Re: [R] reading data

2013-02-15 Thread arun
Hi, #working directory data1 #changed name data to data1.  Added some files in each of sub directories a1, a2, etc.  indx1<- indx[indx!=""] lapply(indx1,function(x) list.files(x)) #[[1]] #[1] "a1.txt"    "m11kk.txt" #[[2]] #[1] "a2.txt"    "m11kk.txt" #[[3]] #[1] "a3.txt"   

Re: [R] reading data

2013-02-15 Thread arun
HI, Just to add: res<,lapply(list.files(recursive=T)[grep("m11kk",list.files(recursive=T))],function(x) {names(x)<-gsub("^(.*)\\/.*","\\1",x); lapply(x,function(y) read.table(y,header=TRUE,stringsAsFactors=FALSE,fill=TRUE))}))  #it seems like one of the rows of your file doesn't

Re: [R] reading data

2013-02-15 Thread arun
4  3 AR    2    11616 8926 #5  aAAA  1  3 3660 0.0008600 18  3 AA    2    20392  496 #6    AA na  2 1972 0.0007000 11  3 AR   25  509  734 #$a3  #    Id  M mm    x b  u  k  j    y    p    v #1   aAA  1  2  739 0.1257000  2  2 AA    2 8867 8926 #2 a  1  2 2263 0.0004000  2  2 AR 

Re: [R] data formatting

2013-02-15 Thread arun
ot;1911. 8.17    12.90" "1911. 8.18 5.45" #[19] "1911. 9.19 3.26" "1911. 9.20 5.70" "1911.10.21 9.24" #[22] "1911.10.22 7.60" "1911.11.23    14.82" "1911.12.24    14.10" A.K.

Re: [R] convert list into a time series

2013-02-15 Thread arun
Hi, I couldn't find the data(manaus) in library(Kendall). I guess data(GuelphP) is similar to your dataset. class(GuelphP) [1] "ts"  typeof(GuelphP) #[1] "double"  head(GuelphP) #[1] 0.47 0.51 0.35 0.19 0.33   NA  GuelphP #       Jan   Feb   Mar   Apr   May   Jun   Jul   Aug   Sep   Oct

Re: [R] data formatting

2013-02-15 Thread arun
1911. 3. 9 9.34" #[10] "1911. 4.10 7.10"  "1911. 5.11    14.92"  "1911. 5.12    14.20" #[13] "1911. 6.13 7.77"  "1911. 6.14 9.36"  "1911. 7.15     8.66" #[16] "1911. 7.16 8.23"  "1911. 8.17    11.

Re: [R] data formatting

2013-02-16 Thread arun
;1911. 7.16 8.23"  "1911. 8.17    11.90"  "1911. 8.18 15.45" #[19] "1911. 9.19 13.26" "1911. 9.20 15.77" "1911.10.21 19.34" #[22] "1911.10.22 7.66"  "1911.11.23    14.84"  "1911.12.24    14.11"

Re: [R] Extracting Numeric Columns from Data Fram

2013-02-16 Thread arun
Hi, set.seed(15) dat1<-data.frame(col1=rnorm(6),col2=rep(1:2,each=3),col3=rep(letters[1:3],2),col4=runif(6),col5=rep(LETTERS[3:5],2)) dat1[,sapply(dat1,class)!="factor"] #    col1 col2  col4 #1  0.2588229    1 0.5090904 #2  1.8311207    1 0.7066286 #3 -0.3396186    1 0.8623137 #4  0.8971982

Re: [R] Handling NA values

2013-02-16 Thread arun
Hi, Try this: ifelse(rowSums(,NA,rowSums(Mat,na.rm=TRUE)) #[1]  0  3 NA A.K. - Original Message - From: Christofer Bogaso To: Marc Schwartz Cc: r-help Sent: Saturday, February 16, 2013 1:22 PM Subject: Re: [R] Handling NA values Thanks Marc for your reply. Howe

Re: [R] reading data

2013-02-16 Thread arun
Hi, Try by putting quotes ie. res<-"c",...) A.K. From: Vera Costa To: arun Sent: Saturday, February 16, 2013 7:10 PM Subject: Re: reading data Thank you. In mine, I have an error " 'what' must be a character strin

Re: [R] Select components of a list

2013-02-16 Thread arun
4)] #    Estimate   Std. Error    Pr(>|z|) #[1,] 0.002659544 0.0009352046 0.004457766 #[2,] 0.002825612 0.0010150314 0.005373144 #[3,] 0.002409738 0.0009563814 0.011747444 #[4,] 0.001725140 0.0011635156 0.138155175 Hope it helps. A.K. ____ From: Gustav Sigtu

Re: [R] Select components of a list

2013-02-16 Thread arun
96044 0.0004109854 6.087769e-09 #3.so2   0.0024097381 0.0009563814 1.174744e-02 #4.pm10  0.0009285593 0.0001766520 1.468764e-07 #4.ozone 0.0005455392 0.0004301502 2.047076e-01 #4.so2   0.0017251400 0.0011635156 1.381552e-01 A.K. From: Gustav Sigtuna To: arun

Re: [R] cumulative sum by group and under some criteria

2013-02-16 Thread arun
#52  3  2  1  1 5 4 3 #53  3  2  2  0 5 4 2 #54  3  2  2  0 5 4 3 #55  3  2  2  0 5 4 4 #56  3  2  2  1 5 4 2 #57  3  2  2  1 5 4 3 #58  3  2  2  1 5 4 4 A.K. From: Joanna Zhang To: arun Sent: Saturday, February 16, 2013 8:46 PM Subject: Re: [R] cumulative sum

