Re: [R] latex table question

2010-07-18 Thread Felipe Carrillo
I' ve seen latex questions being solved here that's why I sent my question to this list but someone already told me about the latex forum so the same question has already been solved there, Sorry about that.   - Original Message > From: Uwe Ligges > To: Felipe Car

Re: [R] Figures in Latex

2010-07-23 Thread Felipe Carrillo
Hannah: I am not sure if this is what you need but you can use an array to do that. Copy and paste the below code to your latex code. \newpage \begin{landscape} \begin{figure}[h] \begin{center}$ \begin{array}{cc} \includegraphics[width=2in]{yourgraphicname} & \includegraphics[width=2in]{yourgraphi

[R] How to generate a sequence of dates without hardcoding the year

2010-07-24 Thread Felipe Carrillo
Hi: I have a dataframe named 'spring' and I am trying to add a new variable named 'IdDate' This line of code works fine: spring$idDate <- seq(as.Date("2008-07-01"),as.Date("2009-06-30"),by="week") But I don't want to hardcode the year because it will be used again the following year Is it possib

Re: [R] Trouble using grid.layout in Sweave

2010-07-26 Thread Felipe Carrillo
I just run the code below with sweave and works fine It looks like you might be missing the sequence of vplay <>= library(ggplot2) vplay<- function(x, y) viewport(layout.pos.row=x, layout.pos.col=y) grid.newpage() p <- ggplot(diamonds, aes(x=carat, y=..density..)) + geom_histogram(binwidth=0.

Re: [R] How to generate a sequence of dates without hardcoding the year

2010-07-26 Thread Felipe Carrillo
om: jim holtman > To: Felipe Carrillo > Cc: > Sent: Sat, July 24, 2010 4:02:57 PM > Subject: Re: [R] How to generate a sequence of dates without hardcoding the >year > > Is this what you want if you want to assume that the date without a > year is t

[R] Controling R from MS Access

2010-09-29 Thread Felipe Carrillo
HI: I've seen a few threads about this topic but still can't find a straightforward way on this.   Is there a package that can control R within an access form. For example, I want to send a query to R, perform some statistics in R and send the output or summary back to Access and display it on a f

[R] gridExtra question

2010-10-01 Thread Felipe Carrillo
  Hi: I get a couple of warnings  when trying to download gridExtra: install.packages("gridExtra",repos=  Warning: unable to access index for repository Warning message: In getDependencies(pkgs, dependencies, avail

Re: [R] gridExtra question

2010-10-01 Thread Felipe Carrillo
I must be blind, CRAN was  my first try and didn't see it there. It is Friday and time to take a break I guess :-)   Felipe D. Carrillo Supervisory Fishery Biologist Department of the Interior US Fish & Wildlife Service California, USA > >From: Ista Zahn >To: Felipe

Re: [R] gridExtra question

2010-10-01 Thread Felipe Carrillo
y from there, saved it to my desktop and then "installed packages from local zip files"   Felipe D. Carrillo Supervisory Fishery Biologist Department of the Interior US Fish & Wildlife Service California, USA - Original Message > From: Erik Iverson > To: Felipe Carr

Re: [R] Count values in a dataframe with respect to groups

2010-10-08 Thread Felipe Carrillo
Here is an option: grp = c(1,1,1, 1,2, 2,2)  val = c(2,1,5,NA,3,NA,1)  dta = data.frame(grp=grp, val=val) ddply(dta,"grp",summarise,count=length(na.omit(val)))   Felipe D. Carrillo Supervisory Fishery Biologist Department of the Interior US Fish & Wildlife Service California, USA - Original

[R] (no subject)

2010-10-23 Thread Felipe Carrillo [[alternative HTML version deleted]] __ mailing list PLEASE do read the posting guide

Re: [R] how to view the top 20 lines in a long dataset

2010-11-01 Thread Felipe Carrillo
is this what you want? head(yourdataset,20)   Felipe D. Carrillo Supervisory Fishery Biologist Department of the Interior US Fish & Wildlife Service California, USA - Original Message > From: Louis Plough > To: > Sent: Mon, November 1, 2010 12:40:19 PM > Subject:

[R] Systat NRM function

2010-11-10 Thread Felipe Carrillo
Hi: I have some old scripts from when I used to use Systat and have the NRM(value1,value2) that I need to use with R. Does anyone know the R equivalency to this function? Thanks   Felipe D. Carrillo Supervisory Fishery Biologist Department of the Interior US Fish & Wildlife Service California, U

