Here's another option for a bar end mirror -
Similar to the Spurcycle, priced at $19.95. I've been using them on two of
my bikes (Santa brought them to me for Christmas!). So far so good.
Steve in AVL
[image: 430E9F23-C
One option for bike mirrors is the newer-entry spurcycle. I haven't tried
them yet, but they would fit where the bar end plugs would usually go - and
may work out if your ergon grips don't fully encase the end of the bars.
Big, reflective, and svelt enough I'd
What is the rear hub.?..can't remember if you mentioned what it was
On Thursday, February 27, 2025 at 1:20:52 PM UTC-6 Bicycle Belle Ding Ding!
> Thanks, everyone! I am just dying to try it out! It’s cold and drizzly and
> I was taking pics and wanting to throw a leg over, even just for
On Thu, Feb 27, 2025 at 4:00 AM Ryan wrote:
> That turned out great! Now you and Bill L have to get together on your
> CHGs for a ride when he comes to Michigan. Can't wait for a ride report and
> pictures in the sunlight. Although, I have to say, even in the cloudy
> conditions, t
That turned out great! Now you and Bill L have to get together on your CHGs
for a ride when he comes to Michigan. Can't wait for a ride report and
pictures in the sunlight. Although, I have to say, even in the cloudy
conditions, the gold frame pops! And looks good with the NL parts.
You go girl
There aren't enough superlatives in the dictionary to describe this bike,
but I'll start with exquisite! Unsurpassed creativity, certainly.
On Wednesday, February 26, 2025 at 8:17:50 PM UTC-8 Joe Bernard wrote:
> The bars and rims are INSANE. I love this bike!
> On Wednesday, February 26, 20
The bars and rims are INSANE. I love this bike!
On Wednesday, February 26, 2025 at 5:39:12 PM UTC-8 Bicycle Belle Ding
Ding! wrote:
> I got to go to Washington DC, and on my last day there, which was
> yesterday, my favorite mechanic texted, “Charlie H. Gallop, first of his
> name, is complet
Looks fantastic!On Feb 26, 2025, at 8:39 PM, Leah Peterson wrote:I got to go to Washington DC, and on my last day there, which was yesterday, my favorite mechanic texted, “Charlie H. Gallop, first of his name, is complete.” I came home last night and today made haste to go see Charlie and bring h
That is an amazing audio setup! So cool to see what people can do with
their bicycles.
I've ridden in bicycle groups and gotten into pretty good shape but could
never average 18 or more mph. I think 16 was my max average on a carbon
Felt Z6 road bike. I was never dedicated enough to road cycli
***Sorry! Noticed the video cut off the rest of my message. Here it is, below:
Despite the prejudice, I have found that my non-traditional bikes keep up in
the road rides I do, and when they (ok I) don’t, I’ll just go down a class. The
fastest group I go with advertises 16.5-17mph, led by
thanks for not adding to the lot of "just normal" looking road bikes.
build and ride what you like! and holding your own while on group rides
while being non-traditional is even better!
On Thursday, February 20, 2025 at 7:07:31 PM UTC-5 wrote:
> Your entire post makes me s
Jason, your two things will be undeniably and unequivocally true, I know it. You put it perfectly. What will seem like a big change to me will barely a nudge toward Pure Road Bike to the club. But it is really fun to try something new and I’m so glad I can. I had no idea 5 years ago how different m
It sounds like all your bikes are, uniquely, you. I'm sure this one will
be as well. What's different, is that 'road' culture is ingrained in many
people's minds. Compare that to upright/alt bar bikes, those are so
different bike to bike. Road bikes, from the major brands, are all so
Julian, alas, probably not. I have determined that I need a rack and Backabikes to be happy at PBE. Pam and I lived off of our bikes these last couple of years; we’d get up, hit a ride, go to the Expo, change clothes and hit the booths all day. Then you gotta have warm stuff to put on for your nigh
Yay, Sis, you got Choco bars??? I’m delighted to know it! I really hope I love them because I went to the trouble of anodizing them so I’m stuck with them now! I think talking bikes makes us Midwesterners (are MI and OH considered Midwest? The Michiganders sometimes say no) happy in these winter mo
“they are joyous to ride”. Exactly! That’s why I have mine.
Leah already had been leading her group. I have a feeling with the Charlie
she could if she wanted to ride with the next fastest group and be
comfortable and joyous at the same time.
On Thursday, February 20, 2025 at 8:48:34 PM UTC-5
To add - I'm really glad you've made the choice to stick to what excites
you rather than try to conform to what is expected of you. It can feel
alienating, but also connects you to a group of like-minded people over the
wider geography. This is true of bikes but it's also true of so many
I believe these two things are true: the Norther Lights Charlie is going
to feel, and be, vastly more Pure Road Bike than your fleet of Platypii;
the Charlie will also be only a tiny increment towards a Pure Road Bike in
the eyes of your club ride audience.
