Wow, this thread has been bringing the fightin' side of folks. Or is the
extended social distancing that is grating on nerves??? I've never tried
tubeless but am up for trying it soon.
On Monday, April 20, 2020 at 7:58:41 PM UTC-4, Roberta wrote:
> About 25 years ago, I go so many flats a
Good story Leah! I'm curious about JPs ebike. Which one did he buy? I've
been thinking about an ebike for my somewhat hilly 20 mile round trip
commute. The Rad Power ebikes look like a good value.
On Sunday, April 19, 2020 at 10:54:50 PM UTC-4, Bicycle Belle Ding Ding!
> D
I know, right Leah. We need Cheviot and Clem L updates. It was a fun newsletter
though. When I read the headline “Giant” back in stock list my mind went to do
they carry Giant bikes and accessories? Just a temporary brain freeze but I
had to laugh at myself.
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I’m curious how the bullmoose bars worked with the Clem. I would imagine the
long toptube made for a pretty long reach.
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That was such a fun read! Made me laugh sitting here at my office computer.
My dad was mechanically inclined but for bike stuff I was on my own! I
rarely pumped up the tires (that's what we called it) on my really
expensive Mongoose BMX bike. Mongoose was once upon a time a really good
That's a fine looking bike my friend. The paint colors are spot on. You
need to name it!!
On Tuesday, May 5, 2020 at 10:10:58 PM UTC-4, Joe Bernard wrote:
> It's here, live and in color!
> On Thursday, April 30, 2020 at 5:30:32 PM UTC-7, Joe Bernard wrote:
> > That might work, Rob
Regarding names, I'll make the first suggestion...The Ptubeless Pterodactyl?
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Many of you may have already seen this clip but it was new to me. Grant
does a good job, is funny, and gives thoughtful answers. The ladies doing
the interview asked good questions. They start with helmets, then cover
clothing and food while riding. And of course bikes. BTW, you only need 8
Yes I am an e-book fan and have debated with others the merits. I can have a
whole library in my hands, etc. some folks swear by paper though and that’s
okay. Just Read. I read the Harry Potter series and thought they were awesome!
I also highly recommend the Young James Bond series to any teen
That’s a nice looking Clem. Would you mind posting your build specs since this
doesn’t look to be a Riv complete? I like the idea of a 1x drivetrain.
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That's a classy looking Roadeo, and the jersey is excellent.
On Saturday, May 2, 2020 at 5:54:51 PM UTC-4, reynoldslugs wrote:
> Great bike, great color. I never pass up a chance to post a picture of my
> Roadeo - in same colors! Not set up for brevets, but pretty well travelled:
Thanks for the heads-up Roberta. I bought a used one not long ago and it does
not have this handy feature. But, it’s so useful and fits just right under my
Brooks saddle. I hang my reflective triangle on it and ease on down the road.
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Great news Leah! Okay I said I wanted a Cheviot. But lately I’ve been looking
hard at the Atlantis. I really want ONE bike to ride and am settled on spending
more than I’ve ever spent on a bike. Not Joe’s custom kind of money but a lot
for me. I really like the idea of a lower top tube since I’m
One other question. The current Cheviot 55 seems to be fit with 650b wheels. Is
this changing?
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Just say no to Platypus. Really? Platypus? Maybe it will grow on me but my
first take is not a good bike name.
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So, the newly designed bicycle influenced by the venerable Cheviot/Cheviut
will get one of two names...Platypus or Winthrop-Charlene. I've been
wondering how these names relate to the new design or the target customer.
Winthrop-Charlene may establish that this bike is intended for men and
Okay. I lambasted the name. But after a little time of thinking it over. I
could ride a Platypus. What does it really matter, right? If it’s a well
designed nice riding rig then I’ll consider it. It’s that bike or a Clem L for
me. Both are coming soon.
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That was a fun read about your custom. A $1,200 paint job, wow! It does
look to be meticulously done and such a nice color combination.
On Saturday, May 16, 2020 at 4:05:00 AM UTC-4, Joe Bernard wrote:
> My frame is in the new Blahg with lots of cool notes about the incredible
> Joe
Kiley, you are thinking the same as me. I wanted the new Cheviot and decided it
was worth the cost and I’d go all in for it, even though I shouldn’t spend that
much. I’m back in the Clem L camp where I need to be. I can build it just like
I want and spend extra for dyno since the frame is much l
What the heck is a dingle?