[R] drop levels problem

2010-11-29 Thread Felipe Carrillo
Hi all: I am having trouble dropping levels, got a few hints online without success. Please consider the dataset below:  I was under the inpression that subset(..drop=TRUE) would work but it doesn't library(ggplot2)     library(hmisc) x <- structure(list(first = c(38.2086, 43.1768, 43.146, 4

Re: [R] Filling in missing time samples with na.approx

2010-11-29 Thread Felipe Carrillo
strange,,I don't see any change either, could it be that we have an older version of zoo?   Felipe D. Carrillo Supervisory Fishery Biologist Department of the Interior US Fish & Wildlife Service California, USA - Original Message > From: Gabor Grothendieck > To: Jason Edgecombe > Cc:

Re: [R] drop levels problem

2010-11-29 Thread Felipe Carrillo
Thanks Joshua, I get it now, levels sometimes drive me loco   Felipe D. Carrillo Supervisory Fishery Biologist Department of the Interior US Fish & Wildlife Service California, USA - Original Message > From: Joshua Wiley > To: Felipe Carrillo > Cc: r-h...@stat.math.e

[R] subset

2010-11-29 Thread Felipe Carrillo
 Hi: I always use subset the same way but now is returning 0 rows. What's wrong with the way I am subsetting? library(ggplot2) structure(list(first = c(38.2086, 43.1768, 43.146, 41.8044, 42.4232, 46.3646, 38.0813, 40.0745, 40.4889, 38.6246, 40.2826, 41.6056, 34.5353, 40.0768), second = c(43.329

Re: [R] subset

2010-11-29 Thread Felipe Carrillo
om: Joshua Wiley > To: Felipe Carrillo > Cc: > Sent: Mon, November 29, 2010 1:11:23 PM > Subject: Re: [R] subset > > Hi Felipe, > > On Mon, Nov 29, 2010 at 1:02 PM, Felipe Carrillo > wrote: > >  Hi: > > I always use subset the same way bu

[R] how to display a dataset on a dialog window

2010-12-08 Thread Felipe Carrillo
HI: Is there a way to display a dataset on a dialog window? I am creating an application with Visual Basic and R, and I want the user to be able to see the dataset used print out on a dialog window. Not sure if there is a better way to do this, but basically when the user click a button on a VB

[R] RODBC sqlSave question

2010-12-09 Thread Felipe Carrillo
Hi: I am getting the following error message when using the sqlSave function: "Error in sqlSave(myDB,myset)" table "myset" already exists" I want this table to be populated with new data everytime I execute sqlSave. The documentation says that: "If the table exists and has the appropriate structur

Re: [R] Sum by column

2011-01-12 Thread Felipe Carrillo
Or with ddply : library(plyr) dat <- structure(list(ED = c(21.809467, 36.229566, 51.861284, 11.36232, 27.264634, 12.261986, 46.519313, 7.815376, 2.810428, 13.478372, 35.670182, 27.128715, 19.010294, 15.475368, 18.597983, 29.292615, 6.749846, 14.981488, 14.93511, 14.93511, 21.040785, 8.271615, 12.94

Re: [R] ggplot - controlling point size

2011-01-25 Thread Felipe Carrillo
try this: qplot(x, y, data=df, colour=factor(type), size=I(1)) + geom_smooth()   Felipe D. Carrillo Supervisory Fishery Biologist Department of the Interior US Fish & Wildlife Service California, USA - Original Message > From: Gene Leynes > T

[R] reordering levels error

2010-08-30 Thread Felipe Carrillo
Please consider the following dataset: I want to reorder the levels by year but get the following error: Error in tapply(v, x, FUN, ...) : arguments must have same length   I suspect that I need to add the levels before I melt the dataset  but either way I have only use 'reorder' once before and c

Re: [R] reordering levels error

2010-08-30 Thread Felipe Carrillo
umulative",axis.text.x = theme_text(angle=45,hjust=1)) +  labs(y="Number of individuals X 1,000",x="week") Felipe D. Carrillo Supervisory Fishery Biologist Department of the Interior US Fish & Wildlife Service California, USA - Original Message >

Re: [R] reordering levels error

2010-08-30 Thread Felipe Carrillo
 Thanks Dennis: I always seem to have a hard time defining levels. That's exactly what I needed.    > >From: Dennis Murphy >To: Felipe Carrillo >Cc: >Sent: Mon, August 30, 2010 5:41:02 PM >Subject: Re: [R] reordering levels error > >H

