Data? Please have a look at
John Kane
Kingston ON Canada
> -Original Message-
> From:
> Sent: Tue, 19 Apr 2016 09:35
Hi Ansley
It looks good to me but I did not run the analysis as I am too lazy to install
"indicspecies". The inclusion of the raw data is a great help.
John Kane
Kingston ON Canada
-Original Message-
Sent: Tue, 19 Apr 2016 08:16:54 -0400
appears to be an RStudio problem you will need to go to the RStudio
For some general suggestions on how to ask questions here have a look at
John Kane
Here are a few very simple notes I wrote up for someone a little while ago.
They may be a bit of help.
R documentation is fairly confusing. The Help is almost alwas very complete
but not necessarily easy to understand for neophite. :)
Probably the first thing to do is to look into getting a de
?subset is one of several ways. You don't need a loop. Loops are BAD in R :)
--- On Mon, 7/21/08, Williams, Robin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> From: Williams, Robin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: [R] Subsetting data by date
> To: "Gabor Grothendieck" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Cc: R-help@r-proj
Is this what you want?
subset(dataset, gender="M" | age < 50)
--- On Tue, 7/22/08, rlearner309 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> From: rlearner309 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: [R] How to filter a data frame?
> To:
> Received: Tuesday, July 22, 2008, 9:47 AM
> I hav
> Received: Tuesday, July 22, 2008, 10:19 AM
> John Kane wrote:
> > ?subset
> >
> > Is this what you want?
> >
> > subset(dataset, gender="M" | age < 50)
> >
> >
> In case you didn't see it: Make that
> gender == &qu
This thread may help
--- On Wed, 7/23/08, Fernando Marmolejo-Ramos <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> From: Fernando Marmolejo-Ramos <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: [R] adding the mean and standard deviation to
--- On Thu, 7/24/08, Michal Figurski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> From: Michal Figurski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: [R] Coefficients of Logistic Regression from bootstrap - how to
> get them?
> To:
> Cc: ""
> Received: Thursday, July 24, 2008, 11:02 AM
> Greg and a
Have a look at mfcol in ?par.
--- On Tue, 7/29/08, Amin Momin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> From: Amin Momin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: [R] Panel of pie charts
> To:
> Received: Tuesday, July 29, 2008, 7:34 AM
> Hi ,
> I am looking to making a panel of pie charts fo som
--- On Mon, 7/28/08, Rajasekaramya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> From: Rajasekaramya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: [R] writing the plots
> To:
> Received: Monday, July 28, 2008, 10:54 AM
> hi there,
> I want to write the plots in the pdfs and the detail
--- On Wed, 7/30/08, Alessandro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> From: Alessandro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: [R] Random subset
> To:
> Received: Wednesday, July 30, 2008, 2:18 PM
> Hi all,
> I wish to do a random subset (i.e. 200 or 300 points) from
> a dat
There MUST be a better way but this will work.
x <- c("", "", "")
bb <- strsplit(x, "\\.")
myfun <- function(m) m[1]
animals <- unlist(lapply(bb, myfun))
--- On Thu, 7/31/08, Daren Tan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> From: Daren Tan <[EMA
I'm not quite sure if this is what you mean but have a look at ?lowess or
?smooth. I think you might get want you want if you play around with the
parameters in lowess
--- On Fri, 8/1/08, Ptit_Bleu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> From: Ptit_Bleu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: [R] Best way to s
I'm not really clear on what you want here. Are you talking about plotting
multiple data points for each value ? In that case something like boxplot
might be what you want. Otherwise if you just wish to plot a data point for
each occurance of Normal etc then this will work but I'm not sure h
to see what you have - a data frame , matrix etc
Are you getting any error messages?
I tried your write.table commands and they work okay.
--- On Fri, 8/1/08, pacomet <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> From: pacomet <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: [R] Exporting data to a text file
Something like this should do it.
aggregate(xx[,1], list(xx[,2], median)
--- On Fri, 8/1/08, stephen sefick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> From: stephen sefick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: [R] simple help request
> To: "Lotta R" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Cc:
It really in not an R question. It's much more complicated.
