Re: [R] Pass Parameters to RScript?

2017-10-31 Thread William Michels via R-help
Hello Morcus, Is your question really about language inter-operability? If so, have you checked out rJava? "rJava: Low-Level R to Java Interface" Regards, Bill. W. Michels, Ph.D. On Mon, Oct 30, 2017 at 8:10 AM, Morkus vi

Re: [R] Add vectors of unequal length without recycling?

2017-12-13 Thread William Michels via R-help
Maingo, See previous discussion below on and scripts: You might consider binding first then adding orthogonally. So then colSums(), OR then rowSums(). Best of luck, W Michels, Ph.D. O

Re: [R] drc, ggplot2, and gridExtra

2018-05-22 Thread William Michels via R-help
Hi, I was able to get Eivind's code to work by slight modification of the "grab" function: grab <- function() { grid.echo() grid.grab() } Best Regards, W. Michels, Ph.D. On Fri, May 18, 2018 at 9:56 AM, Eivind K. Dovik wrote: > On Fri, 18 May 2018, Ed Siefker wrote: > >> I have dose r

Re: [R] R examples in Agronomy

2018-06-13 Thread William Michels via R-help
Hello, For introductory material there is--of course--Immer's Barley Data (popularized by Bill Cleveland), and used extensively in R to demonstrate lattice graphics: >library(lattice) >?barley Note the example dotplot() at the bottom of the "barley" help page, and also on the "barchart" help pag

Re: [R] Suggestions for scatter plot of many data

2018-07-19 Thread William Michels via R-help
Hello, In addition to Duncan Mackay's excellent suggestion, I would recommend Bert Gunter's "stripless" package, for high-density Trellis-type conditioning plots. See the vignette for examples, and try out the code for "earthquake" and "barley" plots from the reference manual. https://CRAN.R-proje

Re: [R] Taking the sum of only some columns of a data frame

2017-03-31 Thread William Michels via R-help
I'm sure there are more efficient ways, but this works: > test1 <- matrix(runif(50), nrow=10, ncol=5) > ## test1 <- > test1 <- rbind(test1, NA) > test1[11, c(1,3)] <- colSums(test1[1:10,c(1,3)]) > test1 HTH, Bill. William Michels, Ph.D. On Fri, Mar 31, 2017 at 9:20 AM,

Re: [R] Taking the sum of only some columns of a data frame

2017-03-31 Thread William Michels via R-help
Again, you should always copy the R-help list on replies to your OP. The short answer is you **shouldn't** replace NAs with blanks in your matrix or dataframe. NA is the proper designation for those cell positions. Replacing NA with a "blank" in a dataframe will convert that column to a "characte

Re: [R] Taking the sum of only some columns of a data frame

2017-03-31 Thread William Michels via R-help
er, one can >> usually use an existing function to push your results out without damaging >> your working data. >> >> It is important to separate your data from your output because mixing >> results (totals) with data makes using the data further extremely difficu

Re: [R] problems in vectors of dates_times

2017-04-07 Thread William Michels via R-help
I believe the lubridate package does a good job with time zones. > install.packages("lubridate") > library(lubridate) Look at the supplied functions with_tz() and force_tz(). HTH, Bill. William J. Michels, Ph.D. On Fri, Apr 7, 2017 at 12:52 AM, Jeff Newmiller wrote: > R does a poor job

Re: [R] Is there a way to get R script line number

2017-04-07 Thread William Michels via R-help
Hi Brad, Some of the debugging functions may be of use. You can look at trace() or setBreakpoint(). But I believe Bert is correct in saying your concept of a "Line Number" and R's concept of a "Line Number" will differ. Finally, you can look at the function findLineNum(), which can be called exte

Re: [R] Too strange that I cannot install several packages

2017-04-10 Thread William Michels via R-help
For a base-R installation, you can print out multiple help pages (function indices) like so: > for(i in 1:length(sessionInfo()$basePkgs)) { print(library(help = sessionInfo()$basePkgs[i], character.only = TRUE)) } HTH, Bill. William Michels, Ph.D. On Mon, Apr 10, 2017 at 11:15 AM, Doran, Har

