Re: [RBW] Re: low-rider rack and bags

2012-06-22 Thread Mike
Smaller/front Sackville panniers combined with a basket would probably be a perfect combo for s24o gear, or at least for me. I've really grown to like panniers in recent years. I can't abide by messenger bags anymore and while I love saddlebags i always get a little nervous when I leave one atta

[RBW] Yosemite, Honnold and Homer--what's the connection?

2012-06-22 Thread Mike
So in Grant's last Blug post he wrote: "A couple of days ago in Yosemite, this happened, and it is remotely related to the A. Homer Hilsen in ways you can guess at, but won’t get right, and we won’t reveal. It is a phenomenal story, anyway."

[RBW] Re: The Poster

2012-06-22 Thread Mike
Although my poster hasn't arrived, I checked the artist's website and like his work. Definitely glad I didn't miss out on this. --mike -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "RBW Owners Bunch" group. To view this discussion on the web visit https://groups

[RBW] Re: low-rider rack and bags

2012-06-22 Thread William
Thomas I went on an ultra fat tire jag on my Canti-Hillborne for a bit. I barely got Marathon XRs to fit which were a true 48 if memory serves. I liked it so much and wanted clearance so badly that I sold that Hillborne and began saving up for an Atlantis. I still am nowhere near the Atlanti

Re: [RBW] Re: low-rider rack and bags

2012-06-22 Thread Ryan Watson
My latest obsession is minimalist front lowriders, so that new rack is indeed very appealing! I had this one made by a local builder: But my favorite so far is this type from Watanabe:

[RBW] frame swap? (My LongLow custom for your Atlantis)

2012-06-22 Thread b hamon
I have tried to ride and enjoy my '99 LongLow. Each time I come home less happy than before. The truth is that I am totally burned out on 700c wheels, and on the feel of this frame (which, due to multiple factors including the aging process, no longer fits or rides the way it used to). It's a 55

[RBW] Re: The Poster

2012-06-22 Thread Tony Lockhart
Did you happen to see the updated blug posting from the other day. The folks at Riv released a line-work image of the posterthey're going to continually release other images showing the progression of the poster. I really like that idea. While this won't really spoil it for anyone who's wai

[RBW] Re: low-rider rack and bags

2012-06-22 Thread Thomas Lynn Skean
William, Jason... Excellent information and useful photos. I sympathize with your missing your Hillborne, William. I can safely say I'm in no danger of trading to an Atlantis lest I miss mine. Every ride's a joy. And I'm sure your Atlantis will give you that and fatter tires to boot! On a d

Re: [RBW] Re: low-rider rack and bags

2012-06-22 Thread Tony Lockhart
I also hope this type of rack makes it into production because I'd buy one in a heart beat. I like the "clean" installation however it could use a little refinement. I really hope they put in another mounting tab lower on the rack so this can work with fork with only a lower braze on---perhaps

Re: [RBW] Re: low-rider rack and bags

2012-06-22 Thread Thomas Lynn Skean
Excellent! The Watanabe is definitely minimalist. I'm not sure I could get a shirt into what it would support. Yours "local builder" rack is the platonic ideal of the tubus tara. Even with the loop it seems light and tight without the rotating joint and lower curvature of the tara. And of cour

[RBW] nice kids' bikes

2012-06-22 Thread Seth Vidal
The discussion of good kids' bikes comes up from time to time. I caught this today on fastboy cycles' blog/flickr feed and I thought some of y'all may be intrigued: and thought some of y'all

[RBW] Re: Newbie here, and to RBW

2012-06-22 Thread lumpy
Thanks Jim for the thoughts. The saddle isn't new, so maybe I'll try a very small angled change on it and see how it goes. On Wednesday, June 20, 2012 11:28:37 AM UTC-7, Cyclofiend Jim wrote: > > The sliding is definitely a issue with a new Brooks saddle, especially if > you have been using t

RE: [RBW] New Mexico listmembers?

