[R] Fit an Extreme Value Distribution to List of dataframes R

2015-03-05 Thread Zilefac Elvis
Hello, I have a list object with many dataframes (example provided below). Each coulmn in a dataframe represents a simluation and each dataframe represents a clmate station. I want to fit an extreme value distribution on each coulmn of a dataframe and then average the confidence intervals and es

[R] Fitting fevd fuction to list R

2015-03-09 Thread Zilefac Elvis
I have data for 90 climate stations. For each station, I have made 100+ simulations using a statistical model. So, in R, I have 90 dataframes, each dataframe has 100+ simulations arranged column-wise. Now, I would like to fit an extreme value distribution (EVD) to each climate station. That is

[R] Extract particular months from List in R

2014-08-02 Thread Zilefac Elvis
Hi ALL, I have a List object in R. The dataframes in the List have equal rows and columns. How can I extract from the List, data corresponding to say c(June, July , August)? Remember, it is a List object, containing 100 dataframes, with daily data arranged by YYMMDD. Thanks for your thoughtful s

Re: [R] Extract particular months from List in R

2014-08-03 Thread Zilefac Elvis
.Names = c("Year", "Month", "Day", "Site", "Tmax"), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, -243L))) ---------- On Sunday, August 3, 2014 1:47 AM, Uwe Ligges wrote: On 03.08.2014 07:17, Zilefac Elvis wrote: > Hi ALL, > I hav

Re: [R] Extract particular months from List in R

2014-08-03 Thread Zilefac Elvis
Great! Thanks very much Uwe. AT. On Sunday, August 3, 2014 2:12 PM, Uwe Ligges wrote: On 03.08.2014 21:23, Zilefac Elvis wrote: > Hi Uwe, > Thanks for replying. > Here is a reproducible example. > I would like to extract data for the Months of c(6,7,8). > Output files shoul

[R] Convert some columns of List to dataframe R

2014-08-03 Thread Zilefac Elvis
Dear All, I have a List in R and would like to convert it to data.frame. Below is a reproducible example. I can do something like:  x1<-do.call(cbind.data.frame, lst3) #OR x1<-as.data.frame(lst3). However, my output looks like this: Year Site  x   Year Site x 2001 G101 33.1 2001 G102 34 I wo

Re: [R] Convert some columns of List to dataframe R

2014-08-03 Thread Zilefac Elvis
g 3, 2014 at 5:43 PM, John McKown wrote: > On Sun, Aug 3, 2014 at 5:12 PM, Zilefac Elvis wrote: >> Dear All, >> I have a List in R and would like to convert it to data.frame. >> Below is a reproducible example. I can do something like: >> >> x1<-do.ca

Re: [R] Convert some columns of List to dataframe R

2014-08-04 Thread Zilefac Elvis
Great! Thanks, John. For the eye sees not itself, but by reflection and someother things On Sunday, August 3, 2014 4:54 PM, John McKown wrote: On Sun, Aug 3, 2014 at 5:12 PM, Zilefac Elvis wrote: > Dear All, > I have a List in R and would like to convert it to data.frame. > B

[R] Apply quantile function to each dataframe in a List R

2014-08-04 Thread Zilefac Elvis
Hello, I would like to calculate for each numeric column in a dataframe, quantile(x,probs=o.95). My list object has 120 dataframes, each dataframe has 102 columns. Here is an example as well as a reproducible example: [[120]]   Year Site Sim001 Sim002 Sim003 Sim004 Sim005 Sim006 Sim007 Sim008 Si

Re: [R] Apply quantile function to each dataframe in a List R

2014-08-06 Thread Zilefac Elvis
Great! Thanks. AT. On Monday, August 4, 2014 8:59 PM, rhelpmaillist wrote: Try this: lapply(a,function(x) apply(x[,-c(1,2)],2,quantile,probs=0.95)) # a is your example list At 2014-08-05 09:17:23, "Zilefac Elvis" wrote: >Hello, >I would like to calculate for each num

[R] Plot Lines instead of colour bands in R

2014-09-01 Thread Zilefac Elvis
Hi, I have a plotting issue which I am trying to resolve in R. Please load my attached sample data (I used dput(lapply(sim.summary,head,1)) but the data are too large) to R, install "Rglimclim" package and run this code which shows an example plot I would like to change. My main function, "myplo