You need to consult with a subject matter specialist and a statistical
consultant for this. If you do not have access to a statistical specialist you
might want to ask for advice on the news group sci.stats.consult.
I'd suggest hav
It looks like x is not a numeric. Try
to see what the data set looks like.
--- On Mon, 8/4/08, Alessandro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> From: Alessandro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: [R] R: log and Log Histogram
> To: "'David Scott'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Cc: r-help@r-project
> "52386" ...
> $ call : language clara(x = mydata, k = 8)
> $ silinfo :List of 3
> ..$ widths : num [1:56, 1:3] 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2
> ...
> .. ..- attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 2
> .. .. ..$ : chr [1:56] "96250&qu
Just put all the commands within the pdf()- ?
--- On Tue, 8/5/08, Rajasekaramya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> From: Rajasekaramya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: [R] PDF append help
> To:
> Received: Tuesday, August 5, 2008, 12:41 PM
> hi there,
> Is there any fu
> that it is a very common statistical task (evaluating
> closed question forms)
> that thousands of researchers have to perform every day (in
> medicine, social
> sciences, business, etc..), so I have hoped, that someone
> in the R community
> deemed it to be important enou
Yes. See the append option in write.table. This is okay for outputing results
but you will not be able to use the data in R.
--- On Tue, 8/5/08, Rajasekaramya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> From: Rajasekaramya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: [R] write .table
> To:
> Receiv
You need to do the merge and then sum in a separate operation
I think you may have to rename the columns. See ?names
--- On Wed, 8/6/08, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Subject: Re: [R] Merging two datasets
> To: "Henrique Dallazuanna
Check your tectonic plates. You may have been using predict() to get those
--- On Fri, 8/15/08, John P. Burkett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> From: John P. Burkett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: [R] map("state" ...) Is the USA cracking up?
> To:
> Received:
?plot ?lines
Something like this perhaps
plot( menpre, type="l", col="red")
lines(menpost, col="blue")
lines(womenpost, col= "orange")
also have a look at ?par for various options
--- On Sat, 8/23/08, Juliet Hannah <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> From: Juliet Hannah
for the first two columns of data1.
--- On Tue, 8/26/08, Richard Emes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> From: Richard Emes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: [R] stats tests on large tables
> To:
> Received: Tuesday, August 26, 2008, 11:52 AM
> I ha
Is this of any help
--- On Tue, 8/26/08, Edna Bell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> From: Edna Bell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: [R] Latin squares in R
> Received: Tuesday, August 26, 2008, 1:55 PM
> Dear R Gurus:
I'm not a statistician so my approach may not make sense for you but I'd
suggests having a look at Bob Muenchen's R for SAS and SPSS users in pdf form
(very useful) or his new book with the same title (which I have not seen yet)
for a start.
If you want some ver
write.xls( x, file ="my.file")
--- On Mon, 8/10/09, Inchallah Yarab wrote:
> From: Inchallah Yarab
> Subject: [R] how use cat() function?
> To:
> Received: Monday, August 10, 2009, 12:06 PM
> i want to print in the console and
> to have an excel file like this
Just as an exercise I am tying to add colours to a geom_segment command. I can
get one colour but not a sequence of colours.
Can anyone suggest how I can get the green lines in the plot below to be
different colours? I thought I could use a palatte of colours but that did not
seem to work.
What's wrong with it? It looks okay to me. If you use
subset(data, data$X >data$Y)you get the same results. Any chance you're
reading the row.numbers as values?
BTW "data" is a reserved word in R and it is good practice not to use it as a
variable name.