2012-06-22 Thread Marc Schwartz
Bleriot and Queeksbeem are my rides I ride more than I post I live in 'Cruces Way down South In the summertime I roast Marc From: [] on behalf of PATRICK MOORE [] Sen

[RBW] Re: WTB Albatross Bars

2012-06-22 Thread The Cripler
Thanks. I actually bought some from another list member. Interestingly these are going on my Big dummy. When I first swapped out the Surly Torsion bars, I had some Albatross bars on my my BD and I really liked them. I have since been running with with some Jones Loop H Bars, which I really love.

Re: [RBW] New Mexico listmembers?

2012-06-22 Thread NM520
Hi Patrick, I'm in Silver City, but come up frequently to Appleturkey. I'll be up in July and would love to hook up for a ride. Nils On Wednesday, June 20, 2012 4:10:57 PM UTC-6, Patrick Moore wrote: > > Yes, Don too -- tho' I thought he was ibob. > > At least some of us are manly enough to ri

[RBW] WTB: Rivendell road-style bike for 82 PBH. Rambouillet, Road, Homer, Roadeo, Bleriot, etc.

2012-06-22 Thread lungimsam
Frame sizes are all over the place for the different models, so I thought I'd just list my PBH. If you have one you'd like to sell, please let me know. I have wanted a Rivendell road-style drop bar bike for a while, but cannot afford new. So I am looking for used. Again, something along the l

2012-06-22 Thread Marc Schwartz
Hiya All! The Stuff Purge; SOME STUFF SOLD PRICES LOWER Nitto lugged Quill Stem for 1" threaded headsets. 9cm center of bolt to center of bar. Hand brazed of chrome moly steel wiyh Nitto's nickel finish. Excellent condition, a few light insertion marks. $125 including shipping. Riv catalog li

[RBW] Re: Grant Peterson in Nashville

2012-06-22 Thread dweendaddy
Trish from Let's Go Ride a Bike is leading a ride from Sevier Park up to Parnassus. Ride leaves at 115. Then there is a gathering at The Hub on Edgehill, I believe, after, around 330. I will try to do the ride there on my list-acquired Raleigh Sprite (thanks Marty!). Edwin On Thursday, June 2

[RBW] Re: Newbie here, and to RBW

2012-06-22 Thread lungimsam
I'd be interested. If the standover size is 79.5cm that is a 55 frame, my size for Bleriot. On Thursday, June 21, 2012 9:06:26 PM UTC-4, Justin August wrote: > > Funny... > I have 56ish Bleriot tha I may be selling if it doesn't turn into the > spare bike... > > -J > -- You received this messag

[RBW] Fwd: 13-30 fw

2012-06-22 Thread PATRICK MOORE
Forwarded to the list from member Rick Ward, at his request. -- Forwarded message -- From: Rick Word Date: Fri, Jun 22, 2012 at 10:17 AM Subject: Re: 13-30 fw To: PATRICK MOORE Thanks, Patrick.  Can you forward the following message to the group? Greetings, all! Yet another

Re: [RBW] New Mexico listmembers?

2012-06-22 Thread PATRICK MOORE
Nils: Please do get in touch. I'll have family out in mid July but should have time for a ride. More generally: the RBW NM Chapter is larger than I had imagined -- especially since I haven't seen any Rivendells except my own here -- tho', 10 years ago, did come across a retired gentleman riding a

Re: [RBW] New Mexico listmembers?

