Re: [R] Defining partial list of variables

2021-01-05 Thread Steven Yen
. NSE has its strengths... but as a method of creating data objects it sucks. Note that even the tidyverse (now) requires you to use quotes when you are not directly referring to something that already exists. And if you were... you might as well be creating a formula. On January 4, 2021 11:1

Re: [R] Defining partial list of variables

2021-01-05 Thread Steven Yen
t;married" On 2021/1/5 下午 05:34, Eric Berger wrote: > zx<-strsplit("age,exercise,income,white,black,hispanic,base,somcol,grad,employed,unable,homeowner,married,divorced,widowed",",") > > > > On Tue, Jan 5, 2021 at 11:01 AM Steven Yen <mailto:st...@ntu.

Re: [R] Defining partial list of variables

2021-01-05 Thread Steven Yen
v + nongov + married > eq2<-my.formula(y="cig",x=xx); eq2 cig ~ c("hhsize", "urban", "male", "age3045", "age4659", "age60",     "highsc", "tert", "gov", "nongov", "married"

Re: [R] Defining partial list of variables

2021-01-05 Thread Steven Yen
   Min.   :0.1029   Min.   :0.6405  1st Qu.:0.4090   1st Qu.:0.4533   1st Qu.:0.6557  Median :0.7883   Median :0.5726   Median :0.6928  Mean   :0.6617   Mean   :0.5527   Mean   :0.7746  3rd Qu.:0.8830   3rd Qu.:0.6776   3rd Qu.:0.8895  Max.   :0.9405   Max.   :0.9568   Max.   :0.9943 On 2021/1/5

[R] Calling procedures

2021-01-24 Thread Steven Yen
something bad (which I should avoid) in my calls to mycdf2 and mycdf to obtain p2 and p3, respectively. Thank you. Steven Yen pbivlogis <- function(x,y,rho){ # * # Bivariate logistic CDF # *   p<-(1+exp(-x)+

[R] Column-by-column division

2021-03-03 Thread Steven Yen
I have a 10 x 2 matrix x. Like to divide the first column by s[1] and second column by s[2]. The following lines work but are clumsy. Any idea? Thanks. > x   [,1] [,2]  [1,]    1   11  [2,]    2   12  [3,]    3   13  [4,]    4   14  [5,]    5   15  [6,]    6   16  [7,]    7   17  [8,]    8 

Re: [R] Column-by-column division

2021-03-03 Thread Steven Yen
`%!%` <- function(x, y) {    stopifnot(ncol(x) == length(y))    t(t(x)/y) } x <- matrix(1:20, ncol = 2) s <- 1:2 x %!% s x %!% 1:4 Hope this helps, Rui Barradas Às 11:00 de 03/03/21, Steven Yen escreveu: I have a 10 x 2 matrix x. Like to divide the first column by s[1] and second

[R] Identifying column type

2021-04-09 Thread Steven Yen
I have data of mixed types in a data frame - date and numeric, as shown in summary below. How do I identify the column(s) that is/are not numeric, in this case, the first. All I want is to identify the column(s) and so that I can remove it/them from the data frame Thanks. > summary(mydata) Dat

Re: [R] Identifying column type

2021-04-09 Thread Steven Yen
Thanks much! Yes it does. I will read. On 2021/4/10 上午 11:33, Jeff Newmiller wrote: Does sapply( mydata, inherits, what = "POSIXt" ) give you any ideas? On April 9, 2021 8:25:36 PM PDT, Steven Yen wrote: I have data of mixed types in a data frame - date and numeric, as shown

Re: [R] Identifying column type

2021-04-11 Thread Steven Yen
eric columns only. > > > Hope this helps, > > Rui Barradas > > Às 04:25 de 10/04/21, Steven Yen escreveu: >> I have data of mixed types in a data frame - date and numeric, as shown >> in summary below. How do I identify the column(s) that is/are not >> numeric

[R] grep

2021-05-08 Thread Steven Yen
Below, the first command simply creates a list of 16 names (labels) which can be ignore. In the 2nd and 3rd commands, I am able to identify names containing "black". In line 4, I am trying to identify names containing "black" or "conserv" but obviously it does not work. Can someone help? Thank

