[RBW] Re: Indian bike names

2012-01-07 Thread newenglandbike
I went to college in a town called Amherst- as awful a name, due to its history, as any word or name that has been appropriated from Native American language.But it's just a name, and better that it be used and not forgotten by the general public than otherwise. -- You received this m

[RBW] Re: Indian bike names

2012-01-07 Thread Bill Carter
I'm surprised no one in this discussion has mentioned one of Grant's favorite literary characters, Hiawatha. On Jan 6, 11:47 pm, Liesl wrote: > On Jan 6, 10:41 pm, Joe Bernard wrote: > > > My 2 cents is..I think Native-American traditions and names and such are > > very cool, and worthy of honor

[RBW] Re: cable hangers - keyed or unkeyed?

2012-01-07 Thread Marty
I've used all types, and aside from the extra effort to keep the hanger straight on a steerer without a flat or slot, a non-keyed hanger/steerer seems to work just fine. Typically you end up getting a feel for how off-set to have the hanger positioned as you tighten down the the lock-nut on the

Re: [RBW] Re: Indian bike names

2012-01-07 Thread Allingham II, Thomas J
Grant did in the original Blug post. On Jan 7, 2012, at 6:51 AM, "Bill Carter" wrote: > I'm surprised no one in this discussion has mentioned one of Grant's > favorite literary characters, Hiawatha. > > On Jan 6, 11:47 pm, Liesl wrote: >> On Jan 6, 10:41 pm, Joe Bernard wrote: >> >>> My 2

Re: [RBW] Re: Indian bike names

2012-01-07 Thread Leslie
What did I post last night?!?! My apologies! I get to thinking, then writing, and don't stop I start to build foundations of points, and never return to finish them... I'll refrain from late-night postings, and put such on a blog somewhere instead... Hope I didn't upset anyone. -L --

[RBW] Re: Indian bike names

2012-01-07 Thread Bill Carter
Thanks for pointing that out, I'd missed it. I doubt he'd use the name "Hiawatha" itself out of consideration for Jim Thill, but it sounds like he may be playing with the idea of using one out of the Longfellow work. It would certainly go along with the use of "Rivendell" and various product name

Re: [RBW] Re: Indian bike names

2012-01-07 Thread Allingham II, Thomas J
"Never apologize, and never explain. It's a sign of weakness." I found your post thought-provoking. On Jan 7, 2012, at 10:26 AM, "Leslie" wrote: > What did I post last night?!?! > > My apologies! I get to thinking, then writing, and don't stop I start > to build foundations of point

RE: [RBW] Todays Ride

2012-01-07 Thread Marc Schwartz
Hey Bomba Ree-Bop A few degrees warmer and the leaves are gonna jump back onto the trees!! M ___ From: rbw-owners-bunch@googlegroups.com [rbw-owners-bunch@googlegroups.com] on behalf of Kelly Sleeper [tkslee...@gmail.com] Sent: Friday, January

[RBW] Re: Indian bike names

2012-01-07 Thread Marty
If the kids' bike re-surfaces, I think Minnehaha sounds about right because kids fall a lot. (OK - so you have to be from Minneapolis to get that one.) Marty -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "RBW Owners Bunch" group. To view this discussion on the w

[RBW] Signal to Noise Riv Ride... PDX

2012-01-07 Thread Smitty-A-Go-Go
I love Jim M's post on the BSNYC thread about signal to noise on the list here. I especially like his final sentence about going for a ride. It caused me to look at the weather for the weekend and decide that Sunday afternoon will be a perfect opportunity for a ride under the sun. I'm in SE Por

[RBW] AHH vs Atlantis

2012-01-07 Thread Michael Williams
Hey Group, I have a question for dual AHH and Atlantis owners. Do you ride a slightly bigger AHH than an Atlantis or the same size? I have both( in 61cm), and the AHH just seems smaller.I looked at the geometry chart and all the #s seem to be pretty indentical. Now on the Atlantis I rid

