Dennis: Thank you so much! I got it now - it just works perfectly. Thanks a lot!

2011/3/21 Dennis Murphy <>:
> Hi:
> To amplify Ista's and David's comments:
> (1) You should not be inputting separate vectors into lm(), especially if
> you intend to do prediction. They should be combined into a data frame
> instead. This is not a requirement, but it's a much safer strategy for
> modeling in R.
> (2) Your covariate st does not have a linear component. It should,
> particularly if this is an empirical model rather than a theoretical one.
> (3) You should be using poly(var, 2) to create orthogonal columns in the
> model matrix for the variables that are to contain quadratic terms.
> (4) The newdata =  argument of predict.lm() [whose help page you should read
> carefully] requires a data frame with columns having precisely the same
> variable names as exist in the RHS of the model formula in lm().
> Example:
> dd <- data.frame(y = rnorm(50), x1 = rnorm(50), x2 = runif(50, -2, 2), x3 =
> rpois(50, 10))
> #  fit yhat = b0 + b1 * x1 + b2 * x1^2 + b3 * x2 + b4 * x3 + b5 * x3^2
> mod <- lm(y ~ poly(x1, 2) + x2 + poly(x3, 2), data = dd)
> # Note that the names of the variables in newd are the same as those on the
> RHS of the formula in mod
> newd <- data.frame(x1 = rnorm(5), x2 = runif(5, -2, 2), x3 = rpois(5,
> 10))      # new data points
> # Append predictions to newd
> cbind(newd, predict(mod, newdata = newd))             # predictions at new
> data points
> # To just get predictions at the observed points, all you need is
> predict(mod)
> HTH,
> Dennis
> On Sun, Mar 20, 2011 at 11:54 AM, Anna Lee <> wrote:
>> Hey List,
>> I did a multiple regression and my final model looks as follows:
>> model9<-lm(calP ~ nsP + I(st^2) + distPr + I(distPr^2))
>> Now I tried to predict the values for calP from this model using the
>> following function:
>> xv<-seq(0,89,by=1)
>> yv<-predict(model9,list(distPr=xv,st=xv,nsP=xv))
>> The predicted values are however strange. Now I do not know weather
>> just the model does not fit the data (actually all coefficiets are
>> significant and the plot(model) shows a good shape) or wether I did
>> something wrong with my prediction command. Does anyone have an
>> idea???
>> --
>> Thanks a lot, Anna
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