Hello, I've created an xyplot and I want to add a loess line for x (Age) <=40
and another for values >40. In a way it is similar to this
https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/r-help/2009-May/390502.html but still not
This is my try:
xyplot(MOE~Age|Species, groups=Site,
Breathed in his "Bloom County" comic strip )
On Fri, Aug 12, 2016 at 9:10 AM, Juan Perez via R-help
> Hello, I've created an xyplot and I want to add a loess line for x (Age)
> <=40 and another for values >40. In a way it is similar to this
> https://stat
t; > object_list <- load(file = file_location,
> > envir = .GlobalEnv)
> >
> > print(paste(length(object_list), "dataset(s) loaded from",
> > file_location))
> > cat("\n")
> >
> > print("The follo
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and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.
on internally so character/factor data gets
converted to dummy variables automatically. Using ifelse to make
dummy variables is usually the hard way to do it.
Bill Dunlap
TIBCO Software
wdunlap tibco.com
On Wed, Aug 17, 2016 at 11:24 AM, Olu Ola via R-help
> Hello,I am trying to crea
app using R
But i want to run those functions in Java without dependent of R
Please help me on this anyone
Thanks and Regards
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Dear R-help-community,
I hope, that�s the appropiate channel to post a quastion?
For some days I have been struggling with a problem concerning the
�survSplit�-function of the package �survival�. Searching the internet I
have found a pretty good -German- description of Daniel Wollschl�ger
ly com1 but "com1.txt".
> Best regards
> Petr
> > -Original Message-
> > From: Fox, John [mailto:j...@mcmaster.ca]
> > Sent: Friday, August 19, 2016 3:15 PM
> > To: PIKAL Petr
> > Cc: r-help@r-project.org
> > Subject: RE: file.cr
> > (Fax) 410-605-7913 (Please call phone number above prior to faxing)
> >
> > Confidentiality Statement:
> > This email message, including any attachments, is for the sole use of
> the intended recipient(s) and may contain confidential and privileged
> information. Any u
> It is solely intended for the recipient. If you are not the intended
> recipient of this e-mail please contact the sender and delete this message.
> Thank you. Without prejudice of e-mail correspondence, our statements are
> only legally binding when they are made
> recipient of this e-mail please contact the sender and delete this message.
> Thank you. Without prejudice of e-mail correspondence, our statements are
> only legally binding when they are made in the conventional written form
> (with personal signature) or when such documents are se
ion, or
something I'm missing?
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and provide c
1:42 PM,
Zibeli Aton via R-help wrote:
> Using
R-3.3.1 on Linux I seem to sometimes get inaccurate
stem-and-leaf plots using stem. For example:
>> x <-
And thanks, Sarah, using scale=2 got me the sort of plot I was looking for. I
agree the help is a bit thin on that function.
On Mon, 8/29/16, Sarah Goslee wrote:
Subject: Re: [R] possible error in stem() function?
Cc: "r-help"
in the model.
> Total unique obs are around 1500.
> Please advice.
> [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
> ______
> R-help@r-project.org mailing list -- To UNSUBSCRIBE and more, see
> https://stat.ethz.ch/mailman/listinfo/r-help
> P
>> > Hi William/ Mark,
>> >
>> > I am using WOE & IV (weight of evidence) reduce the number of
>> independent
>> > vars.
>> > I have read this data as a csv file.
>> > reproducible example for your reference please:
>> >
> yuen(GoalsGame ~ League, tr=0.2, data = eurosoccer)
> # the 'aov' function reads the data in the subset data.frame "SpainGer"
> Goals.fit <- aov(GoalsGame ~ League, data = SpainGer)
> summary(Goals.fit)
> __
> R-h
>>> > On Aug 30, 2016, at 12:32 PM, Shivi Bhatia
>>> wrote:
>>> >
>>> > Hi William/ Mark,
>>> >
>>> > I am using WOE & IV (weight of evidence) reduce the number of
>>> independent
>>> > vars.