My Results
X Y V3
3 3
No but have you had a look at Tinn-R
--- On Mon, 8/10/09, Farley, Robert wrote:
> From: Farley, Robert
> Subject: [R] NotePad++ Syntax file
> To: "''"
> Received: Monday, August 10, 2009, 6:37 PM
> Does anyone have an R Syntax Highl
There was a couple of strange characters in the post so I am not sure that I
understand exactly what the data looks like but if you are getting a vector of
results that look like
"22 Results","35 Results","39 Results","2 Results","7 Results","23 Results",
"42 Results","36 Results","22 Results",
/10/09, Jim Bouldin wrote:
> From: Jim Bouldin
> Subject: Re: [R] problem selecting rows meeting a criterion
> To: "John Kane" ,
> Received: Monday, August 10, 2009, 7:44 PM
> What's wrong is I'm trying to select only those rows in
ours rather than using the predetermined ones? I know that I
should, at least, be able to use RColorBrewer but I have not figured out how
Thanks again.
--- On Tue, 8/11/09, ONKELINX, Thierry wrote:
> From: ONKELINX, Thierry
> Subject: RE: [R] ggplot: colours to geom_segments
> Subject: RE: [R] ggplot: colours to geom_segments
> To: "John Kane" ,
> Received: Tuesday, August 11, 2009, 10:46 AM
> John,
> Have a look at scale_colour_manual()
> (
Do you just want to assign an identifier to each line, that is call the first
33 lines are speciman A the next are speciman b etc?
Assuming the data set is in a data.frame called xx try something like this
group <- rep(1:33, each=79)
data.frame (group,xx)
--- On Tue, 8/11/09, Fabio Murta
I'm not sure that I understand your problem but if you want the vector in
character rather than numeric try:
library(Hmisc)<- Cs(19851001001500, 19851001003000, 19851001004500, 1985100101,
19851001011500, 19851001013000, 19851001014500, 1985100102,
--- On Thu, 8/13/09, Dax wrote:
> From: Dax
> Subject: [R] How to get the n (number of observations) per conditional group
> To:
> Received: Thursday, August 13, 2009, 10:11 AM
> Hello all,
> I have a huge data set that I'm cleaning up a bit. I am
> extracted the
Something like this. Create empty vector of correct length, paste values into
it and then use names(mydata) <- myvector.
x <- data.frame(aa=1:10, bb=letters[1:10])
myvector <- c(rep(NA,length(x)))
for (i in 1:length(names(x))) {
myvector[i] <- paste("SURV_",i, sep="")
--- On Thu, 8/13
?layout first example seems to do this unless I misunderstand the placement of
the second graph.
layout(matrix(c(1,1,0,2), 2, 2, byrow = TRUE))
plot(1:10, col="blue")
?rbind for information on it. rbind basically concatinates two rectangular
data.sets such as matrices or
What package or library are you using?
What is YHOO.Close ?
Try str(retYHOO) to see what it looks like.
--- On Mon, 8/17/09, afx111 wrote:
> From: afx111
> Subject: [R] Newbie question re stddev, quantmod and performanceanalytics
> To:
> Received: Monday, August 17
--- On Tue, 8/18/09, e-letter wrote:
> From: e-letter
> Subject: Re: [R] graph label greek symbol failure
> To:
> Received: Tuesday, August 18, 2009, 8:04 AM
> On 17/08/2009, Patrick Connolly
> wrote:
> > On Mon, 17-Aug-2009 at 11:51AM +0100, e-letter wrote:
> >
> > |>
testdata$onecolumn[testdata$onecolumn==NA] <-
--- On Mon, 8/17/09, Steve Murray wrote:
> From: Steve Murray
> Subject: [R] Replacing NA values in one column of a data.frame
> To:
> Received: Monday, August 17, 2009, 11:41 AM
> Dear all,
> I'm trying to re
OOPs clumsy cut and paste. :(
--- On Tue, 8/18/09, Uwe Ligges wrote:
> From: Uwe Ligges
> Subject: Re: [R] Replacing NA values in one column of a data.frame
> To: "John Kane"
> Cc:, "Steve Murray"
> Received: Tuesday, August 18, 200
Clearly the poor user needs to export something to one of those archaic stats
systems like SAS or SPSS :)
--- On Tue, 8/18/09, Bert Gunter wrote:
> From: Bert Gunter
> Subject: RE: [R] Replacing NA values in one column of a data.frame
> To: "'Steve Lianoglou'" , &
There are several ways to get data from Excl to R. One of the simplist ways is
to save the data as a csv (comma seperated file) and read the data into R from
that file using read.csv()
read.csv(file="D:/Book1.csv", header=TRUE)
--- On Wed, 8/19/09, Bin1aya wrote:
> From: Bin1aya
Do you mean a dotchart?