2012-06-22 Thread PATRICK MOORE
I mean: RBW listmemberts + iBobbers if there are members of the latter that don't belong to the former. > More generally: the RBW NM Chapter is larger than I had imagined -- > especially since I haven't seen any Rivendells except my own here -- > tho', 10 years ago, did come across a retired gent

Re: [RBW] frame swap? (My LongLow custom for your Atlantis)

2012-06-22 Thread PATRICK MOORE
Beth: I thought you loved the LongLow. What changed? And, second, what about 700c wheels now disappoints you? (An aside: after riding the massively fat and heavy 700c SnoCat wheels on the Fargo, at very low pressures, too, I yesterday rode the 650C Gofast with new Michelin Pro 3s or somesuch: qui

Re: [RBW] frame swap? (My LongLow custom for your Atlantis)

2012-06-22 Thread PATRICK MOORE
Forgot to add re Beth's LL that if Joe's work on hers is up to his work on my Gofast, it is very good work and I daresay better than most of Riv's production bikes. On Fri, Jun 22, 2012 at 10:39 AM, PATRICK MOORE wrote: > Beth: I thought you loved the LongLow. What changed? > > And, second, what

[RBW] Re: Yosemite, Honnold and Homer--what's the connection?

2012-06-22 Thread Jim M.
I think the clue is more likely about Hans Floring, who lives in the town next to Walnut Creek. I wouldn't be surprised if Hans' link goes back to the original Rivendell Mountain Works, whose founder, Don Jensen, was also local to Walnut Creek. jim m wc ca On Friday, June 22, 2012 6:00:45 AM

[RBW] ....A little summer cleaning....

2012-06-22 Thread Rich Powers
Paypal personal preferred or check is fine as well. Please contact me if you have any questions. Shipping extra at actual cost or some noted as included. Feel free to combine items and make me an offer. I do get to Chicago and Minneapolis a lot so I'm able to meet for the larger items like the

Re: [RBW] Re: low-rider rack and bags

2012-06-22 Thread William
" The Watanabe is definitely minimalist. I'm not sure I could get a shirt into what it would support. " LMFAO! I can see it now, Thomas puts his LEFT winter glove in the LEFT Watanabe Pannier. His RIGHT glove goes in the RIGHT Watanabe Pannier. On Friday, June 22, 2012 8:21:41 AM UTC-7, Tho

[RBW] Re: low-rider rack and bags

2012-06-22 Thread William
Thomas. I'm sure you've seen this already, but this is the best I've done in my stable for double-plus-chubby tires and double-plus-skinny frame tubes. On Friday, June 22, 2012 8:10:36 AM UTC-7, Thomas Lynn Skea

Re: [RBW] nice kids' bikes

2012-06-22 Thread cyclotourist
Thanks Seth, that's a really nice bike! I'm so tired of 20" kid bikes that weigh more than my 29er. FWIW, the best production non-MTB kid bike I can find is the Redline Conquest 24. It's not perfect, but best option out there that I have latched on to. Anybody know of small sized (<45cm) cross b

[RBW] Beautiful retro jerseys in modern materials

2012-06-22 Thread PATRICK MOORE Too expensive for me, but I'd buy the Neith in a minute if I had the money -- one of the most beautiful jerseys I've seen. Sorry, seersucker just doesn't work for me -- and I've tried it; does not wick and feels hot compared to knit fabrics. I

Re: [RBW] nice kids' bikes

2012-06-22 Thread Thomas Lynn Skean
Surly lists a 42cm Cross-Check. I've never seen one. Does that qualify? Yours, Thomas Lynn Skean On Friday, June 22, 2012 12:53:19 PM UTC-5, wrote: > Thanks Seth, that's a really nice bike! > > Anybody know of small sized (<45cm) cross bikes w/ 26" wheels? > -- You recei

Re: [RBW] nice kids' bikes

2012-06-22 Thread cyclotourist
It has 700C wheels, so nope :-) A LHT is pretty close, and probably what we'll end up with, but a lighter/tighter cross bike would be perfect. On Fri, Jun 22, 2012 at 11:32 AM, Thomas Lynn Skean <> wrote: > Surly lists a 42cm Cross-Check. I've never seen one. Does tha

Re: [RBW] frame swap? (My LongLow custom for your Atlantis)