Re: [R] cumulative sum by group and under some criteria

2013-02-16 Thread arun,lapply((m1+2):(7-n1),function(m),lapply((n1+2):(9-m),function(n),lapply(x1:(x1+m-m1), function(x) expand.grid(m1,n1,x1,y1,m,n,x)) ) names(res)<- c("m1","n1","x1","y1","m","n","x"

Re: [R] reading data

2013-02-17 Thread arun
HI Vera, No problem.  I am cc:ing to r-help. A.K. From: Vera Costa To: arun Sent: Sunday, February 17, 2013 5:44 AM Subject: Re: reading data Hi. Thank you. It works now:-) And yes, I use windows. Thank you very much. No dia 17 de Fev de 2013 00:44

Re: [R] Select components of a list

2013-02-17 Thread arun
mponent Thanks, A.K. From: Gustav Sigtuna To: arun Sent: Sunday, February 17, 2013 5:49 AM Subject: Re: Select components of a list Dear Arun, Thanks again. The script works perfectly for GLM. Strangely, it does not work for GAM, although it has the same output for the linear part. I ca

Re: [R] Select components of a list

2013-02-17 Thread arun
6404e-04 #2.ozone 0.0008389801 0.0004272480 4.956676e-02 #2.so2   0.0032899751 0.0009475318 5.163027e-04 #3.pm10  0.0005398889 0.0001551911 5.035438e-04 #3.ozone 0.0023890220 0.0004082119 4.845107e-09 #3.so2   0.0049121476 0.0008818088 2.539574e-08 #4.pm10  0.0009341888 0.0001760271 1.113999e-07 #4.ozone 0.000

Re: [R] How to do a backward calculation for each record in a dataset

2013-02-17 Thread arun
Hi, I am  not sure I understand it correctly. dat1<-read.table(text="    product    cost John    Toothpaste    30 Mike    Toothpaste    45 Peter    Toothpaste    40 ",sep="",header=TRUE,stringsAsFactors=FALSE)  dat1$no.of.orders<-  sqrt((dat1$cost-3.40)/1.20)  dat1 #  

Re: [R] histogram

2013-02-17 Thread arun
=FALSE),function(i) paste(i[1]," To: "" Sent: Sunday, February 17, 2013 2:35 PM Subject: histogram Dear Arun, [text file is attached in case format of email is changed] For the following data set 33 18 13 47 30 10  6 21 39 25 40 29 14 16 44  1 41  4 15 20

Re: [R] addition in the initial question

2013-02-17 Thread arun
),lapply(seq(5,50,5),function(x) x),SIMPLIFY=FALSE),function(i) paste(i[1]," To: "" Sent: Sunday, February 17, 2013 3:27 PM Subject: addition in the initial question Dear Arun, just a small change in the initial question. what if, instead of counting number i

Re: [R] cumulative sum by group and under some criteria

2013-02-17 Thread arun
0 27 22 #45  3  2  0  1 5 4 1 27 22 #46  3  2  0  1 5 4 2 27 22 #47  3  2  1  0 5 4 1 49 49 #48  3  2  1  0 5 4 2 49 49 #49  3  2  1  0 5 4 3 49 49 #50  3  2  1  1 5 4 1 47 49 #51  3  2  1  1 5 4 2 47 49 #52  3  2  1  1 5 4 3 47 49 #53  3  2  2  0 5 4 2 23 43 #54  3  2  2  0 5 4 3 23 43 #55  3  2 

Re: [R] reading data

2013-02-18 Thread arun
you want the separate counts per a1,a2,a3 within the group: res4<-lapply(seq_along(res3),function(i),lapply(res3[[i]], function(x) table(x$mm[x[["b"]]<0.01]  names(res4)<- names(res2)  res4 #$group_a  #  2 3 #a1 3 1 #a2 3 1 #a3 3 1 #$group_b  #  2 3 #b1 3 1 #b

Re: [R] reading data

2013-02-18 Thread arun
t;,"",names(lista)),sep="") res2<-split(lista,names(lista)) res3<- lapply(res2,function(x) {names(x)<-paste(gsub(".*_","",names(x)),1:length(x),sep="");x}) res4<-lapply(seq_along(res3),function(i),lapply(res3[[i]], functi

Re: [R] addition in the initial question [SCL:4]

2013-02-18 Thread arun
Sent: Monday, February 18, 2013 4:10 PM Subject: RE: [R] addition in the initial question [SCL:4] Thanks arun, here it is  vec1<-c(gg) vec2<-vec1[1:124] names(vec2)<-(1:124) label1<-unlist(lapply(mapply(c,lapply(seq(0,0.90,0.1),function(x) x),lapply(seq(0.1,1,0.1),function(x) x)

Re: [R] how to change the plot from X-axis to Y-axis

2013-02-18 Thread arun
Hi  plot(totdata,seq_along(totdata),type='l',pch=1,lty=1,col='blue',lwd=1) A.K. - Original Message - From: Jie Tang To: Cc: Sent: Monday, February 18, 2013 10:17 PM Subject: [R] how to change the plot from X-axis to Y-axis hello ,Rusers: I have a dataset for ex

