I'm selling my 59cm A.Homer Hilsen.
It's in excellent condition. 3 years old, 3000 miles. Never dropped or
rained on. Stored indoors at room temperature. (No garage storage.)
$2500, with professional packing and shipping to the CON US included.
Will consider offer on local pickup (Paso Robles ,CA
Forgot to add my contact address...
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I'm selling my 59cm A. Homer Hilsen.
It's in excellent condition. 3 years old, 3000 miles. Never dropped
rained on. Stored indoors, at room temperature. (No garage storage.)
$2100, with professional packing and shipping to the CON US included.
Will consider offer on local pickup (Paso Robles ,
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I'm going to break with the other posters, and go with the San Marcos.
I'm 5'10'' with an 86.5 PBH, as measured by Grant. The 54 San Marcos fits
me perfectly, with an 11cm stem.
I've owned both the Rambouillet and the San Marcos, and I find the San
Marcos to be a better handling bike, when ri
By David Byrne...
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I had a similar experience last spring.
I was off my Homer for 3 months (due to the bad winter in the PNW). I
had just finished dialing it in when the snows came, so I was curious
how it would feel after along lay off. Much to my delight, everything
felt good, other than my legs. I attribute most
"Wagner's "Ring" cycle may be vying with Dudamania as the headline
maker of the musical season on Grand Avenue, but please take note that
downtown's main drag of the arts will also be playing host to a horde
of cyclists, ringing.
The musical piece in question is "Eine
I went up to RWHQ this past Satarday, and saw the Roadeo in the flesh.
I can't tell you how impressed I was. Didn't ride it, but the look and
feel was exactly what I think this bike should be, and exaxctly what I
think a lot of cyclists are looking for. I may have to lose 30 pounds
so I can ride o
Maybe it has something to do with the 6th photo, scrolling left to
right, on the Rivendell home page...
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> - Is the AHH a good replacement for the Specialized Roubaix for me,
> not a racer, not a club rider, just interested in metric centuries,
> centuries and eventually as I loose weight and gain fitness, longer
> rides?
A resounding yes...
Agree completely! Fantastic job by CF.
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I too like to keep a low profile...
In the 6 years since I got my first Rivendell, I've ridden over 20,000
miles, and have had a number of people comment.
I had one homeless guy seriously ask about it. He seemed to know what
it was, and wanted to know if it lived up to its reputation.
Once while
How about simply, "Seven? Make it nine."
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I zoomed in on my neighborhood, clicked over to the satellite image,
and place my blue bulb on the roof of my house...
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My favorite name of the bunch is Rambouillet. My least fav, the
Once, during the height of the Iraq-War/anti-French sentiment, I was
accosted on my Rambouillet in the restroom area of a campground. An
intoxicated man with an iron horse shoe in his hand was furious that I
In truth, I thought "Roadeo" was pretty weak...until I saw the bike/
paint/decals in person. Then it seemed virtually perfect. So, I'm
withholding any kind of judgement on the "Hunqapillar" moniker until
such time as I actually see one. :)
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Saw an article in a local newspaper that Mount Diablo might have a
name change to Mount Ronald Reagan...
This might spin off an entirely different vein of Rivendell bike
names, wouldn't you think? :)
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As a 86.5 cm PBH person happily riding a 59 AHH with JBB 33.3's, all I
can say is brace yourself for a lot of fun!
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To uns
This thread should be the last carbon fiber-related topic in this
group, ever.
This is a Rivendell owner's group.
Rivendell doesn't make or sell anything made of carbon.
Every carbon thread to date has ended in tears or virtual fisticuffs.
Addtionally, Grant has made his postion very clear on
Phase two of the "Noodle Discovery Train" is finding the right width.
I ended up getting three pairs, 42-44-46, and swapped them back and
forth until I came to the conclusion that I indeed liked the 42's
The wider bars worked well, but my pinkys got numb on long tides. No
amount of moving t
On Apr 30, 3:54 am, GeorgeS wrote:
> What is a pacenti quasi-moto?