Re: [R] grep

2021-05-08 Thread Steven Yen
function names like "names" as data names is bad practice.) nms <- c( "", "", "x1.othrrace", "x1.moddkna", "x1.conserv", "x1.nstrprty", "x1.strrep", "x1.sevngprt", "", "

[R] Variable labels

2021-05-12 Thread Steven Yen
I insert variable with the expss function as shown below. No error message. My question is, how to save the variable labels in the data frame so that I can click to read the labels. Thank you. mydata<-read_excel("data/Excel/hseinv.xlsx",na=".") library(expss) mydata=apply_labels(mydata,    

Re: [R] Variable labels

2021-05-13 Thread Steven Yen
; Is that what you wanted? > > Fredrik > >> On Thu, May 13, 2021 at 4:49 AM Steven Yen wrote: >> I insert variable with the expss function as shown below. No error >> message. My question is, how to save the variable labels in the data >> frame so that I c

Re: [R] Variable labels

2021-05-14 Thread Steven Yen
get? Use save/load. You want to do something different? So please explain what exactly. Cheers Petr -Original Message- From: Steven Yen Sent: Thursday, May 13, 2021 5:53 PM To: PIKAL Petr Subject: Re: [R] Variable labels Petr Those attachments (1.jpg, 2.jpg) I sent earlier were just

Re: [R] Variable labels

2021-05-14 Thread Steven Yen
ttributes(mydata) $names [1] "id" "age" "yrmarry" $class [1] "data.frame" $row.names [1] 1 2 3 4 5 6 $var.labels [1] "Individual ID" "Age in Years" "Years of marriage" Cheers Petr -Original Message- Fr

Re: [R] Variable labels

2021-05-15 Thread Steven Yen
ry List maker for Android and iOS. > > <> > > > > > > > On Wed, May 12, 2021 at 9:49 PM Steven Yen <>&

[R] Subset command

2021-10-15 Thread Steven Yen
The following "subset command works. I was hoping the second would as well but it does not. My definition of exclude is rejected. Help please? Thanks. > mydata<-subset(mydata, +    prim>-9 & highsch>-9  & tert>-9 & +    govt>-9 & nongovt>-9  & +    m

Re: [R] Subset command

2021-10-15 Thread Steven Yen
Thanks. YES the second call to subset is there, trying to use my failed definition of "exclude". Read on.. On 2021/10/16 上午 09:35, Jeff Newmiller wrote: I don't see a "second one". Looks like you forgot the subset function call? On October 15, 2021 6:23:56 PM PDT

Re: [R] [External] Subset command

2021-10-15 Thread Steven Yen
negation - -c(TRUE,FALSE) [1] -1 0 as.logical(-c(TRUE,FALSE)) [1] TRUE FALSE !c(TRUE,FALSE) [1] FALSE TRUE On Oct 15, 2021, at 21:23, Steven Yen wrote: The following "subset command works. I was hoping the second would as well but it does not. My definition of exclude is re

[R] Wild cards for dataframes

2021-10-22 Thread Steven Yen
I like to be able to use a command with something similar to a "wild card". Below, lines 4 works to delete all three dataframes, but line 5 does not work. Any elegant way to accomplish this? My list of dataframes can be long and so this would be convenient. data.1<-data.frame(x=1:3,y=4:6,z=7:9

Re: [R] Wild cards for dataframes

2021-10-22 Thread Steven Yen
ects names matching the pattern. rm(list = ls(pattern = "data\\..*$")) Hope this helps, Rui Barradas Às 10:20 de 22/10/21, Steven Yen escreveu: I like to be able to use a command with something similar to a "wild card". Below, lines 4 works to delete all three dataframes,

[R] Renaming multiple objects

2021-11-20 Thread Steven Yen
I have named NUMEROUS objects (each containing, e.g., 48 obs. of 5 variables), such as   mec1.p.emb   mec2.p.emb   meb1.p.emb   meb2.p.emb   mej12.p.emb   mej22.p.emb How would I rename these objects removing the silly ".emb", into objects   mec1.p   mec2.p   meb1.p   meb2.p   mej12.p   mej22.p