Re: [R] Creating interactive graphs and exporting to Intranet site

2017-04-23 Thread William Michels via R-help
Hi Chris (and Sarah), Chris you've listed a lot of restrictions, but I just wanted to mention Jeroen Ooms' work developing OpenCPU: "The OpenCPU system exposes an http API for embedded scientific computing with R. The server can run either as a single-user development server within the interactiv

Re: [R] install lapack for mac

2017-05-02 Thread William Michels via R-help
Have you tried R-GUI, in the R-distribution available below? Here's a similar question on SO: HTH, Bill. William Michels, Ph.D. On Tue, May 2, 2017 at 11:51 AM, Assa Yeroslav

Re: [R] About calculating average values from several matrices

2017-05-09 Thread William Michels via R-help
Dear Lily, Harold is telling you to type "?round" at the R command prompt to pull up the "round" help page. >?round >help("round") AFAIK, the above two commands are equivalent, in general. Best, Bill. W. Michels, Ph.D. On Tue, May 9, 2017 at 8:11 AM, Doran, Harold wrote: > ?round > > > Fro

Re: [R] [FORGED] Logical Operators' inconsistent Behavior

2017-05-21 Thread William Michels via R-help
Looking below and online, R's truth tables for NOT, AND, OR are identical to the NOT, AND, OR truth tables originating from Stephen Cole Kleene's "strong logic of indeterminacy", as demonstrated on the Wikipedia page entitled, "Three-Valued Logic"--specifically in the section entitled "Kleene and P

Re: [R] [FORGED] Logical Operators' inconsistent Behavior

2017-05-22 Thread William Michels via R-help
Evaluation of the NOT, AND, OR logical statements below in MySQL 5.5.30-log Community Server (GPL) replicate R's truth tables for NOT, AND, OR. See MySQL queries (below), which are in agreement with R truth table code posted in this thread: bash-3.2$ mysql Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands

Re: [R] About change columns and specific rows in R

2017-05-22 Thread William Michels via R-help
Hi Lily, You're on the right track, but you should define a new column first (filled with NA values), then specify the precise rows and columns on both the left and right hand sides of the assignment operator that will be altered. Luckily, this is pretty easy...just remember to use which() on the

Re: [R] About change columns and specific rows in R

2017-05-23 Thread William Michels via R-help
ou have to > specify the data.frame you want to look into. > > And last, learn to use dput() to provide a nice reproducible example. > > HTH, > Ivan > > > -- > Dr. Ivan Calandra > TraCEr, Laboratory for Traceology and Controlled Experiments > MONREPOS Archaeolog

Re: [R] write.dna command

2017-06-17 Thread William Michels via R-help
We'll need more information on the packages you're using. Can you post the output of: > sessionInfo() Finally, is this a Bioconductor question? They have their own support site: HTH, William Michels, Ph.D. On Sat, Jun 17, 2017 at 11:05 AM, Jeff Newmiller wro

Re: [R] write.dna command

2017-06-19 Thread William Michels via R-help
Hi Mogjib, Does the following solve your issue? > setwd(WD) On Sat, Jun 17, 2017 at 7:26 AM, Mogjib Salek wrote: > Hi all, > > I am learning R by "doing". And this is my first post. > > I want to use R: 1- to fetch a DNA sequence from a databank (see bellow) > and 2- store it as FASTA file.

Re: [R] pairs: adjusting margins and labeling axes

2016-07-20 Thread William Michels via R-help
Hi Michael, is this the direction you'd like to go (simplified)? ?pairs pairs(iris, log="xy", asp=1, gap=0.1) --Bill. On Tue, Jul 19, 2016 at 2:37 PM, Michael Young wrote: > I want to make this as easy as possible. The extra space could just go > around the plot in the margin area. I could

Re: [R] selecting the COLUMNS in a dataframe function of the numerical values in a ROW

2018-11-01 Thread William Michels via R-help
Hi Bogdan, Are you saying you want to drop columns that sum to zero? If so, I'm not sure you've given us a good example dataframe, since all your numeric columns give non-zero sums. Otherwise, what you're asking for is trivial. Below is an example dataframe ("ygene") with an example "AGA" column

