Re: [R] ggplot 3-dimensions

2023-12-17 Thread SIBYLLE STÖCKLI via R-help
e angel of the x-axis. However, I was able to change the first x-axis (BB...), but not the second one (Voegel). Maybe this would solve the problem. - If not, is there another possibility to fix the number of subplots per line? Kind regards Sibylle -Original Message- From: R-help On Beha

[R] ggarrange & legend

2024-02-05 Thread SIBYLLE STÖCKLI via R-help
Dear R community It is possible to adjust the legend in combined ggplots using ggarrange with be positions top, bottom, left and right. My question: Is there a function to change the position of the legend to topright or bottomleft? Right and top etc are in the middle of the axis. Kind regards Si

Re: [R] ggarrange & legend

2024-02-05 Thread SIBYLLE STÖCKLI via R-help
uot;black"), ncol=2) fig1 Kind regards Sibylle From: John Kane Sent: Monday, February 5, 2024 1:59 PM To: Cc: Subject: Re: [R] ggarrange & legend Could you supply us with a MWE (minimal working example)of what you have so far?

[R] igraph_vertex

2024-02-24 Thread SIBYLLE STÖCKLI via R-help
Dear R-community It would be nice to get some input how to find a solution for the following error in igraph and vertex setting. Thank you very much Sibylle > par(bg="black") > network %>% plot( + vertex.color=clrs[V(.)$community], + vertex.size=V(.)$hub_score*1, + ve

Re: [R] igraph_vertex

2024-02-24 Thread SIBYLLE STÖCKLI via R-help
Dear R-community It would be nice to get some input how to find a solution for the following error in igraph and vertex setting. Error in intI(i, n = x@Dim[1], dn[[1]], give.dn = FALSE) : Index größer als maximales 6 Kind regards Sibylle Working example library(circlize) library(ggplot2)

Re: [R] igraph_vertex

2024-02-25 Thread SIBYLLE STÖCKLI via R-help
Dear coummunity Thanks a lot to David and Kimmo. Yes I see now that I need to provide the two raw tables. Find here the reproducible example. Kind regards Sibylle # R-labraries library(circlize) library(ggplot2) library(igraph) library(tidyverse) library(RColorBrewer) library(stringi) library(s

Re: [R] igraph_vertex

2024-02-26 Thread SIBYLLE STÖCKLI via R-help
Dear Kimmo First of all many thanks for the valuable advice to publish code and csv. Noted. Yes, "edge.width= E(.)$weight" makes definitively sense. In the following code, which loads the tiff file, I get the following error tiff("figures/AES_network_bymembership.tiff", width=1000, height=700,

Re: [R] igraph_vertex

2024-02-26 Thread SIBYLLE STÖCKLI via R-help
ruary 26, 2024 10:15 AM To: SIBYLLE STÖCKLI via R-help Cc: Subject: Re: [R] igraph_vertex В Mon, 26 Feb 2024 09:02:56 +0100 SIBYLLE STÖCKLI via R-help пишет: > In the following code, which loads the tiff file, I get the following > error This warning is definitel

[R] geom_edge & color

2024-03-20 Thread SIBYLLE STÖCKLI via R-help
Dear community I am using ggraph to plot a network analysis. See part 2 in the working example. Besides different colors for different groups of nodes: --> geom_node_point(aes(size = V(network)$hub_score*200, color= as.factor(V(network)$community))) I additionally want to consider different colors

Re: [R] geom_edge & color

2024-03-22 Thread SIBYLLE STÖCKLI via R-help
+ scale_edge_width(range = c(0.2,4))+ scale_size(range = c(0.5,15)) + theme(plot.background = element_rect(fill = "black"), legend.position = "right", panel.background = element_rect(fill = "black")) -Original Message---

Re: [R] geom_edge & color

2024-03-24 Thread SIBYLLE STÖCKLI via R-help
"color", > > value = c(viridis::viridis(21)) > > [match(E(.)$type, c(factor(V(.)$name)))]) %>% > > set_vertex_attr(name = "trans_v_net", value = c(transitivity(., type > = > "local"))) %>% > >

[R] Import multiple tif raster

2024-04-18 Thread SIBYLLE STÖCKLI via R-help
Dear community My aim is to import multiple .tif raster files using the help here: ple-raster-tif-files-into-r Does anyone now about the error "subscripts out of bounds"? I am not sure about the check with alllrasters: i

Re: [R] Import multiple tif raster

2024-04-18 Thread SIBYLLE STÖCKLI via R-help
ktop\NCCS_Impacts_Lot2_2022\InVEST\Species_Input\valpar_bee_presence", > pattern='.tif$', all.files= T, full.names= T) Error: '\U' used without hex digits in character string (:1:35) Kind regards Sibylle -Original Message- From: Ivan Krylov Sent: Thursday, Ap