Re: [R] Renaming multiple objects

2021-11-21 Thread Steven Yen
(tmp_list) rm(list = obj_names) # check to see if it worked (it did) ls() #[1] "meb1.p"  "meb2.p"  "mec1.p"  "mec2.p"  "mej12.p" "mej22.p" Hope this helps, Rui Barradas Às 10:27 de 20/11/21, Steven Yen escreveu: I have named NUMEROUS ob

Re: [R] cat in a subroutine

2022-10-13 Thread Steven Yen
Yes, these lines are part of a subroutine calling yet more procedures. What frustrated me was, I am not doing anything different from other routines. My cat command in the recent code does not do anything other than printing a line of plain text. I am clueless. Steven from iPhone > On Oct 13,

Re: [R] cat in a subroutine

2022-10-13 Thread Steven Yen
t<-abs(me)/se; p<-2*(1-pt(t,nrow(x))) sig<-my.sig.levels(p) out<-data.frame(round(cbind(me,se,t,p),digits)); out<-cbind(out,sig) rownames(out)<-names(me) colnames(out)<-c("est","se","t","p","sig") cat("\nMarginal and Discrete Effects of Gen Ordered Logit / Probit Probabilities", "\n\nlogistic

Re: [R] cat in a subroutine

2022-10-13 Thread Steven Yen
screte Effects of Gen Ordered Logit / Probit >>> Probabilities","logisitic =",fortytwo,"\n") >>> j<-grep(".one\\b",c(".one\\a",".one\\b")) >>> >>> Marginal

Re: [R] Removing variables from data frame with a wile card

2023-01-14 Thread Steven Yen
Thanks to all. Very helpful. Steven from iPhone > On Jan 14, 2023, at 3:08 PM, Andrew Simmons wrote: > > You'll want to use grep() or grepl(). By default, grep() uses extended > regular expressions to find matches, but you can also use perl regular > expressions and globbing (after converting

Re: [R] Removing variables from data frame with a wile card

2023-02-12 Thread Steven Yen
x[“V2”] would retain columns of x headed by V2. What I need is the opposite——I need a data grime with those columns excluded. Steven from iPhone > On Feb 13, 2023, at 9:33 AM, Rolf Turner wrote: > >  >> On Sun, 12 Feb 2023 14:57:36 -0800 >> Jeff Newmiller wrote: >> >> x["V2"] >> >> is more

Re: [R] Removing variables from data frame with a wile card

2023-02-12 Thread Steven Yen
he first few lines of > `[.data.frame` when the first index is missing and the second is > provided, it does almost the same thing as if only the first index > provided. > >> On Sun, Feb 12, 2023 at 9:38 PM Steven Yen wrote: >> >> x[“V2”] would retain columns of x he

Re: [R] R does not run under latest RStudio

2023-04-06 Thread Steven Yen
The RStudio list generally does not respond to free version users. I was hoping someone one this (R) list would be kind enough to help me. Steven from iPhone > On Apr 6, 2023, at 6:22 PM, Uwe Ligges > wrote: > > No, but you need to ask on an RStudio mailing list. > This one is about R. > >

Re: [R] knitr and tinytex

2023-04-28 Thread Steven Yen
Here’s what I found: Running the line commands install.packages("knitr") install.packages('tinytex') and interactively in RStudio: Tools->Install Packages -> … both work. Thank you! Steven from iPhone > On Apr 27, 2023, at 8:26 AM, Steven T. Yen wrote: > > Dear tinytex users > > I install

[R] Printing matrix/table in a procedure

2019-05-15 Thread Steven Yen
Dear All, I would like to get a matrix (table) printed in a procedure, as attempted below. Please help. Thanks. test<-function(x){   table<-matrix(x,nrow=4)   cat("\nTable:\n",table) invisible(list(table=table)) } x<-1:20 test(x) -- (S.T. Yen) [[alternative HTML v