On Friday, May 15, 2020 at 2:20:46 PM UTC-4, maxcr wrote:
> Ha! No worries John, these are always in demand, so no harm done ;)
> I just dropped them off at the post office, they should be on their way to
> Patrick over the weekend.
> Max
> On Thursday, Ma
Good morning all,
Okay, this article isn't about Rivendell bikes so it may be off topic. But,
I really enjoyed the quick read and thought we could apply it to Rivendell.
How do you use your Rivendell? Which of their bikes would suit different
times and riding surfaces? How would you set up a par
3:12 eastern time zone
On Friday, May 22, 2020 at 3:20:04 PM UTC-4, DHans wrote:
> I checked at 3:12 just after it went live..and the 52 cm Green is already
> sold out! I guess I will wait for the Platypus after all...or buy an
> Atlantis. It's nice when choices are taken awa
Which Dyno hub did you use and are those handlebars Bosco Bullmoose? If so,
how’s the reach?
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this time. Not sure what the current
> model is? The bars are indeed Bosco Bullmoose, from my original Clementine.
> If anything, they feel even more dialed on this newer geo Clem L.
> On Saturday, May 23, 2020 at 10:24:07 PM UTC-4, DHans wrote:
>> Mark,
>> Whi
I’m sorry for the loss and especially for this young person’s family. Death of
someone young and unexpected is hard to process.
Your Atlantis looks good and it’s great you had a nice long ride to think and
relax. Is that one of the new long wheelbase Atlantis frames?
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Too bad Riv stopped making the MUSA shorts. I'm wearing mine today and they
are cut well with plenty of pocket room. Bring 'em back!
On Saturday, May 23, 2020 at 1:25:36 PM UTC-4, Todd Ferguson wrote:
> Hi all,
> I've been riding in the MUSA shorts with aussie wool underneath for longer
Aptly sup..and in aptly supple ride?
On Monday, May 25, 2020 at 8:56:26 AM UTC-4, Mark Roland wrote:
> With Grant's fondness for anagrams, maybe Patyplus? Could spell it Patti
> Pluss on the other side...
> On Monday, May 25, 2020 at 5:32:33 AM UTC-4, Garth wrote:
>> Platypus bott
I get email updates for a bike forum and this thread was a topic linked. It’s a
typical Rivendell discussion by folks who don’t agree with Grant’s bicycle
philosophy. But there are comments of support as well. I thought it might be of
interest to folks here.
The response from Leah should be most helpful as she has ridden both. I
haven't ridden either but can tell from photos that the new Clementine is
long. In fact, when I emailed Will about sizing he said the 52 would
work for me unless I wanted a really big bike under me with the 59. I guess
Nice steed masmojo. I like the green saddle bag against the orange frame. Leah,
I am enjoying your quest to personalize your bike! I’m on the hunt for a Clem L
52 but will be patient and wait. My old GT mountain bike commuter conversion is
really a nice ride. Old school steel.
You rec
Really nice build Joe. That’s about perfect in my estimation.
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I really like the way you’ve outfitted the Clem L. It is classy looking. I
can’t help but think of “land yacht” when I see these bikes. I think the low
tube makes it look even longer. I also think the design uses the form follows
function idea in that the wheelbase was extended enough to allow f
I agree Joe it is all a matter of perspective. And, the older I get the less
concern I have for how a bike looks especially as compared to the “typical”
bike. Comfort is king for me! I’ll post a new bike day Leah as soon as I can
find an L model in 52. My current ride is pretty sweet and I’d po
When I had a bike with Bosco Bars I had to torque the stem bar connection
pretty tight not to get slippage when I stood up to pedal if I was gripping
near the end of the bars. There is so much leverage with that bar. On a
future Clem build I would seriously consider the Bullmoose stem combo bar.
Yeah, the black just looks better. And I’m a fan of copper in general and
especially with the black leather. Copper is rugged looking in a working person
way with just enough regality to be looked upon with admiration.
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I think Rivendell concepts are being embraced to a greater extent the past few
years. But, they are still quite rare to see in the wild, especially here in
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I’m looking to buy either a Banana Sack or Small Saddle Bag (also the Riv one).
I’d like to read some opinions of both. Thanks!
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Good feedback so far. I plan to hang it behind my Brooks saddle. I won’t need
quick access while riding but I also noticed Leah that the Banana sack seemed
to offer easier access in general.
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That’s yet to be determineD Joe. I’m open to suggestions. Probably the small.