Re: [R] cumulative sum by group and under some criteria

2013-02-19 Thread arun
exist in d3, so that rows are left as missing or NA  tail(res2,3)  #   m1 n1 x1 y1 m n x y cterm1_P0L cterm1_P1L cterm1_P0H cterm1_P1H #427  3  3  2  2 4 5 3 2 NA NA NA NA #428  3  3  2  2 4 5 3 3 NA NA NA NA #429  3  3  2  2 4 5 3 4

Re: [R] cumulative sum by group and under some criteria

2013-02-19 Thread arun
y) expand.grid(m1,n1,x1,y1,m,n,x,y)) ))) names(res1)<- c("m1","n1","x1","y1","m","n","x","y") attr(res1,"out.attrs")<-NULL res1 library(plyr) res2<- join(res1,d3,by=c("m1","n1

Re: [R] data format

2013-02-19 Thread arun
of  2 variables:   #..$ date1    : chr [1:29585] "1930. 1. 1" "1930. 1. 2" "1930. 1. 3" "1930. 1. 4" ...   #..$ discharge: chr [1:29585] "-.000" "-.000" "-.000" "-.000" ... Regarding the space betwee

Re: [R] cumulative sum by group and under some criteria

2013-02-19 Thread arun
earlier reply, if you don't want the combination of m1=3 and n1=3 in the expanded dataset, use type="inner" in ?join(). library(plyr) res2<- join(res1,d3,by=c("m1","n1"),type="inner") A.K. ____ From: Joanna Zhang T

Re: [R] cumulative sum by group and under some criteria

2013-02-19 Thread arun
27;t show me the results you expected in the expansion.  So, I am not sure about how it will look like. A.K. ____ From: Joanna Zhang To: arun Sent: Tuesday, February 19, 2013 11:43 AM Subject: Re: [R] cumulative sum by group and under some criteria Thanks. I can

Re: [R] cumulative sum by group and under some criteria

2013-02-19 Thread arun
3  2  3 0.9025   0.64   0.857375  0.512 #240  2 3  1  2 4 5 3 4  2  3 0.9025   0.64   0.857375  0.512 A.K. From: Joanna Zhang To: arun Sent: Tuesday, February 19, 2013 11:43 AM Subject: Re: [R] cumulative sum by group and under some criteria Thanks. I can get the dat

Re: [R] recode data according to quantile breaks

2013-02-19 Thread arun
HI Alain, Try this: df.breaks<-data.frame(id=df[,1],sapply(df[,-1],function(x) findInterval(x,quantile(x),rightmost.closed=TRUE)),stringsAsFactors=FALSE) df.breaks #   id a b c #1 x01 1 1 1 #2 x02 1 1 1 #3 x03 2 2 2 #4 x04 3 3 3 #5 x05 4 4 4 #6 x06 4 4 4 A.K. - Original Message - From:

Re: [R] cumulative sum by group and under some criteria

2013-02-19 Thread arun
  0 4 4 0 2 0.9025 0.64 0.9025 0.64 #4  2  2  0  0 4 4 1 0 0.9025 0.64 0.9025 0.64 #5  2  2  0  0 4 4 1 1 0.9025 0.64 0.9025 0.64 #6  2  2  0  0 4 4 1 2 0.9025 0.64 0.9025 0.64 From: Joanna Zhang To: arun Sent: Tuesday, February 19, 2013 11:43 AM Subject: Re: [R] cumulative sum by group and un

Re: [R] Help reshaping a dataset with multiple tuples per row

2013-02-19 Thread arun
Hi, Try this: dat1<- read.table(text=" Patient  Treatment Outcome  Advice Treatment  Outcome  Advice P1    T1  O1  A1    T2    O2  A2 ",sep="",header=TRUE,stringsAsFactors=FALSE) names(dat1)[-1]<-paste(gsub("\\..*","",names(dat1)[-1]),"_",rep(1:2,each=

Re: [R] reading data

2013-02-19 Thread arun
),xlab="Charge",ylab="Relative Frequencies",col=colour,legend.text = rownames(freq.rel.i1)) barplot(freq.rel.f1,beside=T,main=("Sample with FDR<0.01"),xlab="Charge",ylab="Relative Frequencies",col=colour,legend.text = rownames(freq.rel.f1)) #ch

Re: [R] data format

2013-02-20 Thread arun
  1911. 8. 1 1.99 #11    1911. 9. 1 2.16 #12    1911.10. 1 2.45 #13    1911.11. 1 3.59 #14    1911.12. 1 5.71 A.K. From: eliza botto To: "" Sent: Wednesday, February 20, 2013 8:25 AM Subject: RE: d

Re: [R] Fitting a gaussian distribution to a plot

2013-02-20 Thread arun
Hi, Do you need "exp^"?  Should it be "exp(-((...? x1<-as.numeric(x)  sd1<-sd(small) mean1<- mean(small) ((1/sd1)*sqrt(2*pi))*exp(-((x1-mean1)^2)/(2*(sd1^2))) # [1] 4.189541e-27 4.190295e-27 4.191049e-27 4.191803e-27 4.192557e-27  #[6] 4.193311e-27 4.194065e-27 4.194820e-27 4.195574e-27 4.196329e