Re: [R] Printing matrix/table in a procedure

2019-05-15 Thread Steven Yen
Great! Thanks. On 5/15/2019 7:00 PM, Rui Barradas wrote: > Hello, > > What's wrong with > > test <- function(x){ >   table <- matrix(x, nrow = 4) >   cat("\nTable:\n") >   print(table) >   invisible(list(table = table)) > } > > > Hope t

[R] Problem with random numbers/seed

2019-06-21 Thread Steven Yen
Dear all, I did all this work with older R (R-3.5.3.patched and older) but now with R3.6 I cannot replicate the results. Below I sample 60 observations from 1:500 using the sample command with a random seed of 123. I get different results. Advice appreciated. Steven Yen > # Run under R-3.

Re: [R] Problem with random numbers/seed

2019-06-21 Thread Steven Yen
Thanks. Somewhat of a mystery. The older version I had was R-3.5.3patched. I cannot get the RNGversion command to run. Can you help? Thanks. On 6/22/2019 12:25 AM, Uwe Ligges wrote: > See the NEWS, the RNG has been changed, use RNGversion > > On 21.06.2019 18:10, Steven Yen wrote: &g

Re: [R] Problem with random numbers/seed

2019-06-21 Thread Steven Yen
seed(12345671) >  j<-sample(1:length(x),size=60); y<-x[j] >  summary(j) > > > Now I get the results you got udner the old R. > > Best, > Uwe Ligges > > > > On 21.06.2019 18:39, Steven Yen wrote: >> Thanks. Somewhat of a mystery. The older version I had

Re: [R] Problem with random numbers/seed

2019-06-21 Thread Steven Yen
Unhappy but thanks. Steven On 6/22/2019 1:13 AM, Uwe Ligges wrote: > > > On 21.06.2019 19:09, Steven Yen wrote: >> Now I see that results were replicated but running RNGversion >> I get a warning message. Isn't there a way to do this clean? > > Well, the old RNG i

[R] Plotting in R

2019-07-06 Thread Steven Yen
I have a data frame containing two variables: year and rate (shown below). Which function can I use to plot rate (y-axis) against year (x-axis)? There will be more columns of rate later on. Thank you. year rate 1 1993 0.608 2 1994 0.622 3 1996 0.623 4 1998 0.647 5 2000 0.646 6 2002 0.625 7 2004 0

[R] Plotting in R

2019-07-06 Thread Steven Yen
I have a data frame containing two variables: year and rate (shown below). Which function can I use to plot rate (y-axis) against year (x-axis)? There will be more columns of rate later on. Thank you. year rate 1 1993 0.608 2 1994 0.622 3 1996 0.623 4 1998 0.647 5 2000 0.646 6 2002 0.625 7 2004 0

[R] Warning from installing packages in R3.6.1

2019-09-14 Thread Steven Yen
Since updating to R3.6.1., I have received a WARNING message saying Rtools is required. I get the same message installing online from CRAN and from a .zip file. It looked like installation still went through in both cases, BUT, Another student installed a .zip file and received the following erro

Re: [R] Warning from installing packages in R3.6.1

2019-09-15 Thread Steven Yen
Can someone help me understand why Rtools is needed when installing a package from CRAN, and from a zipped file? What's the point? On 9/14/2019 10:29 PM, Steven Yen wrote: > Since updating to R3.6.1., I have received a WARNING message saying > Rtools is required. > I get th

Re: [R] Warning from installing packages in R3.6.1

2019-09-15 Thread Steven Yen
. Thank you. Steven Yen === > install.packages("C:/Users/Bonnie/Desktop/", repos = NULL, type = "win.binary") WARNING: Rtools is required to build R packages but is not currently installed. Please download and install the appropriate version of Rtools be

[R] Stacking matrix columns

2023-08-05 Thread Steven Yen
I wish to stack columns of a matrix into one column. The following matrix command does it. Any other ways? Thanks. > x<-matrix(1:20,5,4) > x [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [1,]    1    6   11   16 [2,]    2    7   12   17 [3,]    3    8   13   18 [4,]    4    9   14   19 [5,]    5   10   15   20 > ma

[R] Stacking matrix columns

2023-08-06 Thread Steven Yen
I wish to stack columns of a matrix into one column. The following matrix command does it. Any other ways? Thanks. > x<-matrix(1:20,5,4) > x [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [1,]    1    6   11   16 [2,]    2    7   12   17 [3,]    3    8   13   18 [4,]    4    9   14   19 [5,]    5   10   15   20 > ma

[R] Yext in parentheses.