Re: [R] selecting the COLUMNS in a dataframe function of the numerical values in a ROW

2018-11-01 Thread William Michels via R-help
Perhaps one of the following two methods: > zgene = data.frame( TTT=c(0,1,0,0), +TTA=c(0,1,1,0), + ATA=c(1,0,0,0), + ATT=c(0,0,0,0), + row.names=c("gene1", "gene2", "gene3", "gene4")) > zgene TTT TTA ATA ATT gene1 0 0 1

Re: [R] loading the xlsx library

2019-01-14 Thread William Michels via R-help
Hello Bernard, You might consider using the "readxl" package, which (from the package description), "Works on Windows, Mac and Linux without external dependencies." HTH, Bill. William Michels, Ph.D. __ R-hel

Re: [R] Creating a mean line plot

2019-04-14 Thread William Michels via R-help
So you're saying rowMeans(cbind(matrix_a, matrix_b)) worked to obtain your X-axis values? Wild guess here, are you simply looking for: colMeans(rbind(matrix_a, matrix_b)) to obtain your Y-axis values? [Above assuming matrix_a and matrix_b have identical dimensions (nrow, ncol)]. --Bill William

Re: [R] Split Strings

2016-01-17 Thread William Michels via R-help
> str_1 <- list("pc_m2_45_ssp3_wheat", "pc_m2_45_ssp3_wheat", "ssp3_maize", > "m2_wheat") > str_2 <- strsplit(unlist(str_1), "_") > max.length <- max(sapply(str_2,length)) > str_3 <- lapply(lapply(str_2, unlist), "length<-", max.length) > str_3 See:

Re: [R] R editor for Mac

2016-01-20 Thread William Michels via R-help
Hello Christofer! For text-editing the GUI has always been fabulous. An old mainstay on the Mac (after Apple's TextEdit) has been TextWrangler, and its big-brother, BBEdit. For development RStudio is quite nice, and--based partly on RStudio's offering of a Vim-compatibility mode--Vim has bec

Re: [R] R editor for Mac

2016-01-21 Thread William Michels via R-help
Run Atom with the language-r and r-exec packages: "A language description and snippets for R" "Send R code to various consoles" On Thu, Jan 21, 2016 at 9:54 AM, boB Rudis wrote: > Here you go Ista:

Re: [R] Documentation: Was -- identical() versus sapply()

2016-04-12 Thread William Michels via R-help
On Tue, Apr 12, 2016 at 9:44 AM, David Winsemius wrote: > > There need to be more worked examples, but those could easily be mined from > problems submitted as recorded in the R-help Archives and StackOverFlow. > This sounds like a great opportunity for R-users to contribute to the community

Re: [R] Issue replacing dataset values from read data

2016-05-07 Thread William Michels via R-help
1. It's not immediately clear why you need the line "temp <- subset(df, id == myid)" 2. The objects described by "temp$age", temp$agesmoke, and temp$yrsquit are all vectors. So temp.yrssmoke is also a vector. This means that when you replace, it should be with "<- temp.yrssmoke[i]", where "i" is t

Re: [R] Merging two columns of unequal length

2016-12-13 Thread William Michels via R-help
You should review "The Recycling Rule in R" before attempting to perform functions on 2 or more vectors of unequal lengths: Most often, the "Recycling Rule" does exactly what the researcher intends (automatically). And in many

Re: [R] creating possible cominations of a vector's elements

2016-12-22 Thread William Michels via R-help
Hi Dmitri, > hoyt <- unlist(strsplit("how are you today", split="\\s")) > y <- list() > for(j in seq_along(hoyt)) y[[j]] <- sapply(combn(length(hoyt), j, > simplify=F, function(i) hoyt[i]), paste, collapse = " ") > y [[1]] [1] "how" "are" "you" "today" [[2]] [1] "how are" "how you" "

Re: [R] \n and italic() in legend()

2016-12-29 Thread William Michels via R-help
Hi Marc, I can't seem to get "\n" to work, but simply using c() and "y.intersp = 1" looks fine: > plot(1, 1) > v1 <- c(expression(italic("p")*"-value"), expression("based on > "*italic("t")*"-test")) > legend("topright", legend=v1, y.intersp = 1, bty="n") Hope this helps, Bill William Mich