Re: [R] Ask for help: find corresponding elements between matrix

2013-02-21 Thread arun
Hi, I guess this is what you wanted: seq1<-matrix(c(1,-1,0,1,1,-1,0,0,-1,1,1,NA),3,4) seq1 # [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] #[1,]    1    1    0    1 #[2,]   -1    1    0    1 #[3,]    0   -1   -1   NA set.seed(15) mat1<-matrix(rnorm(12),3)  mat1 #   [,1]   [,2]   [,3]   [,4] #[1,]

Re: [R] loop

2013-02-21 Thread arun
h("/home/arunksa111/Trial", "myplot.pdf") pdf(file=mypath1) lapply(seq_len(ncol(res1)),function(i){  matplot(res1[,i],type="l",col="grey")  lines(b,lwd=2,col="black")  }) From: eliza botto To: "sma

Re: [R] remove rows in data frame by average

2013-02-21 Thread arun
Hi, May be this helps: dat1<- read.table(text=" Subject Block Trial Feature1 Feature2 1  1  1  48  40 1  1  2   62  18 1 2  1    34  43 1  2  2   51 34 1  3  1   64  14 ",sep="",header=TRUE)  res1<,lapply(split(dat1,dat1$Block),function(x) data.frame(unique(x[,1:2]),t(colMeans(x[

Re: [R] Selecting First Incidence from Longitudinal Data

2013-02-23 Thread arun
Hi, Try this: dat1<- read.table(text=" ID    COMPL  SEX  HEREDITY 1    0  1  2 1    0  1  2 1    3  1  2 2    0  0  1 2    1  0  1 2    2  0  1 2    2  0  1 3    0  0  1 3    0  0  1 3    0  0  1 3    0  0  1 3 

Re: [R] Selecting First Incidence from Longitudinal Data

2013-02-23 Thread arun
Hi, You can also use:,lapply(split(dat1,dat1$ID),function(x) head(x[x$COMPL!=0,],1))) #  ID COMPL SEX HEREDITY #1  1 3   1    2 #2  2 1   0    1 #3  3 2   0    1 - Original Message - From: Tasnuva Tabassum To: Cc: Sent: Sat

Re: [R] Selecting First Incidence from Longitudinal Data

2013-02-23 Thread arun
HI, Tried your approach:  dat1$sequence <- as.vector(unlist(lapply( aggregate(dat1$ID, by=list(dat1$ID),FUN=length)$x, FUN=function(x){seq(1, x)})))  dat0 <- dat1[dat1$sequence==1 & dat1$COMPL!= 0, ] #your second solution  dat0 #[1] ID   COMPL    SEX  HEREDITY sequence #<0 rows> (or 0-l

Re: [R] Selecting First Incidence from Longitudinal Data

2013-02-23 Thread arun
. From: Tasnuva Tabassum To: Xiaogang Su Cc: arun ; R help ; Rui Barradas Sent: Saturday, February 23, 2013 11:23 PM Subject: Re: [R] Selecting First Incidence from Longitudinal Data Hi Thank you very much, but I forgot to tell that I also want to include the patients for which no

Re: [R] cumulative sum by group and under some criteria

2013-02-23 Thread arun
50 0.25 0.5479167 0.6958333  0.4 # Fmm_f2    Fnn_f2   Qn2   Qm2 #1 0.000 0.000 1.000 1.000 #2 0.000 0.358 0.6416667 1.000 #3 0.000 0.6958333 0.3041667 1.000 #4 0.200 0.200 0.800 0.800 #5 0.3791667 0.3791667 0.6208333 0.6208333 #6 0.4000

Re: [R] cumulative sum by group and under some criteria

2013-02-23 Thread arun
200    0.2 0.2000 0.000  0.4 #5 0.0073509189 0.25 0.25 0.593 0.6  0.407    0.4 0.4035 0.407  0.4 # 0.0001934452 0.50 0.25 0.302 0.6  0.698    0.4 0.5490 0.698  0.4 From: Joanna Zhang To: arun Sent: Saturday, February 23, 2013 5:35 PM Subject: Re: [R] cumulati

Re: [R] Selecting First Incidence from Longitudinal Data

2013-02-24 Thread arun
ode #   ID COMPL SEX HEREDITY #3   1 3   1    2 #5   2 1   0    1 #12  3 2   0    1 #13  4 0   1    2 A.K. ____ From: Tasnuva Tabassum To: arun Sent: Sunday, February 24, 2013 12:08 AM Subject: Re: [R] Selecting First Incidence fro

Re: [R] cumulative sum by group and under some criteria

2013-02-24 Thread arun
st1[lapply(lst1,nrow)!=0],function(x){ x[,11:14]<-NA; x[,11:12][x$Qm<=c11,]<-cumsum(x[,9:10][x$Qm<=c11,]);  # cumsum if x$Qm<=c11 & x>2 x[,13:14][x$Qn<=c12,]<-cumsum(x[,9:10][x$Qn<=c12,]);    #cumsum if x$Qn<=12 & y>2 colnames(x)[11:14]<- c("cterm1

Re: [R] merging or joining 2 dataframes: merge, rbind.fill, etc.?