2023-10-26 Thread Steven Yen
Dear All My program is long and sorry I do not have a replicable set of codes to present. But I present a chunk of codes at the end below. Essentially, 1. I initialize cat.ref as NUL (see line 1) 2. Then, I repeatedly add elements to cat.ref, where each element include parentheses in double qu

[R] Concordance and Kendall's tau in copula

2023-11-06 Thread Steven Yen
t to read and what to use? Thank you. Steven Yen __ mailing list -- To UNSUBSCRIBE and more, see PLEASE do read the posting guide and provide comm

[R] Looping

2024-02-18 Thread Steven Yen
I need to read csv files repeatedly, named data1.csv, data2.csv,… data24.csv, 24 altogether. That is, data<-read.csv(“data1.csv”) … data<-read.csv(“data24.csv”) … Is there a way to do this in a loop? Thank you. Steven from iPhone [[alternative HTML version deleted]] __

Re: [R] Looping

2024-02-20 Thread Steven Yen
Steven from iPhone > On Feb 19, 2024, at 4:56 PM, Steven Yen wrote: > > Thanks to all. Glad there are many options. > > Steven from iPhone > >>> On Feb 19, 2024, at 1:55 PM, Rui Barradas wrote: >>> >> Às 03:27 de 19/02/2024, Steven Yen escreve

[R] Including an external set of coded

2024-02-20 Thread Steven Yen
How can I call and include an external set of R codes, not necessarily a complete procedure (which can be include with a “source” command). Example: #I like to include and run the following lines residing in a file outside the main program: mydata<-transform(mydata, a<-b+c d<-e+f } Steven fro

[R] Initializing vector and matrices

2024-02-28 Thread Steven Yen
Is there as way to initialize a vector (matrix) with an unknown length (dimension)? NULL does not seem to work. The lines below work with a vector of length 4 and a matrix of 4 x 4. What if I do not know initially the length/dimension of the vector/matrix? All I want is to add up (accumulate) 

Re: [R] Initializing vector and matrices

2024-02-28 Thread Steven Yen
("midata", ind, ".csv")) ... k<-length(ame.00$bame) bsum<-bsum[1:k]+ame.00$bame vsum<-vsum[1:k,1:k]+ame.00$vame } On 2/28/2024 4:56 PM, Steven Yen wrote: Is there as way to initialize a vector (matrix) with an unknown length (dimension)? NULL does not seem to work. The

Re: [R] [EXT] Initializing vector and matrices

2024-02-29 Thread Steven Yen
m Xi # sum over Xi Reduce("+",Xi) Hope that helps Eik Am 28.02.2024 um 09:56 schrieb Steven Yen: Is there as way to initialize a vector (matrix) with an unknown length (dimension)? NULL does not seem to work. The lines below work with a vector of length 4 and a matrix of 4 x 4. W

Re: [R] Initializing vector and matrices

2024-02-29 Thread Steven Yen
Thanks to all. Great ideas. I found Eik Vettorazzi's suggesstion easy to implrment: ebarm<-vbarm<-NULL ... if (is.null(ebarm)) ebarm<-ame.00$ei/k else ebarm<-ebarm+ame.00$ei/k if (is.null(vbarm)) vbarm<-ame.00$vi/k else vbarm<-vbarm+ame.00$vi/k ... Steven Yen On 2/

[R] Printout and saved results

2024-03-25 Thread Steven Yen
How can I have both printout and saved results at the same time. The subroutine first return "out" and the printout gets printed, but not saved. I then run the "invisible" line. Results got saved and accessible but no printout. How can I have both printout and also have the results saved? T