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I have to agree DP. I don’t like political stuff on this forum and this may
have not been intended as such but it was bound to happen.
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Thanks Joe. I’m happy to read first hand experience. Well that settles it.
I’ll get the small. Is the current small Riv sells larger than the one you had?
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Thank you Benz. That was really helpful.
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That’s a bad-a$$. Looking Clem. Looks like a muscle car bike.
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This is slightly premature but I am wondering if any of you have set
bicycle related goals for 2020. Mileage total? New bike? Bicycle Tour?
My goal is to ride every day and although I don't log miles, I'd like to
ride around 2,000 miles for the year (I may put a cyclometer back on my
Joe, me too brother. 105 days and looking forward to living sober in 2020. Erl
(Weth) I will use that phone app, it will be easier and I really don’t want an
odometer on my bicycle. One more goal for 2020 is to buy a Clem L.
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I couldn't agree more. Even though my 2020 goal post (not as in football)
stated a mileage goal, I prefer to accumulate miles with lots of short
rides. I ride around the neighborhood, to the convenience store, or to the
coffee shop. It's transportation not sport for me. And, that's a change in
Looks good Joe. I also had to cut one of my Jones grips to be able to install
my shifter. Is this a 52 cm Clem?
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If anyone wants to sell their 52 frame to purchase a 45 let me know. 🙂
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Now I’m second guessing whether I want this generation of the Clem L. I may
just BOLO for the previous model. This type of feedback isn’t mean and is much
appreciated Leah.
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Now I’m second guessing whether I want this generation of the Clem L. I may
just BOLO for the previous model. This type of feedback isn’t mean and is much
appreciated Leah.
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Interesting that Riv removed the geo charts and Grant choses not to discuss it
with a customer. Does he suspect people overthink subtle geometrical
differences? Sort of a rhetorical question but I do wonder.
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I could call Riv and ask but I thought I’d check here first. Does anyone know
when they will have the Clem L completes or frames back in stock?
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I want to thank you and other health care workers who put themselves in harms
way to treat others. Your sense of humanity and selflessness is awe-inspiring
and certainly much appreciated.
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Thank you for posting this Patrick Moore. It is tiring hearing cliches such as
climate denier and science denier used to ridicule a person who has obviously
given these topics much thought, right or wrong they may be. And, to also
ridicule their religion in one post and then in the next post of
Congrats on the new's a beauty. Grips look new and the saddle just
worn enough to be comfortable. What wheel size does it have?
On Thursday, March 19, 2020 at 11:34:00 PM UTC-4, Nathan Mattia wrote:
> Drove 5 hours back from our spring break in Tennessee today with my
> family.
Yeah, I agree let’s not debate these unrelated issues. I defended DP from
others but I think the last post may be a bridge too far. Let’s stick to bikes.
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I was out walking my pup in the neighborhood today and noticed more people,
especially more children, out and about riding bicycles and just playing in
general. I also couldn’t help but notice that fewer cars were zipping around on
this beautiful Saturday evening. Spring has sprung! Many of the
I’m looking to buy sunglasses/cycling glasses to wear riding but want a pair
that function just as well off the bike. I’ve seen some Tifosi models that look
nice and functional. I’ve worn Oakley for the past few years but don’t want to
spend that much on a new pair. Does anyone like lenses that
ble for me, if not the most
> good-looking casual shades.
> Cheers,
> Keith
> On Wed, Mar 25, 2020 at 6:28 PM DHans >
> wrote:
>> I’m looking to buy sunglasses/cycling glasses to wear riding but want a
>> pair that function just as well off the bike. I’ve se
Joe hooked me up with 2 pairs of rad Oakleys!! Thanks Joe. You da man!
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My banana bag is perfect. Fits just right under my Brooks saddle and holds just
enough stuff. The clasp seems old school and in a good way.
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I’ve been buying stuff from Joe B. and chatting by text with him about Riv
bikes. I’ve been considering either a Clem L or an Atlantis. But, this topic is
making me strongly consider a Cheviot. I like the idea of a lower bar as my
flexibility ain’t what it used to be. I’m enjoying these comments
My recommendation would be to move away from gendered names and gendered
marketing and just build bikes that are lighter weight, heavier weight and
let the buyer choose which suits them best. Society seems to be moving in
this direction and why not follow that path for the better of all. A big
I like the idea of dyno hubs but portable LED lights are so good and long
lasting now I just don’t see the advantage unless you are touring. And isn’t
there a slight drag as compared to a standard hub?