A 650b tire.
But, I grant you, this is the oddest sounding heading ever!!!
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This is the wheel manufacturer's response... worth reading. Maybe
carbon spokes weren't to blame...but a carbon frame was.
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To be clear, I wasn't advocating Mavic's postion, but felt that their
response should be noted.
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Can I go of on a tangent relative to the Roadeo?
Not having a deep background in bikes, I'm wondering what the pratical
differences are between the threaded and threadless options.
And, why is the threadless option 1", rather than the more common 1
Thanks, Doug and Steve...
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I rode a Rambouillet for 3 years, and recently shifted over to an AHH,
because we moved from So Cal to the PNW, and I wanted to rided wider
tires with fenders. I had to sell my Rambouillet (to a very nice
fellow -- http://myrambouilletbuild.blogspot.com/ ) to facilitate the
So, I'm in the un
I'm around 220, and I think that's the limit. I put on some weight a
while back (240), and could feel my AHH starting to flex side to side
just a bit too much, especially the front end. When I lost the weight,
it felt fine again. The same for my old Rambouillet. 220 was about
That's all on th
On Nov 23, 4:07 am, Steve Palincsar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> All that said, I would want to put a huge load on the back of a
> Rambouillet.
Why would you want to put a huge load the back of a Rambouillet?
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On Nov 23, 6:33 pm, "PATRICK MOORE" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> What exactly do you mean by "depth"? It's not usually an
> adjective used of bicycles.
On Nov 24, 7:04 am, usuk2007 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The way I interpreted "depth" as applied to the Ram was that it
> doesn't limit a st
Having been through the shifter mill -- including stints with both
Shimano and Campy brifters -- I'm back to DT. Clean, simple, and easy
to use. I do, however, prefer indexed shifting. I bring this up just
to make the point that I'm not stuck on any kind of retro aesthetic.
Of the other options,
Does anyone know anything about the "hub pump?"
Second product on the page...
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Okay wiseguys, here's the website...
Do I have to do everything myself :-)
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It'd be a first!
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Same problem, same solution here. :-)
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On Dec 9, 8:20 am, Jay Sinn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have to go with the barbaric grocery bag on the seat
Paper or plastic? :-)
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I guess well behaved men rarely make history either!
Latest on Richard Sachs' Cross team...
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Great post. Thanks for all that, Grant.
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I though the Rivendell offer was generous in spirit and in practice.
What they were offering was clear. Seems odd to pick it apart...
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On Dec 23, 3:18 pm, "PATRICK MOORE" wrote:
" I think, opine, consider, think, presume, and believe that Grant was
wholly altruistic in his offer, and I applaud, congratulate, en-kudo,
praise, commend, and acclaim it whole heartedly."
Agree 100% ... dismissing as a clever marketing ploy is way
On Jan 7, 6:52 pm, Jim Thill - Hiawatha Cyclery
> I've heard that it may be getting harder to escape the extra charges imposed
> by the airlines
> for a coupled bike.
Even nice airlines have to eat too, Jim...
You receive
I too have a namesake on the Rivendell roll. I keep thinking my twin
will order a custom Riv -- in my size and in a color I really like --
and one day it will arrive at my door my mistake.
Hey, it could happen!
P.S. I knew a guy who had an unusual last name, and the only other
family with that s
Another option I've used with success is to remove the old tape, and
use strips of that used tape in lieu of gel. The thin but noticable
addition of padding takes out some of the harshness of a single taped
bar (if indeed that's your perception of same). It also doesn't add as
much to overall diam
And the legend grows...
:) :) :)
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"All Atlantis owners are hipsters under the skin. Mitch Browne"
Good one!
As a multiple-Rivendell owner over the years, I've never owned an
Atlantis, even though it's the Riv frame that is closest to my wants/
needs. My reasoning is simple...I'm not cool enough to ride an
Atlantis, and deep dow
"Fast, Faultless and Fadless ... Our Vehicles Pass the Test of Time."