[R] Split fixed width data in R

2014-10-22 Thread Zilefac Elvis
Hi, I have fixed width data that I would like to split into columns. Here is a sanpshot of the data (actual data is a list object): lst1Sub<- "20131124GGG1 23.00" "20131125GGG1 15.00" "20131128GGG1 0.00" "201312 1GGG1 0.00" "201312 4GGG1 0.00" "201312 7GGG1 10.00" "20131210GGG1 0.00" "20

Re: [R] Split fixed width data in R

2014-10-22 Thread Zilefac Elvis
ate=as.Date(substr(x,1,8), format="%Y%m%d"), Site=substr(x, 9,12), Precipitation=as.numeric(substring(x,13))) } decode.lst(lst1Sub) S Ellison > -Original Message- > From: r-help-boun...@r-project.org [mailto:r-help-boun...@r-project.org] On

Re: [R] Split fixed width data in R

2014-10-22 Thread Zilefac Elvis
Thanks John. AT. On Wednesday, October 22, 2014 5:23 PM, John McKown wrote: On Wed, Oct 22, 2014 at 10:37 AM, Zilefac Elvis wrote: Hi, >I have fixed width data that I would like to split into columns. Here is a >sanpshot of the data (actual data is a list object): >​ >

[R] Display two polygons in same map axes R

2014-11-16 Thread Zilefac Elvis
Hello, I have two spatial map objects (reproducible example further down) which I would like to overlay in R. The ESRI shapefiles were read using: library(rgdal) Prairie.Boundaries <- readOGR(".", "boundaries") watersheds<-readOGR(".","watersheds") The two objects have same projection: print(p

[R] Overlay two shapefiles in same map axes rgdal/maptools

2014-11-17 Thread Zilefac Elvis
Hello, I have two spatial map objects (reproducible example further down) which I would like to overlay in R. The ESRI shapefiles were read using: library(rgdal) Prairie.Boundaries <- readOGR(".", "boundaries") watersheds<-readOGR(".","watersheds") The two objects have same projection: print(

[R] LAT/LON to UTM in R

2014-11-18 Thread Zilefac Elvis
Hi, I am trying to convert lat/lon to UTM but my results are extremely flawed. Is it because of wrong UTM zone or my lon points are negative? I read a shapefile from ESRI using: library(rgdal) stations <- readOGR(".","stations") print(proj4string(stations)) ## +proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WG

Re: [R] LAT/LON to UTM in R

2014-11-19 Thread Zilefac Elvis
Hi Admas,Sorry I missed out the reproducible example.Here it is: dput(xy)structure(list(ID = 1:120, X = c(-102.6, -101.9, -97.1, -97, -95.7, -99.1, -100.1, -97.2, -97, -99.3, -96, -95.2, -98.8, -98.1, -99.6, -97.8, -96.1, -98.3, -95.6, -96.8, -101.2, -101.1, -97.2, -111.1, -111.2, -116, -117.6,

Re: [R] LAT/LON to UTM in R

2014-11-19 Thread Zilefac Elvis
Hi Adam,I was not sure if my solution was correct.This is what I got using ArcGIS to convert the same coordinates: +proj=lcc +lat_1=49 +lat_2=77 +lat_0=49 +lon_0=-95 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +datum=NAD83 +units=m +no_defs +ellps=GRS80 +towgs84=0,0,0" structure(list(Long = c(662843L, 303344L, 634922L, 63417

Re: [R] LAT/LON to UTM in R

2014-11-19 Thread Zilefac Elvis
Many thanks Jean for the clarification.Zilefac. [[alternative HTML version deleted]] __ R-help@r-project.org mailing list https://stat.ethz.ch/mailman/listinfo/r-help PLEASE do read the posting guide http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html an

[R] Help

2013-04-27 Thread Zilefac Elvis
Hello, I have a question and need your help urgently. I am new to R but want to learn it. I have several files in a folder which I have imported to R using : temp = list.files(pattern="*.txt") >myfiles = lapply(temp, read.delim) The resulting files are on the workspace stored as List[110]. So

Re: [R] find and replace missing data in several different files

2013-04-27 Thread Zilefac Elvis
Hello, I have a question and need your help urgently. I am new to R but want to learn it. I have several files in a folder which I have imported to R using : temp = list.files(pattern="*.txt") >myfiles = lapply(temp, read.delim) The resulting files are on the workspace stored as List[110]. So