Re: [R] Export R output in Excel

2016-12-29 Thread William Michels via R-help
Hi Bryan (and Petr), If you want to write tsv-style data from R to clipboard on a Mac (e.g. for pasting into Numbers), you should do: > x1 <- matrix(1:6, nrow =2) > clip <- pipe("pbcopy", "w") > write.table(x1, file=clip, sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE, fileEncoding = > "UTF-8" ) > close(clip) >

Re: [R] \n and italic() in legend()

2016-12-29 Thread William Michels via R-help
Hi Marc, I think it would be wrong to leave readers with the impression that it's somehow improper to use c() in drawing a legend, because in fact, it works so well. What doesn't work so well is mixing expression() calls with escaped characters like "\n" (or "\r"), and that's probably due to expres

Re: [R] [FORGED] function for remove white space

2017-02-21 Thread William Michels via R-help
Hi José (and Rolf), It's not entirely clear what type of 'whitespace' you're referring to, but if you're using read.table() or read.csv() to create your dataframe in the first place, setting 'strip.white = TRUE' will remove leading and trailing whitespace 'from unquoted character fields (numeric f

Re: [R] How to select one value per row (different columns) from array

2017-03-01 Thread William Michels via R-help
Hello Wolfgang, Building on Peter Dalgaard's code, are you just trying to take a sample of a random column from each row? You don't need to use apply: > array[cbind(1:nrow(array),, nrow(array), replace=TRUE ))] Just a general note, since you're sampling one-column-per-row

Re: [R] Unnesting JSON using R

2020-09-17 Thread William Michels via R-help
Hi Fred, I believe the preferred package is jsonlite: HTH, Bill. W. Michels, Ph.D. On Tue, Sep 15, 2020 at 1:48 PM Fred Kwebiha wrote: > > Source= > > The above is nested jso

Re: [R] Lahman Baseball Data Using R DBI Package

2020-10-07 Thread William Michels via R-help
Hi Philip, You've probably realized by now that R doesn't like column names that start with a number. If you try to access an R-dataframe column named 2B or 3B with the familiar "$" notation, you'll get an error: > library(DBI) > library(RSQLite) > con2 <- dbConnect(SQLite(), "~/R_Dir/lahmansbase

Re: [R] Installing Perl For Use in R

2020-10-08 Thread William Michels via R-help
Hi Philip, "Perl Download" The above link gives you the option to install from source or from ActiveState. The first link below (source) proudly proclaims, "Perl compiles on over 100 platforms..." and the second link below (binary) similarly proclaims, "Perl supports

Re: [R] Calculating column differences

2021-03-24 Thread William Michels via R-help
Dear Jeff, Rather than diff-ing a linear vector you're trying to diff values from two different rows. Also you indicate that you want to place the diff-ed value in the 'lower' row of a new column. Try this (note insertion of an initial "zero" row): > df <- data.frame(ID=1:5,Score=4*2:6) > df1 <-

Re: [R] Calculating column differences

2021-03-24 Thread William Michels via R-help
More correctly, with an initial "NA" value in the "diff" column: > df <- data.frame(ID=1:5,Score=4*2:6) > df1 <- rbind(c(0,0), df) > cbind(df1, "diff"=c(NA, diff(df1$Score)) ) ID Score diff 1 0 0 NA 2 1 88 3 2124 4 3164 5 4204 6 5244 > HTH, Bi

Re: [R] Stata/Rstudio evil attributes

2021-04-10 Thread William Michels via R-help
Hi Roger, You could look at the attributes() function in base-R. See: > ?attributes >From the help-page: > ## strip an object's attributes: > attributes(x) <- NULL HTH, Bill. W. Michels, Ph.D. On Sat, Apr 10, 2021 at 4:20 AM Koenker, Roger W wrote: > > Wolfgang, > > Thanks, this is _extre