2012-06-22 Thread Beth H
On Friday, June 22, 2012 9:39:56 AM UTC-7, Patrick Moore wrote: > > Beth: I thought you loved the LongLow. What changed? > And, second, what about 700c wheels now disappoints you? > Two things that have developed over the last five years: 1. I find that bikes spec'd around 700c wheels in my appro

Re: [RBW] frame swap? (My LongLow custom for your Atlantis)

2012-06-22 Thread Kenneth Stagg
On Fri, Jun 22, 2012 at 1:58 PM, Beth H wrote: > > So, as my bicycling life evolves and my atorage options aren't increasing, > it makes sense for me to transition to bikes I will actually ride, and will > enjoy riding as I age. Beth, Good for you. Circumstances change and none of us are gettin

Re: [RBW] nice kids' bikes

2012-06-22 Thread Thomas Lynn Skean
Sorry... got confused. It's the LHT that they offer in 26", which I assume wouldn't qualify. Yours, Thomas Lynn Skean On Friday, June 22, 2012 1:34:01 PM UTC-5, wrote: > It has 700C wheels, so nope :-) > > A LHT is pretty close, and probably what we'll end up with, but a >

Re: [RBW] nice kids' bikes

2012-06-22 Thread cyclotourist
Happens to the best of us! :-) On Fri, Jun 22, 2012 at 12:11 PM, Thomas Lynn Skean <> wrote: > Sorry... got confused. It's the LHT that they offer in 26", which I assume > wouldn't qualify. > > Yours, > Thomas Lynn Skean > > On Friday, June 22, 2012 1:34:01 PM UTC-5, c

Re: [RBW] nice kids' bikes

2012-06-22 Thread Thomas Lynn Skean
I basically gave up looking for a "quality" kids bike. Even with my almost-10-year-old's love/like of cycling, he's only going to ride a few hundred miles a year, if that. We'll go on 10-15 mile rides many good-weather wekeends. But ride while cold? Nope. Raining? No way. Too hot? Not a chance

Re: [RBW] frame swap? (My LongLow custom for your Atlantis)

2012-06-22 Thread PATRICK MOORE
Let us know what you find to replace it. Me, I'd probably move from 559 to 622 if I could find bikes that had all the other qualities of my small-wheel Riv roads. But then I can ride up to a 60 (depending on the top tube) so this is a different situation. My one complaint, really, about 559 and 57

[RBW] Tall Feller's Union Request

2012-06-22 Thread Cyclofiend
Hey there - As I've mentioned in passing, I'm working as bicycle mentor this summer with the local cycling advocacy group - (Marin County bicycle Coalition - One of the winners in the "Bike Locally Challenge" had been away from bikes for ~15 years or so, and his int

[RBW] Re: frame swap? (My LongLow custom for your Atlantis)

2012-06-22 Thread lungimsam
In what way does it not ride the same anymore? On Friday, June 22, 2012 10:38:47 AM UTC-4, Beth H wrote: > I have tried to ride and enjoy my '99 LongLow. Each time I come home less > happy than before. The truth is that I am totally burned out on 700c > wheels, and on the feel of this frame (

[RBW] Re: The Poster

2012-06-22 Thread Julian
My poster arrived today. Wow! Really wonderful. A surprise, but in my case, a wonderful one! Yippee! Julian Westerhout Bloomington, IL On Tuesday, June 12, 2012 9:22:05 AM UTC-5, Zack wrote: > > I placed my pre-order last night. > > I have to say, I am really excited, I checked out DLG's web

[RBW] My version of a Homer

2012-06-22 Thread Smudgemo
Last summer I found myself working a block from Riv HQ. Building bikes is a hobby of mine, and I had begun stopping by for bits and pieces, and reading up on sizing the Riv way. I finished my this build (my current commuter) a couple of months ago, and it ended up being heavily influenced by

