Two somewhat similar incidents...

I was near the end of solo, unsupported a double metric century on my
Rambouillet-- the longest ride I'd ever made -- and I was feeling
pretty damn proud of myself. As I neared home, I came upon a college-
aged guy on an old touring bike that was so loaded, it was a miracle
he could stay on it. This was in Ventura County in California. The
rider was on the way to Belize...from Seattle! He said he was planning
to stay down there a year or two, but by that point on the ride, had
decided to save enough money to fly home! I offered to put him up for
the night, but he was keen to do the whole trip "on his own."

Another time I was in Central California on a surf trip. An older
gentleman  on a mountian bike stopped near my car. Just one small
saddle bag. He said he was retired, had been evicted from his place up
north somewhere, and decided to ride his bike to Florida to attend his
grandaughter's wedding. I tried to gave him all the cash I had (just
over 20 bucks,) but he declined, saying he had been in the Marines and
could take care of himself. I left the area, but turned around a few
minutes later, flagged him down, and more forcefully offered the
money. He admitted he was almost out of money, and accepted my modest

Life on the road is a lot more interesting than life at home!

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