Re: [R] Summarize by two or more attributes

2011-05-17 Thread Felipe Carrillo
Like This? x<-rep(c(1,15),10) y<-rnorm(20) z<-c(rep("auto",10),rep("bus",10)) a<-rep(c(1,1,2,2,3,3,4,4,5,5),2) #Create Data frame Df<-data.frame(Source=x,Rate=y,Bin=a,Type=z) Df ddply(Df,c('Type','Bin'),summarise,Summed=sum(Rate))  # Adding a column to Df ddply(Df,c('Type','Bin'),mutate,Summed=s

Re: [R] ggplot geom_boxplot vertical margins

2011-05-18 Thread Felipe Carrillo
Is this what you want? You can control how much space you want to see on the sides of the plot: df<-data.frame(x=factor(1:100),y=rnorm(1000)) ggplot(df,aes(x=x,y=y))+geom_boxplot() + scale_x_discrete(expand=c(0,0))   Felipe D. Carrillo Supervisory Fishery Biologist Department of the Interior US

[R] cumsum output

2010-05-10 Thread Felipe Carrillo
Hi: Thanks to Dennis and Fernando for your help reordering the levels. Now I have a different issue: I am trying to get the cumulative weekly values using cumsum and it appears to output the wrong values. Here's my dataset: winter <-  structure(list(week = c(26L, 27L, 28L, 29L, 30L, 31L, 32L, 33L

Re: [R] cumsum output

2010-05-10 Thread Felipe Carrillo
I realized that after I hit the send button...I was looking at the wrong dataset,Brr   Felipe D. Carrillo Supervisory Fishery Biologist Department of the Interior US Fish & Wildlife Service California, USA > >From: jim holtman >To: Felipe Carrillo >Cc:

[R] predicting without a model

2010-05-11 Thread Felipe Carrillo
Hello: I have 5 years of weekly passage data and want to predict fish passage for the following year. I don't have a model to use to predict data for the sixth year. Can I somehow still predict based on these five years? I just want to see on the graph what the predicted year would look like and ho

Re: [R] predicting without a model

2010-05-11 Thread Felipe Carrillo
Subject: Re: [R] predicting without a model > > Felipe Carrillo > href="";>> > writes: ## snip   > In the absence of any other information, I would say your best bet would just > be to take the weekly average across the previous ye

Re: [R] a question about "latex" in Hmisc and .dvi file

2010-05-13 Thread Felipe Carrillo
HI: If you don't mind me asking this question about latex: Based on Duncan's comment: "The print method for "latex" objects tries to run latex and then display the resulting .dvi file.  (Or maybe it runs pdflatex and displays the .pdf file)." Where in MikTex can I change to pdflatex? everytime I u

Re: [R] a question about "latex" in Hmisc and .dvi file

2010-05-13 Thread Felipe Carrillo
uot;, row.names = c(NA, -20L)) report require(stringr) report <- t(apply(report, 1, function(x) {str_replace(x, "\\?", "-")})) library(Hmisc)  show.dvi <- function (object, width = 5.5, height = 7) {     viewer <- optionsCmds("xdvi")     cmd <- if (viewer ==

Re: [R] a question about "latex" in Hmisc and .dvi file

2010-05-13 Thread Felipe Carrillo
R >To: Felipe Carrillo >Cc: Erik Iverson ;; Charles Dupont >; Frank E Harrell Jr >Sent: Thu, May 13, 2010 1:00:43 PM >Subject: Re: [R] a question about "latex" in Hmisc and .dvi file > > > >Your example showed up in landscape for me on the pdf

Re: [R] Dataframe to word, using R2wd

2010-05-15 Thread Felipe Carrillo
Hi: Just adding on to this question...Is it a way to add footnotes to tables with R2wd? I started using this nice package about a month ago and is one of the things that I can't figure out yet..   Felipe D. Carrillo Supervisory Fishery Biologist Department of the Interior US Fish & Wildlife Servic

[R] Dataframe to word, using R2wd

2010-05-15 Thread Felipe Carrillo
  Felipe D. Carrillo Supervisory Fishery Biologist Department of the Interior US Fish & Wildlife Service California, USA - Original Message > From: Tal Galili > To: Jeremy Miles > Cc: > Sent: Sat, May 15, 2010 1:03:12 AM > Subject: Re: [R] Dataframe to word, usin

[R] Dataframe to word, using R2wd

2010-05-15 Thread Felipe Carrillo
Hi: Just adding on to this question...Is it a way to add footnotes to tables with R2wd? I started using this nice package about a month ago and is one of the things that I can't figure out yet..   Felipe D. Carrillo Supervisory Fishery Biologist Department of the Interior US Fish & Wildlife Servic