Re: [R] Printout and saved results

2024-03-25 Thread Steven Yen
you want to save the value, you can wrap the assignment in parentheses, making it an expression: (retained.interesting.result <- function.with.interesting.result(..)) On Tue, 26 Mar 2024 at 15:03, Steven Yen wrote: How can I have both printout and saved results at the same time. The subr

[R] Naming output file

2024-06-24 Thread Steven Yen
I would like a loop to (1) read data files 2010midata1,2010midata2,2010midata3; and (2)  name OUTPUT bop1,bop2,bop3. I succeeded in line 3 of the code below, BUT not line 4. The error message says: Error in paste0("bop", im) <- boprobit(eqs, mydata, wt = weight, method = "NR", : target of ass

Re: [R] Naming output file

2024-06-24 Thread Steven Yen
Thanks Eric. I am not following your suggested line. Would you just edit my line 4? Thanks. On 6/24/2024 7:51 PM, Eric Berger wrote: > How about > > assign(paste0("bop",im), boprobit( etc )) > > > > On Mon, Jun 24, 2024 at 2:41 PM Steven Yen wrote: > >

Re: [R] Naming output file

2024-06-24 Thread Steven Yen
.method="invH",joint12=TRUE,     printing=FALSE,testing=TRUE) } On 6/24/2024 7:57 PM, Eric Berger wrote: > assign(paste0("bop",im),boprobit(eqs,mydata,wt=weight,method="BHHH",tol=0,reltol=0,gradtol=1e-5,Fisher=TRUE)) > > > On Mon, Jun 24, 2024 at 2

Re: [R] Naming output file

2024-06-24 Thread Steven Yen
Jun 2024 20:16:46 +0800 Steven Yen пишет: In the call to ame.bopa in a loop, I like inputs in the call to ame.bopa to be bop1, bop2, bop3,... Thanks. for (im in 1:m) { ame<-ame.bopa(bop,y1.level=y1value,y2.level=y2value,jindex=jindex1,vb.method="invH",joint12=TRUE,    

[R] grep

2024-07-12 Thread Steven Yen
Below is part a regression printout. How can I use "grep" to identify rows headed by variables (first column) with a certain label. In this case, I like to find variables containing "somewhath", "veryh", "somewhatm", "verym", "somewhatc", "veryc","somewhatl", "veryl". The result should be an in

Re: [R] grep

2024-07-12 Thread Steven Yen
Thanks. In this case below, what is "x"? I tried rownames(out) which did not work. Sorry. Does this sound like homework to you? On 7/12/2024 5:09 PM, Uwe Ligges wrote: On 12.07.2024 10:54, Steven Yen wrote: Below is part a regression printout. How can I use "grep" to

Re: [R] grep

2024-07-12 Thread Steven Yen
goprobit.p$est)) [1] 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 On 7/12/2024 5:26 PM, Steven Yen wrote: > Thanks. In this case below, what is "x"? I tried rownames(out) which > did not work. > > Sorry. Does this sound like homework to you? > &

Re: [R] grep

2024-07-12 Thread Steven Yen
Sorry. grepl worked: which(grepl("very|somewhat",names(goprobit.p$est))) On 7/12/2024 5:34 PM, Steven Yen wrote: > > Could not get "which" to work, but my grep worked. Thanks. > > > which(grep("very|somewhat",names(goprobit.p$est))) Error in >

Re: [R] grep

2024-07-12 Thread Steven Yen
341 -0.1108 -0.0694 -0.2909 -0.4267 -0.6188 -0.7580 -0.3413 -0.3813 [10] -0.3101 -0.2977 -0.6310 -0.9132 0.1885 -0.0887 -0.0850 0.0847 -0.1588 On 7/12/2024 11:57 PM, Steven Yen wrote: > Thanks. First and second of the following worked, but the third (with > coef) did not. This may be bec

Re: [R] grep

2024-07-13 Thread Steven Yen
  9 10 11 12 13 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 > On 7/13/2024 12:31 AM, Rui Barradas wrote: Hello, So any of names(goprobit.p$est) |> grep("somewhat|very", x = _) goprobit.p$est |> names() |> grep("somewhat|very", x = _) should work, right?