aa <- c(3,6,3,5,8)
lbs <- LETTERS[1:5]
dotchart(aa, pch=(16), col = 1:5, main="A Dotchart")
axis(side = 2, seq_along(aa), lbs, las=1)
What about "starting" the data by adding some small amount to the 0's?
Perhaps something like
mysample <- data.frame(aa = sample(c("A","B","C"), 20, replace=TRUE),
bb = sample(0:9, 20, replace=TRUE))
ifelse(mysample$bb==0,.1, mysample$bb)
though you may wish to
What you have is a one-dimensional vector.
I think that you are up against an R default. You are going to get some names
no matter what you do. You can always change them using the names() command,
e.g. names(xx) <- c("a","b", "c") to replace the v1 v2 v3
--- On Thu, 8/20/09, Henrik Kallbe
There may be a much cleaner and better way but just split the data.frame into
two parts, create the NA rows as another data.frame and use rbind to put them
back together again.
(mydata <- data.frame(aa=letters[1:5],
--- On Thu, 8/20/09, Peter Ehlers wrote:
> From: Peter Ehlers
> Subject: Re: [R] How to extract row values?
> To: "John Kane"
> Cc:, "Henrik Kallberg"
> Received: Thursday, August 20, 2009, 12:08 PM
> John Kane wrote:
I think you want a barplot. I don't see what a histogram will add.
Your attachement seems to have been lost so I am just guessing what you might
want but, assuming you have a data.frame try
barplot(as.matrix(xx[,2:3]), beside = TRUE)
dd <- t(as.matrix(xx[,2:3]))
colnames(dd) <- xx[,1]
I may be misunderstanding the question but would
cor(d1, use='complete.obs') or some other variant of "use" help?
--- On Mon, 8/24/09, Christian Meesters wrote:
> From: Christian Meesters
> Subject: [R] robust method to obtain a correlation coeff?
> To: " Help"
> Received:
I am assuming that you want to desplay all the data and highlight the subset.
Set up a vector to indicate the breakdown of the data and you can do it fairly
easily in ggplot2 if you treat the vector as a factor.
mydata <- data.frame(x=1:21, y= -10:10)
z <- ifelse(mydata[,1]>5 & m
I am trying to come up with a way of shading-in a grid for a simple pattern
So far I can draw a square where I want but I cannot seem to draw a complete
grid. I am just drawing them along the diagonal!!
Clearly I am missing something simple but what?
Any suggestions gratefully accepted.
ARGGH! I knew I was missing something simple!! It was just too obvious.
Many thanks.
--- On Mon, 8/24/09, David Winsemius wrote:
> From: David Winsemius
> Subject: Re: [R] plotting a grid with grid() ?
> To: "John Kane"
> Cc: "R R-help"
> Received: Monda
That is what I wanted but grid(10,10) works just fine too
Thanks again.
--- On Mon, 8/24/09, David Winsemius wrote:
> From: David Winsemius
> Subject: Re: [R] plotting a grid with grid() ?
> To: "John Kane"
> Cc: "R R-help"
> Received: Monday, August 24,
I've only really used Tinn-R but so far I am very happy with it.
--- On Thu, 8/27/09, Jonathan Greenberg wrote:
> From: Jonathan Greenberg
> Subject: [R] Best R text editors?