Re: [R] Problem with Sweave not recognising \Sexpr{}

2010-05-25 Thread Felipe Carrillo
 I had the same problem before and I think it has something to do with the R2HTML package. To take care of that problem simply sweave your rnw file like this: Sweave("yourfile.Rnw",syntax="SweaveSyntaxNoweb") and try Sexpr{} again.   Felipe D. Carrillo Supervisory Fishery Biologist Department of

Re: [R] Put two plots side by side

2010-05-31 Thread Felipe Carrillo
Two different ways: library(ggplot2) x=5 size=50 A=data.frame(X=sample(x, size, replace=T), Y=sample(x, size, replace=T),a=rep(1:2,each=25));A # Facetting qplot(X,Y,data=A) + geom_jitter(position=position_jitter(width=.03)) + facet_grid(.~a) # Or with vp p=qplot(X, Y, data=A) + geom_jitter(positi

Re: [R] Can not save plot to png file correctly

2010-05-31 Thread Felipe Carrillo
You can save as png like this too: library(ggplot2) data=data.frame(   X=sample(10,1000,replace=T)   , Y=letters[1:10]) png("mypng.png") qplot(X, data=data, geom='histogram') + facet_wrap( ~ Y)   Felipe D. Carrillo Supervisory Fishery Biologist Department of the Interior US Fish & Wildli

[R] Can not save plot to png file correctly

2010-05-31 Thread Felipe Carrillo
With ggsave the graph windows pops up but using: png("mypng.png") qplot(X, data=data, geom='histogram') + facet_wrap( ~ Y) The graph is saved in the background Is there a way to hide the graph window when using ggsave? You can save as png like this too: library(ggplot2) data=data.frame(

Re: [R] cumsum function with data frame

2010-06-03 Thread Felipe Carrillo
You can also use ddply from the plyr package: library(plyr) Data <- read.table(textConnection("variable    Year  value EC01    2005    5 EC01    2006    10 AAO1    2005  2 AAO1  2006  4"),header=T) Data ddply(Data,.(variable),summaris

Re: [R] cumsum function with data frame

2010-06-03 Thread Felipe Carrillo
le),transform,CUMSUM=cumsum(value))   - Original Message > From: Felipe Carrillo > To: Joris Meys ; "" > > Cc: > Sent: Thu, June 3, 2010 11:28:58 AM > Subject: Re: [R] cumsum function with data frame > > You can

Re: [R] Patch for legend.position={left,top,bottom} in ggplot2

2010-06-10 Thread Felipe Carrillo
Hi: I downloaded the patch, how do I incorporate it to my current version of ggplot2?   Felipe D. Carrillo Supervisory Fishery Biologist Department of the Interior US Fish & Wildlife Service California, USA - Original Message > From: Hadley Wickham > To: Karsten Loesing > Cc: "r-help

[R] Latex: Date Format conversion

2010-06-10 Thread Felipe Carrillo
Hi: Can't find a way to convert from shortDate to LongDate format. I got: 3/10/10 that I want to convert to March 10, 2010. I am using: \documentclass[11pt]{article} \usepackage{longtable,verbatim} \usepackage{ctable} \usepackage{datetime} \title{my title} \begin{document}   % Convert date \dd

[R] Date conversion

2010-06-10 Thread Felipe Carrillo
Hi: Can't find a way to convert from shortDate to LongDate format. I got: 3/10/10 that I want to convert to March 10, 2010. I am using: \documentclass[11pt]{article} \usepackage{longtable,verbatim} \usepackage{ctable} \usepackage{datetime} \title{my title} \begin{document}   % Convert date \dd

Re: [R] Latex: Date Format conversion

2010-06-10 Thread Felipe Carrillo
e dates, something like this pseudo-code: Report from \longdate\Sexpr{report[1,1]} & - & \longdate\Sexpr{report[1,15]} Where long date will be the format that converts 6/1/10 to June 01, 2010 Thanks for helping. - Original Message > From: Marc Schwartz >

Re: [R] Latex: Date Format conversion

2010-06-10 Thread Felipe Carrillo
life Service California, USA - Original Message > From: Marc Schwartz > To: Felipe Carrillo > Cc: > Sent: Thu, June 10, 2010 10:19:40 AM > Subject: Re: [R] Latex: Date Format conversion > > Felipe, I would not do the processing in TeX, but do

Re: [R] Date conversion

2010-06-11 Thread Felipe Carrillo
a Wiley > To: Felipe Carrillo > Cc: > Sent: Thu, June 10, 2010 1:18:27 PM > Subject: Re: [R] Date conversion > > Hello Felipe, Is this what you want? format(as.Date("3/10/10", > format="%m/%d/%y"), "%B %d, %Y") Josh O