Re: [RBW] Re: Indian bike names

2012-01-07 Thread Peter Morgano
How about more animal names equus? Cimarron? On Jan 6, 2012 10:03 PM, "Allingham II, Thomas J" < thomas.alling...@skadden.com> wrote: -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "RBW Owners Bunch" group. To post to this group, send email to rbw-owners-bunch@googl

Re: [RBW] AHH vs Atlantis

2012-01-07 Thread James Warren
I use a 64 Atlantis and 65 Homer. The two bikes fit very similarly because the Homer's top tube slopes up 1.5 degrees while the Atlantis's slopes up 2.5 degrees. That one degree of angle difference creates a stem height difference of almost exactly 1 cm. So the handlebar/seatlug relationship of

Re: [RBW] Re: Indian bike names

2012-01-07 Thread PATRICK MOORE
The southeast has some of the most beautiful Indian names: Chattahoochee, Amicalola, Hiawassee, Tallulah, Waleska. Monongahela from Pennsylvania -- not to mention Allegheny and Appalachia. Nazlini, Kayenta, Chilchinbito, Teec nos poz, To'Hajiilee (with the Navajo glottal stop), Tohatchi, Dennehot

[RBW] Re: Indian bike names

2012-01-07 Thread William
Leaving aside the political considerations and treating names of bikes as just names of bikes, for some reason I find super long bicycle names endearing. Kona named a cruiser after the tiny fish "humuhumunukunukuapua'a". The Native American placename to fill that spot is clear: "Touch not a

[RBW] FS: MA40 rims, Sugino AT, VO Rack

2012-01-07 Thread Marty
Funding a re-spray for another bike, so these are up for grabs: NOS Mavic MA40 rims, 40 hole, $250 for the pair shipped. I have another pair on my Bombadil - nice and rare! NOS Sugino AT crankarms, 175mm, no rings or bolts. $80 shipped. NOS Velo Orange Constructeur rear rack. Never installed. $5

Re: [RBW] Re: Indian bike names

2012-01-07 Thread hobie
Don't some native american tribes now own gambling casinos? They sure sell alot of cigarettes. "If you can't lickem you might as well join em". I'd stick to animal names. Saluki was a great name. Check out the great Youtube videos of these dogs running. We all know how well GPs bikes ride. A wor

Re: [RBW] Indian bike names

2012-01-07 Thread jimD
I enjoyed reading it. Plus it did have some ostensible Riv linkage If you start a blog I'll subscribe. -JimD On Jan 7, 2012, at 7:26 AM, Leslie wrote: > What did I post last night?!?! > > My apologies! I get to thinking, then writing, and don't stop I start > to build foundations of point

Re: [RBW] Indian bike names

2012-01-07 Thread jimD
Enough great names to support another decade of Rivendell innovation! On Jan 7, 2012, at 9:30 AM, PATRICK MOORE wrote: > The southeast has some of the most beautiful Indian names: Chattahoochee, > Amicalola, Hiawassee, Tallulah, Waleska. Monongahela from Pennsylvania -- not > to mention Allegh

[RBW] Re: Riv Spoof Today on BikeSnobNYC

2012-01-07 Thread IPATOM
I think Bikesnob jumped the shark awhile ago. He can be funny but mean- spirited at timesmy 2 cents. On Jan 5, 2:32 pm, islaysteve wrote: > This guy is so funny, if you're not reading him, you > should:http://bikesnobnyc.blogspot.com/.  I hope that Grant doesn't > eliminate the toothpicks fro

[RBW] Re: Indian bike names

2012-01-07 Thread George Schick
"...I'd stick to animal names. Saluki was a great name..." Hey, hey, hey! Can it be my little Havanese? His name is Kozmo. On Jan 7, 12:21 pm, hobie wrote: > Don't some native american tribes now own gambling casinos? They sure sell > alot of cigarettes. "If you can't lickem you might as well

Re: [RBW] Re: Indian bike names

2012-01-07 Thread Joe Bernard
I kinda doubt anyone considers "Redskins" an appropriate moniker these days - which G mentioned - so to relate it to the topic of Indian names he might use is a little silly. Correlating names to cigarette sales is a bit much, also. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to th

[RBW] Ride it Round?