This is remarkable! :)
I wonder if the two brothers working in the back make airplanes in
their spare time?
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Not exactly what you are looking for, but the right size, and in
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I thought Grant's critiscm of the NAHB was a little harsh...then I saw
the "winning" bike!
May be the most unridable looking bike I've ever seen...
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Just curious about the bike accident that resulted in a Riv customer's
folded front fork...
It sounds like it was somewhat serious, if the rider couldn't speak for
several days after the accident. Does anyone know any details? Was he
wearing a helmet when he crashed?
I just installed a set of downtube ratchet shifters on my San Marcos.
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Sorry, my above post was published before it was completed...
The crank gear level seems to slip "downward" into the smaller rings
as I ride.
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Thanks William, makes sense... :)
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Are Altras suitable for cycling, or just running?
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Since one of the criticisms of cycling helmets has been the relative
lack of protection, I've been wondering if there's a helmet that would
fall between the standard bicycle helmet and the full face motorcycle
helmet in terms of protection...and still be servicable
The "half helmet" or "skull cap"
So Lyle, which Nutcase helmet did you get your daughter, and perhaps
might get for yourself?
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're a bit studier than regular bicycle helmets.
> The manufacturing quality is the same as high end bike helmets and better
> than most mid-range helmets.
> And price? CHEAP.
> http://www.troxelhelmets.com/products/sport
> On Wednesday, October 10, 2012 3:5
This is an amazing thread!
I was never an Airplane fan back in the 60's...although I was the
right age and was from California. More into Cream, Doors, Hendrix.
But, for some reason, about a year ago I bought their "Worst Of" CD on
a whim, and was just blown away by how much I loved it, and relate
P.S. Favorite Airplane song to ride to: Won't You Try/Saturday
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Ginger Baker was an avid competetive cyclist as a teen...
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I faced the same dilemma recently, and chose the San Marcos.
Haven't had a moment's regret. Best handling bike I've ever ridden.
And that includes a Ram and a AHH.
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Can't afford to enter this month, but...
...if I could, and I won:
I would order a copy of a 54 San Marcos, with a few Rivendell touches
(better dropouts, better brake fit, nicer fork curve) a different
color (probably Merckx orange) and of course, the emporer-like status
of a Rivendell decal run
I wasn't able to enter, so that's a minus one to the total...
:) :) :)
Seriously, it's so cool we had a popular winner (not that there could
be an unpopular winner), and the excitement of dreaming what we might
order if we won was great. Hope Riv benefits from the promotional
effort. It was a lot
I've had Noodles from 48 down to 42, and prefer the 42's. And, I have
wide shoulders.
The "falling through" sensation you describe was something I
experienced, and the 42's resolved it.
Best bars ever, IMO.
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The first time I ever went into the Rivendell shop, Grant let me ride
3 Rambouilets...and I commented how dramatic the increase on stability
was as the size of the bike went up.
His analogy was comparing the difference between writing with a pen
when the "leak cap" was on the top of the pen, and w
I've paid "full retail" price for 3 new Rivendells since 2005. Best
cylcing deals I've ever found.
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The thing about builds for a Rivendell frame is that you can try a lot
of variations over a period of months, or even years, and the frame
maximizes each combination. So if you approach it as a long term
project and don't count pennies too closely, it becomes a fun learning
You rec
Two somewhat similar incidents...
I was near the end of solo, unsupported a double metric century on my
Rambouillet-- the longest ride I'd ever made -- and I was feeling
pretty damn proud of myself. As I neared home, I came upon a college-
aged guy on an old touring bike that was so loaded, it was
I thinking I need just a touch more width for the torn up pavement in my
neighborhood. What would you suggest as the next size up from my current
Jack Browns...that would fit a Soma San Marcos?
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Thanks ...
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