Re: [R] Changes titles in ggplot2 plot

2011-02-12 Thread Felipe Carrillo
you can just probably add + labs(x="Time Elapsed,y="Predicted Probability")   Felipe D. Carrillo Supervisory Fishery Biologist Department of the Interior US Fish & Wildlife Service California, USA - Original Message > From: Shige Song > To:

Re: [R] Tinn-R looses connection to R (Windows Vista)

2011-03-26 Thread Felipe Carrillo
Nutter, Benjamin> writes: I've noticed it, but I haven't looked into it much since I rarely work on Vista. I have found that opening R before I open Tinn-R tends to work better than using Tinn-R to open the preferred GUI. Benjamin -Original Message- From: r-help-boun

Re: [R] Rexcel path problem

2011-04-01 Thread Felipe Carrillo
Jorge: You can run save your scripts in the same folder where your wokbook is and run it like this: Sub Scatter() Call rinterface.StartRServer 'Put the dataframe into R Call rinterface.PutDataframe("scatter", DownRightFrom(Range("RData!A1")), WithRowNames:=False) Call rin

Re: [R] another question on shapefiles and geom_point in ggplot2

2011-04-03 Thread Felipe Carrillo
 colours = rainbow(6), breaks = c(2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20))+  xlab("Longitud") + ylab("Latitud") + opts(axis.text.x = theme_text(size = 8, vjust = 1)) +  opts(axis.text.y = theme_text(size = 8, hjust = 1))        Felipe D. Carrillo Supervisory Fishery Biologist

Re: [R] another question on shapefiles and geom_point in ggplot2

2011-04-03 Thread Felipe Carrillo
(manuel,region="id")   manuel_merged <- join(manuel_fort,manuel@data, by ="id") Felipe D. Carrillo Supervisory Fishery Biologist Department of the Interior US Fish & Wildlife Service California, USA > >F

[R] nls question

2012-07-12 Thread Felipe Carrillo
 Hi:  Using nls how can I increase the numbers of iterations to go beyond 50.  I just want to be able to predict for the last two weeks of the year.  This is what I have:  weight_random <- runif(50,1,24)  weight <- sort(weight_random);weight weightData <- data.frame(weight,week=1:50)  

Re: [R] nls question

2012-07-12 Thread Felipe Carrillo
e California, USA > >From: Bert Gunter >To: Felipe Carrillo >Cc: "" >Sent: Thursday, July 12, 2012 10:56 AM >Subject: Re: [R] nls question > > >Read the Help file

Re: [R] nls question

2012-07-12 Thread Felipe Carrillo
px >____ >From: Gabor Grothendieck >To: Felipe Carrillo >Cc: Bert Gunter ; "" > >Sent: Thursday, July 12, 2012 12:14 PM >Subject: Re: [R] nls question > >On Thu, Jul 12, 2012 at 3:02 PM, Felipe Carrillo > wr

Re: [R] nls question

2012-07-12 Thread Felipe Carrillo
Thank you all for your help. Felipe D. Carrillo Supervisory Fishery Biologist Department of the Interior US Fish & Wildlife Service California, USA > >From: Gabor Grothendieck >To: Felipe Carrillo &

Re: [R] Group several variables and apply a function to the group

2011-12-04 Thread Felipe Carrillo
 Like this? library(plyr) ddply(df,.(comn,mi),summarise,stDEV=sd(x)) Felipe D. Carrillo Supervisory Fishery Biologist Department of the Interior US Fish & Wildlife Service California, USA From: Aurélien PHILIPPOT >To: >Sent: Sunda

Re: [R] factor level issue after subsetting

2011-11-01 Thread Felipe Carrillo
Stefan: Use the droplevels function... dat <- read.table(textConnection("   treat yield 1  cont  98.7 2  cont  97.2 3  cont  96.1 4  cont  98.1 5    10 103.0 6    10 101.3 7    10 102.1 8    10 101.9 9    30 121.1 10    30 123.1 11    30 119.7 12    30 118.9 13    60 109.9 14    60 110.1 15    60 1

Re: [R] ggplot- using geom_point and geom_line at the same time

2012-01-16 Thread Felipe Carrillo
Mary: Here's one way. ## change the variable name to whatever title you want on your legend data = melt(data, id="inputs",variable_name="customName") data g <- ggplot(data,aes(x=inputs, value, colour= customName, fill = customName, shape=customName)) g <- g + geom_line(lwd=0.8) g <- g + geom_point(

Re: [R] automation of R? running an R script at a certain time each night?