[RBW] Andy Hampsten in the New York Times

2012-06-22 Thread Aaron Thomas
Today's NYT carries a short interview with Andy Hampsten on cyclotouring. Note his Strada Bianca with what appear to be Jack Brown tires. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google G

[RBW] Re: Andy Hampsten in the New York Times

2012-06-22 Thread Aaron Thomas
Slight correction. His brother, Steve, of Hampsten Cycles had this to say: "Given the fork and the short-reach calipers, I'm thinking those must be Roly Poly tires. But he rides Jack Browns on the Strada Bianca." So I guess the pictured bike isn't a Strada Bianca either... Whatever. All I know

[RBW] Re: My version of a Homer

2012-06-22 Thread Matthew J
Very good effort. Impressed! On Friday, June 22, 2012 7:57:42 AM UTC-5, Smudgemo wrote: > > Last summer I found myself working a block from Riv HQ. Building bikes is > a hobby of mine, and I had begun stopping by for bits and pieces, and > reading up on sizing the Riv way. I finished my this

Re: [RBW] nice kids' bikes

2012-06-22 Thread cyclotourist
A good kid MTB to consider is the Specialized Hotrock 24. I'm very happy with the one we have. Enough so to buy a second for kid #2! You already have a 24", but if you find a cheap used Hotrock, check it out. The newer ones are de-contented a bit over the ones a few years old. I'm really obsessed

Re: [RBW] Re: Andy Hampsten in the New York Times

2012-06-22 Thread cyclotourist
A good place to have a Riv-Rally! On Fri, Jun 22, 2012 at 1:39 PM, Aaron Thomas wrote: > Slight correction. His brother, Steve, of Hampsten Cycles had this to say: > "Given the fork and the short-reach calipers, I'm thinking those must be > Roly Poly tires. But he rides Jack Browns on the Strada

Re: [RBW] Re: frame swap? (My LongLow custom for your Atlantis)

2012-06-22 Thread Bruce Herbitter
What about converting it to 650B? Sent from my Kindle Fire _ From: lungimsam Sent: Fri Jun 22 09:57:15 CDT 2012 To: Subject: [RBW] Re: frame swap? (My LongLow custom for your Atlantis) In what way does it not ride

[RBW] FS: garage sale weekend

2012-06-22 Thread Joe Bunik
Hi guys With so many of us seem to be going through similar summer-project-financing purges... I'll make my contribution to "My garage to yours!" All are in good-to-better condition unless otherwise noted, and will try and get photos over the weekend. Prices do not include shipping, and as always

[RBW] Mojo/Ride the Rockies

2012-06-22 Thread nawrock
Hey Mojo of Grand Junction, Howd it go? I was at Odell Brewery later in the afternoon last Friday when you all got into town. Saw alot of the riders coming into town riding down Shields. Hope it went well and you had a blast! Ride report? Dave Nawrocki Fort Collins, CO -- You receive

[RBW] Re: My version of a Homer

2012-06-22 Thread Aaron Thomas
Nice work. I dig your fastback seatstay junction. Suave. On Friday, June 22, 2012 5:57:42 AM UTC-7, Smudgemo wrote: > > Last summer I found myself working a block from Riv HQ. Building bikes is > a hobby of mine, and I had begun stopping by for bits and pieces, and > reading up on sizing the Ri

[RBW] Re: low-rider rack and bags

2012-06-22 Thread dougP
Ryan: That rack by your local builder is wonderful. Too many racks have bars, loops, hooks, etc., that don't serve any obvious purpose. Both Tubus and Nitto make great products but they get a bit busy looking. My Nitto Big Back Rack is guilty of this over-build syndrome. Hopefully Riv can keep t

Re: [RBW] Re: low-rider rack and bags

2012-06-22 Thread Ryan Watson
It was built by Chauncey Matthews in Belen, NM. I knew he was the guy after seeing the nice minimalist rear rack he made for Patrick! He also made a cool adjustable-offset fork for my pal Eli. Ryan On Jun 22, 2012, at 19:05, dougP wrote: > Ryan: > > That rack by your local builder is wo

[RBW] Re: low-rider rack and bags

2012-06-22 Thread Michael_S
Doug, Chauncey bikes too. He built me a curved top tube 29er and a 650B all rounder. Here is a picture of my 29er... filet brazed with nice silver bits and an Acorn bag. It is tall enough in the front I can swap in a steel fork and have a monster tour bike. For now I put on a suspension fork.