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I have to admit, many of the points here I hadn't thought much about
regarding dyno lights. Dorothy, you experience is particularly helpful in
that you weren't switching to dyno lighting except that a wheel you bought
included it. And, you found it useful and have since bought other wheel
Wow, that is way cool, Eric. German engineering is so good and innovative,
On Friday, April 10, 2020 at 1:18:44 PM UTC-4, Eric Norris wrote:
> One alternative to a standard donohue setup is an external generator.
> Velogical, a Germany company, came out a few years ago with a modern
> int
> wheels new lights who dis?!?
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Apr 10, 2020, at 10:21 AM, DHans >
> wrote:
> Wow, that is way cool, Eric. German engineering is so good and innovative,
> Doug
> On Friday, April 10, 2020 at 1:18:44 PM UTC-4, Eric Norris
I love that video, it's so funny. I'm guessing you could entertain yourself
well as a child. I had one of each, my younger son would play and become
his toys...loved hearing him voice his action figures. My older son would
look at me like, what are we doing next? Ha
I have rarely ridden at nigh
So, pre-order in June???
On Wednesday, April 8, 2020 at 1:16:11 PM UTC-4, Bicycle Belle Ding Ding!
> Well, they think the bikes will hit the water in July. So, no one is
> getting a Cheviot until late August, I think.
> Sent from my iPad
> > On Apr 8, 2020, at 10:15 AM, Joe B
If I remember correctly Mark, you have a black Clementine. I don't think
they will offer that color in the new batch, unfortunately. I too eagerly
await a Clem (L) entine.
On Wednesday, May 8, 2019 at 6:53:39 AM UTC-4, Mark in Beacon wrote:
> I know, a unicorn might be easier to find. But
I don't want to disparage any bike mechanic but I wonder if REI has
mechanics with much experience. I along with others would recommend new
shifters as you have decided and take it to an LBS mechanic. Good luck!
On Thursday, August 15, 2019 at 11:29:25 AM UTC-4, Bicycle Belle Ding Din
The colors are awesome Joe. The matching colored seat post is classy.
On Tuesday, September 24, 2019 at 3:57:58 AM UTC-4, Joe Bernard wrote:
> Thanks, Hugh! It's a Holy Grail Riv for sure, especially to find one I can
> fit. It's quite astonishingly light, I wasn't expecting that. It's going t
Fantastic. One of the guys says it makes him think of freedom. That’s the thing
a bicycle gives kids and adults. Thanks for sharing this Grady.
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With the time change I will be biking home in the dark. I’m curious about your
light setup for riding in the dark. Also favorite light brands. Thanks.
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I agree Joe. I bought and sold a Clem H and regret it. If a 52 L were in stock
I would buy it now. Although I do prefer the first generation green. I’ve never
owned a low step over bike but since I ride more for utility now than
recreation and the L looks like it would be ideal.
You r
I’ll be back on a Clem soon enough. I like the front pouch Joe. Looks like my
Yeti coffee mug would fit in it.
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I much prefer the 2nd generation/iteration green color (Forest green /
British racing green?)I'd be interested in a complete build or frame and
fork. If you have one you'd like to move on from in green or maybe any
color please let me know.
Doug H. 706-614-3592
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Agreed wholeheartedly Leah. I’ve had the same thoughts.
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I really like British Racing Green. You could accent it with the cream color
Riv uses on some models.
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I enjoy Dirt Rag and I agree this is a nice article. Regarding the Gus, has
a price point been established for the build?
On Thursday, February 21, 2019 at 9:40:01 PM UTC-5, Daniel D. wrote:
> Glad this magazine is still around. Remember reading it way back when...
> https://dirtragma
How would you compare the Clem H and the Clem L? I'm waiting for the Gus to
come out and for the Clem L's to be restocked and will choose one of those
for my next bike.
On Saturday, March 16, 2019 at 1:31:17 AM UTC-4, Joe Bernard wrote:
> Chad, I'm about your height and have
Cool story Roberta and Leah. Riv riders seem scattered around the USA but
meeting up is awesome.
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Joe, that is freaking awesome! The black looks so good with the frame
color. The flared handlebars look cool too.
On Wednesday, March 27, 2019 at 3:56:00 AM UTC-4, Joe Bernard wrote:
> ...from James and Candice at Analog Cycles, and it's cool as a cool thing!
> 53cm 650B
> WI Mi5 rea
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