2008-05-23 Thread Felipe Carrillo
Hi: Edward, were you able to automate the process? if so, do you mind giving me a hint on how you did it? I am facing the same problem. I created a batch file which it runs fine using the task scheduler but only opens Tinn-R and R but it doesn't execute my script. My task scheduler executes everyda

Re: [R] automation of R? running an R script at a certain time each night?

2008-05-23 Thread Felipe Carrillo
Thank you Prof Ripley --- Prof Brian Ripley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > On Fri, 23 May 2008, Felipe Carrillo wrote: > > > Hi: > > Edward, were you able to automate the process? if > so, > > do you mind giving me a hint on how you did it? I > am > >

[R] ggplot2 book?

2008-06-07 Thread Felipe Carrillo
Hi (Hadley): Do you still have the ggplot2 book being published this summer?  Felipe D. Carrillo Fishery Biologist Department of the Interior US Fish & Wildlife Service California, USA __ mailing list

Re: [R] p-value

2008-06-12 Thread Felipe Carrillo
Not sure if this is what you are looking for but you can get the p-value with something like this: # Create a vector mydata<- c(132968364, 135945080, 156539568, 157817896, 162399496, 168344072, 173146584, 176302744, 182878168, 183946152, 18506

[R] ggplot2-barplot

2008-06-22 Thread Felipe Carrillo
Hi all: I have been using ggplot2 graphics for quite some time now and I really like it. However, I haven't used barplots enough to understand the arquitecture behind it. Can someone show me how to make this simple barplot graph with ggplot2? I want "PondName" along the x axis and "avgWt" along

Re: [R] ggplot2-barplot

2008-06-23 Thread Felipe Carrillo
Thierry: That's exactly what I wanted, Thanks > Dear Felipe, > > Is this what you want? > > library(ggplot2) > mydata <- data.frame(PondName = factor(LETTERS[1:5]), > avgWt = rnorm(5, > mean = 10, sd = 3)) > ggplot(mydata, aes(x = PondName, y = avgWt)) + geom_bar() > ggplot(mydata, aes(x = PondN

[R] ggplot2 axis scales

2008-06-28 Thread Felipe Carrillo
Hi all: Was this question ever answered? #Is it possible to have different axis limit for each facet in a ggplot2 plot? Here is an example library(ggplot2) x=seq(-10,10,.1) y=cos(x) z=sin(x)*10 dat=melt(data.frame(x,y,z), id.var="x") qplot( x, value, data=dat, facets=variable~., geom="line" ) +

[R] SciViews GUI

2008-07-05 Thread Felipe Carrillo
HI: After following all the instructions on how to install the SciViews package from CRAN I still can't make the GUI show. Can someone give me a hint on how to do this? I have tried library(svGUI), library(svDialogs) and so on with the rest of the packages. I have also placed all the 'sv' packag

[R] Excel Trend Function

2008-07-12 Thread Felipe Carrillo
Hi: I have a dataset and need to interpolate for missing days. In Excel I either average from sampled days from above and below the missing days or use the TREND function to make up for the missing values. I have been reading about na.approx, is this function similar to the TREND function? Which

Re: [R] I need help integrating ggplot2 into Excel

2008-03-20 Thread Felipe Carrillo
Create an R script,name it "Myggplot2" and place it on your desktop.In excel open the vb editor and write this code: Sub Myggplot2() 'start R Call rinterface.StartRServer 'Put the dataframe into R,assuming that your 'data is in sheet1 cells A1:D1 Call rinterface.PutDataframe("yourdataframename", R

[R] counting values on one colum only

2008-03-22 Thread Felipe Carrillo
Hi all: Can someone help me count the number of rows with values in colum "a" only. assume the name of my dataframe is "weekly" I was trying i<- nrows(weekly$a) i but returns 7 when it should be 4. Thanks a b c d 27.000 27.000 1.569 0.013

Re: [R] counting values on one colum only

2008-03-23 Thread Felipe Carrillo
an answer your > question. > > > >Mark: > >I basically need to count the number of rows that > have > >values only. I tried your example and it crashed.I > >have been reading and looking for a function that > does > >that but no luck... > > >

[R] Inverse t-distribution

2008-03-23 Thread Felipe Carrillo
Hello all: Is there a function in R to estimate the Inverse t-distribution(tif in Systat).If so how can I see an example on how is used? Thanks Felipe D. Carrillo Fishery Biologist Department of the Interior US Fish & Wildlife Service California, USA _