>>> >
ML email. Please.
> --
> Don MacQueen
> Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
> 7000 East Ave., L-627
> Livermore, CA 94550
> 925-423-1062
> On 8/31/16, 9:07 AM, "R-help on behalf of Bhaskar Mitra"
> wrote:
ot;,"t-value"] #GLS with variance power
ti0<-sum(abs(tau0) > 1.96)
ti<-sum(abs(tau) > 1.96)
ti2<-sum(abs(tau2) > 1.96)
ti3<-sum(abs(tau3) > 1.96)
ti4<-sum(abs(tau4) > 1.96)
length one describing the mode: one of "numeric",
"double", "integer", "int", "logical", "complex", "character", "raw".
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
Intrinsic attributes: mode and length
The distinction between numeric and integer modes in R may not be
obvious, but it is important at times.
On Fri, Sep 2, 2016 at 5:47 AM, Yucheng Song via R-help
> Hi, In the help or readBin, there is an "int", but actually there is no
nsys\MyAnsysCode.txt -o D:\Ansys\vm5.out');
> Any idea regarding implementing this work is very welcome.
> David
> [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
> __
> R-help@r-project.org mailing list -- To UNSUBSCRIBE and more,
> colorspace_1.2-6
> [4] rtracklayer_1.30.4 HardyWeinberg_1.5.6
> DBI_0.5
> [7] BiocParallel_1.4.3 RColorBrewer_1.1-2
> lambda.r_1.1.9
> [10] plyr_1.8.4 zlibbioc_1.16.0
> munsell_0.4.3
> [13] gtable_0.2.0futile
Since 2008, Microsoft (formerly Revolution Analytics) staff and guests have
written about R every weekday at the
Revolutions blog: http://blog.revolutionanalytics.com
and every month I post a summary of articles from the previous month of
particular interest to readers of r-help.
And in case
ess computerese is analogous to taxlawese. Familiar
words have entirely different meanings.
Carl Sutton CPA
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PLEASE do read the posting guide http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html
and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.
, all informative
courses. Yes I’m frustrated. After a couple of years on and off
takingclasses, reading books, reading stack overflow and r-help just about
daily, Iam learning to almost crawl. At one timeI thought I had advanced to
walking but days like today show me I’m a toddlerabout to fall
gt; func2(10,121)
> Is there a simple way to accomplish this, for an arbitrary number of
> variables? I’d like something that would simply work from the definition
> of the function. If that is possible.
> Thanks,
> Steve Kennedy
of Bucharest
> Romanian Social Data Archive
> Soseaua Panduri nr.90
> 050663 Bucharest sector 5
> Romania
> [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
> __
> R-help@r-project.org mailing list -- To UNSUBSCRIBE and more, see
> https://sta
k) comes out to
> NaN.
> >
> > You just need to look really closely at each step of your calculations.
> > Avoid using log(); use the functions that build it in (e.g. instead of
> > log(dnorm(x)), use dnorm(x, log = TRUE)).
> >
> > Duncan Murdoch
> >
> >
t could not come up with anything striking.
>>> >>
>>> >>
>>> > THere are lots of ways to get NaN in numerical calculations. A common
>>> > one if you are using log() to calculate log likelihoods is that
>>> rounding
>>> > error gives y
> }
> else
> {
> a <- 0, b <- 0, c <- 0, d <- "x", r4 <- data.frame(cbind(a,b,c,d))
> }
> Thanks for your help,
> B
> [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
> ______
> R-help@r-project.org mail
71" "72" "80"
> "88" "89"
> >>>>> "91" "93" "105" "110" "111" "117" "119" "120"
> >>>>> [21] "122" "127" "128" "133" &quo
don't find anywhere a function mysum(). Is it part of the
Mixstock package?
Third: Send a reproducible exemple to show what you tried to use the
Finaly you should read the posting guide in this list to have more
chance to have answers.
can I release the data in test without destroying the xx object ? As x
> which is big object is destroyed, I though I could get my memory back but
> it seems that the function y is keeping the x object.
