Hey List,
I did a multiple regression and my final model looks as follows:
model9<-lm(calP ~ nsP + I(st^2) + distPr + I(distPr^2))
Now I tried to predict the values for calP from this model using the
following function:
The pr
and I thought with the predict function the programm would calculate a
value from the model function for every value of calP... ?
2011/3/20 Ista Zahn :
> Hi Anna,
> On Sun, Mar 20, 2011 at 2:54 PM, Anna Lee wrote:
>> Hey List,
>> I did a multiple regressio
to newd
> cbind(newd, predict(mod, newdata = newd)) # predictions at new
> data points
> # To just get predictions at the observed points, all you need is
> predict(mod)
> HTH,
> Dennis
> On Sun, Mar 20, 2011 at 11:54 AM, Anna Lee wrote:
t; # Append predictions to newd
> cbind(newd, predict(mod, newdata = newd)) # predictions at new
> data points
> # To just get predictions at the observed points, all you need is
> predict(mod)
> HTH,
> Dennis
> On Sun, Mar 20, 2011 at 11:54 AM, An
Dear List!
I want to compare medians of non normal distributed data. Is it
possible and usefull to calculate 95% confidence intervals for
medians? And if so - how can this be achieved in R?
Thanks a lot!
Der Inhalt dieser E-Mail ist vertraulich. Sollte Ihnen die E-Mail
irrtümlich zu
Dear List!
I have a unverse (basic population) which is not normally distributed.
Now from this universe I take some subsets. Each subset is normally
distributed within itself. I now want to compare the subsets and see
if they differ significantly. So what is my assumption - normal
distributed dat
Hey List,
does anyone know how I can generate a vector of random numbers from a
given distribution? Something like "rnorm" just for non normal
Thanks a lot!
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irrtümlich zugesandt worden sein, bitte ich
Dear list,
I'm trying to fit a chapman-richards equation to my data, only I
cannot interpret the parameters a, b and d. I know that the parameter
b denotes the asymptote, but for the others I couldn't figure out. But
I do need to know this in order to set my starting values. Here's the
Dear list,
I'm trying to fit a chapman-richards equation to my data, only I
cannot interpret the parameters a, b and d. I know that the parameter
b denotes the asymptote, but for the others I couldn't figure out. But
I do need to know this in order to set my starting values. Here's the
Dear list,
I'm trying to fit a chapman-richards equation to my data, only I
cannot interpret the parameters a, b and d. I know that the parameter
b denotes the asymptote, but for the others I couldn't figure out. But
I do need to know this in order to set my starting values. Here's the
Hello everyone!
I work with a german excell version which uses commas instead of
points for seperating decimal places. R work with points so in order
to be able to save my excell tables without changing the commas to
points, whenever I load a table I type in: read.table(..., dec = ",")
only R puts
Sorry guys, I allready found the solution. Excell showed some of the
numbers in the format: 1,90053-E05 and R interpreted it as 1.9... I
changed that in Excel
Cheers, Anna
Am 6. Oktober 2011 17:48 schrieb Uwe Ligges :
> On 06.10.2011 17:39, Anna Lee wrote:
>> Hello e
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