-0.206 0.8379
>> time 0.025860.02046 1.264 0.2153
>> ---
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>> ______
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> and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.
Stéphane Adamowicz
Chercheur / Scientist
Centre PACA - U
Le 4 d�c. 2014 � 13:40, Tal Galili a �crit :
> By accident I came across the following example:
> x <- 1:3
> y <- 1:3
> line(x, y) # returns:
> Call:
> line(x, x)
> Coefficients:
> [1] -2 2
> While when using 1:4, it will give the more reasonable 0,1 coefficients.
> I imagine
There is a function keep() in package gdata for this purpose
Le 19 févr. 2015 à 10:25, philippe massicotte a écrit
> Dear R users.
> I would like to remove all object from my workspace except the function I
> have defined. However, is I use rm(list = ls()) everything is cleared. I was
Why not use complete.cases() ?
data_no_NA <- data[, complete.cases(t(data))==T]
Le 27 mars 2015 à 06:13, Jatin Kala a écrit :
> Hi,
> I've got a rather large matrix of about 800 rows and 60 columns.
> Each column is a time-series 800 long.
> Out of these 60 time series, some have mi
Well, it seems to work with me.
Y <- as.matrix(airquality)
head(Y, n=8)
Ozone Solar.R Wind Temp Month Day
[1,]41 190 7.4 67 5 1
[2,]36 118 8.0 72 5 2
[3,]12 149 12.6 74 5 3
[4,]18 313 11.5 62 5 4
[5,]NA NA 14.3 56
Le 27 mars 2015 à 12:34, PIKAL Petr a écrit :
> Very, very, very bad solution.
> as.matrix can change silently your data to unwanted format,
> complete.cases()==T is silly as Peter already pointed out.
Perhaps, but it happens that in the original message, the question dealt with a
>> example. Furthermore in my example no unwanted format occurred. You can
> Yes because data.frame was (luckily) numeric.
Luck has nothing to do with this. I Chose this example on purpose …
R-help@r-project.org mailing list -- To
Le 27 mars 2015 � 18:01, David Winsemius a �crit :
> On Mar 27, 2015, at 3:41 AM, St�phane Adamowicz wrote:
>> Well, it seems to work with me.
> No one is doubting that it worked for you in this instance. What Peter D. was
> criticizing was the construction :
> complete.cases(t(
Many thanks,
Le 30 mars 2015 à 10:42, peter dalgaard a écrit :
>> On 30 Mar 2015, at 09:59 , Stéphane Adamowicz
>> wrote:
>> However, in order to help me understand, would you be so kind as to give me
>> a matrix or data.frame exa
Recently, I came across a strange and potentially troublesome behaviour of the
lm and aov functions that ask questions about calculation accuracy. Let us
consider the 2 following datasets dat1 & dat2 :
> (dat1 <- data.frame(Y=c(1:3, 10+1:3), F=c(rep("A",3), rep("B",3
1 1 A
2 2 A
I am not the only guy who does not find the trap obvious ...
Thus, my final question remains : How can we evaluate the reliability of CRAN
packages that propose randomization (or bootstrap) methods ?
Cheers, Stéphane
Stéphane Adamowic
marks in-between the 3 major ticks
obtained with the above command. The "minor.tick" function in library Hmisc
gives an error when applied to log axes.
Any solution ?
Stéphane Adamowicz
INRA, unité PSH
domaine St Paul, site agroparc
13 matches
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