Re: [R] series of densities

2021-05-17 Thread William Michels via R-help
Hi Troels, Have you considered using Lattice graphics? Adapting from examples on the help page: > ?histogram() > histogram( ~ BC | pH, data = ddd, type = "density", xlab = "BC", layout = c(1, 3), aspect = 0.618, strip = strip.custom(strip.levels=c(TRUE,TRUE)), panel = function(x, ...) {

Re: [R] Beginner problem - using mod function to print odd numbers

2021-06-05 Thread William Michels via R-help
> i <- 1L; span <- 1:100; result <- NA; > for (i in span){ + ifelse(i %% 2 != 0, result[i] <- TRUE, result[i] <- FALSE) + } > span[result] [1] 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 49 51 53 55 57 [30] 59 61 63 65 67 69 71 73 75 77 79 81 83 85 87 89 91 93 95 97 99

Re: [R] Beginner problem - using mod function to print odd numbers

2021-06-06 Thread William Michels via R-help
try to work within the paradigms that are the > language's strengths when possible, R's vectorization and indexing in this > example. > > Cheers, > Bert Gunter > > "The trouble with having an open mind is that people keep coming along and > sticking things

Re: [R] Need to compare two columns in two data.frames and return all rows from df where rows values are missing

2021-06-13 Thread William Michels via R-help
Maybe something like this? > df_A <- data.frame(names=LETTERS[1:10], values_A=1:10) > df_B <- data.frame(names=LETTERS[6:15], values_B=11:20) > df_AB <- merge(df_A, df_B, by="names") > df_AAB <- merge(df_A, df_AB, all.x=TRUE) > df_BAB <- merge(df_B, df_AB, all.x=TRUE) > df_C <- df_AAB[

Re: [R] How to spot/stop making the same mistake

2021-06-23 Thread William Michels via R-help
Hi Phillips, Maybe these examples will be useful: > vec <- c("a","b","c","d","e") > vec[c(1,1,1,0,0)] [1] "a" "a" "a" > vec[c(1,1,1,2,2)] [1] "a" "a" "a" "b" "b" > vec[c(5,5,5,5,5)] [1] "e" "e" "e" "e" "e" > vec[c(NA,NA,NA,0,0,0,0)] [1] NA NA NA > vec[c(NA,NA,NA,1,1,1,1)] [1] NA NA NA "a" "a"

Re: [R] How to solve this?

2021-08-31 Thread William Michels via R-help
Hello, You may have more luck posting your question to the R-SIG-Geo mailing-list: Be sure to use an appropriate "Subject" line, for example, the particular package/function that seems problematic. HTH, Bill. W. Michels, Ph.D. On Mon, Aug 30,

Re: [R] how to install npsm package

2021-09-01 Thread William Michels via R-help
Hi, I found package "npsm" at the links below: HTH, Bill. W. Michels, Ph.D. On Wed, Sep 1, 2021 at 8:27 AM wrote: > > I need to install the package "npsm" to follo

Re: [R] Connect R with Ensemble Rest API to fetch variations

2022-01-03 Thread William Michels via R-help
Hello Anas, You can find courses and/or training materials on the Ensembl/EBI websites, including R code: You can also click on individual 'Ensembl REST API Endpoints', and find sample R code there: htt

Re: [R] Trying to understand the magic of lm

2019-05-09 Thread William Michels via R-help
Hello John, Others have commented on the first half of your question, but the second half of your question looks very much like R's built-in predict() functions: >?predict >?predict.lm Best Regards, Bill. W. Michels, Ph.D. On Wed, May 8, 2019 at 6:23 PM Sorkin, John wrote: > > Can someone

Re: [R] Help with R coding

2019-05-22 Thread William Michels via R-help
Morning Bill, I take it this is dplyr? You might try: tmp1 <- HCPC %>% group_by(HCPCSCode) %>% summarise(Avg_AllowByLimit = mean(Avg_AllowByLimit[which(Avg_AllowByLimit!=0 & AllowByLimitFlag == TRUE)])) The code above gives "NaN" for cases where AllowByLimitFlag == FALSE. Maybe this is the answer

