Dear all,
I have a data.frame that includes a series of demographic variables for a
set of respondents plus a dependent variable (Theta). For example:
AgeEducation Marital Familysize
1: 50 Ass
Dear all,
I am using npreg from the np library to run a Kernel regression. My dataset
is relatively large and has about 3000 observations. The dependent variable
is continuous and I have a total of six independent variables -- two
continuous, two ordinal and two categorical.
The model converges w
n but
it seems that this is only working for factors on two levels. Any idea how
I could derive a fractional factorial design on factors with four levels?
Thanks for your help,
Michael Haenlein
Professor of Marketing
ESCP Europe
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Dear all,
I am trying to estimate a lm model with one continuous dependent variable
and 11 independent variables that are all categorical, some of which have
many categories (several dozens in some cases).
I am not interested in statistical inference to a larger population. The
objective of my mo
) as well as (c) structural equation
Are there any textbooks and teaching materials (e.g., PowerPoint slides)
that one of you could recommend for me to have a look at?
Michael Haenlein
Professor of Marketing
ESCP Europe
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would be very
Thanks in advance,
Michael Haenlein
Professor of Marketing
ESCP Europe
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Dear all,
I'm looking for an R package that allows me to analyze Instagram.
Specifically I would like to download for a given account the list of other
accounts that either this account follows or that follow this account (the
followers and following numbers).
I know there is instaR but this pack
linear regression (e.g., bayesm), but those do not seem to have a
prediction function. And the ones with prediction (e.g., MCMCPack) do not
support multiple dependent variables.
If you have any pointers, please let me know.
Best wishes,
Michael Haenlein
ESCP Europe
to do this in an efficient way? I have been trying to
program something using ego () with varying levels of distance but I have
not managed to get a conclusive solution.
Thanks for your help,
Michael Haenlein
Professor of Marketing
ESCP Europe
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Michael Haenlein
Professor of Marketing
ESCP Europe, Paris
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PLEASE do read the
and any other parameters those
models require.
In case this is of relevance please get in touch with me by email to
discuss further details.
Michael Haenlein
Professor of Marketing
ESCP Europe
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
research, 32(4), 355 – 373), but I do not
know whether some of these approaches have already been implanted in R and/
or whether better methods exist.
Any help would be very much appreciated,
Michael Haenlein
Professor of Marketing
ESCP Europe
[[alternative HTML version
does not take very long -- although I cannot give
a precise estimate of the number of hours required.
If anyone is interested, please let me know and I can send you an electronic
copy of the manuscript mentioned above.
Michael Haenlein
Professor of Marketing
ESCP Europe -
x_new should be equal to x for the top n categories (i.e. the top n levels
with the highest occurrence) and NAN elsewhere.
For example, for n=3 x_new would have three levels: The three most common
levels of x + NAN.
Is there some convenient way of doing this?
Thanks in advance,
in advance,
Michael Haenlein
Associate Professor of Marketing
ESCP Europe
Paris, France
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PLEASE do read the postin
some automatic way in R through which this can be done? I tried a
Kernel density estimation of the histogram but this does not seem to
provide what I'm looking for.
Thanks very much for your help,
Michael Haenlein
Associate Professor of Marketing
ESCP Europe
Dear all,
I would like to use predict.lm to obtain a set of predicted values based on
a regression model I estimated.
When I apply predict.lm to two vectors that have the same values, the
predicted values will be identical. I know that my regression model is not
perfect and I would like to take a
Dear all,
I'm working on a very complex linear optimization problem using the
lp.transport function in lpSolve. My PC has 10 cores, but by default R uses
only one of them.
Is there a straightforward way to make lp.transport use all cores
available? I had a look at "High-performance and parallel c
code and run it.
Please let me know in case you have any ideas,
Thanks in advance,
Michael Haenlein
Professor of Marketing
ESCP Europe
Paris, France
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uot; but I wonder whether there are other options
out there.
Michael Haenlein
Professor of Marketing
ESCP Europe
Paris, France
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take long (like a couple of hours), but I might
be wrong.