[R] grep

2024-08-01 Thread Steven Yen
Good Morning. Below I like statement like j<-grep(".r\\b",colnames(mydata),value=TRUE); j with the \\b option which I read long time ago which Ive found useful. Are there more or these options, other than ? grep? Thanks. dstat is just my own descriptive routine. > x  [1] "age"  "sleep

Re: [R] grep

2024-08-01 Thread Steven Yen
Thanks! On 8/2/2024 12:28 PM, Rui Barradas wrote: Às 02:10 de 02/08/2024, Steven Yen escreveu: Good Morning. Below I like statement like j<-grep(".r\\b",colnames(mydata),value=TRUE); j with the \\b option which I read long time ago which Ive found useful. Are there more or

[R] If loop

2024-08-08 Thread Steven Yen
Can someone help me with the if loop below? In the subroutine, I initialize all of (joint12,marg1,marg2,cond12,cond21) as FALSE, and call with only one of them being TRUE: ,...,joint12=FALSE,marg1=FALSE,marg2=FALSE,cond12=FALSE,cond21=FALSE joint12 seems to always kick in, even though I ca

Re: [R] If loop

2024-08-08 Thread Steven Yen
  } else if(marg1) {     labels<-c(labels,lab.p1)   } else if(marg2) {     labels<-c(labels,lab.p2)   } else if(cond12){     labels<-c(labels,lab.pc12)   } else {     labels<-c(labels,lab.pc21)   } On 8/9/2024 11:44 AM, Steven Yen wrote: Can someone help me with the if loop below?

Re: [R] If loop

2024-08-09 Thread Steven Yen
x27;t see? > > joint12 <- marg1 <-F > > marg1 <-T > > if (joint12) { >   print ("joint 12") >   cat (joint12) > } > > if (marg1) { >   print("marg 1") >   cat(marg1) > } > > Would probably be my diagnostic approach > &

Re: [R] If loop

2024-08-09 Thread Steven Yen
n() { >> v <- v+1 >> return (v) >> } >> >> v <- funB() >> cat (v) >> #2 >> >> Or use <<- assignment I think. (I usually return, but return can only >> return one object and I think you want two or more >> >> v <

[R] Printing

2024-08-11 Thread Steven Yen
Hi In the following codes, I had to choose between printing (= TRUE) or deliver something for grab (ei, vi). Is there a way to get both--that is, to print and also have ei and vi for grab? Thanks. Steven ... out<-round(,se,t,p)),digits) out<-cbind(out,sig) out<-out[!gr

Re: [R] Printing

2024-08-11 Thread Steven Yen
invisible. On 8/11/2024 10:09 PM, Rui Barradas wrote: Às 09:51 de 11/08/2024, Steven Yen escreveu: Hi In the following codes, I had to choose between printing (= TRUE) or deliver something for grab (ei, vi). Is there a way to get both--that is, to print and also have ei and vi for grab? Thanks.

[R] Using older version of R

2019-12-20 Thread Steven Yen
I had to use an older version of R (as old as R3.0.3) for a reason. I myself have no problem installing a package built under a newer version, but my student (who also installed R3.0.3) could not install the package (newer version). Had an error message saying package x is not available und

Re: [R] Rtools required

2020-04-29 Thread Steven Yen
Thanks. I visited the Rtools web page and learned to run the following lines. I am still getting the same warning message. > writeLines('PATH="${RTOOLS40_HOME}\\usr\\bin;${PATH}"', con = "~/.Renviron") > Sys.which("make")   make "C:\\rtools40\\usr\\bin\\make.exe" O

Re: [R] Rtools required

2020-04-29 Thread Steven Yen
Thanks. Updating RStudio to 1.2.5042 did fix the problem. Thank you! On 2020/4/28 下午 11:30, Duncan Murdoch wrote: On 28/04/2020 11:16 a.m., Steven Yen wrote: Thanks. Can you kindly tell me what to read to do it the "standard way"? Start with ?INSTALL, and find more details in the