[R] Fwd: new_index

2019-09-07 Thread William Michels via R-help
Hi Val, see below: > dat1 <-read.table(text="ID, x, y, z + A, 10, 34, 12 + B, 25, 42, 18 + C, 14, 20, 8 ",sep=",",header=TRUE,stringsAsFactors=F) > > dat2 <-read.table(text="ID, weight + A, 0.25 + B, 0.42 + C, 0.65 ",sep=",",header=TRUE,stringsAsFactors=F) > > dat3 <- data.frame(ID = dat1[,

Re: [R] static vs. lexical scope

2019-09-26 Thread William Michels via R-help
The best summary I've read on the subject of R's scoping rules (in particular how they compare to scoping rules in S-PLUS) is Dr. John Fox's "Frames, Environments, and Scope in R and S-PLUS", written as an Appendix to the first edition of his book, An R and S-PLUS Companion to Applied Regression (2

Re: [R] The "--slave" option ==> will become "--no-echo"

2019-09-27 Thread William Michels via R-help
Hi Martin, '--no-echo' or '--no_echo' Obviously you may prefer the first, but I hope you might consider the second. Best Regards, W. Michels, Ph.D. On Fri, Sep 27, 2019 at 9:04 AM Martin Maechler wrote: > > > Martin Maechler > > on Mon, 23 Sep 2019 16:14:36 +0200 writes

Re: [R] The "--slave" option ==> will become "--no-echo"

2019-09-27 Thread William Michels via R-help
Apologies, Duncan and Martin. I didn't check "R --help" first. You're quite right, lots of embedded hyphens. Best Regards, Bill. W. Michels, Ph.D. On Fri, Sep 27, 2019 at 2:42 PM Duncan Murdoch wrote: > > On 27/09/2019 5:36 p.m., William Michels via R-help wrote: &g

Re: [R] can not extract rows which match a string

2019-10-03 Thread William Michels via R-help
Hello, I expected the code you posted to work just as you presumed it would, but without a reproducible example--I can only speculate as to why it didn't. In the t1 dataframe, if indeed you only want to remove rows of the t1$sex_chromosome_aneuploidy_f22019_0_0 column which are undefined, you cou

Re: [R] can not extract rows which match a string

2019-10-04 Thread William Michels via R-help
Apologies Ana, Of course Rui and Herve (and Richard) are correct here in stating that NA values get 'carried through' when selecting using the "==" operator. To give an illustration of what (I believe) Herve means by "NAs propagating", here's a small 11 x 8 dataframe ("zakaria") posted to R-Help l

Re: [R] Change colour ggiNEXT plot package iNEXT

2019-10-23 Thread William Michels via R-help
Apparently, the iNEXT package was first described in an academic paper published in 2016, although CRAN archives go back to 2015. The vignette below has a section entitled "Gener

Re: [R] If Loop I Think

2019-10-24 Thread William Michels via R-help
Hi Phillip, Jim and David and Petr all wrote you good code, but you have major problems in data formatting. Your data uses spaces both as a column separator and also to denote "blank fields". Because of problems with your input data structure, it's doubtful whether the good code you've received wi

Re: [R] If Loop I Think

2019-10-27 Thread William Michels via R-help
Hi Phillip, I wanted to follow up with you regarding your earlier post. Below is a different way to work up your data than I posted earlier. I took the baseball data you posted, stripped out leading-and-following blank lines, removed all trailing spaces on each line, and removed the "R1", "R2" an

Re: [R] Conditions

2019-11-26 Thread William Michels via R-help
Hi Val, Here's an answer using a series of ifelse() statements. Because the d4 column is created initially using NA as a placeholder, you can check your conditional logic at the end using table(!$d4)): > dat2 <-read.table(text="ID d1 d2 d3 + A 0 25 35 + B 12 22 0 + C 0 0 31 + E 10 2

Re: [R] How to use preProcess in Caret?

