Re: [R] How to find best parameter values using deSolve n optim() ?

2012-06-06 Thread mhimanshu
Hello Thomas, This code seems to be fine and its now working well. I read the about the FME package, but I have one doubt, as in the data set given in the paper, it showing a nice kinetics of the viral growth, so my question is what if there is a sudden increase in viral growth after some interv

Re: [R] How to find best parameter values using deSolve n optim() ?

2012-06-12 Thread mhimanshu
Dear Thomas, Thank you for the quick reply. Might be the Bimodal/Biphasic behavior is due to the ODE model. Now I am working on "modMCMC" function of FME. This is strange this function sometimes works fine but other times I am getting following errors and warnings. Error in modCost(out, yobs,

[R] Overlapping a Plot with Dataframe

2012-08-07 Thread mhimanshu
Hello Everyone, I am trying to overlap a plot with a data set in the form of a data frame. Its very easy to overlap the data using "points" function. But the only problem I am facing is "Standard deviation bar" on the plot. data <- data.frame( x = c(3.00,2.00,3.80,2.40,2.00), error = c(0.0,

Re: [R] Overlapping a Plot with Dataframe

2012-08-08 Thread mhimanshu
Hello John, in simple term, I have a Plot as an Output. Now I want to overlap the plot with a Dataframe having error bar. -- View this message in context: Sent from the R help mailing list archive at Nabble

[R] Solving ODE via deSolve and optimizing best parameter values.

2012-03-21 Thread mhimanshu
Hello Everyone, I have just started with deSolve package, I have a set of ODE equation with few parameters, for example dy/dx = a1*Y*(1-Y/Ymax) - a2*(Y+0.001) and dz/dt = a3*Y- a4*Z; I have the initial values of Y, Z and a1,a2,a3 are my parameters, Now my main objective is to find the solve the eq

[R] deSolve & optim, nlm function?

2012-03-22 Thread mhimanshu
Hi everyone. Can anyone please tell me how do i used optim or nlm function after solving a ode bx desolve package? I have a set of two differential equation, first i solved them with deSolve package and now i want to optimize my two parameter values for the same twoo differential equation? pleas

[R] deSolve

2012-03-22 Thread mhimanshu
Hello all, How to find best parameter values for deSolve function?? Thanks in Advance, -- View this message in context: Sent from the R help mailing list archive at __ R-help@

[R] How to find best parameter values using deSolve n optim() ?

2012-03-26 Thread mhimanshu
Hello, Can someone please help me out with the optim() function. # parameters pars<- c(a1= 0.9, a2= 0.7, a3= 0.06, a4=0.02) y<- c(Y=0.2, Z=0.1) Ymax<- c(0.8) fucntion deriv derivs <- function(time, y, pars) { with (as.list(c(y, pars)), { dy = a1*Y*(1-Y/Ymax) - a2*(Y+0.001) dz = a3*Y- a4*

Re: [R] How to find best parameter values using deSolve n optim() ?

2012-04-05 Thread mhimanshu
Hi Thomas, Thank you so much for your suggestion. I tried your code and it is working fine. Now when I change the values of Y in yobs I am getting so many warnings. say, yobs <- data.frame( time = 0:7, Y = c(0.00, 3.40, 4.60 ,5.80, 5.80, 6.00, 6.00 ), Z = c(0.1, 0.11, 0.119, 0.128, 0.136, 0.

[R] Parameter estimation of Reduced model

2012-02-21 Thread mhimanshu
Hi Everyone, I am working on Reduced model say a ODE and I want to do the Parameter estimation of the model. Could you please help me in this? Thanks in advance. -- View this message in context: Sent from