2013-02-26 Thread arun
Hi, You could also try: library(gtools) smartbind(df2,df1) #  a  b  d #1 7 99 12 #2 7 99 12 When df1!=df2 smartbind(df1,df2) #   a  b  d  x  y  c #1  7 99 12 NA NA NA #2 NA 34 88 12 44 56 A.K. - Original Message - From: Anika Masters To: Cc: Sent: Tuesday, Febr

Re: [R] cumulative sum by group and under some criteria

2013-02-26 Thread arun
1000, 0.2+res2$x, 0.8+res2$m-res2$x)  length(Pm2) #[1] 1000 A.K. - Original Message - From: Zjoanna To: Cc: Sent: Tuesday, February 26, 2013 3:13 PM Subject: Re: [R] cumulative sum by group and under some criteria Hi Arun I noticed that the values of Fmm, Fnn,

Re: [R] cumulative sum by group and under some criteria

2013-02-26 Thread arun
t;)),function(i) as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(i,"",function(x) rbeta(1000,0.2+x[1],0.8+x[2]-x[1])) A.K. From: Joanna Zhang To: arun Sent: Tuesday, February 26, 2013 10:37 PM Subject: Re: [R] cumulative sum by group and under some criteria I don&#

Re: [R] cumulative sum by group and under some criteria

2013-02-26 Thread arun
612 0.3060  0.000  0.612 1.000 0.388 #4 0.069833730 0.00 0.25 0.59 0.000 0.2950  0.295  0.295 0.705 0.705 #5 0.007350919 0.25 0.25 0.60 0.566 0.5830  0.583  0.583 0.417 0.417 A.K. From: Joanna Zhang To: arun Sent: Tuesday, February 26, 2013 11:32 PM Subject: Re: [R] cumulative sum

Re: [R] cumulative sum by group and under some criteria

2013-02-27 Thread arun
C   D #2  2  2 4 4 0.2 0.1 0.3 0.4 A.K. From: Joanna Zhang To: arun Sent: Wednesday, February 27, 2013 1:25 AM Subject: Re: [R] cumulative sum by group and under some criteria Thanks very much! it works! suppose that I have a data: m1 n1 m n    A  B 

Re: [R] matrix multiplication

2013-02-27 Thread arun
8 #[5,] 206818 187223  54717  99734  0  78124 #[6,] 229688 343090 124372  62678  78124  0 A.K. - Original Message - From: arun To: eliza botto Cc: R help Sent: Wednesday, February 27, 2013 9:41 AM Subject: Re: matrix multiplication Hi, Just to add: res<,lapply

Re: [R] matrix multiplication

2013-02-27 Thread arun
146L, 139L, 426L, 375L, 66L, 299L,  438L, 223L, 175L, 92L, 225L, 276L, 185L, 336L, 371L, 306L, 366L,  319L), .Dim = c(124L, 8L)) Eliza -- > Date: Wed, 27 Feb 2013 05:44:55 -0800 > From: > Subject: Re: matrix multiplication > To: &g

Re: [R] matrix multiplication

2013-02-27 Thread arun
, 27 Feb 2013 05:44:55 -0800 > From: > Subject: Re: matrix multiplication > To: > > Hi Elisa, > > Could you just dput that dataset? > Arun > > > > > > > > From: eliza

Re: [R] a similar question

2013-02-27 Thread arun
66165 5.266969 2.055659 2.641375 2.064289 0.989997 2.380017 2.671741 #[3,] 1.937378 1.581713 0.023942 0.268916 0.019627 0.556773 0.138237 0.284099 #    [,33] #[1,] 1.806361 #[2,] 2.357779 #[3,] 0.127118 A.K. From: eliza botto To: "smartpink...@yah

Re: [R] new question

2013-02-28 Thread arun
#3rd function for p-value fpv<- function(Countdata){ resNew<,lapply(split(names(Countdata)[4:ncol(Countdata)],gsub("[0-9]","",names(Countdata)[4:ncol(Countdata)])), function(i) {x<-if(ncol(Countdata[i])>1) rowSums(Countdata[i]) else Countdata[i]; colnames(x)<-N

Re: [R] Dealing with parentheses within variable names

2013-02-28 Thread arun
Hi, You could also try: gsub("[()]","",names(dataFrame)) set.seed(15)  datF<- data.frame(sample(1:10,15,replace=TRUE))  names(datF)<-   "fBodyGyroskewness()Z" gsub("[()]","",names(datF)) #[1] "fBodyGyroskewnessZ" sub("\\(\\)","",names(datF)) #[1] "fBodyGyroskewnessZ" A.K. - Original Messa

Re: [R] solving x in a polynomial function

2013-03-01 Thread arun
Hi Rui, Looks like a bug: ###if(names(model)[1] = "(Intercept)") Should this be: if(names(model)[1] == "(Intercept)") A.K. - Original Message - From: Rui Barradas To: Mike Rennie Cc: r-help Mailing List Sent: Friday, March 1, 2013 3:18 PM Subject: Re: [R] solving x in a polynomial

Re: [R] cumulative sum by group and under some criteria

2013-03-01 Thread arun
00225625 0.03515625 0.500 0.500  0  0 #  cterm1_P0H cterm1_P1H sumTerm1_p0 sumTerm1_p1 #1  0  0   0.8145062   0.3164062 #2  0  0   0.9002438   0.5273438 #3  0  0   0.9025000   0.5625000 A.K. From: Joanna Z

Re: [R] replace zeros for NA in a column based on values of another column

2013-03-02 Thread arun
HI, Not sure I understand it correctly, data1<-read.table(text="  a  b  c  d  0  1  1  0  1  1  1  1  1  0  0  1 ",sep="",header=TRUE) data2<- data1 data3<- data1 If i follow this logic for the 1st and 2nd columns,  data1[ data1[ , 4 ] == 0 , 1 ] <-

Re: [R] explanation of the problem..