2012-01-07 Thread Peter Pesce
I have a tire issue that I hope someone can help with. A year ago I hung a pair of 1 yr old Pasela TG 35's on a hook in the garage. I recently went to re-install them on my Sam and one of them will not seat evenly all the way around the rim (Velocity Dyad) no matter what I do. I put several hund

Re: [RBW] Ride it Round?

2012-01-07 Thread cyclotourist
Maybe try soapy water around the bead then air it up w/ a compressor to get it to pop into place. Similar to how a tubeless gets set. On 1/7/12, Peter Pesce wrote: > I have a tire issue that I hope someone can help with. A year ago I hung a > pair of 1 yr old Pasela TG 35's on a hook in the gara

[RBW] Slingshots!

2012-01-07 Thread Eric Daume
In one of the last couple of Readers Grant had an article on making sling shots. Mere months later, that has inspired me to get out and make my own. I had saved a few promising Y-branches when I was cutting out some blown down trees from a nearby trail earlier this summer. Surgical tubing from the

[RBW] Another day to ride...

2012-01-07 Thread Kelly Sleeper
Well did you ever find yourself in a BMX park and then have the idea that riding your bike through the moguls would be a good idea.. Ok it was fun.. don't know how good of an idea it was.. I had intended to head up to the sporting store to look for a new "better" sleeping pad and ended up on a

[RBW] Ride it Round?

2012-01-07 Thread Minh
If you can ride them. Pump them up and put a few miles on them. I did this with a set of marathons that were folded up in storage too long and it evened them out. It got better over time. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "RBW Owners Bunch" group.

[RBW] The Rivendellian way to carry wheels

2012-01-07 Thread PATRICK MOORE
https://picasaweb.google.com/BERTIN753/BIKESMISCELLANEA#5695034988390084306 I carried them about 8 miles to Stevie's Happy Bikes in Corrales for shipping to N'Awlins. Then to church to mop, then home. -- Patrick Moore Albuquerque, NM For professional resumes, contact Patrick Moore, ACRW http://r

Re: [RBW] Slingshots!

2012-01-07 Thread PATRICK MOORE
I made slingshots for my daughter and two friends last summer after my brother trimmed my mother's several, large mulberries. Memories of boyhood, when (age nine to about 12) I was Deadeye Dick with the weapon, hunting lizards in, around and on our houses in, seriatim, Bangalore and Delhi. (I could

[RBW] Just a little fun during this wonderful January day in Upstate NY.

2012-01-07 Thread AJ
Came across this tune...a bit off topic...but so fun! Cheers, AJ http://malwebb.customer.netspace.net.au/bike.mp3 -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "RBW Owners Bunch" group. To post to this group, send email to rbw-owners-bunch@googlegroups.c

[RBW] Re: Indian bike names

2012-01-07 Thread grant
Ask any living relatives--I wanted to BE an Indian when I was a kid. Read all about them, was one for Halloween a lot. Know they got super shafted. Don't feel personally responsible for that, but am no less ashamed on behalf of us anybodys for it for being out of the loop. Still like Rosco Bubbe, B

[RBW] Re: Ride it Round?

2012-01-07 Thread reynoldslugs
Coincidental to see this post. Just got back from a ride, and had the same problem today, with Jack Browns on OCR Velocity rear rim. Flatted in the midst of gale force winds (riding up Old Donner Pass Rd in the Sierra). Threw a new tube in the JAck Brown, and the thing has a serious assymetrical l

Re: [RBW] Indian bike names

2012-01-07 Thread robert zeidler
-1 On Saturday, January 7, 2012, grant wrote: > Ask any living relatives--I wanted to BE an Indian when I was a kid. > Read all about them, was one for Halloween a lot. Know they got super > shafted. Don't feel personally responsible for that, but am no less > ashamed on behalf of us anybodys for

Re: [RBW] Slingshots!