I can certainly empathize with your
Lovely write up, Leah. Thank you. It’s great to hear about your inexorable
drive to march to the beat of your own drum (or perhaps I should say, *to
pedal to the cadence of your own crankset….*) and build a bike that
expresses your vibe.
On Thursday, February 20, 2025 at 7:07:31 PM UTC-5
Your entire post makes me sort of giddy, Leah. YOUR JOB IS TO SHAKE US ALL
(I have Choco bars on my new purple Platypus and I love them)
Liz in Cincinnati
On Thursday, February 20, 2025 at 5:59:14 PM UTC-5 Joe Bernard wrote:
> I cannot wait to see this bike. My position is all th
I cannot wait to see this bike. My position is all the carbon dropbar sleds
are wrong and THIS is what a road bike looks like. Convert the masses Leah!
On Thursday, February 20, 2025 at 6:50:15 AM UTC-8 Bicycle Belle Ding Ding!
> It is so wintry in SW Michigan. I can’t ride bikes, but I
Makes sense. I suspected the Velocity Ano guy was at the root of that term
being used, just as I suspect he would also attribute the phrase to be
rooted in Erik's work.
On Thursday, February 20, 2025 at 2:27:22 PM UTC-6 Bicycle Belle Ding Ding!
> Because Velocity is headquartered in Gr
This is definitely NOT going to be a fit-in-with-the-crowd road bike, and
as such it will be terrific! Are you bringing it to Philly? It would be
great to see it in person!
Julian Westerhout
Bloomington, IL
On Thursday, February 20, 2025 at 8:50:15 AM UTC-6 Bicycle Belle Ding Ding!
Because Velocity is headquartered in Grand Rapids, I’ve had the pleasure of meeting several of their employees on rides. They use the term “deep custom.” You can get standard ano colors or if you want your own thing it’s called “deep custom.” I’m pretty sure my local bike shop used the term when we
Persistence. Yes, just posted that as one of the examples!
On Thursday, February 20, 2025 at 2:20:47 PM UTC-6 Ryan wrote:
> ok maybe this Evil Dead bike; scroll to the end...pretty wild!
"Deep Custom" is a term that, I believe, was initially associated with
custom builder Erik Noren of Peacock Groove (and Cake bikes).
See 30 second video from 2011 when the term came to the
Also see Anna Schwinn's concept bike if you like
ok maybe this Evil Dead bike; scroll to the end...pretty wild!
On Thursday, February 20, 2025 at 1:04:07 PM UTC-6 Bicycle Belle Ding Ding!
> Doug - 🥰 Thank you so much. You’re such a pal.
Doug - 🥰 Thank you so much. You’re such a pal. Laing - wait we will! You have so many Rivs you have pretty much seen it all, so I’m flattered you are eager to see one of my little ol’ builds.Justus - I googled and came up short. I have no idea what two words I used and why they resonate with you, b
image search Google with his name and 'bicycle'
On Thursday, February 20, 2025 at 12:33:37 PM UTC-6 Ryan wrote:
> Well...Justin, obscure to me. Hockey player? Actor? I'm stumped and Google
> didn't help. Enlighten me! :)
> On Thursday, February 20, 2025 at 11:48:19 AM UTC-6 Roberta wrote:
Well...Justin, obscure to me. Hockey player? Actor? I'm stumped and Google
didn't help. Enlighten me! :)
On Thursday, February 20, 2025 at 11:48:19 AM UTC-6 Roberta wrote:
> *“They will be so excited to hear I got a road bike. They will be so let
> down when they see my version of that. I do
*“They will be so excited to hear I got a road bike. They will be so let
down when they see my version of that. I don’t think I can apologize. I
think I have to be Leah.”*
I’ve been following Leah‘s beautiful build decisions along the way and I’m
so excited for her. This will be the perfect Lea
I was going to keep my obscure comments to myself regarding your original
post on this bike because sometimes the instant connections I make seem
obtuse to others, however you used 2 words above that I have only heard in
relation to what popped in my head when I initially saw your concept
In the words of Tom Petty - “The waiting is the hardest part.”
I am looking forward to seeing this build.
Delray Beach FL
On Thu, Feb 20, 2025 at 10:42 AM Doug H. wrote:
> It surely will not look like the "cookie cutter" road bikes in your group
> or pretty much in any group of road cyc
It surely will not look like the "cookie cutter" road bikes in your group
or pretty much in any group of road cyclists. Embrace the difference
especially since you and we know your CHG is superior in every conceivable
way! Yes, I believe that to be true.
On Thursday, February 20, 2025 at 9
34 matches
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