> To: "r-help"
> Received: Thursday, August 27, 2009, 3:43 PM
> Quick informal poll: what is
> everyone's favorite te
Well the data frame has dimensions 0,0, to start with.
Try dim(rm)
What is "getmeasure" and what is it supposed to do?
# btw rm is NOT a good name since it also is a reserved word in R. It removes
To create a data.frame of your six vectors why not just say
mydata <- data.frame(V1
Crudely but I think it works
x <- data.frame(aa <- mtcars$mpg)
b <- ggplot(x, aes(aa)) + geom_histogram(aes(y=..density..)) +
stat_function(fun=dnorm, args=list(mean=mean(x$aa), sd=sd(x$aa)))
--- On Wed, 9/2/09, Gundala Viswanath wrote:
> From: Gundala Viswanath
> Subject: [R] How
R Import and Export manual on the R site is a start.
Also what kind of data are you trying to read?
given a simple csv file called sss.csv like this
a, b, c
on your C drive
you can read it into R with
See ?read.table for more information
--- On Tue, 9/
I think you have a couple of typos.
Should it not be
--- On Sat, 9/5/09, jim holtman wrote:
> From: jim holtman
> Subject: Re: [R] Creating mixed line and point graphs with xyplot
> To: "Paul Sweeting"
> Cc:
> Received: Saturday, September 5,
OOPS Skitts' law ( assuming I'm spelling it correctly.
--- On Sun, 9/6/09, David Winsemius wrote:
> From: David Winsemius
> Subject: Re: [R] Creating mixed line and point graphs with xyplot
> To: "John Kane"
> Cc: "Paul Sweeting" , "jim holtma
--- On Tue, 9/8/09, hadley wickham wrote:
> From: hadley wickham
> Subject: Re: [R] barplot with lines instead of bars
> To: "rafamoral"
> What's the difference between a line
> and a thin bar?
> Hadley
> On Tue, Sep 8, 2009 at 12:17 PM, rafamoral
> wrote:
> >
> > I'm sorry, but
Have a look at ?segments and/or ?arrows.
--- On Tue, 9/8/09, rafamoral wrote:
> From: rafamoral
> Subject: Re: [R] barplot with lines instead of bars
> To:
> Received: Tuesday, September 8, 2009, 2:12 PM
> How can I draw thin bars in a barplot?
> Rafael
> hadley w
A clumsy way but it seems to work
data <- data.frame(cbind(k = 0:3, fk = c(11, 20,7,2), f0k = c(13.72,
17.64, 7.56, 1.08), fkest = c(11.85, 17.78, 8.89, 1.48)))
d <- t(data[,2:4])
# barplot(d, beside=TRUE)
xps1 <- xps2
Have a look at ?IQR
"Note that this function computes the quartiles using the quantile function
rather than following Tukey's recommendations, i.e., IQR(x) = quantile(x,3/4) -
It looks like boxplot() gives the results you expect.
tt <- boxplot(x)
--- On Tue, 9/8/
My bad memory? I forgot that option existed.
--- On Wed, 9/9/09, S Ellison wrote:
> From: S Ellison
> Subject: Re: [R] barplot with lines instead of bars
> To:, "John Kane"
> Received: Wednesday, September 9, 2009, 12:02 PM
> What is wrong with
Looks good but no personal experience of it.
--- On Mon, 9/14/09, Vince Fulco wrote:
> From: Vince Fulco
> Subject: [R] Teaching material for children...
> To:
> Received: Monday, September 14, 2009, 9:17 AM
> Wondering if anyone is aware of
> r
, September 14, 2009, 11:34 AM
> alternatively, use aes_string,
> p <- ggplot(bmm, aes_string(x="age", y="bm",
> colour="pp", group="pp"))
> p <- p + geom_line()
> p
> HTH,
> baptiste
> 2009/9/14 smu
Try this:
Assuming your vector is x:
ylimits<-c(min(x)- .05,max(x)+ .05)
By the way, if you are going to supply much data, it is better practice to use
dput() . Try dput(x) to see what I mean.