2012-01-07 Thread Leslie
On Saturday, January 7, 2012 6:34:01 PM UTC-5, Patrick Moore wrote: > > > > Don't get me started about my blowguns or firecracker matchlocks ... > > Oooo. now you're starting to venture towards my childhood: ladyfingers used w/ a piece of pipe to fire BB's, or sleds tied to the back of a

[RBW] Re: Ride it Round?

2012-01-07 Thread Montclair BobbyB
Oh how we all hate that... I wish I knew a quick remedy... but the best way to attack this seems to start with soapy water and lots of air... When this has failed to fix the problem I have resorted to leaving the soapiness on the tire, overinflating the tire and riding it around. This has often wo

[RBW] Re: Slingshots!

2012-01-07 Thread Montclair BobbyB
Wrist-Rocket, baby!!! THOSE were precision slingshots, and which technically they were illegal in NJ (back in the 70s, don't know about now), we had a way of... "aquiring" them... They were awesome. On Jan 7, 9:25 pm, Leslie wrote: > On Saturday, January 7, 2012 6:34:01 PM UTC-5, Patrick Moor

Re: [RBW] School-bus yellow, mustard

2012-01-07 Thread Joe Bernard
Thanks for all the replies/pics folks. I've decide to shelve the project for a while after having a bit of an epiphany today. I got to thinking about the beautiful yellow Saluki I remembered with the red toe-straps...and those straps got my attention. It wasn't just the yellow I liked, but the

[RBW] Re: Indian bike names

2012-01-07 Thread Liesl
" Just reporting that there's a name out there that I betevery one of you (yes, pal Liesl, justifiably famed Riv Chica Warrior (uh- oh!) included) will like. Seriously, a real goody." I have great trust and can't wait. -Riv Chica Warrior -- You received this message because you are subsc

[RBW] Re: Indian bike names

2012-01-07 Thread Liesl
for the name, that is! -liesl -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "RBW Owners Bunch" group. To post to this group, send email to rbw-owners-bunch@googlegroups.com. To unsubscribe from this group, send email to rbw-owners-bunch+unsubscr...@googlegroups.co

[RBW] Re: Anyone Regret Selling a Bike?

2012-01-07 Thread Joe Bernard
I have an opposite answer. I regret BUYING a recumbent trike brand new. Silly me, I should've picked up a used one to see if I would dig it. I was just SURE a trike would be the real humdinger. I sold it a year later in still brand new condition at not a brand new price to a very nice and gratef

[RBW] Re: Indian bike names

2012-01-07 Thread Joe Bernard
Ya know, Riv Chica Warrior would be a GREAT mixte.. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "RBW Owners Bunch" group. To view this discussion on the web visit https://groups.google.com/d/msg/rbw-owners-bunch/-/aloJIo4-l8IJ. To post to this group, send email

[RBW] Re: The Rivendellian way to carry wheels

2012-01-07 Thread Manuel Acosta
I've done this with some old campy wheels after buying from a garage sale in San Francisco. Rich from Rivendell does this with his orders on his big dummy. I'm pretty sure theres a picture of that floating around the internet somewhere. On Jan 7, 3:25 pm, PATRICK MOORE wrote: > https://picasaweb.

[RBW] Re: Indian bike names

2012-01-07 Thread Philip Williamson
I'm rooting for "King Philip's War" as a bike name. On Jan 7, 9:13 pm, Joe Bernard wrote: > Ya know, Riv Chica Warrior would be a GREAT mixte.. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "RBW Owners Bunch" group. To post to this group, send email to rbw-owners