Looking forward to hearing from you,
Michael Haenlein
Professor of Marketing
ESCP Europe
Paris, France
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Dear all,
I have a reasonably short piece of code written in Mathematica 5.2 which I
would like to convert to R. The problem is that I'm not familiar with
Mathematica. I would, however, also be OK with some interface that allows me
to run Mathematica from within R and use the output of the Mathema
Dear all,
I have a code that generates data vectors within R. For example assume:
z <- rlnorm(1000, meanlog = 0, sdlog = 1)
Every time a vector has been generated I would like to export it into a csv
file. So my idea is something as follows:
for (i in 1:100) {
z <- rlnorm(1000, meanlog = 0, sdlo
Dear all,
I'm using a while loop in the context of an iterative optimization
procedure. Within my while loop I have a counter variable that helps me to
determine how long the loop has been running. Before the loop I initialize
it as counter <- 0 and the last condition within my loop is counter <-
Dear all,
I have a txt file of the following format that describes the relationships
between a network of a certain number of nodes.
{4, 2, 3}
{3, 4, 1}
{4, 2, 1}
{2, 1, 3}
{2, 3}
{2, 5, 1}
{3, 5, 4}
{3, 4}
{2, 5, 3}
For example the first line {4, 2, 3} implies that there is a connection
Dear all,
I have a very short code written in Mathematica which I would need to get
translated for use in R.
I'm not an expert in Mathematica (which is why I would not
feel comfortable with doing the translation myself), but the code is very
short (probably 30-40 lines) and looks quite simple fro
Dear all,
I'm working with a code that consists of two parts: In Part 1 I'm generating
a random graph using the igraph library (which represents the relationships
between different nodes) and a vector (which represents a certain
characteristic for each node):
g <- watts.strogatz.g
Dear all,
I'm doing a survival analysis with time-dependent covariates. Until now, I
have used a simple Cox model for this, specifically the coxph function from
the survival library. Now, I would like to try out an accelerated failure
time model with a parametric specification as implemented for e
but I have
to admit that I'm a bit lost here.
Could anyone give me some advice on how this could be done?
Thanks very much in advance,
Michael Haenlein
Professor of Marketing
ESCP Europe
Paris, France
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e hazard
> has to be computed and it is not straightforward since it is implicit
> in the Cox model.
> 2010/11/11 David Winsemius :
> >
> > On Nov 11, 2010, at 3:44 AM, Michael Haenlein wrote:
> >
> >> Dear all,
> >>
> >> I'm struggli
able rather than a dichotomous outcome (
> 0=alive, 1=death). You can accomplish this with a straight forward
> regression analysis.
> Best,
> Jim
> On Thu, Nov 11, 2010 at 3:44 AM, Michael Haenlein
> wrote:
>> Dear all,
>> I'm struggling
; On Nov 11, 2010, at 12:14 PM, Michael Haenlein wrote:
> Thanks for the comment, James!
>> The problem is that my initial sample (Dataset 1) is truncated. That means
>> I
>> only observe "time to death" for those individuals who actually died
time-dependent covariates, is there
a similar function in some other package that can?
Thanks very much,
Michael Haenlein
Associate Professor of Marketing
ESCP Europe
Paris, France
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del <- lm (y ~ x1 + x2 + x1*x2)
Is there some function within R or in some separate library that allows me
to estimate such a regression without obtaining inconsistent results?
Thanks for your help in advance,
Michael Haenlein
Associate Professor of Marketing
ESCP Europ
> Nikhil Kaza
> Asst. Professor,
> City and Regional Planning
> University of North Carolina
> On Aug 3, 2010, at 9:10 AM, Michael Haenlein wrote:
> Dear all,
>> I have one dependent variable y and two independe
number you deem surprising.
>> (I got values between 0.2 and 0.4 on several runs.
>> Try:
>> x1
>> x2
>> x3
>> y
>> model
>> summary(model)
>> # Multiple R-squared: 0.04269
>> --
to my previous message,
> >
> > Michael
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > On Aug 3, 2010 3:42pm, David Winsemius wrote:
> > > I think you are attributing to "collinearity" a problem that is
> > > due to your small sam
Dear all,
I'm working with two data frames.
The first frame (agg_data) consists of two columns. agg_data[,1] is a unique
ID for each row and agg_data[,2] contains a continuous variable.
The second data frame (geo_data) consists of several columns. One of these
columns (geo_data$ZCTA) corresponds
to get a total effect of a on y? Or am I doing something wrong here?
Thanks very much for your answer in advance,
Michael Haenlein
Associate Professor of Marketing
ESCP Europe
Paris, France
lm(formula = y ~ a * b * c * d)
Min 1Q Median
Michael Haenlein
Assocaite Professor of Marketing
ESCP Europe
Paris, France
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PLEASE do read the posting guide ht
an experienced programmer
the job should not take more than 2-3 days (probably less), but this is to
be decided once the person has looked at the code.