Re: [RBW] nice kids' bikes

2012-06-22 Thread Andy Smitty Schmidt
I think the end result of the Rivendell kid's bike was that a prototype was made but in the end it was going to be too expensive for a kid's bike. On Friday, June 22, 2012 2:49:44 PM UTC-7, wrote: > > A good kid MTB to consider is the Specialized Hotrock 24. I'm very happy

[RBW] Re: frame swap? (My LongLow custom for your Atlantis)

2012-06-22 Thread SISDDWG
"it doesn't make sense to keep and store bikes I ride less and less over time. Periodic culling and adjusting of the bike herd isn't a bad thing. " Ditto. I just sold my 1998 Joe/Joe Longlow for much the same reasons as you. That bike took me across the U.S.A. Occasionally I give it a thought b

[RBW] Re: nice kids' bikes

2012-06-22 Thread Mark Fredrickson
I've said it before, and I'll say it again: We need to bug Surly to make a kids bike. It can have super fat tires or whatever kick they are on this week. I've emailed them. I encourage everyone to do the same. On Friday, June 22, 2012 10:34:42 AM UTC-5, Seth Vidal wrote: > > The discussion of go

Re: [RBW] Re: nice kids' bikes

2012-06-22 Thread cyclotourist
Surly would be a good one. Especially as the folks that work for them start having more kids! When I mentioned "someone" should import Islabikes, I was specifically thinking QBP (Surly's Big Poppa). But Surly doing a 20, 24 then a 26" bike would be just as awesome. The 26" LHT is almost perfect, so

[RBW] Re: low-rider rack and bags

2012-06-22 Thread dougP
Mike: That is really cool! Except of course the fork but I realize it's functional. I've been sketching, plotting, planning, & measuring on this rear rack idea off'n'on for quite a while. This may be my entirely indefensible utterly self-indulgent bicycle purchase for 2012. dougP On Jun 22, 6

[RBW] Re: Andy Hampsten in the New York Times

2012-06-22 Thread Michael_S
here is the right bike with Jack Browns... made by Moots for Hampston. I'd love to do one of his tours... someday. ~mike On Friday, June

[RBW] Re: frame swap? (My LongLow custom for your Atlantis)

2012-06-22 Thread dougP
"...bicycling life evolves..." is a theme I can relate to. The bike that preceded my Atlantis prgressed thru an angled stem to raise the bars, triple crank, added eyelets for racks, etc., etc. But at some point I had to give it up for real brakes, wide tires and longer chainstays for panniers. T

Re: [RBW] frame swap? (My LongLow custom for your Atlantis)

2012-06-22 Thread RonLau
Beth, still riding that green machine? On Friday, June 22, 2012 11:58:30 AM UTC-7, Beth H wrote: > > On Friday, June 22, 2012 9:39:56 AM UTC-7, Patrick Moore wrote: >> >> Beth: I thought you loved the LongLow. What changed? >> And, second, what about 700c wheels now disappoints you? >> > > Two thi

Re: [RBW] Re: low-rider rack and bags

2012-06-22 Thread Ryan Watson
Here's a busy looking rack! On Jun 22, 2012, at 19:05, dougP wrote: > Ryan: > > That rack by your local builder is wonderful. Too many racks have > bars, loops, hooks, etc., that don't serve any obvious purpose. Both > Tubus and Nitto mak