2013-03-02 Thread arun
ly(1:ncol(x1), function(i) {x2<- dat2[,x1[,i]];dim(x2[!as.logical(rowSums(x2==0)),])[1]}))}) res #[[1]] #[1] 6 7 6 6 5 6 #[[2]] #[1] 6 5 6 5 # #[[3]] #[1] 5 A.K. From: Utpal Bakshi To: arun Sent: Saturday, March 2, 2013 2:14 PM Subject: Re: explanation of t

Re: [R] Help searching a matrix for only certain records

2013-03-03 Thread arun
Hi, Try this: set.seed(51)  mat1<- as.matrix(data.frame(REC.TYPE= sample(c("SAO","FAO","FL-1","FL-2","FL-15"),20,replace=TRUE),Col2=rnorm(20),Col3=runif(20),stringsAsFactors=FALSE))  dat1<-,stringsAsFactors=FALSE) dat1[grepl("SAO|FL-15",dat1$REC.TYPE),] #   REC.TYPE    Col2

Re: [R] Help searching a matrix for only certain records

2013-03-03 Thread arun
HI, You could also use ?data.table() n<- 30 set.seed(51)  mat1<- as.matrix(data.frame(REC.TYPE= sample(c("SAO","FAO","FL-1","FL-2","FL-15"),n,replace=TRUE),Col2=rnorm(n),Col3=runif(n),stringsAsFactors=FALSE))  dat1<-,stringsAsFactors=FALSE)  table(mat1[,1]) #  # FAO  FL-1

Re: [R] How to loop several binary files from two directories?

2013-03-04 Thread arun
HI, Check these links: It shows reading files (not binary files) from multiple subdirectories and doing some calculations. You may need to change it according to you

Re: [R] histogram

2013-03-04 Thread arun
3  2  3  6  3  5  2  4  8 13 21 21 23 20 #25-50 0 2 1 4 3 3 5 7  8  8  8 11 12 11 13 12 11 15 14 18 17 12 10  3  2  3  6 #50-75 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0  0  1  0  0  0  0  0  1  0  0  0  0  0  2  0  0  2  0  1 ------

Re: [R] A problem with text manipulation

2013-03-04 Thread arun
Hi, You could use: res<-unsplit(lapply(split(Vec,Vec),function(x) if(length(x)>1) c(head(x,1),paste0(head(x,-1),seq_along(head(x,-1 else x),Vec)  res # [1] "B"  "B1" "C"  "E"  "B2" "E1" "E2" "D"  "D1" "A" A.K. - Original Message - From: Christofer Bogaso To: r-help Cc: Sent: M

Re: [R] histogram

2013-03-04 Thread arun
,119,120,122,124 A.K. - Original Message - From: arun To: eliza botto Cc: R help Sent: Monday, March 4, 2013 3:26 PM Subject: Re: histogram Hi, dat1<- read.csv("rightest.csv",sep=",&quo

Re: [R] histogram

2013-03-04 Thread arun
___ From: eliza botto To: "" Sent: Monday, March 4, 2013 3:21 PM Subject: RE: histogram Dear Arun, Thanks for replying Although codes well defined my problem but the table in the end should look like the following its j

Re: [R] histogram

2013-03-04 Thread arun
: eliza botto To: "" Sent: Monday, March 4, 2013 5:50 PM Subject: RE: histogram Dear Arun, Just a small inquiry i have. you can see that in the results, there are some stations which are repeating themselves like station number 16 which is included in all three

Re: [R] multiple plots and looping assistance requested

2013-03-04 Thread arun
Hi, May be you can try: res1<- gsub("\\_.*\\_.*\\_.*","",x)  res2<-sub("(\\w)(\\w)(\\w)(\\w)(\\w)(\\w)(\\w)(\\w)(\\w)(\\w)(\\w)$", "", x,perl=TRUE)  identical(res1,res2) #[1] TRUE A.K. - Original Message - From: Irucka Embry To: Cc: Sent: Monday, March 4, 2013 9:

Re: [R] chisq.test

2013-03-05 Thread arun
81 0.6027881 0.5637881 1.000 #here, the first column is testing a2, against a2, a,c,t, second c2, against t, c2, a,c, third c3 against c,t,c3,a, and fourth t2 against a,c,t, and t2. A.K. From: Vera Costa To: arun Sent: Tuesday, March 5, 2013 9:38 AM S

Re: [R] histogram

2013-03-05 Thread arun
) table(cut(x,breaks=seq(0,75,25),labels=label1 colnames(resNew)<- resNew[1,] resNew1<- resNew[-1,] row.names(resNew1)<-gsub("vec1.","",row.names(resNew1)) Names3<-apply(resNew1,1,function(x) paste(names(which(x!=0)),collapse=",")) res2<- data.frame(F

Re: [R] histogram

2013-03-05 Thread arun
indx2550<-which(x$Categ=="25-50");indx5075<-which(x$Categ=="50-75"); if(length(indx5075)>=1) {matplot(k[,indx5075],ylim=c(0,5),type="l",col="grey",main=paste("range 50-75","line=",unique(x$Name1),sep=" "),xlab="T&q

Re: [R] How to combine conditional argument and logical argument in R to create subset of data...