Re: [R] Inverse t-distribution(TINV function in Excel)

2008-03-23 Thread Felipe Carrillo
y it for yourself? > > -- Bert Gunter > > > > -Original Message- > From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] > [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On > Behalf Of Felipe Carrillo > Sent: Sunday, March 23, 2008 6:18 PM > To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] > Subject: [R] Inverse t-distribution > >

Re: [R] Inverse t-distribution(TINV function in Excel)

2008-03-24 Thread Felipe Carrillo
Thanks everyone for your help the qt function worked like a dream. I ended up using it like this; T <- qt((1-0.05/2),7) to estimate 95% intervals divided by 2. 7 would be the number of days sampled.I got the same result I get with Systat. > > I can't actually tell which function in R is the > >

[R] cbind and mean by week

2008-03-25 Thread Felipe Carrillo
Hi: I have been able to finally crunch my data by importing it by week(thank you all for your help),but here we go again.. Now I'am trying to do it for the the whole year. Since the dataset is huge I'm only making a 3 weeks dataframe. - I want to get the mean of pd by week - I want to count the

[R] Finding functions

2008-05-20 Thread Felipe Carrillo
Hi All: Can anyone give me a hint about how to find functions built in in R. based on the articule below it should be something called DIYhelp but I can't find it. Thanks Part of the Kickstarting R package is a little text searching facility called DIYHelp. The program is based upon a simple, brut

[R] Finding Functions

2008-05-20 Thread Felipe Carrillo
Thank you all for your help, it looks like its a good place to look for help. Hi Felipe, It's a private message, so I hope you don't mind. Regarding your question, personally I think that apropos("what you want here"), i.e, apropos("lm") is very useful. I use from myy

[R] ggplot2 frequency Y axis label

2007-11-16 Thread Felipe Carrillo
Hi all: I wonder if ggplot2 can create histograms with frequency along the Y axis Felipe D. Carrillo Fishery Biologist US Fish & Wildlife Service Red Bluff, California 96080 Be a better pen pal.

[R] ggplot2 axis labels

2007-11-21 Thread Felipe Carrillo
Hi: Does anyone(Hadley?)know how to change the axis labels with the new version of ggplot2? With the old version I used the code below: grid.gedit("label", gp=gpar(fontsize=10, col="blue")) Thanks Felipe D. Carrillo Fishery Biologist US Fish & Wildlife Service California, USA _

[R] Set the grid.layout programmatically?

2007-11-25 Thread Felipe Carrillo
Hello all: Does anyone know if the grid layout function can be set dynamically? For example if I have a column that will be changing as new data is added monthly I would like grid to detect the new data and create another row or column for the new plot on the same window instead of adding the new l

[R] ggplot2 melt function "value"

2007-11-28 Thread Felipe Carrillo
Hi:I recently started using the melt function and found that it is very useful and powerful,however I can't seem to find the way to change the default column header "value" to my custom column name. Does anyone know how to go about this? any suggestions are very appreciated. Thanks Felipe D. Carri

[R] making annotations on graph window

2007-11-30 Thread Felipe Carrillo
Hello all: Is it possible to make annotations such as the summary(sd,mean,min,max)programmatically on the graph window? Felipe D. Carrillo Fishery Biologist US Fish & Wildlife Service California, USA _

[R] geom_hline

2007-12-24 Thread Felipe Carrillo
Hi all: I am trying to draw a horizontal line along the zero "Y axis" value but since zero isn't showing therefore the line is not drawn. If I set my intercept to 15 then it'll work but I dont want to hardcode it because the Y axis parameters could be different for another variable. I would like t

[R] scale_x_continuous

2007-12-26 Thread Felipe Carrillo
Hello all: Any ideas on how can I set the X axis limits to week 1? I tried the scale_x_continuous(limits=c(1,NA) but I get an error message. It works for the Y axis though. library(ggplot2) df <- data.frame(date = seq(Sys.Date(), len=100, by="1 day")[sample(100, 50)],price = runif(50)) df <- df[or

[R] print ggplot2 summary on graphic

2007-12-28 Thread Felipe Carrillo
Hi all: The code below works well to print annotations on base graphics but I can't make it work using the ggplot2 package. I tried to use the capture.output function but only prints the summary on the R console and no on the graphic. Any ideas on how to print output on ggplot2 graphs? For a powerp

Re: [R] (with subject)