2019-12-04 Thread William Michels via R-help
Hello, Have you tried alternative methods of pre-processing your data, such as simply calling scale()? What is the effect on convergence, for both the caret package and and the neuralnet package? There's an example using scale() with the neuralnet package at the link below: https://datascienceplu

Re: [R] package MCMCpack

2019-12-04 Thread William Michels via R-help
Hi William, It's not clear to me why you need this particular older version of MCMCpack. From the archive I find MCMCpack_1.2-4 dates back to 2012-06-14, and MCMCpack_1.2-4.1 dates back to 2013-04-07: MCMCpack_1.2-4.1.tar.gz 2013-04-07 00:05 481K MCMCpack_1.2-4.tar.gz 2012-06-14 12:36 482K Have

Re: [R] package MCMCpack

2019-12-04 Thread William Michels via R-help
You can try installing the mcmc package first: I've used mcmc_0.9-5 with MCMCpack_1.4-3 under R version 3.3.3. HTH, Bill. W. Michels, Ph.D. On Wed, Dec 4, 2019 at 2:52 PM Prophet, Will

Re: [R] Book Recommendation

2023-08-28 Thread William Michels via R-help
I'm a big fan of the sqldf package by Gabor Grothendieck: "sqldf: Manipulate R Data Frames Using SQL" The sqldf "README.html" converts to a 42 page PDF: You can also find favorable blog post

Re: [R] Converting Decimal numbers into Binary

2019-12-27 Thread William Michels via R-help
Hi Paul, Since you start from strings, it's not clear to me where ASCII enters the picture. If you really need ASCII, you can use the charToInt() function in the "R.oo" package. Also there's the AsciiToInt() function in the "sfsmisc" package. If you just want to use R's native as.numeric() conver

Re: [R] rnoaa library

2019-12-30 Thread William Michels via R-help
Hi Jeff, You might have better luck posting your question on the R-SIG-Geo mailing list, or perusing their archive. I've found a thread pertaining to the rnoaa package from August 2016, along with a particularly informative reply (reply link below):

Re: [R] Data Carpentry - Creating a New SQLite Database

2020-01-10 Thread William Michels via R-help
Hi Phillip, Skipping to the last few lines of your email, did you download a program to look at Sqlite databases (independent of R) as listed below? Maybe that program ("DB Browser for SQLite") and/or the instructions below can help you locate your database directory:

Re: [R] File names for mac newby

2020-01-21 Thread William Michels via R-help
Hi David, Often on a Mac you can "right click" (or on a laptop--press down with two fingers), and a pop-up will give you the option to "Copy File Path". (You can also find this option in a Finder window under the "Finder -> Services" menu bar) .This is the path you should use to import your file i

Re: [R] Analyzing Baseball Data With R

2020-03-16 Thread William Michels via R-help
Hi Phillip, Generally these problems come down to knowing/setting your working directory. The first question is whether you have a directory named "data" inside your "C:/Users/Owner/Documents" directory? You may need to create this directory first, outside of R and/or RStudio (using your Windows O

Re: [R] Tidyverse Question

2020-03-27 Thread William Michels via R-help
Dear Ista (and Phillip), Ista, that's the exact same advice I gave Phillip over a week ago: Phillip, it doesn't make sense to post the same question under different subject headings. While I'm convinced you're making a sincere effort t

Re: [R] ncol() vs. length() on data.frames

2020-03-31 Thread William Michels via R-help
Hi Ivan, Like Ivan Krylov, I'm not aware of circumstances for simple dataframes where ncol(DF) does not equal length(DF). As I understand it, using ncol() versus length() is important when you're examining an object returned from a function like sapply(), since sapply() will simplify one-column d

Re: [R] Subtracting Data Frame With a Different Number of Rows

2020-04-21 Thread William Michels via R-help
Hi Phillip, You have two choices here: 1. Manually enter the missing rows into your individual.df using rbind(), and cbind() the overall.df and individual.df dataframes together (assuming the rows line up properly), or 2. Use merge() to perform an SQL-like "Left Join", and copy values from the "ov

Re: [R] iterators : checkFunc with ireadLines

2020-05-18 Thread William Michels via R-help
Hi Laurent, Thank you for explaining your size limitations. Below is an example using the read.fwf() function to grab the first column of your input file (in 2000 row chunks). This column is converted to an index, and the index is used to create an iterator useful for skipping lines when reading

Re: [R] iterators : checkFunc with ireadLines

2020-05-18 Thread William Michels via R-help
Apologies, Laurent, for this two-part answer. I misunderstood your post where you stated you wanted to "filter(ing) some selected lines according to the line name... ." I thought that meant you had a separate index (like a series of primes) that you wanted to use to only read-in selected line num