Re: [R] Rtools required

2020-04-29 Thread Steven Yen
In RStudio, I enter File -> Open Project -> and browse to open a .Rproj file. Then, I click Build -> Build Binary Package. Thanks. On 2020/4/28 下午 10:55, Duncan Murdoch wrote: On 28/04/2020 9:56 a.m., Steven Yen wrote: Thanks. I visited the Rtools web page and learned to run the

Re: [R] Rtools required

2020-04-29 Thread Steven Yen
Thanks. Can you kindly tell me what to read to do it the "standard way"? Also, where can I find file .Renviron. On 2020/4/28 下午 11:08, Duncan Murdoch wrote: On 28/04/2020 11:02 a.m., Steven Yen wrote: In RStudio, I enter File -> Open Project -> and browse to open a .Rproj fil

[R] boa package

2011-08-14 Thread Steven Yen
I am new to R. Have a naive question about the boa package. I loaded the package as instructed, and after entering R > I could never got the ready prompt (R hung). Can someone help? Thanks. __ mailing list https://stat.

Re: [R] Reading data/variables

2011-11-15 Thread Steven Yen
data) I get summary statistics for a dozen variables from a file that appeared to reside in z:/R. Am I not supposed to set the working directory by the line above (which brings me to my preferred working directory each time I run R)? At 06:05 PM 11/15/2011, Steven Yen wrote: >Can someone help me

[R] Reading data/variables

2011-11-15 Thread Steven Yen
Can someone help me with this variable/data reading issue? I read a csv file and transform/create an additional variable (called y). The first set of commands below produced different sample statistics for hw11$y and y In the second set of command I renameuse the variable name yy, and sample st

Re: [R] Reading data/variables

2011-11-17 Thread Steven Yen
s. At 09:26 PM 11/15/2011, Sarah Goslee wrote: >Hi, > >The obvious answer is don't use attach() and you'll never have >that problem. And see further comments inline. > >On Tue, Nov 15, 2011 at 6:05 PM, Steven Yen wrote: > > Can someone help me with this variable/dat

[R] Matrix element-by-element multiplication

2011-11-04 Thread Steven Yen
is there a way to do element-by-element multiplication as in Gauss and MATLAB, as shown below? Thanks. --- a 1.000 2.000 3.000 x 1.0002.0003.000 2.0004.0006.000 3.0006

Re: [R] Matrix element-by-element multiplication

2011-11-06 Thread Steven Yen
uch more >difficult to see R's internal logic, which, while quirky, is useful >at the end of the day. > >Michael > >PS - It's good form to cc the list at each step so others can follow >along and contribute when I say something wrong. It also helps you >get quicke

Re: [R] apply

2024-10-04 Thread Steven Yen
[1]) cov(x[3],x[2]) var(x[3]) And I like to do it with "apply". Thanks. On 10/4/2024 6:35 PM, Rui Barradas wrote: > Hello, > > If you have a numeric matrix or data.frame, try something like > > cov(mtcars) > > Hope this helps, > > Rui Barradas > > > Às

Re: [R] apply

2024-10-04 Thread Steven Yen
On 10/4/2024 5:13 PM, Steven Yen wrote: > Pardon me!!! > > What makes you think this is a homework question? You are not > obligated to respond if the question is not intelligent enough for you. > > I did the following: two ways to calculate a covariance matrix but &g

[R] apply

2024-10-04 Thread Steven Yen
The following line calculates standard deviations of a column vector: se<-apply(dd,1,sd) How can I calculate the covariance matrix using apply? Thanks. __ mailing list -- To UNSUBSCRIBE and more, see

Re: [R] apply

2024-10-04 Thread Steven Yen
gges wrote: > Homework questions are not answered on this list. > > Best, > Uwe Ligges > > > > On 04.10.2024 10:32, Steven Yen wrote: >> The following line calculates standard deviations of a column vector: >> >> se&l

Re: [R] apply

2024-10-04 Thread Steven Yen
ctor element is zero, it's only one value therefore it does not vary. A similar reasonong can be applied to cov(x[1], x[2]), etc. Hope this helps, Rui Barradas Às 12:14 de 04/10/2024, Steven Yen escreveu: Hello I have a vector: set.seed(123) > n<-3 > x<-rnorm(n); x [1]

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