In case you are interested, please send me a brief message so that I can
provide you with more details,
Michael Haenlein
I'm looking to hire someone -- sorry for not having been more precise!
On Fri, May 27, 2011 at 1:23 PM, Duncan Murdoch wrote:
> On 11-05-27 3:23 AM, Michael Haenlein wrote:
>> Dear all,
>> I have written a relatively brief R-Code to run a series of simul
that appear
in Equation 1 are also included in Equation 2.
I assume that I cannot estimate these two regressions separately using lm.
Is there an efficient way to estimate these equations?
Thanks very much in advance,
Michael Haenlein
Professor of Marketing
ESCP Europe
Paris, France
do it manually.
Michael Haenlein
Associate Professor of Marketing
ESCP Europe
Paris, France
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PLEASE do rea
nd x2 are constraint to be equal and to
compare the fit of such a constraint model with the one of an unconstraint
one. But again I'm not sure how this can be done using coxph.
Could anyone help me out on this please?
Michael Haenlein
Associate Professor of Marketing
Does anyone have an idea how this could be done?
Thanks very much in advance,
Michael Haenlein
Michael Haenlein
Associate Professor of Marketing
ESCP Europe
Paris, France
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Thanks very much in advance,
Michael Haenlein
Associate Professor of Marketing
ESCP Europe
Paris, France
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Dear all,
I am running a simulation in which I randomly generate a series of vectors
to test whether they fulfill a certain condition. In most cases, there is no
problem. But from time to time, the (randomly) generated vectors are too
large for my system and I get the error message: "Cannot alloca
take more than a couple of hours, one day maximum.
Please contact me in case you are interested so that I can provide you with
additional details on the problem I'd like to solve.
Michael Haenlein
Associate Professor of Marketing
ESCP Europe
Paris, France
Dear all,
I have a continuous variable that can take on values between 0 and 100, for
example: x<-runif(100,0,100)
I also have a second variable that defines a series of thresholds, for
example: y<-c(3, 4.5, 6, 8)
I would like to convert my continuous variable into a discrete one using the
Dear all,
I would like to run a regression of the form lm(y ~ x1+x2) where the
dependent variable y can only take positive values. Assume, for example,
that y is the height of a person (measured in cm), x1 is the gender
(measured as a binary indicator with 0=male and 1=female) and x2 is the age
Dear all,
is there a function similar to extractAIC based on which I can extract the
BIC (Bayesian Information Criterion) of a coxph model?
I found some functions that provide BIC in other packages, but none of them
seems to work with coxph.
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Dear all,
this is more a math-related question, but probably can help me nevertheless:
Assume I have two random variables: A and B.
Furthermore assume that I know the Pearson Correlation Coefficient between A
and B: cor(A,B)
I now define C = 1-(A+B).
Is there some way to determine cor(C,A) and c
Dear all,
I have some trouble understanding the chisq.test function.
Take the following example:
A <- cut(runif(100),c(0.0, 0.35, 0.50, 0.65, 1.00), labels=FALSE)
B <- cut(runif(100),c(0.0, 0.25, 0.40, 0.75, 1.00), labels=FALSE)
C <- cut(runif(100),c(0.0, 0.25, 0.50, 0.80, 1.00), labe
ember 2011 17:00
To: Michael Haenlein;
Subject: RE: [R] Pearson chi-square test
Just for completeness: the manual calculation you'd want is most likely
sum((x-y)^2 / (x+y))
(that's one you can find on the Wikipedia link you provided). To get the
same from ch
Dear all,
I have a question about time-dependent covariates in a coxph model.
Specifically I am wondering whether it is possible to give more recent
events a higher weight when constructing time-dependent covariates.
Assume I have a sample of cancer patients and I would like to predict
whether th
Dear all,
This is probably more related to statistics than to [R] but I hope someone
can give me an idea how to solve it nevertheless:
Assume I have a variable y that is a function of x: y=f(x). I know the
average value of y for different intervals of x. For example, I know that
in the interval[0
the remaining details.
Michael Haenlein
Associate Professor of Marketing
ESCP Europe
Paris, France
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Dear all,
I would like to run a simple regression model y~x1+x2+x3+...
The problem is that I have a lot of independent variables (xi) -- around
one hundred -- and that some of them are categorical with a lot of
categories (like, for example, ZIP code). One straightforward way would be
to (a) tran
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