2013-03-05 Thread arun
Hi,  b[b[,4]>15 & (b[,1]>4|[,1])) & (b[,2]>4|[,2])),]  #    [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] #[1,]    6   NA   NA   16   20 #[2,]   NA    5   NA   17   21 A.K. - Original Message - From: HJ YAN To: Cc: Sent: Tuesday, March 5, 2013 9:33 PM Subject: [R] How to

Re: [R] combining column having same values

2013-03-06 Thread arun
Hi, Try this: mat1<- as.matrix(read.table(text=" 1  1  3  2  3  1  1  2  3  3  2 ",sep="",header=FALSE))  res<-lapply(1:3,function(i) which(mat1==i))  names(res)<- c("a","c","b")  res #$a #[1] 1 2 6 7 #$c #[1]  4  8 11 #$b #[1]  3  5  9 10 A.K. - O

Re: [R] How to combine conditional argument and logical argument in R to create subset of data...

2013-03-06 Thread arun
Hi HJ, Tem2<-  res<,split(Tem2,Tem2$V1))  row.names(res)<- 1:nrow(res) head(res,7) #   V1 V2 #1 111  1 #2 111  2 #3 111  3 #4 111  4 #5 111 13 #6 111 14 #7 111 15 A.K. From: HJ YAN To: arun Cc: r-help@r-project.

Re: [R] How to combine conditional argument and logical argument in R to create subset of data...

2013-03-06 Thread arun
ique(Tem1[,1])) {  Tem2<- subset(Tem1, Tem1[,1]==i)  Tem3<- rbind(Tem3,Tem2)  Tem5<- Tem3[-1,]  } head(Tem5) #  V1 V2 # 111  1 # 111  2 # 111  3 # 111  4 # 111 13 # 111 14 A.K. ____ From: HJ YAN To: arun Cc: Sent: Wednesday, March 6, 2013 8:

Re: [R] How to combine conditional argument and logical argument in R to create subset of data...

2013-03-06 Thread arun
] 333 30 A.K. From: HJ YAN To: arun Sent: Wednesday, March 6, 2013 10:33 AM Subject: Re: [R] How to combine conditional argument and logical argument in R to create subset of data... Thank you SO MUCH Arun!!!  That's brilliant-- I've learnt some very us

Re: [R] How to combine conditional argument and logical argument in R to create subset of data...

2013-03-06 Thread arun
Just to add: Tem1[Tem1[,2]%in%setdiff(Tem1[,2],Tem2[,2]),] A.K. - Original Message - From: arun To: HJ YAN Cc: R help Sent: Wednesday, March 6, 2013 11:06 AM Subject: Re: [R] How to combine conditional argument and logical argument in R to create subset of data... Hi, No problem

Re: [R] How to combine conditional argument and logical argument in R to create subset of data...

2013-03-06 Thread arun
4 #[12,] 333  5 #[13,] 333  6 #[14,] 333  7 A.K. From: HJ YAN To: arun Cc: Sent: Wednesday, March 6, 2013 4:09 PM Subject: Re: [R] How to combine conditional argument and logical argument in R to create subset of data... Dear Arun Th

Re: [R] How to combine conditional argument and logical argument in R to create subset of data...

2013-03-06 Thread arun
2 23  #[8,] 333  4  #[9,] 333  5 #[10,] 333  6 #[11,] 333  7 #[12,] 222  6 #[13,] 222  7 #[14,] 333 11 In cases of more replicates (triplicates, etc...) how do you want to process.  Also, here the duplicate rows were found only in Tem1. A.K. From: HJ YAN To: aru

Re: [R] Fwd: How to conditionally remove dataframe rows?

2013-03-06 Thread arun
Hi, dfrm<- read.table(text="     Point_counts  Psi_Sp 1    A  0 2    A  1 3    B  1 4    B  2 5    B  0 6    C  1 7  

Re: [R] multiple plots and looping assistance requested (revised codes)

2013-03-06 Thread arun
lines(temper[[i]][1]); lines(temper[[i]][2])}) which may not be the one you wanted. A.K. From: Irucka Embry To: Sent: Wednesday, March 6, 2013 9:32 PM Subject: Re: [R] multiple plots and looping assistance requested (revised code

Re: [R] multiple plots and looping assistance requested (revised codes)

2013-03-06 Thread arun Sent: Wednesday, March 6, 2013 5:24 PM Subject: Re: [R] multiple plots and looping assistance requested (revised codes) Hi Arun, thanks for the note. Thank you especially for noting the use of the ";" and "{}." I have updated my own code and the possible reproducib

Re: [R] multiple plots and looping assistance requested (revised codes)

2013-03-06 Thread arun A.K. From: Irucka Embry To: Cc: Sent: Wednesday, March 6, 2013 11:49 PM Subject: Re: [R] multiple plots and looping assistance requested (revised codes) Hi Arun, thank you for your assistance. I ha

Re: [R] multiple plots and looping assistance requested (revised codes)

2013-03-07 Thread arun
ux Sum",sub=paste(i,colnames(x)[2],sep="_"),xlab="Calendar Year Timesteps",ylab="Total Flux (kg/season)");lines(x[,1],x[,2])})) A.K. From: Irucka Embry To: Cc: Se

Re: [R] new question

2013-03-07 Thread arun
AAASSPVGVGQR 1-n_acPro/ 2  0  0  1 #3   aAGAAGGR 1-n_acPro/ 2  0  0  1 #4  aAAAGAAGGRGSGPGRR 1-n_acPro/ 2  1  0  0 #5    AAALQAK    2  0  1  1 #6 aAGAGPEMVR 1-n_acPro/ 2  0  0  2 A.K. From: Vera Costa To: arun Sent: Th

