I had a problem annotating a graph last year ( see http://n4.nabble.com/Putting-names-on-a-ggplot-td907158.html#a907158 for the discussion)
Stefan (smu) provided a solution using annotate(). However I apparently did not update the graph file and,now, when I go back to the thread and try to use Stefan's solution it does not seem to work although I am sure that it did then. The problem arises at: > p + annotate("text", x=namposts+2.5, y = temprange[2], label= mlabs, > size=2.5, colour='black', hjust = 0, vjust = 0) Error: When _setting_ aesthetics, they may only take one value. Problems: label I want the names of the months along the top of the graph (one month per division).It appears that I am being told that the label can only have one value. mlabs contains the 12 months of the year If this is true is there another way to annotate the graph? Unfortunately ?annotate only shows a one value entry. Any suggestions would be welcome. Code # Data is below code. #============================================================== library(ggplot2) year[,5] <- 1:length(year[,1]) names(year) <- c('month','days','year','temps', "duration") month.days <- as.vector(table(year[,1])) months <- rep(month.name[1:12], month.days) month.counts <- cumsum(as.vector( table(year[,1]))) namposts <- c(1, month.counts[1:11]) mlabs <- month.name[1:12] temprange <- range(year$temps, na.rm=TRUE) p <- ggplot(year, aes(duration, temps, colour=months)) + geom_line() + opts(legend.position = "none", title="Yearly temperatures", axis.text.x = theme_blank(), axis.ticks = theme_blank()) p p <- p + geom_vline(xintercept=month.counts) + ylab("Temperature (C)") + xlab("Daily Temperatures") p p + annotate("text", x=namposts+2.5, y = temprange[2], label= mlabs, size=2.5, colour='black', hjust = 0, vjust = 0) Data #================================================================= year <- structure(list(month = c(1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 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22.4444444444444, 19.8333333333333, 19.0555555555556, 20.5, 22.3888888888889, 21.7777777777778, 22.5, 21.1111111111111, 20.9444444444444, 19.8333333333333, 19.3333333333333, 19.7222222222222, 20.3333333333333, 20.8333333333333, 20.6666666666667, 19.6666666666667, 19.6111111111111, 19.2222222222222, 20.1666666666667, 20.7777777777778, 20.5, 19.1111111111111, 20.7777777777778, 20.1111111111111, 20.2222222222222, 17.5, 17.4444444444444, 17.7222222222222, 17.5, 18.2222222222222, 18.2222222222222, 16.1111111111111, 18.2777777777778, 18.5, 17.9444444444444, 20.1111111111111, NA, 15.1111111111111, 15.3888888888889, 18.5555555555556, 20.7777777777778, 22.7222222222222, 21.8333333333333, 17.6666666666667, 15, 17.6666666666667, 19.8333333333333, 17.9444444444444, 20.3333333333333, 19.3888888888889, 20.3888888888889, 22.6111111111111, 23.0555555555556, 21.9444444444444, 21.5, 18.5555555555556, 14.2777777777778, 13.7222222222222, 15.0555555555556, 12.2777777777778, 13.6666666666667, 14.8888888888889, 13.2777777777778, 20.8333333333333, 16.5555555555556, 9.11111111111111, 14.2222222222222, 10.6666666666667, 9.61111111111111, 14.6666666666667, 12.6111111111111, 9.61111111111111, 8.94444444444444, NA, 17.2777777777778, 16.4444444444444, 15.3333333333333, 17, 12.1111111111111, 12.1111111111111, 12, 8.44444444444445, 6.27777777777778, 7.05555555555556, 6.94444444444444, 7.61111111111111, 6.83333333333333, 8.94444444444444, 15, 11.8333333333333, 11.7222222222222, 13.1666666666667, 16.4444444444444, 14.5555555555556, 10.1111111111111, 11.6111111111111, 5.83333333333333, 4.94444444444444, 5.44444444444444, 6.88888888888889, 6.83333333333333, 3.44444444444445, 2.55555555555556, 4.27777777777778, 8.27777777777778, 8.94444444444444, 7.55555555555556, 4.16666666666667, -0.111111111111111, -0.0555555555555563, 6.33333333333333, 3.66666666666667, -0.777777777777777, -0.388888888888889, 8.61111111111111, 12.3888888888889, 8.94444444444444, 10.2222222222222, 8, 6.5, 3.72222222222222, 1.50000000000000, 0, -0.222222222222221, 9.77777777777778, 10.0555555555556, 3.94444444444445, -1.27777777777778, -3.33333333333333, -4.72222222222222, -4.38888888888889, -7.44444444444444, -8.77777777777778, -7.88888888888889, -3.61111111111111, 0.111111111111113, 0.333333333333334, -1.22222222222222, 0.555555555555556, -1.55555555555556, -0.833333333333333, 1.22222222222222, 0.833333333333333, 0.277777777777778, 1.44444444444445, -6.27777777777778, -5.72222222222222, -5.5, -18.3333333333333, -12.2777777777778, -6.61111111111111, -14.5, -9.5, -17.4444444444444, -8.27777777777778, 4.33333333333333, -5.55555555555556, -7.33333333333333, -4.55555555555556, -12.8888888888889, -16, -13.8888888888889, -14.3888888888889, -15.5555555555556, -2.66666666666667, -0.388888888888889, -11, -4.22222222222222, 6.38888888888889, 0.444444444444443, -4.88888888888889, -14.5555555555556), duration = 1:366), row.names = 4749:5114, .Names = c("month", "days", "year", "temps", "duration"), class = "data.frame") #================================================================ R version 2.10.0 (2009-10-26) i386-pc-mingw32 locale: [1] LC_COLLATE=English_Canada.1252 LC_CTYPE=English_Canada.1252 LC_MONETARY=English_Canada.1252 [4] LC_NUMERIC=C LC_TIME=English_Canada.1252 attached base packages: [1] grid stats graphics grDevices utils datasets methods base other attached packages: [1] ggplot2_0.8.6 digest_0.4.2 reshape_0.8.3 plyr_0.1.9 proto_0.3-8 __________________________________________________________________ The new Internet Explorer® 8 - Faster, safer, easier. 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