Re: [R] iterators : checkFunc with ireadLines

2020-05-18 Thread William Michels via R-help
Dear Laurent, I'm going through your code quickly, and the first question I have is whether you loaded the "gmp" library? > library(gmp) Attaching package: ‘gmp’ The following objects are masked from ‘package:base’: %*%, apply, crossprod, matrix, tcrossprod > library(iterators) > iter(1

Re: [R] iterators : checkFunc with ireadLines

2020-05-23 Thread William Michels via R-help
Hi Laurent, Seeking to give you an "R-only" solution, I thought the read.fwf() function might be useful (to read-in your first column of data, only). However Jeff is correct that this is a poor strategy, since read.fwf() reads the entire file into R (documented in "Fixed-width-format files", Secti

Re: [R] iterators : checkFunc with ireadLines

2020-05-24 Thread William Michels via R-help
Strike that one sentence in brackets: "[In point of fact, the R Data Import/Export Manual suggests using perl]", to pre-process data before loading into R. The manual's recommendation only pertains to large fixed width formatted files [see #1], whereas Laurent's data is whitespace-delimited: > rea

Re: [R] iterators : checkFunc with ireadLines

2020-05-27 Thread William Michels via R-help
Hi Laurent, Off the bat I would have guessed that the problem you're seeing has to do with 'command line quoting' differences between the Windows system and the Linux/Mac systems. I've noticed people using Windows having better command line success with "exterior double-quotes / interior single-qu

Re: [R] how to filter variables which appear in any row but do not include

2020-06-03 Thread William Michels via R-help
#Below returns long list of TRUE/FALSE values, #Note: "IDs" is a column name, #Wrap with head() to shorten: df$IDs %in% c("ident_1", "ident_2"); #Below returns index of IDs that are TRUE, #Wrap with head() to shorten: which(df$IDs %in% c("ident_1", "ident_2")); #Below returns short TRUE/FALSE tab

Re: [R] R Compied for Mac OS X

2020-06-25 Thread William Michels via R-help
Hi, you can try starting at the link below: Or type any of following commands into your R-Console (for starters): > library() > library(help="base") > library(help="stats") > library(help="graphics") > library(help="grDevices") > lib

Re: [R] Character (1a, 1b) to numeric

2020-07-10 Thread William Michels via R-help
Hello Jean-Louis, Noting the subject line of your post I thought the first answer would have been encoding histology stages as factors, and "unclass-ing" them to obtain integers that then can be mathematically manipulated. You can get a lot of work done with all the commands listed on the "factor"

Re: [R] Character (1a, 1b) to numeric

2020-07-11 Thread William Michels via R-help
Agreed, I meant to add this line (for unclassed factor levels 1-through-8): > ((1:8 - 1)*(0.25))+1 [1] 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 2.25 2.50 2.75 Depending on the circumstance, you can also consider using dummy factors or even "NA" as a level; see the "factor" help page for details. Best, Bill. W.

Re: [R] Help with read.csv.sql()

2020-07-18 Thread William Michels via R-help
Do either of the postings/threads below help? Otherwise you can try reading thr

Re: [R] help with web scraping

2020-07-23 Thread William Michels via R-help
Hi Spencer, I tried the code below on an older R-installation, and it works fine. Not a full solution, but it's a start: > library(RCurl) Loading required package: bitops > url <- > ""; > M_sos <- getURL(

Re: [R] [External] Re: help with web scraping

2020-07-25 Thread William Michels via R-help
Dear Spencer Graves (and Rasmus Liland), I've had some luck just using gsub() to alter the offending "" characters, appending a "___" tag at each instance of "" (first I checked the text to make sure it didn't contain any pre-existing instances of "___"). See the output snippet below: > library(R

Re: [R] PROBLEM: quickly downloading 10,000 articles to sift through

2020-08-30 Thread William Michels via R-help
Hello John, Does this help? Best, Bill. W. Michels, Ph.D. On Fri, Aug 28, 2020 at 11:04 PM Fraedrich, John wrote: > > > > To analyze 10,000+ articles within several journals to