Re: [R] rbind a list of matrices

2013-03-07 Thread arun
Not sure if this what you wanted.,(matrix.list[desired.matrices])) # [,1] [,2] [,3] #[1,]    1    4    7 #[2,]    2    5    8 #[3,]    3    6    9 #[4,]   19   22   25 #[5,]   20   23   26 #[6,]   21   24   27 A.K. From: Heath Blackmon To: r-

Re: [R] xts time series object removing time and leaving just the date

2013-03-07 Thread arun
Hi, Try this: library(xts) Date1<- seq(as.POSIXct("2012-09-10 02:15:00",format="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), as.POSIXct("2012-09-12 02:15:00",format="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), by="min") length(Date1) #[1] 2881 set.seed(15) value<- rnorm(2881) xt1<-xts(value, res<-apply.daily(xt1,sum) res1<- r

Re: [R] iterative extracting data from a list without keys

2013-03-07 Thread arun
Hi, Try this: betas<- c(0.01,0.01,0.01) LData<- list(int=rep(1,10), date= matrix(c(152:161,163:168,162:165),nrow=2,ncol=10,byrow=TRUE), land=c(rep(0,4),1,0,1,1,0,0))  betas2<- c(0.01,1,2) mapply(`*`,LData,betas2) #$int # [1] 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 #$date # [,1] [,

Re: [R] xts time series object removing time and leaving just the date

2013-03-07 Thread arun
list(lapply(strsplit(as.character(index(res))," "), function(x) x[1])) #Error in `index<-.xts`(`*tmp*`, value = c("2012-09-10", "2012-09-11",  :  # unsupported ‘index’ index type of class ‘character’ Convert it to `date` index(res)<- as.Date(unlist(lapply(strsplit

Re: [R] getting covariance ignoring NaN missing values

2013-03-07 Thread arun
Hi, If you look at ?cov(), there are options for 'use': set.seed(15) a=array(rnorm(9),dim=c(3,3))  a[3,2]<- NaN  cov(a,use="complete.obs") #   [,1]    [,2]   [,3] #[1,]  1.2360602 -0.32167789  0.8395953 #[2,] -0.3216779  0.08371491 -0.2185001 #[3,]  0.8395953 -0.21850006  0.57029

Re: [R] transpose lists

2013-03-08 Thread arun
Hi, You can try: mat1<-,x) lapply(seq_len(ncol(mat1)),function(i) mat1[,i]) #[[1]] #[1] 12.10  3.44 #[[2]] #[1] 0.1 3.0 #[[3]] #[1] 12.0 33.1 #[[4]] #[1]  1.1 23.0 A.K. - Original Message - From: ishi soichi To: PIKAL Petr Cc: r-help Sent: Friday, March 8, 2013 5:06 A

Re: [R] multiple plots and looping assistance requested (revised codes)

2013-03-08 Thread arun
;) par(mfrow=c(1,1)) lapply(names(temp2New),function(i) lapply(temp2New[[i]],function(x) {plot(x[,1],x[,2],main="Seasonal Flux Sum",sub=paste(i,colnames(x)[2],sep="_"),xlab="Calendar Year Timesteps",ylab="Total Flux (kg/season)");lines(x[,1],x[,2])}))

Re: [R] Zoo Data

2013-03-08 Thread arun
-%Y" labs<- format(tt,fmt) axis(side=1,at=tt[ix],labels=labs[ix],tcl=-0.7,cex.axis=0.7) legend("topleft",colnames(z1),lty=1,col=1:2) #subset z2<- zoo(dat1[1:5,-1],dat1[1:5,1]) Hope this helps. A.K. - Original Message - From: "" To: smartp

Re: [R] Substitute value

2013-03-08 Thread arun
Hi, try this: sim.df<-data.frame(sim.code,sim.val,stringsAsFactors=FALSE) sim.df[,1][-grep("\\d+$",sim.df[,1])]<- paste(sim.df[,1][-grep("\\d+$",sim.df[,1])] , 1,sep="") sim.df #     sim.code sim.val #1 1.1234.1a.1       4 #2 1.1234.1a.2       5 #3 1.3245.2c.5       3 #4 4.6743.3c.1      

Re: [R] Substitute value

2013-03-08 Thread arun
Hi, Using your code: sub("[.]$",".1",sim.code) #[1] "1.1234.1a.1" "1.1234.1a.2" "1.3245.2c.5" "4.6743.3c.1" "4.3254.6b.4" #[6] "3.5463.2a.1" A.K. - Original Message - From: chris201 To: Cc: Sent: Friday, March 8, 2013 5:23 AM Subject: [R] Substitute value Hi, I h

Re: [R] Zoo Data

2013-03-08 Thread arun
#2012-02-01 02:30:00    4.9    5.2 #2012-08-01 02:30:00    4.1    4.7 #2012-12-01 03:00:00    4.7    4.3 #2013-01-01 01:00:00    3.0    4.3 #2013-01-01 01:30:00    3.8    4.1 #2013-01-01 02:00:00    3.8    4.3 #2013-01-01 02:30:00    3.9    4.2 #2013-01-01 03:00:00    3.7    4.5 A.K. - Original

<    3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   >