Re: [R] Import multiple tif raster

2024-04-18 Thread SIBYLLE STÖCKLI via R-help
---- From: R-help On Behalf Of SIBYLLE STÖCKLI via R-help Sent: Thursday, April 18, 2024 6:48 PM To: 'Ivan Krylov' ; 'SIBYLLE STÖCKLI via R-help' Subject: Re: [R] Import multiple tif raster Dear Ivan Thanks a lot. I tried now to provide the full path. However probably the

[R] ggplot two-factor legend

2024-07-18 Thread SIBYLLE STÖCKLI via R-help
Hi I am using ggplot to visualise y for a two-factorial group (Bio: 0 and 1) x = 6 years. I was able to adapt the colour of the lines (green and red) and the linetype (solid and dashed). Challenge: my code produces now two legends. One with the colors for the group and one with the linetype for th

Re: [R] ggplot two-factor legend

2024-07-18 Thread SIBYLLE STÖCKLI via R-help
uld like the additionally differentiate the two lines (groups) in the linetype. Sibylle -Original Message- From: Jeff Newmiller Sent: Thursday, July 18, 2024 6:13 PM To:; SIBYLLE STÖCKLI via R-help ; Subject: Re: [R] ggplot two-factor

Re: [R] ggplot two-factor legend

2024-07-18 Thread SIBYLLE STÖCKLI via R-help
/07/2024, Rui Barradas escreveu: > Às 16:27 de 18/07/2024, SIBYLLE STÖCKLI via R-help escreveu: >> Hi >> >> I am using ggplot to visualise y for a two-factorial group (Bio: 0 >> and >> 1) x >> = 6 years. I was able to adapt the colour of the lines (green a

[R] geom_smooth with sd

2024-08-11 Thread SIBYLLE STÖCKLI via R-help
Dear community Using after_stat() I was able to visualise ggplot with standard deviations instead of a confidence interval as seen in the R help. p1<-ggplot(data = MS1, aes(x= Jahr, y= QI_A,color=Bio, linetype=Bio)) + geom_smooth(aes(fill=Bio, ymax=after_stat(y+se*sqrt(len

Re: [R] geom_smooth with sd

2024-08-11 Thread SIBYLLE STÖCKLI via R-help
lay a part, please? Thank you Erin Hodgess, PhD mailto: <> On Sun, Aug 11, 2024 at 10:10 AM SIBYLLE STÖCKLI via R-help> > wrote: Dear community Using after_stat() I was able to v

[R] geom_boxplot nocht=TRUE

2024-08-15 Thread SIBYLLE STÖCKLI via R-help
Dear community I tried to run my ggplot() +geom_boxplot() code using nocht=TRUE, but probably my term noch=TRUE is at the wrong position? Error: Error in `geom_boxplot()`: ! Problem while converting geom to grob. ℹ Error occurred in the 1st layer. Caused by error in `ans[ypos] <- rep(y

[R] allequal diff

2024-08-15 Thread SIBYLLE STÖCKLI via R-help
Dear community Similar to the example of the rdocumentation, my idea is to use all.equal and to print the difference. > d45 <- pi*(1/4 + 1:10) > stopifnot( + all.equal(tan(d45), rep(1, 10))) # TRUE, b

Re: [R] allequal diff

2024-08-15 Thread SIBYLLE STÖCKLI via R-help
internally for doing the comparison for large rasters a block at a time if everything can't fit in memory at the same time ... On 2024-08-15 9:14 a.m., SIBYLLE STÖCKLI via R-help wrote: > Dear community > > > > Similar to the example of the rdocumentation

Re: [R] allequal diff

2024-08-16 Thread SIBYLLE STÖCKLI via R-help
LLE STÖCKLI via R-help Cc: Subject: Re: [R] allequal diff В Fri, 16 Aug 2024 07:19:38 +0200 SIBYLLE STÖCKLI via R-help пишет: > Is it possible to consider na.rm=TRUE? > > all.equal(getValues(r1), getValues(r2_resampled), tolerance = 0) > > [1] "

Re: [R] allequal diff

2024-08-16 Thread SIBYLLE STÖCKLI via R-help
: R-help On Behalf Of SIBYLLE STÖCKLI via R-help Sent: Friday, August 16, 2024 10:36 AM To: 'Ivan Krylov' ; 'SIBYLLE STÖCKLI via R-help' Subject: Re: [R] allequal diff Many thanks Ivan Use on getValues() outputs, combine the two masks using the | operator

Re: [R] allequal diff

2024-08-16 Thread SIBYLLE STÖCKLI via R-help
ask1 & mask2)]) [1] "'is.NA' value mismatch: 389 in current 56989152 in target" --> so there is just a mismatch in NA not in the xy pixels, right? Sibylle -Original Message- From: Ivan Krylov Sent: Friday, August 16, 2024 10:51 AM To: sibylle.stoec...@gm

