I thank you for your consideration for others, Eric. In NYC, most bike
lights that I see are mounted on temporary mounts (because you have to take
them off so they don't get stolen), and in my experience driving all over
the country, many, many motorists do not have their headlights focused

On Fri, Sep 27, 2019 at 8:20 PM 'Eric Norris' via RBW Owners Bunch <
rbw-owners-bunch@googlegroups.com> wrote:

> A properly designed light, like an Edelux, has a “cutoff” beam like the
> one on your car or truck. The light is focused downward on the road, where
> it needs to be.
> “Blinding” lights tend to have a comical pattern like a flashlight. The
> light shines up and down equally, creating a hazard for oncoming bikes
> (and, sometimes) vehicles.
> I use only focused lights on my randonneuring bikes. In addition to being
> more respectful of others, they’re more efficient because you’re not
> expending effort to light up the sky.
> –Eric N

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