Re: [R] Help

2013-04-28 Thread Zilefac Elvis
ent: Saturday, April 27, 2013 11:14 PM Subject: Re: Re: [R] Help  Hi A.K, Attached are example files. I have 110 of such and would like to perform the analysis as described before. I would find T, F, Y, A, C, etc and delete them. The letters are affixed to values in the data just to communi

[R] Estimating confidence intervals from several simulations

2013-05-08 Thread Zilefac Elvis
Hi, I have 1000 simulations each arranged beneath another. The attached data is on monthly basis. First column is number of simulation, second is year and the rest, months. Problem:  1) Take sim 1 for example to be my original data from 1961-2005 with twelve months. You can delete the years. I

[R] estimate value from simulations

2013-05-15 Thread Zilefac Elvis
Hello, I need your help on this matrix:    1 1 1 1 1 1  2 2 2 2 2 2  3 3 3 3 3 3   5 5 5 5 5 5  2 2 2 2 2 2  3 3 3 3 3 3   6 6 6 6 6 6  2 2 2 2 2 2  3 3 3 3 3 3   1 1 1 1 1 1  2 2 2 2 2 2  3 3 3 3 3 3  First three rows represent first simulation, next three rows = second simulation etc. I would

Re: [R] Loop through a simulation

2013-05-16 Thread Zilefac, Elvis
Thanks AK. It works as expected. Atem. From: arun [smartpink...@yahoo.com] Sent: Thursday, May 16, 2013 11:16 AM To: Zilefac, Elvis Cc: R help Subject: Re: Loop through a simulation Hi, May be this is what you meant. dat1<- read.csv("data2.csv

[R] Sort data by month

2013-05-22 Thread Zilefac Elvis
Hello, I have a 'zoo' object containing dates [dd/mm/yr] in the first column and values in the second column. I tried as.Date but did not succeed. Here is an example of date format  01/01/2000 01/02/2000 ... 01/12/2000 01/01/2001 01/02/2001 ... 01/12/2000   etc. I would like to sort all Jans fro

Re: [R] Sort data by month

2013-05-22 Thread Zilefac Elvis
. From: arun To: Zilefac Elvis Cc: R help Sent: Wednesday, May 22, 2013 8:47 PM Subject: Re: [R] Sort data by month Hi, May be this helps. date1<-seq.Date(as.Date("01/01/2000",format="%d/%m/%Y"),as.Date("31/12/2010",format="%d/%m/%Y&q

Re: [R] dates and time series management

2013-06-04 Thread Zilefac Elvis
Hi A.K, I go an error on line 24 when processing all the 100 files: res<-fun1(lstf1) Error in read.table(x, sep = "", header = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE) :    more columns than column names There seem to be a difference between lstf and lstf1. Thanks, Atem. ___

[R] Apply acf to data frame containing 'NA'

2013-06-23 Thread Zilefac Elvis
Hi, I have a data frame with each column representing a separate site. Following this code, I can apply acf to all columns in A. 'A' contains randomly generated data. A <- matrix(rnorm(1500),nrow=500) par(mfrow=c(ncol(A),1)) lapply(split(A,col(A)), acf) #OR lapply(split(A,col(A)), function(snow

Re: [R] Apply acf to data frame containing 'NA'

2013-06-23 Thread Zilefac Elvis
data length is not a multiple of split variable" AE. ____ From: arun To: Zilefac Elvis Cc: R help Sent: Sunday, June 23, 2013 11:41 AM Subject: Re: [R] Apply acf to data frame containing 'NA' Hi, May be this helps: set.seed(24) A <- mat

[R] Aggregate time series from daily to monthly by date and site

2014-04-04 Thread Zilefac Elvis
Hi, I have daily data arranged by date and site. Keeping the number of columns as there are, I will like to aggregate (FUN=mean) from daily to monthly the following data (only part is shown here) which starts in 1971 and ends in 1980.     Year Month Day Site Sim001 Sim002 Sim003 Sim004 1   1971

Re: [R] Aggregate time series from daily to monthly by date and site

2014-04-04 Thread Zilefac Elvis
Hi, I have daily data arranged by date and site. Keeping the number of columns as there are, I will like to aggregate (FUN=mean) from daily to monthly the following data (only part is shown here) which starts in 1971 and ends in 1980. structure(list(Year = c(1971, 1971, 1971, 1971, 1971, 1971,

