It sounds like all your bikes are, uniquely, you.  I'm sure this one will 
be as well.  What's different, is that 'road' culture is ingrained in many 
people's minds.  Compare that to upright/alt bar bikes, those are so 
different bike to bike.  Road bikes, from the major brands, are all so 
'blah'.  Your 'road' bike will certainly be anything but, though that's 
pretty cool.  It may be more roadish than a Platy, and I'm sure it will be 
fun in a different sort of way.  Can't wait to hear about how it feels when 
you ride it :-)

On Thursday, February 20, 2025 at 9:40:53 PM UTC-5 Bicycle Belle Ding Ding! 

> Jason, your two things will be undeniably and unequivocally true, I know 
> it. You put it perfectly. What will seem like a big change to me will 
> barely a nudge toward Pure Road Bike to the club. But it is really fun to 
> try something new and I’m so glad I can. I had no idea 5 years ago how 
> different my bike life would be. I keep discovering new things and I 
> suppose my bikes reflect that. 
> Joe - I haven’t made a single convert yet.
> Roberta - aw, shucks. Thanks. I feel like after this winter I’ll be 
> working pretty hard to get back to speed. Club rides start back up in March 
> though! Actually, same week of Philly Bike Expo…
> Jim - thank you 💛 It blesses me to be among people who understand.
> On Feb 20, 2025, at 8:48 PM, Jason Fuller <> wrote:
> I believe these two things are true:  the Norther Lights Charlie is going 
> to feel, and be, vastly more Pure Road Bike than your fleet of Platypii; 
> the Charlie will also be only a tiny increment towards a Pure Road Bike in 
> the eyes of your club ride audience. 
> I can certainly empathize with your experience, acknowledging it's even 
> more stark of a contrast than my experiences of riding my shiny fendered 
> but not overly-upright Rivs on rides with folks on typically modern gravel 
> bikes. They see our bikes as novelty, but we know that's far from the 
> truth. Maybe they get the same feeling as we do when they gaze at their own 
> bike, but I doubt it honestly. And they certainly don't understand that 
> they aren't just pretty bikes, either - they are joyous to ride. Maybe 
> their beauty affects our judgement, but I don't see how that matters if the 
> result is the same.   
> -- 
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