2008-09-04 Thread Felipe Carrillo
Is this what you want? library(ggplot2) rawData <- data.frame(Date = c("2008-03-01", "2008-03-21", "2008-03-23", "2008-04-08", "2008-04-20", "2008-05-10", "2008-06-20"), y = c(4, 6,8, 5, 7, 2 ,1)) rawData$Date <- as.Date(rawData$Date) qplot(Date,y,data=rawData,geom="line",xlim=c(as.Date("2008

[R] Binning

2008-09-09 Thread Felipe Carrillo
Dear List: I have a dataset with over 5000 records and I would like to put the Count in bins based on the ForkLength. e.g. Forklength Count 32-34? 35-37? 38-40? and so on... and lastly I would like to plot (scatterplot) including the SampleDate

Re: [R] Binning

2008-09-10 Thread Felipe Carrillo
Thanks Jim and S Ellison for your help > This should do what you want. > > #--x <- read.table('clipboard', header=TRUE, > > # convert dates > x$date <- as.POSIXct(strptime(x$SampleDate, > "%m/%d/%Y")) > # put ForkLength into bins > x$bins <- cut(x$ForkLength, breaks=c(32, 34, 37, 40),

[R] bar and line plot

2008-09-26 Thread Felipe Carrillo
Hello All: Using the below dataset how can I make a barplot with Date(X) and NumEggs(Y) by Site. Then plot Temp(lineplot) It seems really simple, but I am having a hard time trying to do it by Site. Thanks Date NumEggs Site Temp 1 2008-04-22

Re: [R] bar and line plot

2008-09-27 Thread Felipe Carrillo
PROTECTED]> > Subject: Re: [R] bar and line plot > To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] > Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED] > Date: Saturday, September 27, 2008, 4:48 AM > Felipe Carrillo wrote: > > Hello All: > > Using the below dataset how can I make a barplot > with > >

[R] Sweave-LaTEX question

2008-10-11 Thread Felipe Carrillo
Hi: I am working on a publication and I have heard about LaTEX but I haven't actually tried to learn about it until today. I've found a few examples but I can't actually make them work properly. I have a couple of questions: Does LATEX have to be installed on your computer? How does the xtable pa

[R] MiKTEX and texi2dvi

2008-10-13 Thread Felipe Carrillo
rtment of the Interior US Fish & Wildlife Service California, USA --- On Sun, 10/12/08, Liviu Andronic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > From: Liviu Andronic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > Subject: Re: [R] Sweave-LaTEX question > To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] > Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[R] MiKTEX-texi2dvi

2008-10-13 Thread Felipe Carrillo
Sorry, I forgot to include a reproducible example on my last e-mail but here it is: Since the file is large to be included here: The path to the foo.Rnw examples is: and is suppossed to produce a pdf like this one:

[R] How to make the connection between MikTEX and R

2008-10-15 Thread Felipe Carrillo
Hi: After a couple of days trying to synchonize or connect MiKTex and R I'm getting a little frustrated. My knowledge about creating and running batch files is kind of limited so, I was wondering if someone could explain in plain english how to do this task. I'm able to run MiKtex by itself and a

[R] package Utils Sweave Example Error

2008-10-16 Thread Felipe Carrillo
Hi: I'm still trying to figure out how use Sweave. Trying the example below I get the error message when texi2dvi is executed. Any ideas about how to make texi2dvi work? library(tools) > testfile <- system.file("Sweave", "Sweave-test-1.Rnw", package = "utils") > options(device.ask.default=FAL

Re: [R] package Utils Sweave Example Error

2008-10-16 Thread Felipe Carrillo
This is my sessionInfo() and Sys.getenv("PATH") library(tools) testfile <- system.file("Sweave", "Sweave-test-1.Rnw", package = "utils") ## enforce par(ask=FALSE) options(device.ask.default=FALSE) ## create a LaTeX file Sweave(testfile) Writing to file Sweave-test-1.tex Processing code chunks .

[R] Sweave working now!!!

2008-10-16 Thread Felipe Carrillo
Duncan: I installed R in C:\R\R-2.7.2 and worked beautifully. I hope this will help others with the same problem. Thanks a lot for your help. --- On Thu, 10/16/08, Duncan Murdoch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > On 10/16/2008 12:19 PM, Felipe Carrillo wrote: > > This is my se

Re: [R] ggplot2 scale relation free

2008-10-17 Thread Felipe Carrillo
I'm with Stephen on that one, ggplot2 is one of the greatest graphics package i've ever used. Hadley, you are the man, thanks for providing this great package to the R community. By the way, your website is also nice and very informative. Felipe D. Carrillo Supervisory Fishery Biologist Dep

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