Re: [R] Aggregate time series from daily to monthly by date and site

2014-04-05 Thread Zilefac Elvis
Thanks, Rui. It works great. Atem. On Saturday, April 5, 2014 4:46 AM, Rui Barradas wrote: Hello, Maybe the following will do. dat <- structure(...) aggregate(dat[5:8], dat[c(1, 2, 4)], FUN = mean) Hope this helps, Rui Barradas Em 05-04-2014 06:37, Zilefac Elvis escreveu: > Hi,

Re: [R] Splitting columns and forming new data files in R

2014-04-10 Thread Zilefac Elvis
o suit the new data set. Attached. The attached dataset has 5 columns instead of 104 columns for which the program was developed. I was unable to edit lst1NEW<-. -- Original Message -- From : arun >To : Zilefac Elvis; >Sent : 10-04-2014 22:02 >Subject : Re: Re: Split

Re: [R] Quantile and rowMean from multiple files in a folder

2014-04-13 Thread Zilefac Elvis
rep("Indices", list.files(recursive = TRUE))],  function(x) read.csv(x, header = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)) length(ReadOut2) # [1] 257 head(ReadOut2[[1]], 2) #  Percentiles G100_pav_ANN G101_pav_ANN #1          0%    1.054380    1.032740 #2          1%    1.069457    1.045689

Re: [R] : Quantile and rowMean from multiple files in a folder

2014-04-14 Thread Zilefac Elvis
Hi AK, All codes for simulation files work great. I will try the code for observations and let you know. Thanks very much. Atem. On Tuesday, April 15, 2014 12:01 AM, arun wrote: Yes, my new solution ignores such cases. On Monday, April 14, 2014 11:58 PM, Zilefac Elvis wrote: Hi AK

Re: [R] : Quantile and rowMean from multiple files in a folder

2014-04-15 Thread Zilefac Elvis
gth(lst3)),sep="_")); write.csv(dat1,paste0(paste(getwd(), "Indices", gsub(" ", "_",rownames(lstNew)[i]), sep="/"),".csv"),row.names=FALSE, quote=FALSE)}) ## Output2: ReadOut2 <- lapply(list.files(recursive = TRUE)[grep("Indices&

Re: [R] : Quantile and rowMean from multiple files in a folder

2014-04-16 Thread Zilefac Elvis
rs = FALSE)) names(ReadOut2) <- gsub(".*\\/(.*)\\.csv","\\1",list.files(recursive = TRUE)[grep("Indices", list.files(recursive = TRUE))]) ReadOut2$pint_DJF[1:3,1:3] #  Percentiles G100_pint_DJF G101_pint_DJF #1          0%      0.982001      1.020892 #2          1%     

Re: [R] : Quantile and rowMean from multiple files in a folder

2014-04-17 Thread Zilefac Elvis
Hi AK, Thanks very much for the updated code. My simulated results are even more consistent with observations after apply the updated version of the code. Cheers, Atem. On Wednesday, April 16, 2014 11:31 PM, Zilefac Elvis wrote: Hi AK, Thanks very much. Atem. On Wednesday, April 16

[R] Freeing up memory in R

2014-05-12 Thread Zilefac Elvis
Hi, I will like to free up memory in R and make my program execute faster. At the moment, MY PROGRAM IS VERY SLOW probably due to memory issues. Here is sample data (Rcode is found at the end) from one simulation(I have 1000 such files to process):  list(c("1971 1 1GGG1 0.00 -3.68 -0.29", "1

[R] Bubble map in R

2014-05-14 Thread Zilefac Elvis
Hi, I would like to create a nice looking bubble map in R. Here is what I have done so far (the data is found below): # library(ggplot2) if (dev.cur() == 1) x11(width=8,height=6) par(mfcol=c(1,1)) ggplot

[R] Split dataframe by year

2014-02-10 Thread Zilefac Elvis
Hi, I have a dataframe in R and would like to split the data (1900-1980) into two sets. For example, one dataframe should have data from 1900-1960 and the other from 1961-1980. Thanks for your help. AT. [[alternative HTML version deleted]] __ R

Re: [R] Please help

2014-03-31 Thread Zilefac Elvis
;Tmin", "Tmax");dat2 <- cbind(dat1,Sims1)}) lapply(lst2,tail,3) [[1]] Year Month Day Site Precipitation  Tmin  Tmax 25 1971    1  1 GG25          0.36 -14.32  3.87 26 1971    6  5 G107        144.09  11.25 30.44 27 1971    6  5 G108          0.66  9.33 32.96   A.K. On Mon