--- On Mon, 9/14/09, Jorgy
At a quick glance, your code seems to be deleting columns not rows
try y[-c(11,22,33), ]
--- On Mon, 9/14/09, Hollix wrote:
> From: Hollix
> Subject: [R] Eliminate cases in a subset of a dataframe
> To:
> Received: Monday, September 14, 2009, 10:57 AM
> Hi folks,
Some day I may figure out how ggplot2 works.
I am trying to plot 5 columns of data on a graph (similar to a simple matplot)
bmi <- structure(list(pct = 2:21, P10 = c(14.6, 14.5, 14.2, 13.9, 13.7,
with(xx,aggregate(var2, list(var1=var1),sum)
--- On Fri, 9/18/09, MarcioRibeiro wrote:
> From: MarcioRibeiro
> Subject: [R] Sum according observation
> To:
> Received: Friday, September 18, 2009, 11:18 AM
> Hi listers,
> I have a simple doubt...
> I need to
I'm not sure I understand what you are doing below but to rearrange columns of
a data.frame you can just rearrange the indices. Is this what you mean?
A couple of examples:
(mydata <- data.frame(aa=as.character(c("a", "b", "c", "d", "e")), bb = 1:5))
(mydata <- mydata[,2:1])
df1 <- structur
--- On Sun, 9/20/09, Wensui Liu wrote:
> From: Wensui Liu
> Subject: Re: [R] running many different regressions
> To: "Gabor Grothendieck"
> Cc:
> Received: Sunday, September 20, 2009, 3:04 PM
> should chicken be blamed by the
> people allergic by eggs?
It's more like :
--- On Sun, 9/20/09, Adrian Johnson wrote:
> From: Adrian Johnson
> Subject: [R] correlation help
> To:
> Received: Sunday, September 20, 2009, 5:00 PM
> Dear group,
> I have a matrix like the following:
> Name Sample1
> sample2 sample3 samp
Well the first suspicious thing seems to be the 256 byte variable names. Do
you really have a 256 byte variable name? If so, why? It sounds like R is
reading the entire header line as one variable.
Why not try exporting the Exce file as a csv file and loading that?
--- On Mon, 9/21/09,
arge file
> To: "John Kane" ,, "A Singh"
> Received: Monday, September 21, 2009, 4:19 PM
> Dear John,
> I did just try to do that, and it is still returning the
> same error when I
> try to attach the csv file..
--- On Mon, 9/21/09, hadley wickham wrote:
> From: hadley wickham
> Don't use attach?
Obvously good advice but why?
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> the part of the args list of 'length' being
> evaluated was:
> > (y)
> >
> >
> >> sapply(d6,cor.test)
> > Error in cor.test.default(X[[1L]], ...) :
> > element 1 is empty;
> > the part of the args list of 'length' being
> eva
I've never tried reading in an Excel file. I usually just export the file as a
csv file and read it in using read.csv().
--- On Tue, 2/23/10, Luis Felipe Parra wrote:
> From: Luis Felipe Parra
> Subject: [R] Importing a file to r
> To:
> Received: Tuesday, February 23, 201
Perhaps the reshape package?
It's just about impossible to read your data layout. Could you resubmit the
example using dput()?
--- On Thu, 2/25/10, AC Del Re wrote:
> From: AC Del Re
> Subject: [R] reducing data.frame
> To:
> Received: Thursday, February 25, 2010
paste("a",2,sep="") is simply creating a new character "a2"
Why not just
a2 <- 4
--- On Sat, 2/27/10, Joseph Lee wrote:
> From: Joseph Lee
> Subject: [R] somebody help me about this error message...