> Best
> [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
> __
uot;. Please see below as a sample:
What I want is:
I shall be thankful for the reply.
estimate at more
points so it will look smoother. Try n=2^18.
Bill Dunlap
TIBCO Software
wdunlap tibco.com
On Tue, Mar 17, 2015 at 12:06 PM, Fix Ace wrote:
I have a dataset with 6187 elements, ranged from 3 to 104028. When I tried to
examine only small range of data, I found that the
Best Regards,
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and provide commented
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and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.
e? If not, why
not? If so, show us the code that failed.
Or am I missing the point?
Bert Gunter
"The trouble with having an open mind is that people keep coming along
and sticking things into it."
-- Opus (aka Berkeley Breathed in his "Bloom County" comic strip
Does anyubody know how could I accomplish this?.
Thanks in advance.
Antonio Serrano
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R-help@r-project.org mailing list -- To UNSUBSCRIBE and more, see
al Message-
From: Jim Lemon
To: Antonio Serrano
Cc: r-help mailing list
Sent: Sat, Apr 25, 2015 5:47 am
Subject: Re: [R] Interactive maps
Hi Antonio,
If you do create the map in R, you can use
On Sat, Apr 25, 2015 at 8:37 AM, Antonio Serrano via
> Hello,
> Hi Antonio,
Try the rasterImage function.
> Jim
> On Sat, Apr 25, 2015 at
> 4:19
PM, Antonio Serrano wrote:
>> Thank you, Jim.
>> I
didn't know the existence of the locator() function. But I can see now
>> that
> don't
Thank you, Ben. I've just subscribed to R-sig-geo as you recommend. I'll post
this staff there.
Antonio Serrano
-Original Message-
From: Ben Tupper
To: Antonio Serrano
Cc: r-help
Sent: Mon, Apr 27, 2015 7:59 pm
Subject: Re: [R] Interactive
o 'z.R'
2: In file.rename(from = file.path(code_dir, wrong), to = file.path(code_dir, :
cannot rename file './myPackage/R/R' to './myPackage/R/zR.R', reason 'No such
file or directory'
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
Hi,How to cite reverse dependancies in the NAMESPACE file in building a package?
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
R-help@r-project.org mailing list -- To UNSUBSCRIBE and more, see
instead of listing
them. Even if I upload and have them as R objects, I shouldn't have to list
them in the list arg.
On Tuesday, April 28, 2015 4:48 PM, Duncan Murdoch
On 28/04/2015 10:05 AM, carol white via R-help wrote:
> Hi,Why do I get this warning wh
ative HTML version deleted]]
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and provide commented, minimal, self
yes, reverse dependency. All the reverse dependancies on the main web page of
the packages are generated by CRAN?
On Tuesday, April 28, 2015 5:02 PM, Duncan Murdoch
On 28/04/2015 8:54 AM, carol white via R-help wrote:
> Hi,How to cite reverse dependancies in
, 2015 7:37 PM, Duncan Murdoch
On 28/04/2015 1:00 PM, carol white via R-help wrote:
> To cite related publications, it seems that they can't be mentioned in
> DESCRIPTION. Where to mention so that it appears on the 1st page of the pdf
> help file and the package main
an example of a package main web page on
and the help pdf filehttp://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/A3/A3.pdf
On Tuesday, April 28, 2015 7:37 PM, Duncan Murdoch
On 28/04/2015 1:00 PM, carol white via R-help
uot;myPackage", code_files = filenames)
You may need to leave out some files if they aren't all *.R files.
