Create an R script,name it "Myggplot2" and place it on
your desktop.In excel open the vb editor and write
this code:
Sub Myggplot2()
'start R
Call rinterface.StartRServer
'Put the dataframe into R,assuming that your 
'data is in sheet1 cells A1:D1
Call rinterface.PutDataframe("yourdataframename",
Range("Sheet1!A1:D" & Range("D1").End(xlDown).Row))
Call rinterface.RRun("attach(yourdataframename)")
'dataframe is attached,now run r script
rinterface.RRun "source(""C:/Documents and
Call rinterface.StopRServer
End Sub

Running code from RExcel you must use print(myplot)at
the end of the code
good luck

> Dear all
> I use ggplot2 extensively for my plotting routines
> and rexcel  to have the
> best of two worlds. (RExcel v 1.75 and R (D)Com v.
> 2.5)
> I can run my ggplot functions, such as qplot(...),
> in scratchpad mode, but
> not in Macro nor Worksheet functions mode.
> I have tried the following in Macro mode:
> Call RInterface.RRun("library(ggplot2)")
> ...
> Call
> With no output ...
> I have tried the following in Worksheet function
> mode:
> if Range(H40:I42) contains:
> "
> (Embedded image moved to file: pic10654.jpg)
> "
> and Range(H48) contains:
> "qplot"
> The following call:
> =Rcalla(H48;makeargs(H40:I42))
> Gives me no output
> Scratchpad mode
> However, right clicking a cell containing:
> and then selecting "Run R" works like a dream!
> I would like to develop an excel based GUI for
> R-data treatment and
> plotting, and I would like to use ggplot2 as my
> plotting engine.
> What am I doing wrong?
> Thank you for your help
> Jannik Vindeløv, Ph.D.
> Project Manager
> Dairy Culture Development
> Innovation
> P.O. Box 64
> Arpajon
> Cedex
> F-91292
> France
> Phone: +33 (0)1 6988 3636
> Direct Phone: +33 (0)1 6988 3629>
> mailing list
> PLEASE do read the posting guide
> and provide commented, minimal, self-contained,
> reproducible code.

 Felipe D. Carrillo
  Fishery Biologist
  Department of the Interior
  US Fish & Wildlife Service
  California, USA

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PLEASE do read the posting guide
and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

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