> To:
> Received: Saturday, February 27, 2010, 12:13 AM
> I created
I had a problem annotating a graph last year ( see for the
Stefan (smu) provided a solution using annotate(). However I apparently did
not update the graph file and,now, when I go back to the thread and try to use
I have the feeling that this is a very clumsy way to do it but I think it does
what you want.
a <- c(" %L H*L L*H H%", "%L H* H%", "%L L*H %", "%L L*H %" )
mylist <- strsplit(a," ")
pick <- function(x) {tail(x,2) }
x <- "I.D age 'MID'
01 5 03
02 6 06
03 16 NA
04 8 06
05 3 NA
06 17 NA"
xx <- read.table(textConnection(x), header=TRUE); xx
ag1 <- xx[, c(1,2)] ; ag1
ag2 <- xx[, c(1,3)] ; ag2
names(ag2[2]) <- "I.D"
If I understand what you want, you simply want to calculate some means in one
data.frame and put some of them in another data.frame?
Data.frames are of unequal lenght but you know the indices for each. As long as
you know the indices the relative sizes should be irrelevant. Try something
like t
Have a look at str(df). Those values are being interpreted as factors not
numbers. I don't think this is what you want.
--- On Mon, 6/29/09, Serguei Kaniovski wrote:
> From: Serguei Kaniovski
> Subject: Re: [R] Compute correlation matrix for panel data with specific
> ordering
> To: r-help
--- On Mon, 6/29/09, maram salem wrote:
> From: maram salem
> Subject: [R] (no subject)
> To:
> Received: Monday, June 29, 2009, 9:05 AM
> Hi group,
> I found a module for adaptive kernel density est
--- On Tue, 6/30/09, maram salem wrote:
> From: maram salem
> Subject: [R] (no subject)
> To:
> Received: Tuesday, June 30, 2009, 6:34 AM
> Hi Group,
> I've a vector of 1000 numeric values for which I want to
> draw a histogram. I've read this vector into R with no
> vari
First of all try str(socia) and see what the structure of the data is. R seems
to be interpreting that character string as a format If I am reading the error
message correctly.
--- On Wed, 7/1/09, Chris Anderson wrote:
> From: Chris Anderson
> Subject: [R] recoding charactor variables wit
I don't know any direct way. ?sink perhaps and then load into Word.
You might want to have a look at R2HTML as well.
Alternatively have a look at Sweave for output in pdf or OOo formats.
--- On Thu, 7/2/09, Suyan Tian wrote:
> From: Suyan Tian
> Subject: [R] save the result into a word f
Better yet use two graphs on the same page. It is damned hard to read and
understand a two axes display.
--- On Thu, 7/2/09, Mark Knecht wrote:
> From: Mark Knecht
> Subject: Re: [R] Plot two graphs with different ranges in one
> To: "Rolf Turner"
> Cc: ""
> Received: T
Reading in your data
xx <- t(read.table(textConnection(x), header=FALSE,; xx
mm <- apply(xx, 1, mean)
mhi <- apply(xx,1, max)
mlow <- apply(xx, 1, min)
plot(mm, ylim=c(min(xx)-1, max(xx)+1))
points(mhi, col="red
I have R on a couple of USB drives for Windows XP, I simply download the .exe
file to my hard drive and install the program on the USB drive. It runs off
the USB just as it would if installed on a hard drive.
--- On Fri, 7/3/09, Raphael Saldanha wrote:
> From: Raphael Saldanha
> Subject: [R
mylist <- NULL
and then just assign the subsets to each element of the list
mylist[[1]] <- data1[,1]
as an example
--- On Sun, 7/5/09, zrl wrote:
> From: zrl
> Subject: [R] allocation/initialization of arrays/lists
> To:
> Received: Sunday, July 5, 2009, 1:58 P
instrument.input[,6] appears to be a vector of factors. You are putting the
underlying factor number into data. Assuming instrument.input[,6] is supposed
to be numeric you will need to convert from factor.
See the FAQ Part 7 R Miscellanea > How do I convert factors to numeric?
for that.
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