Duncan Murdoch
> Thanks
> On Tuesday, April 28, 2015 4:48 PM, Duncan Murdoch
> wrote:
> On 28/04/2015 10:05 AM, carol white via R-help wrote:
#legend = c("x","y", "z","w"))
text(1000, 0.15, "PM")text(1000, 1.10, "VM")text(1000, 1.52, "WMSE")text(1000,
1.40, "LT")
Thank youIshaq
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and provide commented, minimal,
Hi r-help, I've been having some issues serializing large objects over a
socket. I can reproduce the issue with the following two instances:
Instance 1:
> conn <- socketConnection("localhost", 34533, server = TRUE, open = "w+b")
> for (i in 1:10) { serialize(
nk you.
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ead of a
Thank you for any help.
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and provide commented,
Winsemius wrote:
Subject: Re: [R] Using lapply when there are dependencies
Cc: r-help@r-project.org
Date: Thursday, May 28, 2015, 7:02 AM
On May
27, 2015, at 4:34 PM, blue honour via R-help wrote:
> Hi all,
> Let's say I have
a vector:
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and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.
have 3 col, namely col1, col2, col3 but all 5 col, i.e. col1, col2... col5 are
taken if nothing is specified for the by arg.
On Monday, June 1, 2015 4:32 PM, Michael Dewey
On 01/06/2015 14:46, carol white via R-help wrote:
> Hi,By default the merge funct
loop, either? note that the name of the
component is stored in a variable in the loop
d = NULL#name1 contains the name for c(1,2,3), how to give the name below?
d = list(d,c(1,2,3)
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
s, On Friday, June 5, 2015 11:13 AM, PIKAL Petr
wrote: Hi
It is not clear what exactly do you want.
for (i in 1:2) {
#names(d)[i] <- paste("name",i)
You can add names in second loop or you can use names command in first l
n Friday, June 5, 2015 11:13 AM, PIKAL Petr
wrote: Hi
It is not clear what exactly do you want.
for (i in 1:2) {
#names(d)[i] <- paste("name",i)
You can add names in second loop or you can use names command in first l
lue failure after method BFGS
A way forward will be highly appreciated.
Thank you
R-help@r-project.org mailing list -- To UNSUBSCRIBE and more, see
PLEASE do read the posting guide http://www.R-project.o
Hi,How is it possible to load a very big .RData that can't be loaded it's very
big and the following error msg is displayed
Error: error reading from connection
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
yes and doesn't help.600MB
On Tuesday, June 9, 2015 12:22 PM, Jim Lemon wrote:
Hi carol,
Have you tried renaming the file to something like "my.RData"? And
just how big is it?
On Tue, Jun 9, 2015 at 5:50 AM, carol white via R-help
> Hi,
for-loop and the sequence function but that doesn't seem to be working. Any
help on this would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you,
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R-help@r-project.org mailing list -- To UNSUBSCRIBE and more
"Hazen", "Hazen", "Hazen")), .Names = c("Color", "Unit"), row.names =
"1:3", "1:4", "1:5","1:6"), class = "data.frame")
I need to find the <4 and have a new column
I am running a BFGS using optimx and would like to obtain the Hessian for the
last iteration.
How can I go about this?
Thank you
R-help@r-project.org mailing list -- To UNSUBSCRIBE and more, see
once at the beginning and
then keep them for an entire R session?
Thank you!
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font-size / symbol-size remains the same.
Is that possible in R?
Thank you!
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PLEASE do read the posting guide http://www.R-project.org
factor of 0.83: if there are three or more of either rows or
columns, the reduction factor is 0.66.”
On 24 Jun 2015, at 13:17 , Duncan Murdoch wrote:
> On 24/06/2015 7:08 AM, Martin Batholdy via R-help wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I would like to define the size for tick-marks, axis-t
First, you have to increase the bottom margin to have enough space for the
You do it like this:
mar = c(6,4,4,2)
>From R help:
‘mar’ A numerical vector of the form ‘c(bottom, left, top, right)’
which gives the number of lines of margin to be specified
hs to the new one, so I
don't have to re-run the own analysis.
Many thanks!