[R] select .txt from .txt in a directory

2013-11-08 Thread Zilefac Elvis
Hi, I have 300 .txt files in a directory. Out of this 300, I need just 100 of the files. I have the names of the 100 .txt files which are also found in the 300 .txt files. How can I extract only the 100 .txt files from the 300 ,txt files? e.g given d1.txt, ds.txt, dx.txt, df.txt...d300.txt, how

Re: [R] select .txt from .txt in a directory

2013-11-08 Thread Zilefac Elvis
already know the names what is the problem to select the files by names? If you have the names but not inside of R you have to find a name pattern to avoid typing them in. Is there a pattern, e.g. da.txt, db.txt, dc.txt? On 08 Nov 2013, at 18:33, Zilefac Elvis wrote: > Hi, > I ha

Re: [R] select .txt from .txt in a directory

2013-11-11 Thread Zilefac Elvis
t="%d%b%Y"),by="day") dates2<- as.character(dates1) sldat<- split(dates2,list(gsub("-.*","",dates2))) lst12<-lapply(sldat,function(x) lapply(split(x,gsub(".*-(.*)-.*","\\1",x)), function(y){x1<-as.numeric(gsub(".*-.*-(.*)&

Re: [R] melt dataframe

2013-11-17 Thread Zilefac Elvis
"month","day")) dat2M1 <- dat2M[with(dat2M,order(year,month,day,variable)),]  dim(dat2M1) #[1] 1972320   5  row.names(dat2M1) <- 1:nrow(dat2M1)  colnames(dat2M1)[4:5] <- c("site","rain") 16436*120 #[1] 1972320 A.K. On Saturday, N

[R] Spatial Correlation Map using R

2013-12-03 Thread Zilefac Elvis
Hi, I have rainfall data from 100 locations, with coordinates  for each location available. Now, I have a correlation matrix showing the correlation between rainfall at a single location against all other locations and so on for the 100 locations. How can I visualize this correlation matrix using

Re: [R] Spatial Correlation Map using R

2013-12-03 Thread Zilefac Elvis
Hi Jim, I tried as you described but did not succeed. Can I send you sample data? Thanks, Zilefac. On Tuesday, December 3, 2013 4:19 PM, Jim Lemon wrote: On 12/04/2013 08:59 AM, Jim Lemon wrote: > On 12/04/2013 05:26 AM, Zilefac Elvis wrote: >> Hi, >> I have rainfall data fro

[R] How to fill rainbow colors under curves in R

2014-12-02 Thread Zilefac Elvis via R-help
Hi All, I have a tricky problem here. The short code below plots some percentiles from a simulation. The percentiles are indicated in different colors. Problem: - How can I fill the area under the curve using the same colors as for the percentiles-1? - Also, I would like the rainbow intensity t

[R] Rename multiple files in a directory and write renamed files back to directory

2014-12-04 Thread Zilefac Elvis via R-help
Hello, I would like to rename multiple files in a directory. Filenames are read using: lfile <- list.files(pattern="rcp45_Daily_") files <- paste(paste(getwd(),lfile,sep="/"), list.files(lfile),sep="/")# getwd of these files dput(lfile) c("rcp45_Daily_Sim001.dat", "rcp45_Daily_Sim002.dat")

Re: [R] Rename multiple files in a directory and write renamed files back to directory

2014-12-04 Thread Zilefac Elvis via R-help
dat" "new_example_03.dat" [4] "new_example_04.dat" "new_example_05.dat" "new_example_06.dat" > > file.rename(from=file_names, to=new_names) [1] TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE > list.files(pattern="*.dat") [1] "new_example_01.dat&qu

Re: [R] Rename multiple files in a directory and write renamed files back to directory

2014-12-05 Thread Zilefac Elvis via R-help
ur code. > format(c(1,5,32,100), width=3, flag="0") [1] " 1" " 5" " 32" "100" > formatC(c(1,5,32,100), width=3, flag="0") [1] "001" "005" "032" "100" I hope this helps. Chel Hee Lee On 12/0

Re: [R] Rename multiple files in a directory and write renamed files back to directory

2014-12-05 Thread Zilefac Elvis via R-help
Hi Chel, I got it right. Many thanks. file.rename(file_names, to=paste0("rcp45_Daily_Sim", 200:210)) list.files(pattern="rcp45_Daily_Sim") [1] "rcp45_Daily_Sim200" "rcp45_Daily_Sim201" "rcp45_Daily_Sim202" On Friday, December 5, 2014 9:35 AM

