject?ref=s2-header-shopname&listing_id=623036942
> Co
Hi all,
I made a donation and then posted it to Facebook with a description of
the campaign - a kind neighbor made a $25 donation. Just an anecdote
to counter what I used to think, which was "no one is going to donate
if I link to a GoFundMe page about a cause that's so far away." Not
true this tim
I have the Bodum burr grinder because I found it on sale. It's not the
best, but it works. A couple drops of water on the beans before
grinding will cut the static. I have a cheap ceramic burr hand grinder
for when I travel.
Agreed with all here - buy fresh roasted (or roast yourself) and keep
it i
Ah - the slow grind eliminates the static build-up! That's my problem
I'll bet - too fast. I will bookmark this concept.
On Thu, Mar 14, 2019 at 7:51 PM Ron Mc wrote:
> I've been through $50 Cuisinart burr grinders every 3 years for the past 9.
> This time I upgraded to a Capresso 565, which gr
I have many friends who roast their beans in a hot air popper. They're easy
to find at thrift stores, too!
On Fri, Mar 15, 2019 at 12:26 PM wrote:
> About a year back I saw a guy roast green coffee beans in an air pop corn
> popper.
> Any of you try using that method for roasting?
Regarding buying so much coffee that have to store some for three months:
Here in NYC, many of us know that there are few stellar pizzas in the
city. Probably more than most of us know, but you find out via
friends, Internet, whatever, and they're AMAZING. But any slice of NYC
pizza (barring the ch
I used this to support a Wald basket for a few years on a Civia frame.
$40 shipped in continental US. Can be had for $70ish brand new online.
PayPal, Venmo, cash, money order, check, whatever.
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Owners Bunch" group
I don't know if this helps, but I bought the Tern/Xtracycle Cargo Node
via Kickstarter in 2016, and it's great. I love it, and my 8, then 9,
then 10-year-old passenger on the back loves it, too. It is not
electric, but it has a dyno-hub and front and back lights. So if you
find something in that ge
The rack is sold!
On Sat, Mar 16, 2019 at 9:35 PM David Bivins wrote:
> I used this to support a Wald basket for a few years on a Civia frame.
> $40 shipped in continental US. Can be had for $70ish brand new online.
> PayPal, Venmo, cash, money order, check, whatever.
Great point on the accessories, William. My Tern/Xtracycle Cargo Node
came with the Tern Kanga rack on the front which is extremely useful. I also
keep a "Captain Hook" elastic net on the back so I can tie something
down to the back deck if I'm not hauling my kid to a soccer game. The
Xtracycle bag
I'm sorry, what is "too many bags?" I'm not familiar with this concept.
On Sun, Mar 17, 2019 at 8:35 PM Joe Bernard wrote:
> I got too many bags (again!). Minimal use, a smidge of tire rub on the thing
> built to take tire rubbing, I optimistically mounted it on my XO-1 last week
> and it wor
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