R-help@r-project.org mailing list -- To UNSUBSCRIBE and more, see
PLEASE do read the posting guide http://www.R-pr
First, you have to increase the bottom margin to have enough space for the
You do it like this:
mar = c(6,4,4,2)
From R help:
‘mar’ A numerical vector of the form ‘c(bottom, left, top, right)’
which gives the number of lines of margin to be specified on
04 PM, Shi, Tao via R-help wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm new to "ff" package through the using Bioconductor package "crlmm". Here
> is my problem:
> I've created a few R objects (e.g. an CNSet) using crlmm based on my data and
> save them in a .R
For certain reasons, I have moved the ff output folder to
> somewhere else. Now when I go back to R, I can't open those CNSet, for
> example, anymore, as the file has a property still storing the old ff output
> folder path.
> My question is: is there a quick way to cha
p the standard errors will be greatly
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and pr
or(j in 1:length(a)) {
for(i in 1:length(b)){
pre[j] <- strsplit(a[j],"-")[[1]][1]
post[j] <- strsplit(a[j],"-")[[1]][2]
page[i] <- paste0(pre[j], b[i],post[j])
}}Peter Maclean
Department of Economics
[[alternative HTML
to anything else (data of a similar set up) I get the error. I've
tried looking for solutions on the internet but so far I've come up with
Has this happened to anyone before? Can I bypass this order. max call?
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[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
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and pro
>> The above answer is not only inaccurate, but it is actually worse than the
>> answer using the usual double precision. Any thoughts as to what I am doing
>> wrong?
>> Thank you,
>> Ravi
>> [[alternative HTML versio
>answer using the usual double precision. Any thoughts as to what I am doing
>Thank you,
> [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
>R-help@r-project.org mailing list -- To UNSUBSCRIBE an
However this is taking a little bit too long.
Thank you for your help!
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
Can anyone help how to compute the correct values within R?
Best regards,
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PLEASE do re
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and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.
's more, how are selected initial values (lKe = -2.5, lKa =
0.5 , lCl = -3) ?
Thanks in advanceElham
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g error:Error in nlme.formula(CONC ~
phenoModel(CID, TIME, AMT, lCl, lV), fixed = lCl + : object 'na.include' not
could you please tell me, how should I correct the codes?Thanks in advanceElham
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
he first column and the end
locations in the second column into a matrix to look like this.
[,1] [,2]
[1,] 1 4
[2,]10 13
[3,]18 21
Thank you for your help,
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
a way that I can
obtain the estimates at the point of termination so that I can use these
estimates as the new starting values for another round of estimation.
Thank you.
R-help@r-project.org mailing list -- To UNSUBSCRIBE and more, see
he did not adjust predicted
probability when he score validation and test data. Any help would be highly
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rsion deleted]]
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and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.
parameters given to par() so that they
apply to all plots in (at least) an entire R-session?
Thank You!
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PLEASE do read the posting guide
mgp=c(2.5, 0.72, 0),
layout(matrix(1:2, 1, 2, byrow=T))
On 20 Jul 2015, at 17:48 , Duncan Murdoch wrote:
> On 20/07/2015 11:27 AM, Martin Batholdy via R-help wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I am looking for a w
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uot;cex" argument to the call. Using the first example in
the help page:
barpos<-barplot(heights,main="A redundant bar plot")
On Tue, Jul 21, 2015 at 7:23 AM, Rolf Turner wrote:
> On 21/07/15 08:24, c
> col="blue",lwd=2)
> ## or try a skew-Student-t: not very different:
> ss2 <- sstdFit(log10(mydat))
> lines(xvec,do.call(dsstd,c(list(x=xvec),as.list(ss2$estimate))),
> col="purple",lwd=2)
> There are mo
model <- stm(textss$documents, textss$vocab, K=10, data=textss$meta, seed=5678)
plot.STM(model, text.cex=0.8, type='summary', xlim=c(0, 0.5), n=4)
#How can we create an eye-diagram with document-topic-words
considered just a
small part of the same.
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