[R] add symbol above letter in R

2014-12-09 Thread Zilefac Elvis via R-help
Hi, I would like to add a dash (—) on a letter in R. How can I add a dash on letter P in the following: mtext(text=expression(Winter(DJF)~mean~daily~precipitation~italic(P)), side=3, line=1, cex=1.3, col="black") ?plotmath could not provide an answer to my problem. many thanks for your solutio

Re: [R] add symbol above letter in R

2014-12-09 Thread Zilefac Elvis via R-help
I got the right answer: mtext(text=expression(Winter(DJF)~mean~daily~precipitation~bar(italic(P))), side=3, line=1, cex=1.3, col="black") Thanks. On Tuesday, December 9, 2014 1:28 PM, Zilefac Elvis wrote: Hi, I would like to add a dash (—) on a letter in R. How can I add a dash o

[R] Angle brackets ?plotmath

2014-12-09 Thread Zilefac Elvis via R-help
Hi All, Please, I would like to enclose T[min] using angle brackets in R. I have tried something like: mtext(text=expression(Winter(DJF)~daily~minimum~temperature~bold((italic(symbol("\341")T[min]symbol("\361"), side=3, line=1, cex=1.3, col="black") but did not succeed. I learnt that adobe-

Re: [R] Angle brackets ?plotmath

2014-12-10 Thread Zilefac Elvis via R-help
Perfect! # italic(symbol("\341")*T[min]*symbol("\361")) Thanks, Uwe. Asong. On 10.12.2014 04:49, Zilefac Elvis via R-help wrote: > Hi All, > Please, I would like to enclose T[min] using angle brackets in R. > I have tried something like: > > mtext(text=e

[R] split dataframe to several dataframes in R

2015-02-16 Thread Zilefac Elvis via R-help
Hi All,I have a dataframe called 'means' as shown below:iris1.csv <- iris iris2.csv <- iris names <- c("iris1.csv", "iris2.csv") dat <- mget(names) lst4 <- lapply(dat, function(x) apply(x[,-5], 2, mean)) # Build the new data frame means <- as.data.frame(do.call(rbind, lst4)) means$source <- names(

Re: [R] split dataframe to several dataframes in R

2015-02-17 Thread Zilefac Elvis via R-help
may be that storing your > # data objects as a single object, such as a list, is more useful. > > Chris Campbell, PhD > > Tel. +44 (0)1249 705 450 | Mobile. +44 (0) 7929 628 349 > www.mango-solutions.com > Mango Solutions > 2 Methuen Park, Chippenham, Wiltshire. SN14 OGB UK > &g

Re: [R] split dataframe to several dataframes in R

2015-02-17 Thread Zilefac Elvis via R-help
ion(x) {as.data.frame(t(iris1.csv))}) #Get the data.frames in the list to the global environment list2env(lst4 ,.GlobalEnv) Regards On 17 February 2015 at 09:23, Zilefac Elvis via R-help wrote: > Hi All,I have a dataframe called 'means' as shown below:iris1.csv <- iris > iri

[R] Apply t-test on list in R

2015-02-17 Thread Zilefac Elvis via R-help
I have a list object in R with dataframe names as: "pav_DJF_histo.csv""pav_DJF_rcp26_2040s.csv" "pav_DJF_rcp26_2080s.csv" "pav_DJF_rcp45_2040s.csv""pav_DJF_rcp45_2080s.csv" "pav_DJF_rcp85_2040s.csv" "pav_DJF_rcp85_2080s.csv" "pav_JJA_histo.csv" "pav_JJA_rcp26_2040s.csv" "pav_JJ

Re: [R] Apply t-test on list in R

2015-02-25 Thread Zilefac Elvis via R-help
Many thanks, Petr.You solved my problem.AT. [[alternative HTML version deleted]] __ R-help@r-project.org mailing list -- To UNSUBSCRIBE and more, see https://stat.ethz.ch/mailman/listinfo/r-help PLEASE do read the posting guide http://www.R-proje

[R] Splitting strings in data files R

2016-01-20 Thread Zilefac Elvis via R-help
Please I need help processing files with strings in R. All the files have two patterns (thus,examine separately): Pattern 1 (see file1 below): Delete Lines 1,2 & 4 in file1. Line 3 contains the column names. Then find anything as.character and delete. Please do not delete any values (e.g. de