[R] boxplot notch

2024-08-16 Thread SIBYLLE STÖCKLI via R-help
Dear community I tried the following code using geom_boxplot() and notch=TRUE. Does anyone know if the command �notch=TRUE� is at the wrong place in my special code construct? Without notch=TRUE the code provides the planned ggplot. Kind regards Sibylle Code: MS1<- MS %>% filte

Re: [R] boxplot notch

2024-08-16 Thread SIBYLLE STÖCKLI via R-help
1 + expand_limits(y=c(0, 80)) p1 -Original Message- From: R-help On Behalf Of Ben Bolker Sent: Friday, August 16, 2024 3:30 PM To: Subject: Re: [R] boxplot notch I don't see anything obviously wrong here. There may be something subtle, but we probably won't

Re: [R] allequal diff

2024-08-18 Thread SIBYLLE STÖCKLI via R-help
Message- From: Ivan Krylov Sent: Friday, August 16, 2024 11:45 AM To: Cc: 'SIBYLLE STÖCKLI via R-help' Subject: Re: [R] allequal diff В Fri, 16 Aug 2024 11:32:58 +0200 пишет: > # values and mask r1 > r1 <- getValues(r1) > mask1 <-

Re: [R] allequal diff

2024-08-19 Thread SIBYLLE STÖCKLI via R-help
t; To sort this sort of thing out, It would probably be useful for you > > to find a tutorial on R's S3 class system (which is really a form > > of multiple dispatch) and spend some time with it. There are many > > good ones out there. This S3 system is widely use

[R] paired raster boxplots

2024-08-21 Thread SIBYLLE STÖCKLI via R-help
Dear community I have two raster files (here r and r2: y-axis) and an equal x-axis (here s, 4 classes). Instead of plotting two boxplots I would like to plot paired boxplots: for each class the boxplots from r and r2 paired). I tried to adapt the code, but I am struggling around with the error

Re: [R] paired raster boxplots

2024-08-23 Thread SIBYLLE STÖCKLI via R-help
ITBioBedeu" [15] "geometry" > s<-sf$Unterregio > r<-allrasters_pres[[1]] > > > rs <- stack(r, s) > names(rs) <- c('r', 's') Error in `names<-`(`*tmp*`, value = c("r", "s")) : incorrect number of layer names

Re: [R] paired raster boxplots

2024-08-24 Thread SIBYLLE STÖCKLI via R-help
quot;DEBioBedeu" "FRBioBedeu" "ITBioBedeu" [15] "geometry" > s<-sf$Unterregio > r<-allrasters_pres[[1]] Kind regards Sibylle -Original Message- From: Ivan Krylov Sent: Friday, August 23, 2024 5:30 PM To: Cc: 'SIB

Re: [R] paired raster boxplots

2024-08-25 Thread SIBYLLE STÖCKLI via R-help
rs_pres[[1]] > names(r) [1] "Andrena.barbilabris_glo_ensemble" > > > rs <- stack(r, s) > names(rs) <- c('r', 's') Error in `names<-`(`*tmp*`, value = c("r", "s")) : incorrect number of layer names > names(rs) [1] "Andrena.barbilabris

[R] boxplot of raster and shapefile

2024-08-26 Thread SIBYLLE STÖCKLI via R-help
Dear community This example code works library(raster) library(sp) library(rgdal) library(ggplot2) # Create some sample raster data raster_file <- raster(ncol=36, nrow=18) raster_file[] <- 1:ncell(raster_file) plot(raster_file) #Create some sample polygons cds1 <- rbind(c(-180,-20), c(-160,5),

Re: [R] boxplot of raster and shapefile

2024-08-28 Thread SIBYLLE STÖCKLI via R-help
.. .. ..@ projargs: chr "+proj=somerc +lat_0=46.952405556 +lon_0=7.439583 +k_0=1 +x_0=260 +y_0=120 +ellps=bessel +units=m +no_defs" .. .. ..$ comment: chr "PROJCRS[\"unknown\",\nBASEGEOGCRS[\"unknown\",\n DATUM[\"Unknown based

[R] foreSIGHT package

2024-11-02 Thread Sibylle Stöckli via R-help
Dear community I have started to use the foreSIGHT package fo calculate some climatic indicators. Example library(foreSIGHT) func_avgDSD(WAAR$Ta, attArgs) Dataset (WAAR, Ta = average daily temperature) Year DOY Ta 1990 1 -2.45 1990 2 1.54 . . 2001 1 4.54 , 2001 205 15.65 2001 206 20.14 . 2001 3

[R] Using multiple dat files

2024-11-06 Thread Sibylle Stöckli via R-help
Dear community To import multiple .dat weather files I am using list.files(). I intend to use the R package “ClimInd” to calculate different agroclimatic indicators. Question: Is there another solution to import multiple .dat files so that I can select elements from the list, e.g. one specifi