This thread has touched a few sensitive issues in me, and you've seen I'm
not too good at managing them...
- Want vs. Need
- Want/Need it now vs. Can/should wait
- It's perfect now vs It's no longer perfect
- Fiscal discipline
Very interesting range of responses from everyone, there are people ha
I kinda see the others' point about getting the model you really want, but I'm
going to vouch for the Appaloosa anyway 'cause I own one and it's great. I
consider the sloping toptube and long stays to be an evolution from the
Atlantis, making Appaloosa the more "modern" interpretation of that ea
Just wondering what you guys think? I really want an Atlantis but a new one
is out of my budget. Intended use is mostly off road like fire trails, cross
country riding; NOT crazy downhill, rock gardens etc. Since the Appaloosa is
supposed to be somewhere between the Hillborne and the Hunq, I